The Marine Update is a fanmade update for 1.14. This is because of the water based features which are most of the update. This update also adds an extra 4 bubbles for longer under-water breathing.
- Coral - A block which can be found in the Reef Biome. Can spawn in pink, purple, and green.
- Aqua Block - The Aqua Block is found under the coral layer in the Reef Biome. Can be used to make Aqua Stairs and Slabs.
- Seaweed Block - Made with 9 Seaweed. Can be used to trap fish. Adding Worms to the block will attract fish to the trap.
- Seaweed - Spawns in the Ocean Biome. Can be used to craft Sea Armor. Can be thrown to slow down other Entities.
- Shark Fin - Rarely Dropped by sharks - Allows the player to swim at 3x speed.
- Narwhale horn - Rarely Dropped by Narwhales. Deals 10 hit points to Marine Mobs. Can hit entities from 7 block radius.
- Starfish - Can be placed on walls as Decoration
- Crab - Neutral mob - Spawns in Beaches and Reef Biomes. does 1 damge.
- Jellyfish - Neutral mob - Spawns in Reef Biomes. Does 2 damage.
- Starfish ( Entity ) - Passive mob. Can be instantly killed. Drops Starfish on Death
- Added Herring ( Entity ) Spawns in Reef and Ocean Biomes. Replaces Cod in some worlds. Drops Raw Herring on Death
- Five fish mobs added to reflect the fish itemtypes in Minecraft.
Aggressive mob. Spawns in Reef Biomes. Rarely drops shark fin on Death
- Great White Shark - Aggresive mob. Twice the health as a Shark. Deals 2x more damage than the shark. Spawns in Ocean Biomes. Rarely drops shark fin on death
- Hammerhead Shark - Aggresive mob - Same stats as Shark. However This mob can see you from twice the distance. Spawns in Ocean Biomes. Rarely drops Shark fin on Death
- Narwhal - Neutral Mob - Spawns in Ocean Biomes. Deals 3 damage. Rarely drops Narwhal horn on Death
- Whale - Passive Mob - Spawns in Ocean Biomes. Will instantly kill if touched. 5 Spawn per world. They Can not be killed.
- Dolphin - Passive Mob - Can be tamed with Cod Or Herring. Can be rid like a horse. When Riding, you can get the Dolphin to call other Dolphins. Drops Raw Cod on Death
- Raw Herring - Fills 4 hunger points
- Cooked Herring - Fills 8 hunger points
- 8 extra hunger points added, empty by default but can be filled by eating.
- Added new painting - Reef
- Renamed Raw fish to Raw Cod
- Renamed Cooked fish to Cooked Cod
- Added Reef Biome
- Added shipwrecks
- Added icebergs
- Added Bubble columns