The 1.15 Archery Update was added September 27, 2019 as an update to Minecraft Java Edition. This update is used in the TerraCraft series.
New Tools and Weapons[]
- does 6.5 attack damage
- can be used to farm melons and pumpkins easier
- crafted with 3 of any type of stick or bamboo and 2 iron ingots
- does 5 attack damage
- can be used to cut leaves faster than shears
- crafted with 1 of any type of stick or bamboo and 3 iron ingots
Types of Bows[]
Hunting Bow[]
- crafted with 3 Dark Oak sticks and 3 string
- does +25% damage to mobs
Power Bow
- crafted with 3 Acacia sticks and 3 rope
- drop is decreased 75%
Armor-Piercing Bow
- crafted with 3 Jungle sticks and 3 rope
- does 50% increased damage to armor
Rapid-Fire Bow
- crafted with 3 Birch sticks and 3 string
- fire rate is increased 250%
Precision Bow
- crafted with 3 Spruce sticks and 3 rope
- scope allows player to zoom in 2x
Regular Bow
- crafted with 3 Oak sticks and 3 string
- no perks