Nether Update's back 29th February 2020. :D TheRandomBlock (talk) 18:04, February 3, 2020 (UTC)
This update things planned are mine. WHAT'S WRONG?
Colored Torch[]
- Made with 1 dye and 1 torch in a shapeless recipe; this recipe provides two Colored Torches.
- Have light level of 15, except Blue, Red, Purple and Green Torches, which have a light level of 14.
- Red Torches generate in both Nether Villages.
- Spawn in Warped Forest and Soulsand Valley.
- Made with 3 iron ingots, 2 sticks (or blaze rods), and 2 coarse dirts like that:
I | ||
I | S | I |
C | S | C |
- Added cherry and dark trees, saplings, sticks, and every wood based block.
- Black wood planks now have its wood based blocks.
Sleeping Bag[]
- A bed that does not reset your spawn point.
- Made with 2 carpets and 1 bed in a row.
- Comes in all colors that beds come in.
- Looks like the top of a bed, but has a thickness of a carpet.
- It can be used to sleep in Nether or End.
- Red and Brown Sleeping Bags appear in both Nether Villages, and Pigmen and Piglins can sleep on them.
Crying Obsidian[]
- Made with 4 obsidians, 4 Ghast or Vex Tears, and 1 Lapis Lazuli:
O | T | O |
T | L | T |
O | T | O |
- Used to respawn in Nether or End.
- Obtained by bartering with piglin.
Nether Lamp[]
- Made with 2 Lanterns and 2 Netherracks in a shapeless recipe.
- Gives a light level of 12.
- Made with 9 Bloodstone Chunks.
- Purely a decorative block.
Nether Chest[]
- Works like Ender Chest.
- Made with surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Bloodstones.
Limestone and Dacite[]
- Limestone appears in Steppe and Valley Villages.
- Dacite appears in Volcano Biome.
- Have polished variants.
- Added black wood, bloodstone, limestone and dacite stairs.
- Added black wood, bloodstone, limestone and dacite slabs.
- Added bloodstone, limestone, dacite and all polished stone walls.
Stripped Cactus[]
- An Axe can be used on a Cactus to create this.
Melted Obsidian[]
- Cooked Obsidian With The Poisoner
O |
P |
Weaponry and Items[]
- Similar to „Blowgun” from Minecraft 1.15: Update for Everyone.
- Made with 2 wood planks and a piece of flint in a shapeless recipe.
- A ranged weapon which uses Bullets for ammo.
- Has a lot more range than a bow.
- Does not need to charge.
- Does 5 hp damage per hit.
- Fired bullets vanish upon hitting something.
- Can have the Multishot, Piercing, Infinity, and Power enchantments applied to it.
- When it hits an entity, it has a 50% chance of giving that enemy the spiked status effect for 30 seconds.
- Made with 1 gunpowder and 1 iron nugget in a shapeless recipe.
- Stackable to 32.
- Deal 5 hp damage with a pistol.
Grilled Cactus[]
- Created by cooking Cactus in a Furnace or Smoker.
- Restores 4 Hunger Points.
- Have both 20% chance to appear in oak trees and 25% chance on birch trees.
- Can be used to make Peanut Butter and Cashew Butter, respectively.
- Restores 3 Hunger Points.
Peanut Butter/Cashew Butter[]
- Made with 4 peanuts or cashews.
- Restores 5 Hunger Points.
Peanut Butter Cake[]
- Made in a shapeless recipe with 1 Peanut Butter/Cashew Butter, 1 Milk Bottle or Milk Bucket, 1 Wheat and 1 Egg.
- Restores 10 Hunger Points.
Apple Pie[]
- Made with 1 Apple, 1 Egg, and 1 Wheat.
- Restores 8 Hunger Points.
Haunted Essence[]
- Made with 4 B**ehell Poison, 3 Nether Warts, and 1 Potion of Harming like that:
B | N | B |
N | P | N |
B | B |
- Can be used to teleport to the Haunted Forest.
- When drank, it deals 1 hp damage, and gives Slowness II and Weakness I.
Essence of Regeneration[]
- Made with 1 Potion of Regeneration, 4 Red Dyes, 3 Emeralds, and 1 Bottle o' Encnanting like that:
R | E | R |
E | P | E |
R | B | R |
- Can be used to teleport to the Enchanted Biome.
- It gives Speed II, Strength IX and Jump Boost II when drank.
Piglin, hoglin, strider and zoglin would be announced...
here is 6 other mobs :)
- Nether Bull - Works like Ender Bulls, but runs away from a player not holding a nether wart. Unless it will attack. Has 20 hp, deals 3 hp damage and is hostile. Drops 2 nether warts on death.
- Skeleton Villager - The winning mob in Minecraft Fanon Minecon 2020, created by UndeadNcore (39% votes). Can be cured, will use a crossbow to shoot Villagers (in Overworld) or Pigmen (in Nether) on sight. Has 24 hp and is neutral. Drops arrows and arrows of slowness on death. Rare chances in dropping a crossbow and emeralds. Spawn in all biomes except oceans, and in
- Deer - The second place mob in MFM 2020, created by DinosaursRoar (38% votes). Has 10 hp and does not attack anything. They can be bred with grass. They drop Venison and Grass.
- Lion - The male lion is an aggressive mob that attacks you on sight. The female lion stays back and protects her cubs. In order to breed, you need a male lion and a female lion. Spawns in valleys, forests and taigas.
- Snow Lion - The male and female snow lions work like normal lions. In order to breed, you need a male lion and a female lion. Spawn in tundras and cold taigas.
- Redoomed Knight - One of the competing mobs in MFM 2020.
- You can now tame a hoglin by giving it raw beef. A pet hoglin behaves like a tamed wolf, except adult pet hoglins can have a saddle put on them. Like a pig, to control and boost the hoglin, you will need a Crimson Fungus on a Stick, which is made like a warped fungus on a stick, except with a crimson fungus instead of a warped fungus. Hoglins can also now will run away from players holding Warped Fungus.
- Happy Blaze:Turns Into A Blaze If One Of It's Group Get Somurged In Acid.