Note: This update is features from my original Mountain Update combined with features from the real 1.17- Caves and Cliffs, and some new ideas
The Mountain Update is a major Minecraft update released on August 4th, 2020 to all platforms. It overhauls the Mountain Biomes and adds a lot of new content and the announced Mountain features in Biome Chooser 2019. It includes 34 new blocks, items, and entities as well as 4 new mobs and a new Boss.
Cheese Block
- Decorative Block
- Can be crafted into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Crafted with 4 Cheese
Chiseled Obsidian
- Decorative Block
- Can be placed in a formation with Obsidian and an Obsidian Core to create an Obsidian Golem
- Crafted with 2 Obsidian
- Cut from Obsidian
- Crafting Block
- Used to create Cheese and Goat Cheese out of their respective Milk
- Crafted with a Barrel, a Stick, and 3 Cobblestone
Mossy Chiseled Stone Brick
- Decorative Block
- Crafted with Mossy Cobblestone and a Chiseled Stone Brick
- Cut from Mossy Stone Brick
Obsidian Core
- Only obtainable in Ruined Forges and as a drop of The Great One
- Can be placed in a formation with Chiseled Obsidian and Obsidian to create an Obsidian Golem
Pine Log
- Found on Pine Trees
- Can be Stripped with an axe
- Can be crafted into Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Boat and Pressure Plate variants
Pine Leaves
- Found on Pine Trees
Pine Sapling
- Can grow into a Pine Tree
- Is not dropped by Pine Leaves, but can be crafted with Pine Cones
- New food item
- Created with a Churn
- Restores 6 food points
Cooked Chevon
- New food item
- Restores 6 food points
Goat Cheese
- New food item
- Created with a Churn
- Restores 5 food points
Goat Milk
- New food item
- Removes Slowness, Nausea, and Blindness
Pine Cone
- Has a 15% chance of being dropped by Pine Leaves
- Can be crafted into a Pine Sapling
Raw Chevon
- New food item
- Restores 3 food points
- Spawn in Mountain Biomes
- Have 8 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drop 1 Wool (Corresponding Color) and 1-2 Raw Chevon
- Have a White and Gray variant
- Have an Adult and Baby variant
- Can be milked for Goat Milk
- Can be bred with Wheat
- Can be ridden with a Saddle
- Spawn in Mountain and Cave Biomes
- Have 18 Health Points
- Semi-Neutral Mob (Not Hostile when player is holding Ores or Minerals)
- Have an Adult and Baby variant
- Drop 0-2 Emeralds, 1 Iron Sword, and any worn armor
- Have a 30% chance to be wearing random Iron Armor
- Deal 5 damage
- Can be traded with using Emeralds
- Trade Minerals and Rare Items
Apple Cow
- Spawn in Forest, Dark Forest, and Mountain Biomes
- Have 10 Health points
- Passive Mob
- Drop 0-2 Leather and 1-3 Apples
- Have an Adult and Baby variant
- Can be bred with Oak Leaves
Obsidian Golem
- Spawn in Ruined Forges
- Created using a formation of Obsidian, a Chiseled Obsidian, and an Obsidian Core
- Have 150 Health Points
- Hostile Mob when naturally spawned
- Hostile except to Players and Wolves when created
- Drop 2-4 Obsidian and 1 Obsidian Core (20%)
- Deal 12-32 damage
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How to create an Obsidian Golem
The Great One
- A giant precursor of the Golems
- Found in the Boss Room of a Ruined Forge
- Has 300 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 3 Obsidian Cores and 5 Crying Obsidian
Goblin Settlement
- A Goblin village with Goblins, Goat Pens, Houses, and Barracks
- Structures made Primarily of Stone Bricks, Cobblestone, and Spruce Logs
- Loot Chests contain Emeralds and Goblin Trade Items
- Found in Mountain Biomes
- Rarity: Rare
Mountain Hut
- Hut variant
- Made primarily of Pine Planks and Cobblestone
- Contains a Crafting Table and a Churn
- Has a Goat Pen outside
- Has Goblins and two Goats
- Rarity: Rare
Mountain Village
- Village variant
- Structures made primarily of Pine Planks, Pine Logs, and Cobblestone
- Loot Chests contain Village Loot
- Found in Mountain Biomes
- Rarity: Uncommon
Ruined Forge
- Underground Dungeon
- Made primarily of Stone and Cobblestone variants and Mossy Stone and Mossy Cobblestone variants
- Contains Corridors, Loot Rooms, a Boss Room, and a Forgery
- Forgery contains 2 Obsidian Golem frames
- Secret Room contains a Chest with 15 Diamonds and a Knockback II Enchanted Book
- Only accessible through secret Piston Door
- Loot Chests contain Obsidian, Crying Obsidian, and Rare Items
- Found in Caves underneath Mountain Biomes
- Rarity: Super Rare
Pine Tree
- Made of Pine Logs and Pine Leaves
- Found in Mountain and Taiga Biomes
- Complete terrain generation overhaul
- Mountains can be taller and look more jagged and realistic
- Some mountains can be very tall and reach the World Height limit
- Some mountains contain the Lava Floes mini-biome
World Height Limit[]
- World Height Limit increased to Y=512
- Cloud Height increased to Y=256
Blocks and Items[]
- Can now be used in a Churn to create Cheese
- Can be used in a formation with Chiseled Obsidian and Obsidian Core to create an Obsidian Golem
- Now generates in the Overworld in Lava Floes
- Can be used on Goats
More Coming Soon!