1.17, also known as Animals Update, is an update which added several animals mobs in several Overworld biomes. as well as some gameplay changes.
- While it is windy, certain plant blocks are broken.
- Entity have a chance to be blow away due to winds.
Skyscrapping Mountains
- A type of mountains that is 200-220 blocks high.
- The cliffs are very steep.
- Always have snow.
Coconut Tree
- Generate near beaches.
- May grow coconuts on top.
- Can only be planted on sand
Jungle Village
- Houses are huts made by jungle woods
- May generate campfire
- Unlike other villages, this village is located above the ground
Swamp Village
- Houses are huts made by birch woods.
- Also generate above the swamp
- Always have fisherman
- This type of village have more fishermen than any kind of villages
Banana Tree
- May generate in jungle village, or jungle.
- May have banana on it.
- Can be crafted with 5 iron ingots with the same recipe as boats
- Use to stall entities step in for 10 seconds.
Coconut Trunk[]
- Found at coconut tree as trunks.
- Use one to craft 3 sticks.
Banana Trunk[]
- Found at banana tree as trunks.
- Use one to craft 5 sticks
Coconut Fruit[]
- Found on coconut tree.
- Break fastest with an axe
- Drop coconuts when broken without Silk Touch
Banana Packs[]
- Found on banana tree
- Break fastest with an axe
- Drop bananas when broken without Silk Touch
Frog Egg[]
- Can be obtained from breaking frog egg using Silk Touch, or else drop nothing.
- Obtained when break coconut fruit.
- Can be used to plant another coconut tree, or craft with milk bucket to make coconut milk.
- Use to breed crab
Coconut Milk[]
- A drink that restore 4 hunger points, 9.5 saturation points.
- Crafted from coconut and milk.
- Obtained when break banana packs.
- Use to plant another banana tree
- Can be eaten, restore 2.5 hunger points, 6.5 saturation points.
- Use to tame and breed monkeys.
Raw Goat and Cooked Goat[]
- Raw goat are obtained when kill Goat
- Cook raw goat using furnace, smoker or campfire turn it to cooked goat
- Raw goat restore 3 hunger point and 6.5 saturation points
- Cooked goat restore 9 hunger point and 12 saturation point
Frog Leg[]
- Drop for frogs
- Can be eaten, restore 1.5 hunger point, 3 saturation point.
- Can be used to craft Frog Leg Stew
Frog Leg Stew[]
- Craft form a bowl at the bottom, 3 frog leg above in a horizontal line.
- Restore 10 hunger point, 10 saturation point
Snake Scale[]
- Drop from snake
- Use 4 to craft leather (in a 2x2 square shape)
- Spawn in mountain biomes
- Are neutral mob
- Turn hostille when attacked
- Can be breed with any kind of meats.
- Attack goats, cows, pigs on sight.
- Drop 1-3 random raw meat, 3-8 xp when killed
- Have 20 health (10 hearts)
- Spawn in savanna
- Are neutral mobs
- Turn hostille when attacked
- Can be breed with any kind of meats
- Attack cows, pigs, zebras, horses, donkeys, rhinos on sight.
- Drop 1-3 random raw meat, 3-8 xp when killed
- Have 20 health (10 hearts)
- Spawn in badlands biome
- Are neutral mobs
- Turn hostille when attacked
- Can be breed with any kind of meats
- Attack baby chickens, baby pigs, baby sheeps, baby horses, baby donkeys, baby zebras on sight.
- Can fly, observe from the sky
- Drop 0-4 bone, 0-2 feathers, 1-5 xp when killed
- Have 14 health (7 hearts)
- Spawn in savanna
- Are passive mobs
- Can be breed with wheat
- May eat nearby grass, ferns
- Drop 0-6 leather, 2-8 xp when killed
- Have 30 health (15 hearts)
- Spawn in forest
- Are passive mobs
- Can be tamed with apples, golden apples, seeds, sugar, sweet berry.
- Can be breed with apples, golden apples, sweet berry
- Run away from player, wolf if not tamed.
- Drop 0-2 strings, 1-4 xp when killed
- Have 6 health (3 hearts)
- Spawn in plains
- Are neutral mobs
- Turn hostille when attacked
- Can be breed with flowers
- Attack using foot, deal damage and knockback
- Only attack once, before being provoked again
- Drop 0-5 strings, 1-8 xp when killed
- Have 24 health (12 hearts)
- Spawn in savanna
- Are passive mobs
- Can be tamed with apple, sugar, wheat, hay bale, golden apple
- Can be breed with golden apple, golden carrot.
- Cannot be bred with regular horse of donkey.
- Can be ridden with saddle, can equip chest, but can't equip horse armor
- Drop 0-4 leathers,1-3 xp when killed
- Have 30 healths (15 hearts)
- Spawn in forest
- Are neutral mobs
- Can be breed using any meats
- Turn hostille when attacked
- Attack by spraying a gas that deal damage and make Blindness for 15 seconds
- Attack rabbits, chickens on sight
- Drop 0-4 string, 1-5 xp when killed
- Have 10 health (5 hearts)
- Spawn in swamp
- Are passive mobs
- Can be breed using any raw fish
- Attack cod, salmon on sight
- Cannot drown, can swim and dive.
- Can only be bred when in water
- When successfully bred, player get experience and a frog egg is spawned
- The frog egg will be hatched after 1 minute
- Undead mobs will break frog egg
- Drop 0-4 frog legs, 1-3 xp when killed
- Have 8 healths (4 hearts)
- Spawn in mountain
- Are passive mob
- Can be tamed and bred with wheats
- Can be milked
- Can be ridden using saddle, similar to pig, but need nothing to control (Tamed goat only)
- Drop 1-3 raw goat (cooked when killed in fire), 1-3 xp when killed
- Have 10 health (5 hearts)
- Two variants: Black Snake and Green Snake
- Black Snake spawn in savanna
- Green Snake spawn in jungle
- Are hostille mob
- Inflict poison for 30 second when attacked
- Attack chickens, squirrels, parrots, tamed wolfs, and player on sight.
- Drop 0-5 snake scale, 1-9 xp when killed
- Have 16 health (8 hearts)
- Have 2 variants: Black and Brown
- Black Bear spawn in normal forest, birch forest or dark forest
- Brown Bear spawn in taigas
- Are neutral mob
- Turn hostille when attacked
- Can be bred with apples
- Attack wolves, foxes on sight
- Drop 0-3 apples, 1-9 xp when killed
- Have 20 health (10 hearts)
- Spawn in savanna, jungle
- Are neutral mob
- Turn hostille when attacked (except when tamed)
- Can be tamed, bred with banana
- Drop 0-2 banana, 1-4 xp when killed
- Have 20 health (10 hearts)
- Spawn in mountain
- Are neutral mob
- Turn hostille when attacked
- Can fly, observe the ground
- Attack baby chickens, baby pigs, baby cow, baby sheeps, baby goats on sight
- Can be bred with any meats
- Drop 0-2 feathers, 1-6 xp when killed
- Have 14 health (7 hearts)
- Spawn in savanna
- Are neutral mob
- Turn hostile when attacked
- Can be bred with wheat
- Drop 0-4 leather, 2-5 xp when killed
- Have 28 health (14 hearts)
- Spawn in savanna, jungle
- Are passive mob
- Can be tamed, bred with wheats
- Can be ridden with saddle, carry up to 3 chests
- Drop 0-10 leather, 5-20 xp when killed
- Have 40 health (20 hearts)
- Spawn in beach, near water
- Are neutral mob
- Turn hostile when attacked
- Can be bred with coconuts
- Crabs climb coconut trees and break the coconuts at the top at night
- At day crab go underwater and hunt for cod and salmon
- Affected by Bane of Arthropod enchantment
- Drop 0-5 coconut, 2-5 xp when killed
- Have 12 health (6 hearts)
Wolf, Fox[]
- Now will attack squirrel and goats on sight
Polar Bear[]
- Now can be bred using raw cod or raw salmon
- Now will attack wolves, foxes, all fish.
Zombified Piglin[]
- Baby zombified piglin will now play with zoglin, similar to hoglin and baby piglin
- No longer attack baby zombified piglin
- When transformed there's a chance to spawn a baby zombified piglin on it.
- Baby piglin will now grow up.
- Gold ingot is now obtainable from fishing, as a "treasure" item.
Fletching Table[]
- Now have right click function.
- Combine arrow with normal potion to make tipped arrow