The Swamp Update is a Minecraft Update released on December 4th 2020. It overhauls the Swamp Biome and adds a lot of new content and the announced Swamp features in Biome Chooser 2019. It includes 54 new blocks, items, and other entities, 5 new mobs, and a new Boss. It was the first update to use Mojang's new 4 Month Update System.
Mangrove Log
- Can be found on Mangrove Trees
- Can be Stripped with an axe
- Can be crafted into Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign Button and Pressure Plate variants
Mangrove Leaves
- Found on Mangrove Trees
Mangrove Sapling
- Can grow into a Mangrove Tree
- Has a 12.5% chance of being dropped by Mangrove Leaves
Mangrove Root
- Found on Mangrove Trees
- Can be crafted into 2 Sticks
Slime Block
- Has new Blue, Red, Purple, and Yellow variants
- Each variant increases bounce slightly
- A liquid that replaces Water in Swamps
- Looks like grayish-green water
- Can connect to normal water
- Can be collected with a bucket
- Functions similar to a Lily Pad
- Swampwater can be collected from under it
- Grows on Swampwater
- Grows on Swampwater
- Can be from 2-5 blocks tall
- Coats most blocks in Slime Caves
- Functions similar to Snow
- Makes entities on it bounce very slightly
- Drops a random Slime Ball
Slimy Dirt
- Makes entities on it slightly bounce
- Can be smelted into Dirt
- Found in Slime Caves
Slimy Stone
- Makes entities on it slightly bounce
- Can be smelted into a random Slime Ball
- Found in Slime Caves
Slime Generator
- Has Green, Blue, Red, Purple, and Yellow variants
- Fuels the corresponding type of Slime Balls for the Slimer Staff
- Can be crafted with 4 of the corresponding Slime Block and 5 Diamonds
Slime Ball
- Can be thrown
- Has new Blue, Red, Purple, and Yellow variants
- Deals Damage
Color | Damage |
Blue | 4 |
Red | 5 |
Purple | 6 |
Yellow | 7 |
Bucket of Swampwater
- Holds Swampwater
Swampwater Bottle
- Gives Poison II (00:10) and Hunger II (00:15)
- Can be crafted into Splash Swampwater Bottle and Lingering Swampwater Bottle
Slime Orb
- A mysterious slimy relic with magical properties
- Dropped by the Slime King
Sheep Milk
- New food item
- Heals 4 Health Points
Sheep Cheese
- New food item
- Created with a Churn
- Restores 5 Food Points
Raw Frog Leg
- New food item
- Restores 2 Food Points
Cooked Frog Leg
- New food item
- Restores 5 Food Points
Spawn Eggs
- Added Frog, Blue Slime, Red Slime, Purple Slime, Yellow Slime, and Slime King Spawn Eggs
Weapons and Tools[]
Slimer Staff
- Uses Slime Generators as fuel
- Throws corresponding Slime Ball to Slime Generator
- Crafted with Slimy Orb, 2 Sticks, and 4 Emeralds
- Spawn in Swamp Biomes
- Have 5 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drop 1-2 Raw Frog Legs and 1 Green Slime Ball
- Have an Adult and Baby variant
- Can be bred with any Slime Ball
Blue Slime
- Spawn in Swamp, Forest, and Slimy Cave Biomes
- Have 24 (Big), 5 (Medium), and 2 (Small) Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-2 Blue Slime Balls (Small)
- Deal 6 (Big), 4 (Medium), 2 (Small) damage
Red Slime
- Spawn in Cave and Slimy Cave Biomes
- Have 32 (Big), 8 (Medium), 2 (Small) Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-2 Red Slime Balls (Small)
- Deal 8 (Big), 6 (Medium), 4 (Small) damage
Purple Slime
- Spawn in Swamp, Forest, and Slimy Cave Biomes
- Have 48 (Big), 12 (Medium), 3 (Small) Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-2 Purple Slime Balls (Small)
- Deal 10 (Big), 8 (Medium), 6 (Small) Damage
Yellow Slime
- Spawn in Cave and Slime Cave Biomes
- Have 64 (Big), 16 (Medium), 4 (Small) Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-2 Yellow Slime Balls (Small)
- Deal 12 (Big), 10 (Medium), 8 (Small) Damage
Slime King
- The lord of all things slimy
- Found in the Boss Room of Slimy Dungeon
- Has 250 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 1 Slime Orb and 2 Slime Balls of each color
Other Entities[]
Mangrove Boat
- Boat variant

6 Variety of Boat with Chest
Boat with Chest
- Similar to a Boat
- Has a Chest in it
- Can only be ridden with one player
- Has Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Pine, and Mangrove variants
- Crafted with 1 of any Boat and 1 Chest
Swamp Village
- Village variant
- Structures made primarily of Mangrove Planks, Mangrove Logs, and Stripped Mangrove Logs
- Loot Chests contain Village Loot
- Found in Swamp Biomes
- Rarity: Uncommon
Slimy Dungeon
- Underground Dungeon
- Made primarily of Slime Stone and Stone Bricks
- Contains Loot Rooms, a Boss Room, a Potion Room, and a Frog Pond
- Potion Room contains a brewing Stand and a Chest with some potions
- Loot Chests contain Dungeon Loot and various potions
- Found underneath Swamp Biomes
- Rarity: Super Rare
Mangrove Tree
- Made of Mangrove Logs, Mangrove Roots, and Mangrove Leaves
- Found in Swampwater in Swamps
- Terrain generation overhaul
- Swampwater replaces Water
- Mangrove Swamp Sub-Biome with large amounts of Swampwater and lots of Mangrove Trees
Blocks and Items[]
Slime Block
- Changed to Green Slime Block
Slime Ball
- Changed to Green Slime Ball
- Can be thrown
- Deals 3 damage
Spawn Slime
- Changed to Spawn Green Slime
- Changed to Green Slime
- Spawning changed to Forest, Plains, Swamp, and Slime Cave Biomes
- Can be milked for Sheep Milk