Update Ahoy (or Cannons and Coconuts) is a Minecraft Update released on October 17th, 2023. It adds 3 new types of boats, 1 new structure, 2 new mobs, 3 new items, 1 new weapon and 6 new blocks. It also adds a new biome known as the Tropical Beach.
Pirate Ship
- Can be collected after defeating some pirates
- Can be walked on while it is moving
Cruise Ship
- Can be found by abandoned resorts
- Can be walked on it is while moving
- Has an auto-pilot mode where you map out the location (somewhere you have already been only) you want to go and start the boat
- Can be crafted like the normal boat but with a banner in the middle
- Can be walked on while it is moving
- Can have a barrel (or double barrel) placed inside
- The cannon can be crafted with all but the middle parts filled with cobbled deepslate (8) in the middle one piece of gun powder
- Load the cannon with a cannon ball or coconut (by right-clicking it with either a cannon ball or a coconut) to start the cannon
Palm Log
- It's a log
Palm Leaves
- They grow differently from other leaves as they spread out from the tree in large thick lines
- They can be placed like blocks
- They have sand physics but when they touch the ground they drop Coconut Water and break
- If they fall on a mob they inflict 7 half-hearts of damage
Palm Sapling
- It grows into a Palm Tree
Skulk Alarm
- Can be crafted with 1 skulk sensor and 1 note block
- Plays a sound (the sound it plays depends on what block is under it witch are the same sounds as the note block) when a mob/player dies in a 5 by 5 radius of the alarm
Fishing Net
- Right-clicking a boat with it will cause it to be bound to the boat
- When riding in that boat every once in awhile a fish will appear in your inventory
Coconut Water
- It can be drunken for 4 half-hunger points and full saturation
- Throwable TNT
- Crafted with 4 iron and 1 gun powder
- Has much less impact then TNT
Tools and Weapons[]
Pirate Sword
- Can be obtain from a pirate captain
- It deals more damage when attacking groups of mobs
- It gives anything you hit the poison effect for three seconds
Attack Speed: 1.5
Attack Damage: 7.5
- Spawns in Pirate Ships and Raids
- Has a wooden sword
- Has 14 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Illager variant
- Drops 0-2 steak or 0-1 wooden sword
- Deals 5.5 Damage
Pirate Captain
- Spawns in Pirate Ships (1 per ship)
- Has a pirate sword
- Has 23 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Illager variant
- Drops 1-5 steak and the pirate sword
- Deals 7.5 Damage
- Attacks inflict poison for 1-3 seconds
Abandoned Resort
- A large space made primarily of white concrete and birch
- Is a large bar type area with a large pool of water inside
- Has two floors
- Floor 2 contains Loot Chests and is very small
- Loot Chests contain good potions, raw meat and cobwebs
- Floor 2 contains Loot Chests and is very small
- Found in Tropical Beaches
- Rarity: Rare
Palm Tree
- Made of Palm Logs and Palm Leaves
- Found in Tropical Beaches
- Can only be grown on sand and red sand
Tropical Beach
- Overworld biome
- Surface Block is sand
- Has Palm Trees
- Contains Wolves and Rabbits
- The Abandoned Resort spawns here
- Barrels can now be stack to create double barrel (which are like double chests but vertical)