Ugh, this is probably going to end up even bigger than 1.19. I hope more people notice this.
EDIT: I'm 99% sure this is the longest update on the wiki. I REALLY hope more people notice this, it's going to take me FOREVER to finish.

- Note: 1.20 is canonical to my Minecraft 1.17.1 post, 1.18: Savannah Update post, and 1.19: Combat, Enchanting, Adventure! post.
- I worked really hard on this page. I would appreciate it if you would leave a comment with your feedback :)
- Please do NOT vandalize this page. Nobody is allowed to edit this page except for TympanicCafe549 and 23Aee.
- And finally, special thanks to PatredXD for making this amazing logo for the update.
1.20 was a major update announced during Minecraft Live 2024, during the chaos of Mojang's hierarchy being upended. It also includes the Swamp Update features announced during the Minecraft Festival in 2022. 1.20 started releasing snapshots on May 29th, 2024 with 24w22a, though many people say the technical start to the update started with 1.19.100, which merged Bedrock and Java Edition together. It was released on May 20th, 2024. Many people called 1.20 "Minecraft 2.0" due to LadyAgnes replacing Jeb as the lead creative designer, the fundamental changes made to the Overworld which left the dimension unrecognizable, making Caves and Cliffs look like nothing in comparison, and the expansion of Mojang, tripling its staff, fixing its bugs, and rolling out faster updates. After 1.19.100, Mojang lost nearly 48 Million Players, most of which came from Java Edition, but gained nearly double of that amount after 1.20. 1.20 was, in essence, an Overworld Update, giving players the Biome Changes they were promised in 2018 and 2019, adding new features from Minecraft Dungeons to Vanilla, and adding many community features. LadyAgnes, the new lead creative designer of Mojang, announced that this would be the last update that takes up an exceptionally long time in Snapshots. This update also saw the beginning of the discontinuation of Minecraft: Education Edition.
- In 1.19.1, the Bedrock Snapshots used during the development of Combat, Enchanting, Adventure! were removed and all platforms used the Java Edition Snapshots.
This update was, is, and is expected to always be the largest update in Minecraft's history. Many features had been in development for a while or were very simple to add. LadyAgnes also revealed that Mojang decided to (or was perhaps forced by Microsoft) to rapidly expand its workforce to keep track of the game, allowing for new features to be made. Additionally, Minecraft Dungeons would not be receiving any new DLC or updates, and a game called Minecraft Legends that was in development was scrapped.
1.20 is an overworld update that included many planned overhauls of terrain generation that were not added in the 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update. It consolidated the jumbled mess of biomes before into 13 biome types, each of which having 4 unique subbiomes. 17 of the 52 Subbiomes were completely new concepts, and the others were updated with brand-new features. Each of these biomes came with new blocks, which combined with the new wood types and brick variants made up --- new blocks in total. -- new mobs were added with the various biome updates, also coming with -- new items. Additionally, world generation features such as Ore Veins, Waterfalls, Ravines, Coral Reefs, and Whiptail Hollows were classified into a new category called Occurrences. Four large new occurrences, namely Glaciers, Volcanoes, Massive Mushrooms, and Lakes were added. It added four new structures: the Desert Tomb, Abandoned Cabin, Jungle Pyramid, and Abandoned Campsite. Added gameplay mechanics like Freezing and Seasons were also added.
Terrain generation was changed so that there would be smoother transition between biomes and biomes are now much larger, especially Oceans, which are now 15 times larger than they were in 1.19. Overall, all biomes except the Ocean and Mushroom Island (which stays at normal size) are now four times larger than they were in 1.19. The height limit was increased to y512, from y320 in 1.17, and the depth limit was lowered to y-256, from y-64 in 1.17. Ore generation was also changed in this update.
Bedrock and Java were officially merged prior to 1.20's release, and Java players were forced to migrate their accounts. The insane amount of bugs that resulted from this change ended in the largest player drop in Minecraft's history, though this was made up after the update's release.
1.20 was officially released on January 18th, 2025.
Minecraft Live 2024[]
During Minecraft Live 2024, which was mostly centered around Mojang's new internal changes, the retirement of Jeb, and Account Merging, players were left with few actual features promised to the game. All they were given was a message saying: "1.20: New World Coming Soon" followed by a cryptic Enderman scream. What they did get was another Biome Vote added to the game. The developers said all three will be added in the next update, but the one players chose would be especially focused on. Their choices were the Snowy Biome, the Forest Biome, and the Jungle. Salt Ore and New Minecraft Terrain Generation were also confirmed in Minecraft Live 2024. Unique features confirmed if each biome won would be new types of snowflakes and ability to make snowmen if the Snowy Biome won, new types of fruits and berries if the Forest won, and new unique wood types + a confirmed Koala mob if the Jungle won. Since Snowy and Jungle lost, snowflakes, snowmen, new jungle trees, and Koalas would not be added to 1.20.
Round 1 Results-
- Snowy Biome: 45.2%
- Forest Biome- 30.5%
- Jungle Biome- 24.3% (Eliminated)
Round 2 Results-
- Forest Biome- 50.4%
- Snowy Biome- 49.6% (Eliminated)
This Biome Vote was perhaps the most controversial of all due to the Snowy Biome's commanding lead at the beginning, but the Forest Biome still won after almost 90% of Jungle Voters voted for forest- an unthinkable number. This left Snowy Fans very bitter (pun intended) after the disappointing Live and their loss at the vote.
1.19.100: One Minecraft Update/"The Death of Java"[]
When LadyAgnes became the new lead creative designer of Mojang Studios, she announced her intent to merge all Minecraft Platforms, into a single, centralized game under Microsoft. This was easily the most controversial addition to the game because it broke many Java Players' worlds by removing quasi-connectivity from the game, causing nearly a third of Java Edition's playerbase to leave the game. Additionally, it broke many command blocks placed by Bedrock Players due to a command syntax parity, and deleted nearly five million Education Edition users from playing by starting the discontinuation of Education Edition. No more contracts for Minecraft EDU would be sold, all Minecraft EDU Servers would stay on version 1.19.30 for the remainder of their contract, and several features on the software were limited or removed. All schools were allowed to keep their existing contracts until they ran out. However, many Bedrock Players lauded Mojang for finally adding all the parity changes they had been waiting years or even decades for, as well as fixing numerous bugs so that the platform would be ready for Java Account Migrants. Right after 1.19.100's release, 1.20 snapshots began to come out, though more development versions for Minecraft 1.19 were released during 1.20's development. Additionally, a free realm for 10 months and 3,000 Minecoins were promised to all Java Players that migrated their account. All Minecraft Servers were required to update all of their software to 1.19.100 by the end of 2024, or they would be deleted. Despite all this, Minecraft lost a net 48,334,980 users after this update, nearly a fifth of its playerbase. This update was released on May 20th, 2024. Mojang later made an official statement saying that this would be the last and only update where they "messed with the player's stuff" and that it was neccesary to merge platforms.
- This was the only Minecraft sub-update to be given an official name, the One Minecraft Update. In some ways, this could be considered a Major Update of its own, but LadyAgnes said publicly she wanted the massive New World Update to be 1.20 for numeric aesthetics.
1.19.100 Snapshots[]
24w17a: Parity on All Platforms[]
The first snapshot for 1.19.100 added complete parity for all platforms, either by combining features, adding one version's take on an issue to all versions, or deleting the irregularity altogether. Naturally, several bugs arose from this, but for the most part, this snapshot was well recieved by the MInecraft Community, particularly Bedrock Players. This snapshot only addressed parity issues inside of worlds, and did not affect the UI, Server Accesability, Realms, the Marketplace, and etc. Naturally, it would be impossible to list every parity issue fixed here, but I will write down the major ones.
- All command syntaxes use the same format, and all versions have the same commands (Java Parity)
- Quasi-Connectivity has been added (Java Parity)
- Spectator and Hardcore Mode has been added (Java Parity)
- Banners can now be put on Shields (Java Parity)
- Superflat Worlds can now be customized (Java Parity)
- Superflat Worlds no longer generate with structures (Bedrock Parity)
- The Superflat World customizer is now much more user-friendly.
- Players can now crouch under 1½ blocks (Java Parity)
- Crawling has been removed (Bedrock Parity)
- Map Markers have been added (Java Parity)
- Chests, Furnaces, and other blocks with storage can now be moved with Pistons (Bedrock Parity)
- Advancements have been removed and replaced with Achievements. Gamerscore is not yet accessible on Java Edition (Bedrock Parity)
- Blocks blown up by TNT now have a 100% drop rate (Java Parity)
- Bamboo can no longer be instantly broken with a sword (Bedrock Parity)
- Iron Golems can now be repaired with Iron Ingots (Java Parity)
- Iron Golems can now be cracked (Java Parity)
- You can now build on the Nether Ceiling (Java Parity)
- Dispensers can now place Armor Stands (Java Parity)
- Squids now have a Baby Variant (Bedrock Parity)
- Chests on Christmas now appear as presents (Java Parity)
- Mobs can no longer wear a Jack O' Lantern (Bedrock Parity)
- Mobs on Halloween now have a chance to spawn with a Carved Pumpkin on their head (Java Parity)
- Cauldron Water can now be dyeable (Bedrock Parity)
- Snow Layers now fall and Snowlogging is available (Bedrock Parity)
- Chalkboards have been added, craftable with 6 Polished Deepslate and 2 Sticks (Education Parity)
- Big Salmon (Bedrock Parity)
24w18a: UI and Snapshot Changes + Java Friend System, "The Java Better Together Snapshot"[]
Both Java and Bedrock Editions have a similar UI now, which is very similar to the current Bedrock UI. The Marketplace, Minecoins, Gamerscore, and the Character Creator have been added to Java Edition. Bedrock Players can now access any version through the Home Screen like Java Players can, and Bedrock Snapshots have been removed. Java-Style Snapshots have been implemented in all versions.
A friending system has been introduced in Java Edition, and Java Players can now access each other's worlds without having to pay for realms. Realms+ has also been added to Java, and anyone who buys Realms+ gets the same features in the Marketplace as Bedrock. Most Marketplace Features are currently unavailable at the moment (though this is temporary) until 1.19.100's release.
24w18b: Featured Server List in all Platforms[]
The Featured Server List has been updated on all versions to include only Mineplex and CubeCraft Games. Mojang has said they will expand this list later. There is another option you can access at the Server Tab to access a list of your version's 100 most popular servers, and the ability to add them to your tab.
24w19a: Expansion of the Featured Servers List + Minegames[]
Mojang announced that it was working with server developers to expand the Featured Servers List to include Hypixel, Lemon Games, and The Hive, though they would not be available until 1.19.100's release. These three servers, as well as Mineplex and CubeCraft, would constitute the entirety of the Featured Servers list, as well as Minegames.
Mojang launched Minegames, a server ran centrally by Mojang, which held many popular, classic games like Spleef, Skyblock, and Bedwars. They dedicated a team of developers to maintain Minegames, and naturally, the server has several cosmetic Microtransactions. What makes Minegames special is that it is the only way in Minecraft that you can earn Minecoins without buying them. However, it is very difficult to earn them this way, and after 1.19.100's release, 80% of Minecoins were still obtained through buying them directly. Minegames easily became the largest server, usually having between 120,000 and 200,000 players at any point.
24w19b: Bug Fixing and Price Balancing[]
This Snapshot mostly fixed bugs. On this day, Mojang also changed the price of Minecraft for most of their platforms.
- PC/MAC: $19.99
- Pocket: $9.99
- Console: $24.99
- Fire TV: $8.99
- Windows 10: $18.99
1.19.100 pre-release 1: Achievement Edits[]
Added a few Java Advancements, such as "How Did We Get Here?" to the Achievement List. Java Players can now get character creator itmes from completing achievements. Fixed more bugs.
1.19.100 pre-release 2: Code Consistency[]
All Minecraft Versions are now written in C++. Fixed more bugs.
1.19.100 rc1: Fixed Bugs[]
Fixed several issues relating to the code consistency and platform merging.
1.19.100 rc2: Version Compatibility & Bug Fixing[]
All players, whether Java or Bedrock, can play with each other in this version. Minecraft: Java Edition has been renamed to Minecraft. Fixed more bugs.
Release of the One Minecraft Update[]
Released on May 20th, 2024. Gifted Previous Java Players a 10-Month subscription to Realms+, and 3,000 Minecoins. Hypixel, Lemon Games, and The Hive have been added to the Featured Servers List. Mojang also announced the first 10 Major Servers to update their software to 1.19.100 would get a spot in the list of 100 Servers a player can add to their server list. The remaining 90 Spots would be made up of the most popular servers which updated their software to 1.19.100. All 1.19.100 players cannot play on servers on past versions.
Fixed several issues relating to 1.19.100, and also allowed players to access past versions while still being able to play with each other. Servers that have not updated their software to 1.19.100 are inaccessible to players who have updated their games to the One Minecraft Update or following versions.
1.20 Snapshots[]
24w22a: Swamp Revamp[]

Added a new Swamp Particle: Fireflies. These have better AI than most particles but are not considered mobs. They fly around in packs and are 2 Pixels large. They are occasionally eaten by Frogs and can be caught in a bottle. They only appear during a Waxing or Full Moon.
- Someone pointed out that Fireflies were poisonous to frogs. However, in this timeline, Mojang actually cares about their game and keeping their promises, and also realized that nobody cares, so they did nothing.
Added Frog: A new, green swamp mob that hops around and eats tiny slimes and fireflies. They can be bred with seagrass and one of the frogs goes to the nearest water source and gives birth to three tadpoles. Frogs can be leashed, but tadpoles cannot. They have 12 Health (3 Hearts) and occasionally drop a slimeball when killed.

A Firefly in a Bottle.
Firefly in a Bottle: Obtainable by using a glass bottle on a flock of Fireflies. The Fireflies can be released and will fly around for a few minutes before disappearing, or they can be brewed with Amethyst Dust to create a Firefly Tonic, which gives the Player Night Vision and Glowing for 15 seconds each.

A Firefly Tonic.
Firefly Tonic: New potion that gives the player Night Vision and Glowing for 15 seconds each. Like a Potion of Reversing or Bottle O' Enchanting, it is not an actual potion because it does not have an enchantment glow. They can be stacked to 16 like all other potions.

Mangrove Planks
Mangrove Wood: Added Mangrove Leaves, Logs, Waxed Logs, Stripped Logs, Waxed Stripped Logs, Decayed Logs, Waxed Decayed Logs, Wood, Waxed Wood, Stripped Wood, Waxed Stripped Wood, Decayed Wood, Waxed Decayed Wood, Planks, Waxed Planks, Slabs, Stairs, Trapdoors, Doors, Boats, Pressure Plates, Buttons, Signs, Fences, and Fence Gates. The wood has a somewhat murky brownish texture, and the log is similar to the pre-1.14 Jungle Log texture. Mangrove Trees do not yet exist, and neither do Mangrove Saplings.
- Mangrove is the tenth wood type to be added to Minecraft, after Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Azalea, Evergreen, and Baobab. If stems are counted, it is the twelfth.
Mud: liquid generating very commonly in the swamp, mostly around pools of water. Players can get trapped in it like Powdered Snow, and take suffocation damage if in for too long, like Water.
- Turns into Dripstone when hit by Lava
Bucket of Mud: obtainable by using a bucket on Mud. Stacks to 16.
Barrelled Boat: Obtainable by crafting a boat with a barrel. Players can access the barrel's inventory when inside a boat, but only one player can ride in a Barrelled Boat.
Chested Boat: Obtainable by crafting a boat with a chest. Players can access the chests inventory when inside a boat, but only one player can ride in a Chested Boat.
Witch Huts now generate with Mangrove Logs and Planks instead of Spruce and Oak logs and planks.
24w23a: Mangrove Trees & Saplings[]

Mangrove Tree Concept Art from Minecraft 1.19 Wild Update

Mangrove Trees, a Tree added in 1.20.
Added Mangrove Trees. They generate naturally in the Swamp Biome, but can also generate by growing a Mangrove Sapling. They often have large roots supporting it made of Mangrove Wood, as opposed to logs. Mangrove Trees especially try to grow on the side of hills, with supporting branches reaching down to the water. Their leaves often sag down to the floor, making them look like Willow Trees.
Added Mangrove Sapling. Can only be grown underwater, obtainable by breaking Mangrove Leaves. Is the only sapling to have an animated texture like Seagrass or Kelp.
Added Mangrove Roots, can generate on the bottom of the actual Mangrove Roots that are made of Mangrove Wood. Do not grow unless bone meal is applied, can only grow naturally up to 3 blocks long. They can be climbed. They have a brownish, rotted texture similar to the hanging roots.
Added Mangrove Forest Sub-Biome, the only trees that generate are Mangrove Trees, and in large quantities. Have deep rivers instead of shallow ponds, and fireflies can spawn at any time in the night as opposed to only during a Waxing/Full Moon. Seagrass and Lilypads generate three times as often in this biome.
Added Bog Sub-Biome. Very few trees generate here, the ones that do are all Mangrove Trees. Much of this biome is just Mud and Water, and Clay is twice as likely to spawn here. Slimes, Witches, Spiders, and Frogs are the only mobs that naturally spawn here, apart from the mobs in caves and witch huts.
- Spiders, Slimes, and Frogs now do not sink in Mud.
Added Mushroom Fields Sub-Biome. Less Water Generates Here, and Mushroom Trees and Mushrooms are twice as likely to spawn. Mushroom Trees now have a chance of having Glow Lichen on them. Sugarcane can generate next to the water. Oak and Mangrove Trees spawn here.
Added Marsh Sub-Biome, the normal version of the swamp. Mushroom Trees no longer spawn here, but Mangrove Trees do.
- Thickweed can now generate in all Swamp Sub-Biomes, but especially so in the Mangrove Forest.
- Dripleaves and Small Dripleaves generate naturally in the Mangrove Forest and Marsh.
- All Caves in the Swamp Biome can have small Dripstone Spikes.
Added a Groundwater Feature, where large pools of water can generate rarely under the first three layers of grass blocks. Can generate with Dripstone and Tin Ore. No Glow Lichen generates here, and Drowned have a high chance of spawning. They can sometimes intersect with rivers. Dirt on the top of the Groundwater has a 5% chance of being Rooted Dirt.
24w24a: Improving Swamp Aesthetics[]

Concept art of the Birch Forest, featuring Trees with Polypores on them.

The top texture of a Polypore, a fungi attached to trees.
Added Polypores, a small brown fungi that grows on the side of Mushroom Trees, Oak Trees, and Mangrove Trees in the Swamp. Can only be obtained with Silk Touch. Is purely decorative, but can be composted for a 100% chance to increase a layer in the composter.
Added Mangrove Moss, a plant that generates at the bottom of Mangrove Leaves. It is similar to Dripstone in that it has a Stalactite-like structure that ends in a point. It cannot be climbed, but it can be walked through. It is only obtainable through silk touch and can only grow up to 4 blocks long naturally.
Added Swampgrass, a type of plant that replaces Seagrass in the Swamp. Unlike Seagrass, these can grow up to 8 blocks tall and can grow a block out of water. They have an animated texture when they are underwater. They slow boats when boats move through them. They generate extremely commonly in the Mangrove Forest.
Added Cattails, decorative plants that generate on mud next to water in all Swamp Biomes. They can be broken without silk touch and put in a flower pot.
Sugarcane now only generates in the Mushroom Fields. Sugarcane grown in a swamp can only reach up to 2 blocks high.
Frogs now have several variants, including a Dark Green and Brown Variant.
Moss Blocks and Carpets now change color depending on the biome they are in to blend with grass. (Though they will always have the same color in Lush Caves)
Swamps now generate with a mix of Moss and Grass as the floor. Grass with Moss on top does no longer change to dirt. Moss Blocks that make up the surface of the floor will mostly have grass blocks under them.
24w24b: Horse Call[]

The Horse Call, used to summon your nearest tamed horse.
A Horse Call can be crafted with a Cattail and 2 String. It has 24 Durability and teleports the nearest tamed horse to you when used. It plays a high-pitched whistling sound when blown. This is a nod to the Legend of Zelda's Horse Grass.
24w25a: Mud Brick Blocks & Wisps[]
- Water Bottles can now stack to 64.
- Mud can now be created by using a Water Bottle on a Dirt Block.
Added Hardened Mud, created by placing a block of mud on top of Fire for 400 ticks.
- Hardened Mud may also occasionally generate naturally in Swamp Caves and under Mud Blobs.

Mud Ball, the basic ingredient used to make Mud Bricks.
Added Mud Ball, 9 are obtained by breaking a Block of Mud. (Bucket of Mud can still be obtained with a bucket)
Mud Balls can be smelted into Mud Bricks. 7 Mud Bricks, 1 Water Bottle, and 1 Wheat make 6 Mud Brick Blocks. Mud Brick Blocks are tannish-brown, and similar to Stone Bricks.
- Added Mud Brick Stairs, Slabs, Fences, Walls, and Cracked Mud Bricks.
Added Will O' the Wisp: a Mob that occasionally spawns on a full moon in the Swamp. When Approached by the Player, they will lead the player in the direction of the nearest Abandoned Mineshaft for a few seconds before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Cannot be leashed or killed. On Flat or Old Worlds without Mineshafts, they aimlessly fly about for a few seconds before despawning.
Swamp Water is now Opaque unless the player has a potion of Night Vision.
24w27a: Mesa Improvements[]
Subbiome Split[]
The Mesa has been split into Sub-Biomes like the Savannah and Swamp have.

Terracotta Gold Ore, an aesthetically pleasing block to blend with the rest of the mesa, but otherwise works identically to normal gold ore.
Wooded Badlands- High in the sky, the top layer will be mostly coarse dirt, but can also generate with terracotta. The vegetation includes Dead Bushes, Oak Trees, Baobab Trees, and Ferns. The leaves are greenish-brown, giving a dead appearance. This is the only Mesa Sub-Biome where animals can spawn, namely, only Cows and Bison.
Mesa Peaks- Generate Tall, Spikes of Colored Terracotta in the otherwise low elevation that can reach up to y256. The floor is covered in red sand, but no cacti spawn.
- Lush Caves will no longer spawn under the Badlands.
- Baobabs will now generate in the Wooded Badlands, very uncommonly.
Mesa Highlands- Large Mesa Mountains that can go up to y180. Canyons can spawn in this biome and Gold Ore generates twice as often. Only Dead Bushes can spawn at the top of this biome, and there is no red sand, only Terracotta and Colored Terracotta. An above-ground Mineshaft has a 50% chance of spawning in this sub-biome.
Mesa Lowlands- Flat Biome that can go as low as y59 filled with Red Sand, Cacti, Prickly Pears, and Dead Bushes. Tumbleweeds spawn very often in this sub-biome and it is the only place where you can find the Prickly Pear, and is also the only mesa sub-biome where any cacti can spawn. No caves will generate above y16 in this biome.
Mesa Additions[]
Added Terracotta Gold Ore, a new type of Ore that generates in the Mesa.
Added Tumbleweed- Entity that spawns in the Mesa Biome. Rolls around in a single direction (does not have to be in a straight line) until it bumps into something. If it hits a mob (Besides Husks, Wardens, and Bosses) it will deal a Quarter Heart Damage. When hit with the player's sword it has a 90% chance to drop 1-3 sticks, and a 15% chance to drop 1 Dead Bush, creating renewable dead bushes.
Added Prickly Pear- A Type of Cacti that only spawns in the Mesa Biome. It is unique in that it branches out in different ways like a chorus tree, but some of the branches can go diagonally. When this happens, a small, 6x6 "miniblock" connects the two pieces. This miniblock does not have a hitbox. Prickly Pears can only grow up to a maximum of 12 Blocks. Each Block has a 10% chance to grow a Cactus Fig, which can be eaten for 4 Hunger Points. Alternatively, the Cactus Fig can be harvested with shears and planted in Red Sand to grow a new cactus. This cactus deals 1 Damage (1/4 Heart) like its normal counterpart. 25% of Cacti in the Mesa will be a prickly pear.
Added Desert Fig, a new food item growing on Prickly Pears that can be eaten for 4 Hunger Points. It can also be planted to grow a new prickly pear! It takes 18.4 ticks to eat.
Mesa Changes[]
Ravines in the Mesa have a chance to generate as Canyons, massive, thick cuts of the ground that can stretch all the way from y200 to Bedrock Level. The Walls of Canyons in the Deepslate Layer will be a few layers of Terracotta and Terracotta Gold Ore before turning into Deepslate.
Significantly changed the Underground of the Mesa. Under Mesa Biomes, all stone is replaced with Terracotta, and stones like Diorite and Andesite are replaced with blobs of Colored Terracotta, Red Sandstone, and Granite. Striped of different colored terracotta occur underground just like they do in Mesa Mountains. All Dirt is replaced with Coarse Dirt. In this layer, only Terracotta Gold Ore can generate.
- Animals can no longer spawn in most Mesa Sub-Biomes.
- Mesa and Desert Biomes will try to not spawn next to Oceans. Rivers will not generate next to Mesa and Desert Biomes.
Mesa Generation[]
Added Gold Ore Veins that generate rarely in Mesa Biomes, made up of Terracotta Gold Ore, Smooth Red Sandstone, and blocks of Raw Gold. Pretty much the same as other Ore Veins.

A prototype image of a Minecraft Huge Fossil, gemerating in the wrong place for use by the devs.
Added Huge Fossils, which are 10-20 times larger than normal fossils and can include up to thousands of Bone Blocks. These are extremely rare. They can hold Blobs of Coal Blocks and Bone Diamond Ore. A Single Huge Fossil may hold around 50 diamond ore blocks and 200 Coal Blocks. Naturally, these fossils are among the rarest structures in Minecraft. If exposed to air, there can be cobwebs around the bone.
- Medium Ribcage- 4,284 Blocks
- Large Ribcage- 7,298 Blocks
- Skull- 7,211 Blocks
- Tail- 8,223 Blocks
- Claw- 1,599 Blocks
24w28a: Vultures & New Terracotta Ores[]
- Cacti can no longer despawn items.

A vulture added in 1.20. They are used to find out where you died in-game. Credit: Reddit
Added Vultures- a Flying Mob that spawns in all Mesa Biomes, but especially in the Mesa Lowlands. They have beady black eyes and often spawn in flocks. If they see an item, they will circle over it for a few seconds before picking it up, They perch on Prickly Pears. If a Vulture is leashed and brought to your base, it will attempt to fly away. If attached to a fence, they will snap the lead and fly away. However, if you put a Prickly Pear Cactus in your base, it will not leave the area. Vultures can be useful because if you die, they will circle around your items. The challenge can be shooting them to get your items back, which can be quite difficult.
Added Terracotta Coal Ore, Terracotta Tin Ore, and Terracotta Copper Ore- Spawn in the Mesa Biome at their normal levels, but only half as likely to spawn. Copper Veins still cannot generate in the Mesa Biome. This was implemented so players in the Mesa can still obtain tools better than Stone. (Bronze)
- Terracotta Tin Ore will only generate in the Mesa Highlands and Mesa Peaks.
24w28b: Vulture Homes[]
Vultures will now claim a certain Prickly Pear, and will not fly more than 100 blocks from their cactus. When grabbing an Item, they will fly back to their claimed cactus and drop the item there, before flying to go pick up another item.
24w31a: Massive Overworld Overhaul[]
Biomes are about three or four times as larger now, and there are no more "minibiomes"
- To make up for this, LadyAgnes said that they will create more biome diversity and create subbiomes for all biomes.
- Increased the Height Limit to 512
- Increased the Depth Limit to -256
- Caves are now much deeper and taller.
- Mountains can now reach up to y420.
- Clouds now generate at y320.
- Ore Veins are now larger and much rarer.
- Blizzard Tunnels will only generate above y32.
- Lava Grottos will only generate below y16.
- The Deep Dark will only generate under y-184.
Changes to Ore (Main Article)[]

The Distribution of Coal Ore in 1.20.
Coal Ore- Attempts to Generate Thrice- Once in a triangular distribution from y112 to y484, peaking at y424. (Largest Amount) Second in a Triangular Distribution from y24 to y124, peaking at y84. (Medium Amount) Third in a Linear Distribution from y8 to y512. (Very Small Amount)
- Generates in much larger blobs in Lush Caves
- Generates less likely in Mesa Biomes above y0.
- Has decreased air exposure
- Generates in Blobs of 12-40, or 5-10 when exposed to air, or 15-50 in Lush Caves, or 8-16 when exposed to air in Lush Caves.

The Distribution of Iron Ore in 1.20.
Iron Ore- Attempt to Generate Thrice- Once in a triangular distribution from y96 to y412, peaking at y128. (Largest Amount) Second in a triangular distribution from y64 to y-64, peaking at y0. (Medium Amount) Third in a Linear Distribution from y256 to y-196 (Smallest Amount)
- Iron Ore Veins can generate from y-16 to y-96
- Will Not Generate in Mesa Biomes above y0.
- Generates in Blobs of 6-16.

The Distribution of Copper Ore in 1.20.
Copper Ore- Attempts to Generate Twice- Once in a triangular distribution from y128 to y32, peaking at y64. (Largest Amount) Second in a linear distribution from y100 to y64 (Smaller Amount)
- Copper Ore Veins can generate from y16 to y96.
- Copper will generate much more often in Dripstone Caves and much less often in Mesa Biomes above y0.
- Copper has increased air exposure.
- Generates in Blobs of 6-16, or 8-20 when exposed to air.

The Distribution of Oil Depsoits in 1.20.
Oil- Attempts to Generate Once- from y64 to y32 in Dripstone Caves, peaking at y48. (Very Large Amount)
- Only generates in Dripstone Caves
- Generates in Blobs of 15-30

The Distribution of Tin Ore in 1.20. The Second Line applies for Mountains Only, the first is for Oceans and Mountains. The frequency of Tin Ore in Rivers is 1.89%.
Tin Ore- Attempts to Generate Twice- in a Triangular Distribution from y256 to y512 (Only in Mountain Biomes) (Smaller Amount) and in a Linear DIstribution from y84 to y32 (Only in Oceans and Mountains)
- Tin Ore can also generate exposed to Rivers and Groundwater at any y-level, replacing Gravel in Rivers.
- Unless it generates in the former case, it will only spawn in Mountain and Ocean Biomes.
- Tin can also generate in Mesa Peaks as Terracotta Tin Ore, though less often.
- Tin has increased air exposure.
- Generates in Blobs of 2-8, or 6-16 when exposed to air. Can Generate in Blobs of 20-64 in Rivers, depending on the size of the Gravel Blob. Only generates in a blob the size of a single block in Groundwater, though this can happen very often, creating numerous miniblobs.

Gold Ore Distribution in 1.20. The Top Line represents the distribution in Mesa Biomes and the Bottom Line represents the distribution in all biomes.
Gold- Attempts to Generate Four Times- in a triangular distribution from y256 to y0, peaking at y184. (Extremely Large Amount, only in Mesas) in a linear distribution from y512 to y-256. (Large Amount, only in Mesas), in a triangular distribution from y32 to y-128, peaking at y-40. (Small Amount) in a linear distribution from y0 to y-184 (Very Small Amount)
- Gold Ore Veins can generate between y120 and y0 in Mesas.
- Gold will generate much more often in Mesa Biomes.
- Has decreased air exposure, except in Mesas, where it has increased air exposure.
- Appear as Terracotta Gold Ore in Mesas.
- Generates in Blobs of 1-4, or 5-20 in Mesas, or 10-25 in Mesas when exposed to Air, or 1-2 when exposed to air in any other biome.

Lapis Lazuli Ore Distribution in 1.20. The Red Line shows distribution in the Blizzard Tunnels Cave Biome, while the Yellow Line shows distribution in all biomes.
Lapis Lazuli Ore- Attempts to Generate Thrice, in a triangular distribution from y20 to y-24, peaking at y2, (Small Amount) and in a linear distribution from y0 to y-256, (Extremely Small Amount) or in a triangular distribution from y200 to y32 (Large Amount, only in Blizzard Tunnels)
- Has decreased air exposure.
- Does Not Generate in Mesas above y0.
- Generates in Blobs of 4-8.

The Distribution of Redstone Ore in 1.20.
Redstone Ore- Attempts to Generate Twice, in a triangular distribution from y0 to y-196, peaking at y-184 (Very Large Amount) and in a linear distribution from y16 to y-256. (Very Small Amount)
- Does Not Generate in Mesas above y0.
- Generates in Blobs of 2-3

Emerald Ore Distribution in 1.20. Emerald Ore peaks at the height limit, but generates only in mountain biomes.
Emerald Ore- Attempts to Generate Once, in a Triangular distribution from y96 to y512, peaking at y512 (Small Amount, only in Mountain Biomes)
- Only generates in Mountain Biomes.
- Has decreased air exposure.
- Generates in blobs of 1-4, or blobs of 1 when exposed to air.

Diamond Ore Distribution in 1.20. The Yellow Line peaks at -256 and is for all biomes. The Red Line peaks at 256 and is only for the Lava Grottos Biome.
Diamond Ore- Attempts to Generate Thrice, in a triangular distribution from y-184 to y-256, peaking at y-256, (Small Amount) in a linear distribution from y0 to y-256, (Extremely Small Amount) in a triangular distribution from y-256 to y16, peaking at y-256. (Medium Amount, only in Lava Grottos)
- Does not generate in Mesas above y0.
- Has decreased air exposure, but increased lava exposure.
- Commonly found in the Lava Grottos.
- Generates as Bone Diamond Ore in Fossils and Large Fossils in Blobs of 1.
- Generates in blobs of 1-10, or blobs of 1 when exposed to air, or blobs of 3-16 when exposed to lava, or blobs of 2-12 in Lava Grottos, or blobs of 1-6 when exposed to air in Lava Grottos, or blobs of 4-24 when exposed to Lava in Lava Grottos.
- Generates much less often now to make up for the larger blob sizes.
Added Ore Blocks for all Stone Variant Types. For Example, Granite Coal Ore, Granite Iron Ore, Granite Copper Ore, et cetera.
- This was done for Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Tuff, Dripstone, Calcite, Sandstone, Blackstone, (For Gold and Quartz Ore) Basalt (For Gold and Quartz Ore)
New Aesthetic Blocks with little use[]

Smooth Granite, a decorative block added in 1.20 obtained by smelting Granite in a furnace.
All Stone Blocks have a polished, chiseled, smooth, and brick variant. All of those brick, polished, smooth, and normal variants have a wall, stair, and slab variant.
- This includes Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Tuff, Calcite, Basalt, and Dripstone, to add onto Stone, Blackstone, and Deepslate.
Added Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Grass, Grass Path, Mycelium, Sand, Red Sand, Moss, and Gravel Layers.
Slopes are built up with the new layer blocks.
Added Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Azalea, Evergreen, Baobab, and Mangrove Knobs. Generate on the side of trees, kind of like sideways fences. They can be extended to any length manually, but only generate one block long. They are 8x8x8 pixels. When another knob is placed on the side, the original knob will grow to 16 pixels long. Beehives generate under these knobs.

A Bush.
Added Bushes, blocks that look like Sweet Berry Bushes, but do not grow fruit and do not deal damage, though the player is slowed when walking through them. They change color depending on the biome.
Changes to Structures[]
The Polished Granite in some Ocean Ruins has been replaced with Granite Bricks.
The Diorite in many Snowy Plains Village Houses has been replaced with Diorite Bricks.
The Polished Diorite in Cold Archeological Excavations has been replaced with Diorite Bricks. The Diorite has been replaced with Smooth Diorite.
Miscellaneous Features[]
Added Bug Pixels that are 2 Blocks large, can fly around or crawl, attracted to flowers.
Added ambient bird chirping to forests.
Added Giant Oak and Dark Oak Trees that generate rarely in their respective biomes, are very fat and have long roots. They cannot be grown with a sapling.
24w31b: Changing minor features & more Moss Variants[]
Added Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Azalea, Evergreen, and Baobab Moss to have parity with Mangrove Moss. They work the exact same way, just with a different texture to correspond to their leaf type.
Bushes and Knobs drop sticks when broken without Silk Touch.
Beehives now obey gravity. Unlike other blocks, they will not fall if a block is on top of him. They need air on all six sides in order to fall. The bees will exit the hive if it turns into an entity.
Azaleas and Flowering Azaleas have been renamed to Azalea Sapling and Flowering Azalea Sapling. They now have a 2D texture like all other saplings. Little has been changed.
Added Giant Baobab Trees and Huge Mangrove Trees. 2x2 Spruce, Jungle, and Evergreen Trees are now less blocky and more natural-looking, with knobs and roots. Their leaves are more circular with moss.
Canyons in Mesa Biomes now have a 20% chance to be extra long and have a river inside them. If they do, the river will have massive deposits of clay.
24w32a: More Decorative Ambience Features + Changing Layers[]
Layers will no longer naturally generate as part of hills. LadyAgnes said that they were not "Minecrafty" enough, though they can still be crafted just like normal snow layers using 6 of their respective block.
Fallen Trees have an 80% chance to be made out of Decayed Logs.
Added Decayed Oak Knobs, Decayed Spruce Knobs, Decayed Birch Knobs, Decayed Jungle Knobs, Decayed Acacia Knobs, Decayed Dark Oak Knobs, Decayed Azalea Knobs, Decayed Evergreen Knobs, Decayed Baobab Knobs, and Decayed Mangrove Knobs.
- Termites can now convert Normal Wood Knobs into Decayed Knobs. If they try to convert a Decayed Knob, the block will simply break, and not turn into Rooted Dirt.
Added Dead Oak Leaves, Dead Spruce Leaves, Dead Birch Leaves, Dead Jungle Leaves, Dead Acacia Leaves, Dead Dark Oak Leaves, Dead Azalea Leaves, Dead Flowering Azalea Leaves, Dead Evergreen Leaves, Dead Baobab Leaves, and Dead Mangrove Leaves.
- Dead Azalea and Flowering Azalea Trees do not generate naturally, and can only be obtained by growing Azalea Saplings with the small chance to get a dead tree.
Added Leaves and Dead Leaves. This is a layer of blocks that can be placed on top of another block, and they obey gravity. They can be stacked up to 6 layers, which is 3/4 of a block tall. They occasionally appear when leaf blocks are broken, and fall to the floor. Leaf Blocks drop Leaves, and Dead Leaf Blocks drop dead leaves.
Added Dead Trees, which are made of Decayed Logs, Decayed Knobs, and a few Dead Leaf Blocks. They have large piles of Dead Leaves around them.
Added White Mushrooms, which grow naturally in Birch Forests.
Added Foliose Lichen, a type of decorative lichen which can generate on Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Dark Oak, Evergreen, and Mangrove Trees, but particularly large trees and Dead Trees. It cannot be obtained without silk touch.

Yellow Wildflowers, a decorative block added in 1.20.
Added Wildflowers, a new type of tall flower that generates in Birch and Oak Forests.
- They come in Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple, and Pink Variants.
- They have multiple shoots when planted like Azure Bluets.
Beehives now break if they fall onto the ground, and when they do, the bees inside will become hostile and attack any mob nearby, unless it is a creeper or another bee.
Flowers can now be stacked into groups of four like Sea Pickles or Candles. This does not apply for tall flowers besides Wildflowers.
24w32b: Biome Changing[]
There are now only 13 Overworld Aboveground Biomes: Polar, Taiga, Mountain, Plains, Forest, Dark Forest, Swamp, Jungle, Mushroom, Desert, Savannah, Mesa, and Ocean.
This removed all other biomes and caused severe terrain glitches for biomes other than Savannahs, Mesas, and Swamps, but Mojang said the changes are temporary.
Beaches and Rivers no longer need their own biomes, and generate as part of their respective biomes. This counts for Frozen Rivers and Stone Shores as well.
Mesas, Savannahs, and Swamps kept their respective sub-biomes. Mojang said all 13 biomes will be given sub-biomes.
Removed the Shattered Savannah and Savannah Plateaus from the game. Mojang has not revealed if these changes are permanent.
24w32c: Minor Savannah Changes[]
Mojang has revealed that Savannah Plateaus have been permanently removed, instead, hills will occasionally generate in the Grassland Sub-Biome. No word yet on Shattered Savannahs.
Oil is now twice as likely to generate in Dripstone Caves when it is under a Savannah, Mesa, or Desert.
It will now rain in savannah biomes.
24w34 Snapshots[]
Main Article: 24w34 Snapshots
Ten Snapshots were added in a single week, each of them updating a separate Minecraft Biome. The list of changes is so large that I made a separate article for it. Some of the highlights are:
- Overhauling Ocean Monuments, making them more challenging, dangerous, and exciting!
- Adding several new Mushroom Types as well as the first Overworld Stem, Honeyspore Wood.
- A new tier of gear, Thaumaturgic Wood Tools, that have special qualities.
- Wither Skeletons now spawn in the Overworld in a new Dead Forest subbiome
- Prairie Dog mobs that alert you when Hostile Mobs are nearby, as well as SUPER CUTE!
- A complete farming overhaul, as well as introducing three new crops: Barley, Rye, and Rice.
- Completely revamped the Desert Temple with new, unique treasure and a challenge in the form of Skeleton Vanguards.
- Volcanoes and Fauns in the new Mountains
- Bear Mobs in the Taiga, Redwood Wood, and new foods like Cranberries and Juice.
- A cacophony of new Jungle Plants and Mobs, including the Monkey and the miniboss Whisperer, and the massive Jungle Pyramid it generates in.
- Yaks, Yetis, Furs, Skis, and a new Freezing effect in the Snowy Biome. Also you get Ice Wand but no Iceologer :)
- Four new wood types, seven new mobs, three new meats, three new fruits, two new metal fruits (to join the Golden Apple), three (four?) new flowers, new particles, a new enchantment, a new structure, and so much more in the Forest, which was given special attention.
- Cleaning up Mojang's biome system by giving all thirteen biomes four subbiomes, making 52 separate areas to explore.
- Overhauling Biome generation, radically different biomes (desert and snowy) can no longer generate next to each other, close biomes like Forest and Dark Forest are MUCH more likely to spawn near each other, each biome is divided internally to about 2-4 subbiomes that are all adjacent to each other.
Just read the page to understand lol. You will not understand ANYTHING after this point (i dont think you understood anything before this point either) unless you click on that link.
24w38a: Fixing Bananas[]
After the MASSIVE 24w34 snapshots, ten snapshots with more content than the last eight years of updates, the developers took a long, well-deserved break and came back with some minor fixes on Bananas, which were unobtainable in 24w34h.
A quote from Mojang Developer kingbdogz:
"After so many new foods were added in the 24w34 snapshots, like Oranges, Apples, Grapes, Cranberries, the new Meats and Juices, the Rice and Acorns, plus all the new staple crops, we decided that Bananas would just fade into the background if they were just another food, and we didn't want that. So sure, you can eat the Bananas, but since you can't grow them now, it's probably a bad idea! We also realized that we made Monkeys maybe just a tad too overpowered, so you best save your Bananas for breeding them rather than eating. Or you can pretend you're a rich person and eat them all the time. That's the fun of it!"
A concept for a Banana Tree and Banana Wood had come out, and it even had official textures and gameplay tests, but it was ultimately scrapped.
Bananas now have a 100% chance to appear in the hidden Jungle Temple Chest in groups of 5-8. On average, about 16.3 Bananas can be found per Jungle Temple. Wandering Traders will also now sell Bananas, at 2 Emeralds per Banana, making them renewable. The developers said this was to give the Jungle Temple, which had been overshadowed by the much more impressive Jungle Pyramid, some more attention by giving it unique loot.
24w39a: Waxed Blocks and Termites[]
The developers were experimenting with Waxed and Decayed Blocks from 1.17 and 1.18 and found a much more simplified way to do it. LadyAgnes said that the Minecraft inventory was getting much too cramped and removing some of the unneccesary block variants would alleviate that pain.
Waxed Blocks no longer drop as themselves when mined, even with Silk Touch. They can also no longer be obtained in the inventory, creative or survival, without using inventory editors. They will instead drop their normal self. For example, Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs would now only drop as Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs when mined.
Instead, Waxed Blocks are now simply a block state. This includes Waxed Copper AND Waxed Wood. They will lose this state when mined. All Waxed Variants of Blocks have been removed.
All wooden blocks can now be waxed, not just the full blocks.
Decayed Versions of Wooden Blocks are now only shown on the Bark state, which means that the inside of the Log and Knob now have a texture similar to Rooted Dirt.
Added Rooted Dirt Slabs, Stairs, Trapdoors, Doors, Pressure Plates, Buttons, Signs, Fences, Fence Gates, and Knobs. Rooted Dirt Trapdoors cannot be opened, but they can be placed on any side. This behavior applies to Doors as well. Rooted Dirt Pressure Plates and Buttons do not emit any redstone signal. Rooted Dirt Signs cannot be written on. Rooted Dirt Fence Gates cannot be opened. These variant blocks cannot be obtained without silk touch.
Termites will now attack any and all wood type blocks and convert them into their respective rooted dirt variants, as opposed to just full blocks and knobs, which was their behavior before this update, making the "stair houses" employed by players before to repel termites useless. Termites will also convert Decayed Knobs to Rooted Dirt Knobs. However, only full blocks of Rooted Dirt can be turned into Termite Nests.
The Developers said that the messing with waxed blocks and NBT Tags had something to do with the upcoming Salt feature. Salt was confirmed in 2024 Minecraft Live but virtually nothing was shown about it, and no developer had talked about it since then until now, leading many to believe it was scrapped in place of the massive features being added.
24w39b: Despawntime command + Ravager and Wither editing[]
The player can now use commands to give any item an NBT Tag of "despawn time", changing the despawn time it takes for items to disappear. It is capped out at 30 minutes to prevent lag.
To make up for this change, Ravagers and Withers now only have a 10% chance to drop the item when breaking a block, to prevent intense lag.
24w41a: Salt Ore + Salted Items[]

Salt, an item mainly used to prevent the despawning of items.

The distribution of salt ore in 1.20, which peaks at about 1.84% at y84.
Added Salt Ore and Deepslate Salt Ore, an Ore that only generates exposed to Water in Aquifiers, Rivers, and Oceans. It attempts to generate twice, once in a linear distribution (larger amount, Oceans Only) from y64 to y-256, and second in a triangular distribution (smaller amount, Aquifers and Rivers only) from y86 to y-64, peaking at y68.)
- Blobs will only generate exposed to water
- Spawns commonly like coal in blobs of 8-16.
- Blocks of Salt have a 5% chance to replace Salt Ore in any given blob.
Salt has several uses. The first is in crafting gunpowder. 1 Salt, 1 Coal/Charcoal, and 1 Blaze Powder can be used to craft 4 gunpowder.
9 Salt can be used to craft a Block of Salt. Blocks of salt can be used for decoration and they can also be found generating naturally as part of salt blobs, with most blobs having at least one block of salt.
Salt can be used on any crop grown on farmland to permanently cause its growth state to pause, allowing players to salt each other's fields by turning Farmland Blocks into Salted Farmland, which will turn into Coarse Dirt when trampled on. No plants can be grown on Salted Farmland and the crops will permanently be in a certain growth stage, allowing for unique builds.
Wet Sponges can be turned back into Sponges by tapping them with Salt.
The most important feature of Salt is that it can be used to preserve items. All items in the game can have a NBT Tag "Salted" which means that it will take 10 minutes for them to despawn instead of 5. Because this could get laggy, there is a gamerule in the world creation called "Allow Salted Items" and it can be toggled with the gamerule /gamerule saltableitems (true).
Each item takes one salt, which means that salting a stack of cookies (ew) would cost 64 salt, whereas salting your sword only costs 1 salt.
24w42a: Kelp Blocks & More Salt Uses[]
Added the Kelp Block, a block crafted with 9 Normal Kelp. It looks like the old block of Dried Kelp except it is a lot lighter green. Kelp blocks make a gross squelching noise when you walk on them. Kelp Blocks can be crafted with salt to make a Dried Kelp Block, as opposed to putting them in the furnace. 4 Kelp Blocks and 5 Salt make 4 Dried Kelp Blocks.
24w43a: Wandering Trader Rework[]
Since the Wandering Trader became kind of a laughingstock among players for being useless, the developers decided it was high time to give this mob a rework.
The Wandering Trader will trade in Salt now, and not Emeralds. This was so early players could be able to have access to some of the Wandering Trader's items.
Each Wandering Trader has 5 Trades. The first trade is always guaranteed to be 1 Gold Ingot for 1 Salt, where you can give the Wandering Trader gold in order to get salt. This makes Salt renewable and able to be obtained in superflat and skyblock maps. The first trade will be 1 Salt for an item, the second will be 2-3 salt, the third will be 4-6 salt, the fourth will be 7-12 salt, and the fifth will be 15 salt or more.
Wandering Traders are now only guaranteed to spawn in Desert Villages and spawn only very uncommonly in other places.
Price | Item | Trades until disabled |
1 Gold Ingot | Salt | 20 |
1 Salt | Dirt (x8) | 20 |
1 Salt | Sand (x4) | 20 |
1 Salt | Red Sand (x4) | 20 |
1 Salt | Sandstone (x2) | 20 |
1 Salt | Red Sandstone (x2) | 20 |
1 Salt | Azure Bluet | 16 |
1 Salt | Blue Orchid | 16 |
1 Salt | Cornflower | 16 |
1 Salt | Daffodil | 16 |
1 Salt | Dandelion | 16 |
1 Salt | Lily | 16 |
1 Salt | Marigold | 16 |
1 Salt | Oxeye Daisy | 16 |
1 Salt | Poppy | 16 |
1 Salt | Red Tulip | 16 |
1 Salt | Orange Tulip | 16 |
1 Salt | White Tulip | 16 |
1 Salt | Pink Tulip | 16 |
1 Salt | Red Ferm (x2) | 8 |
1 Salt | Small Dripleaf (x2) | 8 |
1 Salt | Sugarcane (x3) | 8 |
2 Salt | Leather | 12 |
2 Salt | Ostrich Leather | 12 |
2 Salt | Allium | 12 |
2 Salt | Brown Mushroom | 6 |
2 Salt | Grey Mushroom | 6 |
2 Salt | Red Mushroom | 6 |
2 Salt | Shiitake Mushroom | 6 |
2 Salt | White Mushroom | 6 |
2 Salt | Yellow Mushroom | 6 |
3 Salt | Sapper Thorn | 6 |
3 Salt | Snapper Leaf | 6 |
4 Salt | Barley Seeds | 2 |
4 Salt | Beetroot Seeds | 2 |
4 Salt | Melon Seeds | 2 |
4 Salt | Pumpkin Seeds | 2 |
4 Salt | Rye Seeds | 2 |
4 Salt | Wheat Seeds | 2 |
4 Salt | Maize Kernels | 2 |
5 Salt | Glowshroom | 4 |
5 Salt | Suspicious Stew (any kind) | 4 |
5 Salt | Steak | 4 |
5 Salt | Golden Carrot | 4 |
6 Salt | Bamboo | 8 |
6 Salt | Moss Block | 8 |
6 Salt | Kelp | 8 |
6 Salt | Cactus | 8 |
7 Salt | Potent Suspicious Stew (any kind) | |
8 Salt | Brain Coral Block | 8 |
8 Salt | Bubble Coral Block | 8 |
8 Salt | Fire Coral Block | 8 |
8 Salt | Horn Coral Block | 8 |
8 Salt | Tube Coral Block | 8 |
10 Salt | Iron Ingot | 8 |
10 Salt | Tin Ingot | 8 |
12 Salt | Acacia Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Acorn | 4 |
12 Salt | Baobab Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Birch Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Cherryblossom Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Dark Oak Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Evergreen Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Jungle Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Mangrove Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Palm Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Redwood Sapling | 4 |
12 Salt | Spruce Sapling | 4 |
15 Salt | Banana | 2 |
15 Salt | Compass | 1 |
15 Salt | Horse Call | 1 |
15 Salt | Spyglass | 1 |
15 Salt | Iron Bow | 1 |
15 Salt | Flint & Steel | 1 |
15 Salt | Bucket | 4 |
28 Salt | Potion of Invisibility | 1 |
28 Salt | Cauldron | 1 |
28 Salt | Bucket of Tropical Fish | 1 |
28 Salt | Bucket of Archer Fish | 1 |
28 Salt | Bucket of Lava | 1 |
36 Salt | Copper Orange | 1 |
36 Salt | Bronze Pear | 1 |
64 Salt | Golden Apple | 1 |
64 Salt | Enchanted Book (any enchantment) | 1 |
24w47a: Seasons[]
There had not been a snapshot in almost a month, which led many to think that the update was coming to a close. However, Mojang released 24w47a, a MASSIVE snapshot that added Seasons to the game, a highly requested feature for a very long time.
Added the Thermometer- an item that is crafted with 4 Copper and 1 Redstone. It can show the player's internal temperature when held in the inventory and shows the biome temperature when dropped or put in an item frame or chest.
Temperature Changes[]
In all biomes, the temperature will change based on what season it is. In Winter, the biome temperature for all biomes will be lowered by 10. In Autumn, it will be lowered by 5. In Spring, it is the default. In Summer, it is raised by 10. There are a few caveats to this, though.
- The Biome Temperature being raised in Summer does not affect the biome's ability to rain. Therefore, subbiomes like the Flooded Forest, Mangrove Forest, and Rainforest will still rain in the summer.
- The temperature being raised in Summer and lowered in Winter and Autumn does affect the biome's ability to snow. In Winter, biomes like Foggy Woods, Dead Forest, and Mega Taiga can snow at any y-level. In summer, the Jagged Peaks and Wooded Mountains will not snow.
- This means that snow golems will be able to exist in some biomes at certan times and die at other times. The player can lock up snow golems inside cooling cages (cages made of ice, blue ice or powdered snow)
- It will not rain in Winter in any biome, with some exceptions. These are:
- Jungles
- Savannahs
- Swamps
- In summer, every given Minecraft Day has a 33% chance to be rainy and a 10% chance to be a thunderstorm. Biomes that are too cold or hot to rain are exempt from this.
Freezing Changes[]
- Water will now turn to ice if it is at a temperature below -10 and is not in an area with a block light of 11 or higher. To prevent lag, natural bodies of water are exempt from dynamic temperature changes and rapid melting & freezing and will usually stay normal.
- Snow Golems are now exempt from Freezing.
Leaf Block changes[]
- Readded White Leaves during snowfall from Bedrock Edition, which were previously removed. Leaf Blocks will now turn white during Winter or when it is snowing on top of a leaf.
- An orange leaf variant has been added for all Tree types during the Autumn season. However, leaves will only turn Orange during Autumn for biomes that have a default temperature of below 24.0 and above 5.0. Cherryblossom Trees do not turn orange during the Autumn.
- Leaves do not turn white or orange depending on the temperature, only Leaf Blocks.
Crop Changes[]
Crops will grow 50% faster during the Spring and 50% slower during the Winter. Additionally, during winter, Crop buffs and nerfs from Mushrooms will not take place. This can be turned off with the gamerule seasoncropchange (true).
Mob Spawning[]
Bears, Prairie Dogs, Bats, Squirrels, and Mice will not spawn during the winter, as they will be hibernating. Additionally, animal spawning is cut 25% during the winter and increased by 10% in the summer.
Added sleeping animations for these five mobs. They will not wake until it is no longer winter, or if they are attacked, in which they will run away for a few seconds and go back to sleep, or, in the case of bears, kill the player and go back to sleep. Prairie Dogs will permanently burrow during winter.
In all biomes with a temperature 0 or lower during the winter, only Strays and Spiders will spawn as hostile mobs. This does not affect mob spawning in caves.
Spring is the first season the player will start in. Each season lasts 48 Minecraft Days. After spring, it will go to summer, and then winter, and then autumn, and then back to spring. Seasons can be turned off and permanently set with the gamerules doSeasoncycle and alwaysSpring.
Foxes and Wolves will always spawn with a White Coat in snowy biomes during Winter, and with an orange or grey goat in not-snowy biomes during summer. Mice will spawn with a white coat if they are somehow bred during winter, or spawned with a spawn egg.
24w48a: Biome Blending[]
Work that had been already done prior to the 24w34 snapshots but was finally released after it had been polished off. Biomes will now attempt to spawn next to each other depending on biome temperature. Biomes with a temperature closer to the existing biome are more likely to generate next to it. Oceans and Mushroom Islands are exempt from this mechanic, so all biomes can spawn next to it. Despite this, a quirk of this mechanic means that if a player spawned in an incredibly cold biome, they may have to travel tens of thousands of blocks to find a warm biome. One Minecraft Youtuber showed a video of a world where the nearest desert was 248,496 blocks away from spawn.
24w49a: Dynamic Precipitation[]
It will not always rain or snow or thunder in the same areas. Each group of 16x16 chunks can decide to rain or not independently. Because of this, you can always be chasing down the rain in the world, and it could be raining or snowing in your house in the realm, but maybe not in your friend's house.
24w50a: Changing Day-Night Cycle to match with seasons[]
In Winter, the night lasts for 9 minutes, while the day only lasts for 8 minutes. In Spring, the day-night cycle exists as normal. In Autumn, the day lasts for 9 minutes, and the night lasts 8 minutes. In summer, the day lasts 11 minutes, and the night 6 minutes.
25w01a: Adding season commands + 9 Music Disc[]
The final snapshot of the update.
Added command /setseason, which allows you to set the season by typing in "spring", "summer", "fall", or "winter" or typing in 0, 1, 2, or 3 respectively.
Added gamerules:
- /gamerule dotimechange
- /gamerule changecropspeed
- /gamerule dohibernation
- /gamerule mobspawningfrequency (a value from 1 to 100 that allows the frequency at which mobs spawn. Default 50.)
Added Disc 9, a creepy music disc which includes lots of cave noises, spirit sounds, and is supposed to connect the sounds of Discs 7 and 11.
Pre-release 1: Fixing Biome Blending[]
Added temperature generation modifiers that made it so that biome diversity would be more common by avoiding spawning same biomes too close to each other, getting rid of the double plains that generated before. Biomes with extreme temperatures such as the Mountains, Snowy, Desert, or Rainforest biomes have their chances of generation increased so that it is more likely to find them, fixing the problem from 24w48a.
Pre-release 2: Fixing Parity Bugs[]
Cleaned up many parity issues left from 1.19.100 that were causing intense bugs.
Pre-release 3: Fixing Parity Bugs[]
Same as above.
Pre-release 4: Fixing Bugs[]
Fixed Bugs.
Pre-release 5: 1.20 Achievements[]
Added the achievements:
- Crash Landing: Break a pair of full-durability skis from fall damage.
- When the Nether freezes over: Take Freezing Damage inside the Nether.
- How could you?: Summon a Spirit by killing a Baby Animal.
- Master Butcher: Hunt, cook, and eat the meats of all animals that drop meat (Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep/Goat, Rabbit, Deer, Squirrel, Robin/Mockingbird/Owl)
- I don't feel so good: Drink a can of Fermented Grape Juice.
- One Year!: Play through all four Minecraft Seasons.
- How could this happen?: Kill a player or mob using a Pillow. This can be achieved by knocking them off a cliff, into lava, or into the void.
- Master Botanist: Collect all plants, seeds, saplings, fruits, vegetables, roots, leaves, leaf blocks, and other growable items in the game.
Fixed Bugs.
Prerelease 6: Added Splash Text[]
Added Splashes:
- We miss you, Jeb!
- Happy Birthday, Jeb! (Played on May 18)
- Ribbit!
- 100% Saltier!
- Not saved, but under new management!
- Now with more mushrooms!
- Honey, I waxed the wood!
- Remove Termites! (a reference to Termites being one of the most hated mobs in the game)
- Remove Phantoms!
- Be creative!
- Don't kill baby animals!
- Tiny kingbdogz?
- Typical Monkeys!
- Oo oo ah ah!
- Monkey wings unconfirmed!
- Red Dragons coming soon!
- Now with ghosts!
Fixed Bugs.
Release Candidate 1: Fixed Bugs[]
Fixed Bugs.
Release Candidate 2: Fixed Bugs[]
Fixed Bugs.
Grand Release![]
Released 1.20 to Minecraft on January 18th, 2025. It was the third-longest Minecraft Update ever to be produced, after 1.19: Combat, Enchanting, Adventure! and the 1.9 Combat Update, but it had the most content out of any Minecraft Update in History. LadyAgnes said that it would also be the last Minecraft Update to take an abnormally long time in snapshots. It also had the 6th-largest number of snapshots, after 1.8, 1.9, 1.13, 1.17, and 1.19. The reason it was not the longest or largest in either category is because much of this update had already been in development for a while, with half the update's content being pushed out in a single week of snapshots.
Additions (With the Exception of Subbiomes)[]
Biomes: Each Biome is now 3.65 times larger than before, with the exception of oceans, which are 15.2 times larger than in 1.19, and Mushroom Islands, which retain their normal default size. (Note that the ocean around the Mushroom Island will remain the Mushroom water color, so the biome is technically as large as the other ones. There are also now only 13 main Overworld Biomes. They are:
- Swamp
- Mesa
- Savannah
- Snowy
- Taiga
- Mountain
- Plains
- Forest
- Dark Forest
- Jungle
- Mushroom Island
- Desert
- Ocean
Height and Depth Limit: Height Limit is now 512, Depth Limit is now -256.
Mangrove Wood:
Honeyspore Wood:
Mangrove Sapling:
Honeyspore Mushroom:
Mangrove Roots:
Hardened Mud:
Knobs: Drops Sticks.
Decayed Knobs:
Dead Leaves:
Dead Leaf Blocks:
Granite Ore: Added Granite Variants to all Ore Blocks.
- Good Luck finding Granite Copper Ore in this update.
Diorite Ore: Added Diorite Variants to all Ore Blocks.
Andesite Ore: Added Andesite Variants to all Ore Blocks.
Tuff Ore: Added Tuff Variants to all Ore Blocks.
Calcite Ore: Added Calcite Variants to all Ore Blocks.
Sandstone Ore: Added Sandstone Variants to all Ore Blocks.
Dripstone Ore: Added Dripstone Variants to all Ore Blocks.
Terracotta Coal, Copper, Tin, and Gold Ore:
Blackstone Gold, Quartz Ore:
Basalt Gold, Quartz Ore:
Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Grass, Grass Path, Mycelium, Sand, Red Sand, Moss, and Gravel Layers:
Prickly Pear:
Bush: Drops Sticks.
White, Yellow, Grey Mushroom:
Shiitake Mushroom:
White, Yellow, Grey, Honeyspore, Shiitake Mushroom Blocks:
Foliose Lichen:
Smooth Prismarine:
Frozen Coal Ore:
Infested Prismarine (And 3 Variants:)
Firefly in a Bottle:
Firefly Tonic:
Bucket of Mud:
Horse Call:
Mud Ball:
Mud Brick:
Guardian Eye:
Potion of Mining Fatigue:
Potion of Haste:
Frog: Does not sink in mud. Has four variants (default lime green, brown, white, jungle dark green)
Will O' The Wisp:
Prismarine Guardian:
Other Entities[]
Chested Boat:
Barelled Boat:
World Generation[]
Giant Trees: Added Giant Oak, Dark Oak, and Baobab Trees that generate in their respective biomes. They are more than a hundred blocks tall, and more than twenty blocks wide, with thousands of leaves and wood blocks. They have large roots that go deep into the ground. They cannot be grown with a sapling. Under the roots, Hanging Vines can spawn and Monsters can appear.
Massive Mushrooms:
Gold Ore Veins:
Huge Fossils:
Biomes and Subbiomes[]
Dead Trees:
Mangrove Tree:
Honeyspore Tree:
Command Format[]
/locatesubbiome: New command that lets players look for a specific subbiome
/gamerule dodrowning: Allows the player to toggle whether you can drown in water.
/gamerule @p [gamerule]: Added target selectors for gamerules. If the player wants it for the whole game he simply must type "game" in the area of the target selector. All command blocks have been automatically updated to include "game" between the two.
Bird Chirping: Added Ambient Bird Chirping to Forest Biomes.
Ten Birds with One Stone: Kill ten Prismarine guardians with one attack.
All the Colors of the Cluckbow: Get six Cluckshrooms, one of each Mushroom Type.
Death Messages[]
- [Player] was fried by Prismarine Guardian
or, if the player took damage from at least six Prismarine Guardians before he died:
- [Player] was swarmed by Prismarine Guardians
- [Player] suffocated in Mud
Biome Revamping and Subbiome Splits:[]
General: Swamps will generate with a mix of moss blocks, grass, and moss carpets. Blocks under Moss blocks will usually be more grass blocks. Water is now an opaque green color that the player cannot see through. Moth particles are everywhere in all four subbiomes. Lilypads are common in all bodies of water. A groundwater occurence can spawn under all swamps.
Mangrove Forest: A thick, forested swamp subbiome. The only trees that generate are Mangrove Trees, and in large quantities. Have deep rivers instead of shallow ponds, with lots of Swampgrass inside it. Fireflies can spawn at any time in the night as opposed to only during a Waxing/Full Moon. Seagrass and Lilypads generate three times as often in this biome. This subbiome is covered in water and mud, with only a few patches of grass. Frogs are the only animals that will spawn here. Slimes are the only hostile mobs that will spawn, and they will spawn in large quantities. Will o' the wisps can spawn during full moons. Thickweed is very common on the patches of grass and mud. You can find Cattails, Dripleaves, and Small Dripleaves all over the place. It has a biome temperature of 25.0.
Bog: A flat expanse of mud, swamp water, and small patches of grass. Very few trees generate here, the ones that do are all Mangrove Trees. Much of this biome is just Mud and Water, and Clay is twice as likely to spawn here. Slimes, Witches, Spiders, and Frogs are the only mobs that naturally spawn here, apart from the mobs in caves and witch huts. Will o' the wisps can spawn during full moons. Huge Red, Brown, and White Mushrooms can spawn in this subbiome. Cattails spawn all over the place. It has a biome temperature of 25.0.
Shroom Swamp: Less water generates here, and the floor is a mix of mud, grass, and moss. There are twice as many large mushrooms here than in other swamp subbiomes, and they can come in red, brown, or white varieties. Blue Orchids are also very common in this subbiome. Cattails, Dripleaves, and Small Dripleaves generate as well, and all hostile Mobs can spawn here, including many Drowned in the pools, as well as most animals, though a priority is still given to Frogs. Oak and Mangrove trees can spawn here uncommonly, with Foliose Lichen and Polypores on them. It has a biome temperature of 25.0.
Marsh: A subbiome with flat areas and large pools of water with lots of clay, mud, sand, and dirt at the bottom. Oak or Mangrove Trees with vines, polypores, moss, and foliose lichen are not uncommon, but they are spread apart. Mushroom, Sugar Canes, Blue Orchids, Cattails, Dripleaves, and Small Dripleaves are all plants that can spawn here. Swamp Huts with a Black Cat and Witch spawn exclusively in this subbiome. All hostile mobs can spawn here, but there will be lots of slimes during a full moon. Lots of animals can spawn here as well, but a preference is given to Frogs. Will o' the wisps can spawn during full moons. It has a biome temperature of 25.0.
General: All Stone is replaced with various layers of Terracotta. Stones like Diorite and Andesite are replaced with blobs of coloured terracotta. All dirt is replaced with coarse dirt and the only ore that can generate is Terracotta Ores. Animals can no longer spawn in most Mesa Subbiomes and Mesas will not generate next to Oceans, Snowy Biomes, or Taigas. No Rivers will generate in or adjacent to this biome.
Wooded Badlands: The Wooded Badlands has layers of coarse dirt and forests of Oak and Acacia Trees with a dull green-brown hue. They can also spawn as Oak or Acacia shrubs. They give this subbiome a dried and dead appearance. This subbiome is the only Mesa Subbiome where trees can spawn, and the only one where animals besides Vultures can spawn, namely Cows and Bison. Ferns and Dead Bushes are the only vegetation available. Piles of dead leaves are very common. It has a biome temperature of 32.0.
Mesa Peaks:
Mesa Highlands:
Mesa Lowlands:
General: Is now much deeper, and can go down to y-128. Ravines that generate in Oceans can now go as deep as y-206 and may intersect with aquifers. The block making up the ocean floor now depends on the depth of the floor. When the floor is above y32, it is Sand, above y0 is Gravel, and from y-1 to y-256 it is Deepgravel. Deep Ocean Biomes have been removed because Oceans' height can now be determined without a biome. Oceans at light level 0 are now much darker, and the only way to see is with the Night Vision or Conduit Power Effect or using a helmet with the Sea Sight enchantment.
Warm Ocean: An Ocean Subbiome with light teal waters, shallow floors, and lots of vegetation. Coral Reefs will only spawn in this biome, above y32, and all sorts of fish mobs can appear here. You can also find Ocean Ruins, Shipwrecks, and Buried Treasure near the islands. Sea Turtles are also very common in this subbiome, and this is the only place where they will appear. The Coral Reefs are the only place where you will find Tropical Fish and Pufferfish. All Fish Mobs will spawn in Coral Reefs regardless of their spawning ability in the rest of the Warm Ocean.
Cold Ocean: An Ocean Subbiome with Dark Blue waters, much deeper waters, and less vegetation, though seagrass and kelp will still appear. Salmon and Squid are common here. Since it is deeper, most of the floor is made of gravel, and not sand.
Temperate Ocean: An Ocean Subbiome with light blue water, moderate depth, and moderate vegetation. Tropical Fish and Pufferfish cannot spawn here, but Dolphins and Cod are common. Depending on the depth, the floor will be made of either Sand or Gravel. You will also find a lot of kelp, as well as some seagrass.
Icebergs: A very cold Ocean Subbiome with dark indigo water, deep water, and very little vegetation. The floor of the ocean is covered in a sheet of Ice that is dotted with large Icebergs. Salmon and Glow Squid are very common, and Strays/Polar Bears will spawn on the surface. You can also find all sorts of Ice, Glaciers, and Ocean Monuments.
Mushroom Islands[]
General: Mushroom Islands are the smallest biome in the game, unnaffected by the Biome Sizing Changes made earlier. However, the ocean around it keeps the color of the Mushroom Island Water for a much further area than the islands themselves, making Mushroom Islands the same size as other Biomes if you count the Ocean Water Coloring. Only around 1-2 Subbiomes are found in any given Mushroom Island Biome.
Mushroom Archipelago- An aquatic subbiome of the Mushroom Islands, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of teeny-tiny Islands ranging from two to twenty blocks, made up of Mycelium. The floor is mainly Sand. The Sea does not go further down than y54, and Mooshrooms can spawn here. Mushrooms of any color can spawn on the tiny islands, but Mushroom Trees do not generate. The only mobs that can spawn here are Mooshrooms, Cluckshrooms, Wandering Traders, Illagers from Raid Patrols, and Mobs from Spawners. Normal Monsters can still spawn in Caves under the Island.
Mushroom Fields- The default subbiome, mainly what the biome was before. The Mushroom Fields are a Normal Field of Mushrooms and Huge Mushrooms, made up of Mycelium. Mooshrooms and Cluckshrooms spawn in large amounts and all types of Mushrooms and Huge Mushrooms Spawn Here. Only the mobs mentioned above can spawn; This Subbiome is also safe from Hostile Mobs. The terrain is mostly flat, giving way for opportunities to build.
Mushroom Forest- A Mushroom Island Subbiome that is a forest made up of Mushroom Trees and Honeyspore Trees, a forest of giant mushrooms. In addition, there are a few Massive Mushrooms, huge structures the player can explore. There are also several Mooshrooms and Cluckshrooms. Sometimes spawns with Small Ponds of dark purple water. All Types of Mushrooms and Mushroom Trees Spawn here. It is the only place where Brown Mooshrooms spawn naturally. Spore Blossoms can also spawn here under the Honeyspore Trees. This biome is designed to be magical and colorful, covered in all the possible flora and fauna. It is the rarest of all the Mushroom Subbiomes. No hostile mobs other than Illager Patrols spawn here.
Mushroom Hills- Tall Hills that spawn with only Red Mushrooms and Huge Red Mushrooms. No Mooshrooms can spawn in this biome, but Cluckshrooms can. As with the other subbiomes, no Hostile Mobs can spawn. The height can sometimes reach up to y200, and spectacular cliffs and waterfalls can be seen. There is a lot of Stone here next to the Mycelium. Cluckshrooms do not take fall damage, so they have adapted to the tall heights. Mooshrooms however stay clear.
Dark Forest[]
General: Mountains can now reach up to y420.
Coal, Iron, Copper, Tin, Gold, Lapis, Redstone, Emerald, Diamond Ore: All of these blocks have had a "Stone" added to their name: ex: Coal Ore is now "Stone Coal Ore."
Sugarcane: The only swamp subbiome it will generate in is the Shroom Swamp.
Moss Block: Now changes color to blend with the grass in the biome (lime green in jungles, mint green in taiga, yellowish in savannah)
Moss Carpet: Now changes color to blend with the grass in the biome.
Grass Block: Will no longer change to dirt if it has a Moss Block on top.
Dirt: Will change into mud if a Water Bottle is used on it.
Water: In any swamp biome, the player will be unable to see through the water unless they have night vision or conduit power.
Cacti: No longer despawns items.
Leaves: Have been renamed to Leaf Blocks.
Beehives: Now obey gravity like Gravel and Sand. They need air on all six sides in order to fall. If it falls on the ground, it will break and not drop, and the bees will attack the nearest mob.
Azaleas: Has been renamed to Azalea Sapling.
Flowering Azaleas: Has been renamed to Flowering Azalea Sapling.
Flowers: Can now be stacked into groups of four like Sea Pickles or Candles. This does not apply for tall flowers besides Wildflowers.
Crimson Wood Blocks: Can no longer be waxed and can no longer be destroyed by Termites.
Decayed Crimson Wood Blocks: Removed.
Warped Wood Blocks: Can no longer be waxed and can no longer be destroyed by Termites.
Decayed Warped Wood Blocks: Removed.
Bamboo: Can now be grown on Deepgravel.
Coarse Dirt: Can now be crafted with Deepgravel.
Kelp: Can now be grown on Deepgravel. Will now only generate above y0.
Seagrass: Will now only generate above y0.
Thickweed: Can now grow in mud.
Water Bottle: Can now stack to 64, from its previous 16.
Trident: Tridents' Damage has been nerfed, from dealing 16 Damage before (4 Hearts) to only 8 Damage now (2 Hearts). However, they still deal 16 Damage when thrown.
Spider: Does not sink in mud.
Slime: Does not sink in mud.
Fish Mobs: Only drops items when killed by a Player, Monkey, or Tamed Dog.
- Salmon: Now only spawn in Cold or Iceberg Subbiomes, as well as Rivers, Streams, Lakes, and Coral Reefs. They are most common in Icebergs and in Rivers.
- Cod: Now only spawn in Warm, Temperate, or Cold Oceans, as well as Rivers, Streams, Lakes, and Coral Reefs. They do not spawn in Iceberg Biomes and spawn most often in Temperate Oceans.
- Tropical Fish: Now only spawn in Coral Reefs in Warm Ocean subbiomes.
- Pufferfish: Now only spawn in Coral Reefs in Warm Ocean subbiomes.
Squid: Only drops items when killed by a Player, Monkey, or Tamed Dog. They will now only spawn below y0 in any Ocean Biome.
Glow Squid: Will now only spawn under the ice in Iceberg Subbiomes. They will also spawn in any ocean biome as long as it is below y-64.
Sea Turtle: Now only drops items when killed by a Player, Monkey, or Tamed Dog. They now only spawn in Warm or Temperate Oceans, most often in the Warm Ocean. Sea Turtles will only spawn in Warm Oceans above y32, and only within 50 blocks of a beach that is above Sea Level.
Dolphin: Now only spawn in Warm or Temperate Oceans, most often in the Temperate Ocean.
- Have been buffed.
- Now take less time to charge and fire laser.
- Will now target Glow Squid, Dolphins, Sea Turtles, Fish, Wild Axolotls, and Players in Boats.
- Now seek the player from a greater distance.
- Guardian Beams can no longer be protected with armor.
- However, interestingly, the Protection enchantment still applies as well as the Resistance effect.
- Now deal 6 Damage (1.5 Hearts).
Elder Guardians:*Have been massively buffed.
- Can swim through blocks, similar to a Vex, but will mostly stay in their respective rooms.
- Now give the player Glowing as well as Mining Fatigue.
- Their health has been boosted to 300 (75 Hearts), about half of that of a wither.
- Their damage and attack speed have been buffed so that they now deal 12 Damage (3 Hearts) which cannot be protected with armor. (Unless the armor has Protection) Additionally, when their laser is fully charged, they deal three, rapid-succession blasts, dealing 36 Damage in all, almost all of the player's health bar. Drowned: Will now only spawn below y16 in Oceans (Not Rivers) or in Ocean Ruins. They can now spawn with Gold or Bronze Armor.
Other Entities[]
World Generation[]
Ore Veins: Are now 102% larger but only generate 18% as much as they did before.
- Oil: Now is twice as likely to generate in Dripstone Caves when under a Savannah, Mesa, or Desert.
Rivers: No longer needs its own biome to generate, is now an Occurence that will mostly generate on the border between two biomes, but sometimes in a single biome.
Coral Reefs: Will only generate above y32.
Subbiomes and Biomes[]
Savannah: Will now rain.
Savannah Plateau: Removed. The concept of this biome was scrapped and merged with the old Flatlands to create the Steppe Biome.
Cave Biomes[]
Blizzard Tunnels: Will now only generate above y32.
Lava Grottos: Will now only generate below y16.
The Deep Dark: Will now only generate below y-184.
Witch Hut:
Ocean Ruins: Will now only generate below y0.
Shipwrecks: Will now only generate below y12.
Ocean Monuments: Loot Chests have been added to Ocean Monuments. They can hold Diamonds, Gold, Gold Blocks, Prismarine Shards, Prismarine Crystals, Copper Ingots, Bronze Ingots, Bronze Armor, Scutes, Turtle Shells, Enchanted Tridents, Raw Cod, Sponges, Guardian Eyes, and (rarely) Hearts of the Sea and Conduits. This is to make Ocean Monuments worth traveling to after the buffed Guardians and Elder Guardians. Elder Guardians are now as scary as the Warden. Some blocks in Ocean Monuments have been edited to include Smooth Prismarine and Infested Prismarine.
Trees: 2x2 trees are less blocky and more natural-looking, with knobs and roots. Their leaves will have thir respective moss growing under them. Fallen Trees now have an 80% chance to be made of decayed logs.
Caves: Are now much deeper, taller, and larger to fit with the new depth limit. All cave biomes will have small dripstone spikes when above y0 and under a swamp.
Clouds: Now generate at y320.
Beaches: Now no longer needs its own biome to generate and generates normally as an edge to a Biome.
Ore: Main Article. This concept was too large to discuss here so it got its own article.
Render Distance: Default Render Distance increased by 60%.
Command Format[]
Minibiomes: Have been removed. Each biome is now its correct size. The minimum size for each biome is about 2.01 times larger than the average biome size in 1.19.
Gallery (Credit to PatredXD and 23Aee for contributions)[]

Concept Art for the new Birch Forest (Credit to Mojang)

A Horse Call, a new item that lets your horse teleport to you.

Concept Art for the new Mangrove Forest (Credit to Mojang)

Firefly, a new particle added in 1.20. as part of the swamp revamp.

A Firefly in a Bottle, used to transport Firefly Particles.

A Firefly Tonic, used by brewing a Firefly Bottle.

Mangrove Planks, the tenth overworld wood to be added to minecraft.

A Mangrove Tree, the tenth tree added in minecraft.

The top texture of a Polypore, a decorative plant that can spawn on the log of a tree.

A Mud Ball, 9 are obtained from breaking a block of mud.

Terracotta Gold Ore, a new ore type added to the Mesa Biome.

Prototype of a huge fossil in the Mesa Biome.

A Cluckshroom, a mob from Minecraft Earth that spawns in the Mushroom Islands.

Honeyspore Planks, the first overworld stem wood to be added to the game.

Coarse Grass, a new block that can generate in the Dead Forests.

Thaumaturgic Wooden Planks, a new wood type found in the dark forest, the strongest wood in the game. It can make unique tools.

A mature Rice Crop. In 1.20 Rice has replaced Wheat to be the staple crop of the game.

Barley Seeds, seeds for a new crop, Barley.

Rice, the new staple food of the game. Can craft rice bowls and can be used to breed mobs.

Rye, a food used to make flour and breed sheep and goats.

Quicksand, a new mud-like block the player can get trapped in.

Palm Planks, the twelth wood type to be added in Minecraft. Spawns in Oases and Beaches.

The Skeleton Vanguard, a new mob guarding the Ankh in the Desert Tomb.

The Jagged Peaks subbiome, where stony, sharp peaks jut out and goats hit you off cliffs.

The Frozen Peaks, a bitter cold subbiome where igloos and powder snow present danger to any traveler.

A Valley, a new occurence that can appear in several subbiomes. Mountains are common.

Redwood Wood, the thirteenth wood type to be added to Minecraft. It generates in the Taiga Biome.

Ominous Cloth, a new item obtained by killing Illusioners.

Cranberries, a new food item found in the Taiga.

Apple Juice, a food item made by crafting Apples, Sugar, and a Tin Can together.

The Interior of an Abandoned Cabin Structure.

Some loot found in the Abandoned Cabin's chest.

A Banana item, obtained from Jungle Temples and Wandering Traders.
TympanicCafe's Canon |