This Update has been cancelled and is no longer a part of my canon.[]
1.20: Light and Shadow was a Major Update announced during Minecraft Live 2024 in April. It was released on December 12th, 2024. Light and Shadow was moderately big, with 1.20 updating the end and revamping lighting features. Light and Shadow centered around updating the End Dimension, the "Shadow" part of the Update, but also focused on improving the Minecraft Lighting System. Many people loved 1.20 for how much lore it added to the end, with the Deadstone Wastes, the Altar Structures, and the Timestones, which led many people to conclude that the end was once the overworld until something happened to it. Game Theorist MatPat concluded that the End is the Overworld in the Future, which was set to ruin after the Ender Dragon was summoned. The first snapshot was on May 29th, 2024, with 24w22a on Java and 2024w22s1 on Bedrock. Minecraft Earth 2024 introduced a new biome vote where we chose to update the Snowy Biome, the Beach Biome, or the Forest Biome. Snowy won, with Beaches coming in a close second. All will eventually be updated.
During Minecraft Earth 2024, Mojang announced that the Aether Dimension would be coming to Minecraft in an unnamed Update. They also announced that the original creators of the Aether Mod would be joining them to help build a dimension that truly fit Minecraft but also fit the theme of the Aether. Not all of the content of the Aether mod would be added, and some new stuff would be implemented too, but most players loved the changes.
The Light and Shadow Update received a lot of criticism for adding stuff that mostly originated from datapacks and mods. The developers said that their main focus was to make the best game possible and they did that by adding these.
Chilled Ice: Appears in small clumps in the Frostlands Biome. If the player touches it, their screen becomes completely frosted, and they take 1 heart of damage if they touch it. They will also be frozen in place for 48 ticks if they touch it. Unlike most ice, this is not slippery, and it is incredibly slow to walk on it.
Ink Spray: Made by placing Glow Ink Sacs on a Block. Is a few 1-pixel-thick dots on a Block, gives off a light level of 15. Used to create invisible lighting in Survival. Can be destroyed with a Brush.
Solder: Crafted with 1 Tin Ingot. Is similar to redstone dust, but is just 1 straight line. Is used as directional redstone: can transmit power just like redstone dust, can transfer signals directionally, and is also used to connect Redstone Dust to Endervolite Dust.
Lighting Sensor: Crafted with 3 Wooden Slabs, 3 Endervolite Dust, and 3 Tinted Glass. Gives a power output equal to the amount of light present in the block. Similar to a Daylight Sensor, but can sense any type of light, not just sunlight.
Volite Piston: Crafted with 1 Piston and 1 Endervolite Dust. Used just like a regular piston, but the block affected is automatically silk-touched. (Grass gets pistoned into Grass, not Dirt, etc)
Corrupted Piston: Works similar to a Sticky Piston, but only pushes and pulls Liquid Source Blocks. Looks like a sticky piston, but the "slime" is teal-blue instead of green.
Corrupted Gel Block: In essence, this block is an "anti-honey block." They do not move players when moved with a piston and do not move blocks either like slime/honey blocks, but they do move liquid source blocks. These tealish-green blocks are naturally found in islands in the Corrupted Ocean Biome.

Endervolite Ore. Drops Endervolite Dust when mined. The most common end ore. Right here the developers are testing the block with a model.
Endervolite Ore: Drops 4-6 Endervolite Dust when mined. This number can be increased with Fortune. This block occurs somewhat commonly in all end biomes in patches of 2-9. If this block is stepped on/interacted with it gives off light just like Redstone Ore. It also gives a power level of 4.
Block of Endervolite: Made with 9 Endervolite Shards. Sparkly and Black, and gives off a power level of 15, just like Blocks of Redstone.
Endervolite Crystal: Block form of Endervolite Shards. They can be placed in groups of 4 like candles, and when mined they drop 1 Endervolite Shard. They give off a light level of 9 and they only generate in the Crystalline Caves Sub-Biome in the End. If generating next to Timestone Ore they become Redstone Crystals instead.

Endervolite Dust. Most common material of the end, can be used for much more besides redstone contraptions.
Endervolite Dust: Can be placed on the ground similar to Redstone Dust. Only connects with redstone dust with a Solder Block. The amount of charge it carries depends on the light level of the block that it is in rather than a power source. Endervolite Dust can also now be used to power respawn anchors in the end.

Moonstone Ore, generates very rarely in the Incessant Peaks Biome. Is the only source of Moonstone, the non-durable, most powerful material in the game.
Moonstone Ore: Drops 1 Raw Moonstone when Mined. This number cannot be increased with Fortune. This block occurs very rarely in Incessant Peaks Biomes in patches of 1-2. Can alternatively be smelted in a furnace to get 1 Moonstone.

A Block of Moonstone. Can be used as a Storage Block for Moonstone, or as part of a Beacon Pyramid. Credit to the quiet kid yt.
Block of Moonstone: Made with 9 Moonstones. Can be used as part of a Beacon Pyramid, is mostly used as a storage block for Moonstones or just as a flex. Blocks of Moonstone are incredibly easy to mine, taking as much time as a normal block of cobblestone. However, they have a Blast Resistance akin to Obsidian and Netherite. Creepers cannot naturally destroy this item.

Timestone Ore. Generates rarely in small end islands in patches of 1-2, has a chance of randomly exploding in your face when mined. Good Luck!
Timestone Ore: Drops 1 Timestone when Mined. This number cannot be increased with Fortune. This block occurs rarely in small end islands in patches of 1-2. Timestones are the rarest ore in the game. Timestone Ore has a 2% chance of randomly exploding when mined with anything but a Moonstone Pickaxe, and the explosion will explode anything except unexplodable blocks and other Timestone Ores.
Block of Timejewel: Probably the hardest block to get in the game and is probably the hardest block to obtain. Trying to make a Timestone Beacon would make any normal person cry or rage-quit. Can be made with 4 Timejewels, which means that you have to mine 28 blocks of incredibly rare Timestone Ore that has a chance of randomly exploding in your face. Just like Chiseled Bronze Blocks, Blocks of Timejewel have random symbols and hieroglyphics.

A Block of Timejewel. Can be used as part of a Beacon Pyramid and is a storage block for Timestones. Is probably the flexiest block in the game due to the rarity of Timestone. Credit to Baryonyx138

The Timewarp Obelisk is placed on the center, and all blue/purple blocks around it are affected by it's energy. Since this is spherical the chart also works vertically, horizontally, etc.
Timewarp Obelisk: Made with a Timejewel, 2 Bronze Ingots, and 2 Bronze Nuggets. Places a field of energy in a pixel circle as shown by the diagram to the right. Very Slowly Converts all Endstone into Deadstone, all Deadstone into normal Stone, all Endervolite Ore into Redstone Ore, all Moonstone Ore into Diamond Ore, all Deadstone Sprouts into Dead Bushes, and a lot more.
- If a bed is in the affected area of the timewarp obelisk it does NOT EXPLODE when slept in, but since it is eternal night in the end, the player cannot skip any kind of night, and they will just be lying down for no reason.
- These can be used to create a renewable source of Calcite and Diorite in the End, as they convert Deadstone to Stone, which can be crafted with the Marble in the End to make Diorite and Calcite.
Warp Stone: A Block that looks like Obsidian with a ring of Moonstone on the top, and a portal texture on the top face like a Respawn Anchor, but it has the End Portal design instead of Nether Portal. Made with a Timejewel and 2 Moonstones at the top row, 3 obsidian in the bottom row, 2 obsidian on each of the sides in the middle row, and 1 Endervolite Shard in the center. Is the only thing in the game that is made of all three ender minerals. (besides marble, which doesn't really count imo as it isn't an "ore.") Warp Stones are used as a way of controlled teleportation in the game, although it is very expensive. If you tap on a Warp Stone, it must first be powered, which you can do by tapping on it with Endervolite Shards. It can hold up to 8 Shards, or "charges," at a time. Once it is powered, it shows an interface with a list of other Warp Stones in the world, showing their coordinates, and their name. You can name a Warp Stone in the interface so you know which one you are teleporting to. Once you tap on a Warp Stone, it will teleport you there, and the Warp Stone that you teleported to will lose one charge. If you attempt to teleport to a Warp Stone with no charges, it will bring up an error message saying that there is no charges there. There cannot be any more than 48 Warp Stones in a given dimension. If more are placed, they will not show up in the interface menu unless another Warp Stone is destroyed.
There are also some drawbacks to using a Warp Stone. Some of these include:
- The player has a 20% chance of spawning an endermite, and a 4% chance of spawning two endermites, when teleporting to a Warp Stone.
- The player may not use Warp Stones in the Nether.
- You cannot travel across different dimensions (from the overworld to end, end to aether, etc) through a Warp Stone.
- Please note if a player attempts to use a Warp Stone in the Nether it will explode the same way a Bed does.
- This does not make Nether Travel obsolete, at least not short-term nether travel. If a safe nether highway is established, it is a cheaper way to travel distances of 200-500 blocks because it does not require anything except two portals, while Warp Stones need Timejewels, Moonstone, and a constant supply of Endervolite to work. Also, a Nether Highway is much safer, because it cannot summon Endermites. Warp Stones are more useful for travelling distances of more than 1000 blocks.
Purpur Block: 4 are made by crafting 4 Popped Chorus Fruit together (Purpur Bricks, the original purpur block, was renamed to Purpur Bricks and recipe was changed so 4 are made with 4 Purpur Blocks.) Purpur Blocks look like a smoother, natural version of Purpur Bricks.
Chisled Purpur: Made with 2 Purpur Brick Slabs. Has a Shulker Head on it.
Polished Obsidian: Polished Obsidian made by crafting 4 Obsidian in a 2x2 square. Unlike most polished stone blocks, these cannot be made in a Stonecutter.
Obsidian Bricks: Bricks of Obsidian made by crafting 4 Polished Obsidian in a grid. Unlike most stone brick blocks, these cannot be made in a Stonecutter.
Obsidian Slabs and Stairs: Also have Brick Variants.
Chiseled Obsidian: Has a Warden Head on it, made by crafting 2 Obsidian Brick Slabs together. Generates Naturally in the End Pillars.
Polished Crying Obsidian: Polished Crying Obsidian made by crafting 4 Crying Obsidian in a 2x2 square. Unlike most polished stone blocks, these cannot be made in a Stonecutter.
Crying Obsidian Bricks: Bricks of Crying Obsidian made by crafting 4 Obsidian in a grid. Unlike most stone brick blocks, these cannot be made in a Stonecutter.
Crying Obsidian Slabs and Stairs: Also have Brick Variants
Chiseled Crying Obsidian: Has an Ender Dragon Head on it, made by crafting 2 Crying Obsidian Brick Slabs together. Generates Naturally in the End Pillars.
Deadstone: A stone-tier block found in small patches in all ender biomes, but is the block that makes up the Deadstone Wastes Biome. It can be used to craft stone items and furnaces and etc. It can also be made into Bricks, Stairs, Slabs, and Chiseled Deadstone, which has an enderman face on it. It is blackened-grey, a coloring somewhere between Deepslate and Blackstone.
Deadstone Marble: An "Ore" Block generating extremely commonly in the Deadstone Wastes. Mining Deadstone Marble makes it drop 4-7 Raw Marble, which has to be smelted into Marble. Marble is used as a renewable source of Calcite, as crafting 2 Diorite and 2 Marble makes 3 Calcite Blocks. There are no Marble blocks in-game. Deadstone Marble looks like Nether Quartz Ore, but the stripes are horizontal, and the base rock is Deadstone.
Deadstone Sprouts: Brown-Black shrubs that are similar to Nether Sprouts.
Redstone Crystal: Block form of Redstone Shards. They can be placed in groups of 4 like candles, and when mined they drop 1 Redstone Shard. They give off a light level of 9 and they only generate in the Crystalline Caves Sub-Biome within five blocks of Timestone Ore replacing Endervolite Crystals. They look extremely similar to the redstone crystals in Minecraft Dungeons.
Abyssal Bedrock: Now replaces all bedrock found in the end. Is a blackish-purple version of normal bedrock. Works identically to normal bedrock.
Distorted Dust: Purpleish-Indigo Ender Sand Block that is the Ender version of Sand. Generates exclusively in Distorted Deserts. It normally doesn't obey gravity like most blocks, but if something hits it, even something light like a snowball or footstep, it will fall. Note: Players wearing boots with the 1.19 "Silent Step" enchantment will not make Distorted Dust fall. If it is not disturbed then it will stay suspended like most blocks. Distorted Dust can be smelted into Indigo Stained Glass. 4 Distorted Dust make 1 Distorted Duststone.
Distorted Duststone: Ender Sandstone block with the same coloring of Distorted Dust. Generates exclusively as the main block in Distorted Desert Biomes, or by crafting 4 Distorted Duststone. It can be crafted into all sorts of Distorted Duststone blocks, like Cut Distorted Duststone and Chiseled Distorted Duststone which has a Scuttler face on it.
Corrupted Sand: Lime-Green Sandy Block that generates on the Corrupted Islands in the Corrupted Ocean. Can be bone-mealed to get Corrupted Dead Bushes.
Corrupted Dead Bush: Dark Green dead bush that looks slightly more twisted. If clicked on with Endervolite Dust it will grow into a Corrupted Shrub, making a renewable source of Corrupted Bark.
Ender Cactus: A Purple Ender version of Cactus. Gives the player the dissolving effect when rubbed against or walkled/jumped on. It is the only way to get Indigo Dye, by smelting the cactus into the new dye color.
Choral Stem: Amethyst-Colored stem that Generates as part of Chorus Trees in the Choral Forest biome. Can be stripped like other stems, but cannot be crafted into planks and other wooden items, except for Choral Hyphae.
Choral Leaves: Indigo Leaves that generate as part of Chorus Trees in the Choral Forest biome. Drops Chorus Fruit and Choracones when broken.
Choral Eycelium: Magenta Eycelium, the End version of Mycelium, that generates as the main floor block of the Choral Forest Biome. Can be tilled to grow Chorus Trees, and when broken without silk touch it drops normal endstone. Looks like Endstone with a Magenta Grass w/ indigo specks on top. If tapped on with Endervolite Dust it can grow Ender Coral and Choral Bracken, and it will also spread Choral Eycelium to other Endstone blocks next to it.
Tilled Choral Eycelium: Made by using a Hoe on Choral Eycelium. No overworld plants will grow on it, but you can grow Chorus Trees on it.
Choral Shoots: Amethyst-Colored Plant block like Pumpkin and Melon Stems that is grown on Tilled Choral Eycelium. When grown all the way or tapped on with Endervolite Dust it grows into an entire Chorus Tree.
Ender Coral: Indigo Colored Coral that generates in Choral Forests. Unlike other Coral it survives not in water, but in air on top of a Choral Eycelium Block. It must be broken with Silk Touch or it will not drop. It sometimes generates if you tap on Choral Eycelium with Endervolite Dust.
Choral Bracken: Short Indigo Weeds that generate in Choral Forests. It must be broken with Silk Touch or it will not drop. It usually generates if you tap on Choral Eycelium with Endervolite Dust.
Melodic Vines: Bright Magenta Vines that sometimes generate on top of Chorus Trees. Like Chorus Plants, they can grow in any direction, but only up to 6 blocks. They do not break if they hit another block. They can be climbed just like normal vines.
Warped Eycelium: Teal Eycelium, the End version of Mycelium, that generates exclusively in the Warped Jungle. Has a top texture almost identical to Warped Nylium, but has Endstone on the bottom. Used to grow Huge Warped Mushrooms, by applying Endervolite Dust to a Warped Mushroom on a block of Warped Eycelium. If Warped Eycelium is tapped on with Endervolite Dust it can grow Warped Roots and Warped Mushrooms, as well as spread more Warped Eycelium to Endstone Blocks around it.
Warped Mushroom: Teal Mushroom that generates in the Warped Jungle Biome or by applying Endervolite Dust to Warped Eycelium. If tapped on with Endervolite Dust it will grow into a Huge Warped Mushroom. If 9 are in a 3x3 Square and tapped on with Endervolite Dust it can grow a 3x3 Huge Warped Mushroom. The Mushroom is similar to Warped Fungi, but it has White Spots instead of Orange, and a White Stem.
Warped Mushroom Block: Teal Mushroom Block that generates as part of Huge Warped Mushroom. Is like the Red Mushroom Block, but has White Spots that are slightly larger, and has coloring similar to Warped Wart Blocks. If broken without silk touch they have a chance of dropping Warped Mushrooms.
Aether Portal Frame: Unbreakable block generating in Portal Chambers. Part of the Aether Portal, which is identical in shape to an end portal, but upright instead of flat, similar to Nether Portals but 3x3. It requires Endervolite Shards to charge the Frame. Just like End Portals, there is a 1/10 chance for a frame to be already filled, and a 1/1,000,000,000,000 chance for it to be completely filled.
- In 1.20 These have no use and do nothing. Their usage was added in 1.21. As of 1.20 Aether Portals teleport you to spawn, but this will be changed in 1.21.
Oil Lamp: Made with 3 Bronze and 2 Bronze Nuggets. Can be equipped in the offhand and is used to give off light while walking, the concept of a holdable torch. It constantly requires buckets of oil to be lit.
Indigo Dye: New dye color obtained from smelting Ender Cactus. Used to dye things indigo, a color between blue and purple.
Timestone: Extremely Rare Purple Gem Obtained from mining Timestone Ore. Can be used to make Timejewels, power Aether Portal Frames, and much more.
Timejewel: Timejewels are made with 7 Timestones, 6 on the top/middle row, and 1 in the bottom-middle. They are used as a Crafting Recipe for Timewarp Obelisks, Timejewel Blocks, and can be used as Beacon Fuel.
Moonstone: Very Rare Magenta Gemstone obtained from mining Moonstone Ore. Can be used to make Warp Stones, Armor and Tools, and more.
Moonstone Armor: Made by crafting moonstones just like Iron, Leather, and Diamond Armor. A Moonstone Helmet gives 17 Resistance Points, (See 1.19) A Moonstone Chestplate gives 27 resistance points, Moonstone Leggings give 22 resistance Points, and Moonstone Boots give 14 resistance points, giving 80 in total, making Moonstone 5% more effective than netherite in protection. Moonstone Armor will also give +1 Magic Resistance, which slightly protects against magical attacks like potions and dragon fireballs. The trade-off of having very high protection from Moonstone is that it has extremely poor durability, even lower than leather. A Moonstone Helmet has a durability of 40, A Chestplate has a durability of 58, Leggings have a durability of 53, and Boots have a durability of 48. Moonstone Armor is the most enchantable armor, even more than gold or bronze.
Moonstone Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, Shovel: Made by crafting moonstones just like Stone, Iron, and Diamond tools. These are slightly more durable than Armor, being more durable than Gold, Wood, or Stone Tools, but have a very poor durability of 186 nonetheless. Moonstone Tools are the most enchantable of all, more than gold or bronze. Tools have highest mining speed and can mine any breakable block. Moonstone Swords deal 20 damage, (5 hearts) Moonstone Axes deal 23 damage, (5.75 hearts) Moonstone Pickaxes deal 16 damage, (4 hearts) and Moonstone Shovels deal 10 damage. (2.5 hearts)
Timestone Arrow: Extremely Powerful Weapon that is obtained by combining a Timestone with an Arrow in a fletching table. When shot at a player, it instantly teleports them to a random spot 3 blocks in the air on the Main End Island. Mist Particles appear when shot at player.
- Note: For everyone who is saying this is too op, remember after 1.20 every part of the end is actievly trying to murder you. Cacti have a chance of spontaneously killing you, there are random hidden holes in deserts where you will fall and die, and ores have a chance of exploding in your face in knocking you in the void. The 1.20 end is very high risk, but also very high reward.
Endervolite Shard: Black Crystal Obtained by crafting two Endervolite Dust together. Used as a material for various items.
Lurker Hide: Slime-Colored Rubbery Hide Dropped from Lurker Mobs. 7 are used to craft Lurker Chaps.
Lurker Chaps: Slime-Colored "Pants" Made from crafting 7 Lurker Hide. The texture looks very smooth and rubbery. Goes in the Leggings Slot, is used to swim through Corrupted Water at the speeds of a Lurker Mob. (Very Fast) They have a durability of 48 and can be enchanted like any other type of legging. They give 12 resistance points when worn, slightly lower than Iron Leggings.
Bucket of Corrupted Seawater: Used to transport the lime-green Corrupted Seawater.
Choracones: Deep Purple "Pinecones" Dropped by Choral Leaves. Used in Tilled Choral Eycelium to grow Chorus Trees.
Scuttler Shell: Greyish-Purple Shell Occasionally dropped by Scuttler Mobs. Used as a crafting ingredient for Shulker Shells; if 5 are crafted together with 1 Popped Chorus Fruit they craft 1 Shulker Shell.
Raw Scuttler: Meat Dropped from Scuttler Mobs, looks like normal meat but with a lilac hue. Can be eaten, but gives Dissolving for 3 Seconds and only restores 1 food point, so probably not a good idea to eat raw. Can be cooked into cooked scuttler. Takes 23 ticks to eat (1.15 seconds) and takes up a weight of 12.5 in a Tin Can.
Cooked Scuttler: Made from Cooking Raw Scuttler. Restores 6 food points when eaten. Takes 23 ticks to eat and takes up a weight of 12.5 in a Tin Can.
Choral Stew: Made by crafting 1 Cooked Scuttler, 1 Warped Mushroom, and 1 Chorus Fruit. Restores 11 food points when eaten. Takes 20.4 ticks to eat and takes up a weight of 35.0 in a Tin Can.
Redstone Shard: Retextured Amethyst Shard Made with 2 Redstone Dust just like Endervolite Shards. Used to create Redstone Blocks.
World Generation/Biomes/Structures[]
Portal Chamber: Generates exclusively in Tundra Biomes. Consists of a Deepslate Bricks Arena-like Chamber, two tall towers made of cobbled deepslate, with an Aether Portal hanging from chains. There is a small endstone brick staircase, the only place where endstone naturally generates in the overworld, with an armor stand on top with a single ender pearl in its hands. The pearl is meant to be thrown into the portal, although the player can just tower up and walk in the portal too. There is a 50% chance it will generate on top of a stronghold.
- In 1.20 These have no use and do nothing. Their usage was added in 1.21.
Frostlands: Coldest Biome in the realm: Players will regularly take freezing damage if they enter so you must wear Leather Armor. The top layer is made of Snow Blocks and Powdered Snow. The only cave biome that can spawn under here is the 1.17.1 Blizzard Caves, and Icicles generate extremely commonly in these. Iron Golems, Wardens, Guardians, and Bosses do not take Freezing Damage in this biome. There are occasional evergreen trees in the biome. There is a thick layer of white fog around the biome and it is eternally snowing.
- Players will take 2 damage (0.5 hearts) per half second if they fall in water in this biome, since it is so cold.
Ore Veins: can now generate in Deadstone Wastes, where there are ore veins of Deadstone Marble with blocks of calcite scattered throughout the vein.
Chorus Trees: Trees that generate on Choral Forest Biomes made of Choral Stems and Choral Leaves. Their wood can be stripped and made into Hyphae, but not crafted into wooden items like Planks and Tools. Unlike other trees, they are grown by tilling Choral Eycelium, and planting Choracones in the tilled Eycelium. After that you wait for it to grow or tap on it with Endervolite Dust and it will grow into a tree. Some trees grow with Whispering Vines on the bottom.

Two of the Three Variants of Huge Warped Mushrooms. (There is also a tall 1x1 tree) Generate naturally in the Warped Jungle. (Please note the Warped Wart Blocks are placeholders for Warped Mushroom Blocks.
Huge Warped Mushrooms: A Type of Huge Mushroom found in the end, made of White Mushroom Stems and Warped Mushroom Blocks. They can be grown in a 1x1 variant (small) and a 3x3 variant. (huge) The 3x3 variants and tall 1x1 variants generate most commonly in the Warped Jungle. They are grown by applying Endervolite Dust to a Warped Mushroom. (Not Warped Fungi) It may convert much of the Endstone around it to Warped Eycelium, like how Azelea Trees convert Dirt to Rooted Dirt, and how 2x2 Spruce Trees convert dirt to Podzol.
Deadstone Wastes: A Biome made of a block called Deadstone, which is a blackened, charred version of regular stone. Deadstone also generates in small patches in all Ender Biomes. Deadstone can also be crafted into Stone Tools, Furnaces, Brewing Stands, and etc. Endermen spawn in Deadstone Wastes, although less often than in regular end biomes. Perhaps the most eerie part of this biome is the fact of how similar it is to the overworld. There are trees made of the 1.18 decayed oak logs, and there are no leaves, only a few bare branches. On the floor of the biome there are Deadstone Sprouts, which are small, dark brown shoots similar to the Nether Sprouts in 1.16. There are patches of Endstone in this biome where Endervolite Ore may generate, but the ore that mostly generates is Deadstone Marble, an "ore" which drops Raw Marble, which must be smelted and is then used to craft Calcite.
- Obsidian can appear in Deadstone Wastes in patches of Rock. There is a 3% Chance for each Obsidian Block to be replaced with Crying Obsidian, so Respawn Anchors are available in the end with Endervolite Dust as fuel.
Distorted Desert: A Biome made of Distorted Dust, the ender version of sand, and Distorted Duststone, the ender version of sandstone. This biome is incredibly empty, with flat land comparable to the 1.18 Flatlands Sub-biome. Barren Wastelands, Endless Sands, this biome is probably even emptier than the End Barrens, and those have "Barren" in their name. Endermen do spawn, but they are very few in number. The only notable feature is the Distorted Dust, which immediately falls when something hits it, posing a problem as this biome is dotted with random holes where a player can step on and fall, and Ender Cacti, which give the "Dissolving" Effect when walked against or jumped on, as well as being smeltable into the new Indigo dye.
Incessant Peaks: Massive Island Biome made up of Endstone Mountains. Very Large Biome: The Island for this Biome stretches for hundreds and even thousands of blocks. The advantage to this biome is that it has no void to fall in, but it is very easy to get lost in: No patches of Deadstone or Chorus Trees generate here: It is just endless endstone. No Timestone Ore generates here either, but it is the only place where Moonstone Ore can be found. It is also a great place to safely mine Endstone or Endervolite without falling in the void.
This biome stretches all the way down to around y8 until there is more void, and there is no rips in the island where you might fall. However, because of the presence of a massive island ecosystem, there are two cave sub-biomes that can be found in this biome.
- Deeper Dark: A Cave Biome in the Incessant Peaks that is home to most of the Deep Dark features back in the overworld. Skulk Veins, Blocks, and Sensors generate here, as well as the infamous Warden Mob. However, the Overworld Deep Dark structures do not generate here.
- Crystalline Caves: A Cave Biome in the Incessant Peaks that is full of Ore. All Ender Ores except for Deadstone Marble generate here. Endervolite Ore is very common here, and the Block Form of Endervolite Shards, Endervolite Crystals, generate all over the place, in the walls, ceiling, and floor. Timestone Ore also generates here, albeit very rarely, and all Endervolite Crystals that are within a 5-block radius of Timestone Ore become Redstone Crystals. Moonstone Ore is also slightly more common here.
Corrupted Ocean: The Corrupted Oceans are arguably the most detailed and interesting End Biome. This Biome, just like the Incessant Peaks, is also made up of a single large island. This island is kind of in a "bowl shape" to contain the corrupted waters. It is made up of mostly endstone with a few patches of Deadstone in a bowl shape, and inside it will be filled with lime-green water called "Corrupted Seawater," which is even harder to swim in than lava and seems to pull you down. Unlike Soul Lava, this is a completely unique liquid, and picking it up in a Bucket will still get you the Corrupted Seawater. Corrupted Oceans would be the scariest addition to the Minecraft end- Boats sink randomly in the waters, Lizard-beasts shoot acidballs at you, and the sickly acid-green seas and fog make escape without elytra doubtful at best. However, it is also the most plentiful of the new end biomes- Wood, although rare, can be found, and fishing can get you an infinite amount of food. Perhaps the one safe thing about this place is that it is the only biome where Endermen cannot spawn. Although the once-beautiful waters of these oceans have been "corrupted," it is still water, and the Endermen will be harmed when walking into it. They will not spawn on the small islands in the oceans.
The entire biome will be covered in a bright, nauseating lime fog, decreasing visibility and chance of escape. The fog is tied to the water, not the biome, so if one somehow manages to drain the ocean, then the fog will disappear. More importantly, if someone collects the water back in the overworld, that area will start to have the fog too. Rumor has it that the glow squid can help decrease the fog levels if one wants the water without the fog.
There is a small endstone barrier around most of the biome, so all the water doesn't leak out. There will still be spots where it doesn't, and the resulting massive green waterfalls are the beauty of the end.
- Corrupted Shrubs: There is a chance that one of these will appear on the islands in the Ocean. Corrupted Shrubs are a few blocks of Corrupted Bark, blocks that generate 4 Corrupted Planks when crafted. Corrupted Planks are functionally the same as nether wood, used to craft wooden items like boats which can be used to cross the seas. These boats sink at random, most likely in the middle with no islands nearby, so it isn't a great idea to use these. Swimming in corrupted water is slower than in lava, so it is very likely a couple of Lurkers will find and eat you. These are the only source of wood in the end.
- Lurkers: Lizard-like Mobs that will shoot balls of Acid at you. Read the Mobs Category for more info.
- Corrupted Gel Block: Generates on the Islands of the Ocean in groups of 3-8. Drops 1 Corrupted Gel Item when mined. (an additional one for each level of ocean) 5 Corrupted Gel Items and 4 Slimeballs make 1 Corrupted Gel Block. Read the Redstone Items category for more info.
- End Fishing: Fishing in the Corrupted Oceans in Corrupted Water is the only way to obtain Enderfish, a fish that gives Gravitation/Nausea when eaten raw, but restores 4 hunger when cooked. Fishing in the corrupted oceans takes 3 durability points on the rod, but gives 50% more exp, so mending is a must. End fishing is only possible in the end. End Fishing in the overworld yields normal loot. The 50% more exp is also only possible in the end.
End Fishing Loot Table
Fish: Enderfish 88% chance
Junk: Stick 4% chance
Corrupted Gel 3% chance
Chorus Fruit 4% chance
Treasure: Eye of Ender 1% chance
Choral Forest: Forest made of new Chorus Trees, which unlike Chorus Plants, are actual trees. Made up of islands just like the main end island, the forest is dense and and has a color scheme similar to the Chorus Plants. The forest floor is covered with Choral Eycelium, the End version of Nylium, but some patches of Endstone and Choral Leaves may still appear. The vegetation of the Biome includes Ender Coral, plants that appear on the top of the biome, Choral Roots, Chorus Trees, Chorus Plants, and Melodic Vines. This is the only biome where Scuttler Mobs spawn. A soundtrack with lots of heavenly singing plays in this biome. Endermen generate more commonly in this biome and they can sometimes be seen hunting Scuttlers.
Warped Jungle: Forest made of new Huge Warped Mushrooms, made from White Mushroom Stems and Warped Mushroom Blocks. These trees are a great source of White Mushroom Blocks, a cool building material often hard to find. Made up of islands like normal outer end islands, this forest is less dense than the Choral Forest, but is still a cool place to visit nonetheless. The floor is made of Warped Eycelium, the End version of Warped Nylium, but some patches of Endstone and Warped Mushroom Blocks may still appear. The vegetation of this biome includes Twisting Vines, also found in the Nether, Warped Mushrooms, Warped Roots, Large and Small Huge Warped Mushrooms, and occasionally a few Chorus Plants, which turn Dark Blue in the biome. Endermen spawn very often in this biome, more than any other End Biome. Some say this is the original home of the endermen.
Obsidian Spire: Large tower of Obsidian and Crying Obsidian found exclusively in the Deadstone Wastes. It is equivalent to a short Obsidian Spire on the main end island.
Altar: Extremely Rare structure that consists of a few Endstone towers in a circle, but not as many as there are on the main end island. There is an Abyssal Bedrock Portal identical to the one on the main end island. Ender Whiptails may be found flying around this island. These are eerily similar to the ones on the main end island. These can only spawn in the Deadstone Wastes.
Ender Whiptail: Slightly Larger version of a normal Whiptail from 1.19 that looks like a cross between a Whiptail and an Ender Dragon. They can be spotted flying around Altar Structures. Unlike Normal Whiptails, they cannot be tamed or fed. They are considered monsters and are still hostile. They have the same health as normal Whiptails do.
Lurker: Lurkers are mobs that spawn on Corrupted Seawater in Corrupted Ocean Biomes. They spawn in groups of 1-4, spitting Acid Balls at the player. Unlike every other mob, they swim very easily in the Corrupted Waters, and usually attack the player while they are struggling to stay afloat in the ocean. When atracking, they rise up from the water for a few seconds, showing their underbelly. That is their weak point; 50% more damage is dealt when attacking here. When killed, they drop 0-1 Lurker Hide. They have 100 health total. (25 hearts)
Scuttler: Passive Mob that only spawns in the Choral Forest. They are the ender descendants of Rabbits, developing hard coated shells to survive through the apocalypse. They have lost the need to hop around and now slither around like Endermites and Silverfish. They are naturally hunted by Endermen, and they try to avoid those mobs as much as possible. When killed they drop 0-2 Raw Scuttler (Cooked Scuttler if killed with Fire) and 0-1 Scuttler Shells. (Uncommon) They have 40 health total. (10 hearts) They can be bred with Chorus Fruit.
Dissolving: Effect obtained by rubbing against Ender Cacti or eating Raw Scuttler. Basically inflicts slowness, weakness, nausea, jump shrink, drowning, lowers FOV, and has a 5% chance of spontaneously killing the player every time damage is dealt to them.
Added tag "Convertiblebyobelisk", a list of blocks which can be converted by an Obelisk. These Blocks include:
Endstone (Converted into Deadstone)
Endstone Bricks (and variants) (Converted into Deadstone Bricks)
Crying Obsidian (Converted into Obsidian)
Endervolite Ore (Converted into Redstone Ore)
Block of Endervolite (Converted into Block of Redstone)
Endervolite Dust (Converted into Redstone Dust)
Endervolite Crystal (Converted into Redstone Crystal)
Moonstone Ore (Converted into Emerald Ore)
Block of Moonstone (Converted into Emerald Block)
Deadstone (Includes Deadstone made by converting Endstone into Deadstone) (Converted into Stone)
Deadstone Sprouts (Converted into Dead Bush)
Added tag: "Convertedbyobelisk." Includes the blocks that are converted by a Timewarp Obelisk.
Deadstone Bricks
Redstone Ore
Block of Redstone
Redstone Dust
Redstone Crystal
Emerald Ore
Emerald Block
Dead Bush
Playertemperature: Is increased when near campfires, torches, fire, and lava. Is lowered when standing or touching Ice. In Frostlands Biomes, the player will take cold damage, but not if their Playertemperature is increased with one of these. Note: If a player is wearing a piece of leather armor, their Playertemperature cannot go below 20 unless the temperature around them is below -50. By default the player's Playertemperature is the temperature of the biome they are in.
Major Changes[]
Has been revamped so it mostly resembles that of Shader Packs.
Added Colored Lighting: Lighting Color now depends on the Color of the Light Source. For example, Lanterns give orange light, Torches give orangeish-yellow light, Sea Lanterns/Soul Items give off blue light.
Lighting now closely resembles that of the lighting in Shader Packs: Is a lot "warmer," and Dark Areas are now darker. It is also now more atmospheric.
Dynamic Lighting: Blazes and Glow Squids now give off light. They give off the Minecraft Equivalent of Light Level 9 and 6, respectively.
Respawn Anchors[]
Can now be used in the end, and also can now be powered using Endervolite Dust.
End City Loot[]
- Now has gotten the revamp promised in 1.19.
- Iron Ingots, Beetroot Seeds, Saddles, and Enchanted Iron Gear no longer generate in End Cities.
- Bronze Ingots, Endervolite Dust, Whiptail Saddles, and Enchanted Bronze Gear now replace said items. (Please note Whiptail Saddles are much rarer than normal ones.)
- Enchanted Moonstone Gear now generates in the end cities, very rarely
- Timestones, Moonstones, and Timejewels now generate in the end cities, very rarely.
Changes to Temperature[]
Temperature in Biomes now affects the player. The numerical values of temperature for each biome have also been changed.
- Frostlands- -40.0
- Snowy Tundra and Ice Spikes- -25.0
- Snowy Taiga and Frozen Ocean- -20.0
- Mountains (And Variants)- -15.0
- Cold Ocean- -10.0
- Extreme Hills- -5.0
- Taiga (And Variants)- 5.0
- Incessant Peaks- 7.0
- Deadstone Wastes- 10.0
- End Barrens- 10.0
- Distorted Desert- 10.0
- Mushroom Island- 15.0
- Forest- 16.0
- Ocean- 18.0
- Plains- 18.0
- Choral Forest- 18.0
- Warped Jungle- 18.0
- Lukewarm Ocean- 20.0
- Corrupted Ocean- 21.0
- Dark Forest- 22.0
- Swamp- 25.0
- Jungle- 27.0
- Warm Ocean- 27.0
- Shattered Savannah- 30.0
- Savannah- 35.0
- Desert- 40.0
- Crimson Forest- 40.0
- Warped Forest- 40.0
- Badlands- 42.0
- Soul Valley- 45.0
- Basalt Deltas- 50.0
- Nether Wastes- 50.0
There is a certain amount of fog in biomes with temperatures higher than 45 or lower than -30. Players are also slightly weakened in biomes with a temperature lower than -30. If the temperature is lower than -35 their hearts turn pale blue, and they lose 1 health (0.25 hearts) every 400 ticks. (20 seconds) unless the player's player temperature is higher than 20.
Changes to Freezing[]
Freezing Damage (Normally gotten from falling in Powder Snow) is now determined by the Player's Playertemperature. If it is from -35--40
Players Playertemperature goes to -45 if fallen in Powdered Snow, but they also lose oxygen inside the block now. They no longer take normal damage if inside the block, but their FOV is decreased significantly and they are slower for a few seconds afterwards.
Player's Playertemperature goes to -50 if fallen in a block of Water in a biome with a temperature lower than -18. They take 1 damage every 400 ticks if their Playertemperature is between -35 and -40, they take 1 damage every 200 ticks if it is between -41 and -44, they take 1 damage every 100 ticks if it is between -45 and -49, and 1 damage every 20 ticks if it is -50 or more.
The player's Playertemperature is lowered by 2 per block of Ice or Packed Ice they are currently touching. It is lowered by 4 if it is Blue Ice.
Minor Changes[]
Redstone Ore
Now gives off a power level of 4 when lit up.
Redstone Block
Now made with 9 Redstone Shards.
Red Sand
Now gives Red Stained Glass when smelted in a furnace.
Andesite, Diorite, Granite
Changed Crafting Recipes.
8 Andesite is now made with 4 Stone and 4 Diorite.
8 Diorite is now made with 7 Stone and 2 Marble.
8 Granite is now made with 8 Stone and 1 Quartz.
8 Tuff is now made with 6 Deepslate and 2 Andestite.
Bases can now be made with Moonstone Blocks and Timejewel Blocks in the base and accept Moonstones and Timejewels as fuel.
Now can be filled with potions in Java just like on Bedrock.
Dyed Blocks
Now have an Indigo Variant.
Disenchanting Table and Cursed Enchanting Table
The items that were confirmed to be placeholders (Emeralds for Disenchanting, and Ender Crystals for Cursed Enchanting Table) have been replaced. The disenchanting table now uses Endervolite Shards in its recipe, and the Cursed Enchanting Table now uses Endervolite Shards as fuel. The Disenchanting Table's texture has also been changed so the corners are moonstone magenta instead of emerald green.
Purpur Block: Renamed to Purpur Bricks and is now made by crafting together 4 Purpur Blocks.
Emerald: No longer used for crafting Disenchanting Tables
Ender Crystal: No longer used as fuel for the Cursed Enchantment Table.
Shulker Shell: Now has a craftable recipe: 5 Scuttler Shells and 1 Popped Chorus Fruit
Enderman: If there are currently no Ender Dragons in the World, they are not hostile if you look them in the eye. If there is a dragon in the world, their eyes, armtips, and legtips turn a bright magenta.
Endermites: Now spawn naturally in Choral Forests and Warped Jungles. Still attack endermen like normal.
Other Entities[]
Armor Stand: Is no longer blown up by creeper blasts if it is behind a block like Obsidian or Bedrock.
World Generation/Biomes and Structures[]
End Dimension: Height Limit is now 320. You still cannot go below layer 0. All End Islands can have veins of Obsidian, Deadstone, and Purpur Blocks, unless stated otherwise. Blocks of Obsidian in Obsidian Veins have a 15% chance to be Crying Obsidian.
End Biomes: Split up four different biomes on both editions and edited the layout of said biomes.
- Ender Citadel: The biome where you first spawn. The island has been revamped and it has been revamped to make it twice as tall, similar to a bug in the snapshots of 1.17. There are now veins of Obsidian in the Island. The Obsidian Pillars now randomly have blocks of Chiseled Obsidian, Crying Obsidian, and Chiseled Crying Obsidian in it. No veins of Deadstone, Obsidian, or Purpur generate here. No ores generate here either.
- End Barrens: No Chorus Fruit generates in this Biome. No Deadstone, Obsidian, or Purpur Veins generate here, but it is the most common end biome, and the only one where End Cities spawn
- Chorus Fields: Biome filled with Chorus Plants, and occasional Small Chorus Trees. Scuttlers occasionally spawn here, but not at the rates of the Choral Forest.
- Ender Residual: Mostly Void, with a few small endstone islands generating. No Deadstone, Obsidian or Purpur veins generate here. It is the only biome where Timestone Ore can spawn.
Snapshots (Both Java and Bedrock)[]
24w22a/2024w22s1: Revamped Normal End[]
All End Biomes have been temporarily merged into a Single Biome: The End Barrens, Chorus Generation and Small End Islands and Void are all randomized, and the center end island and the void around it has been turned into a generated structure. The developers said this was so they could have an easier time making new Ender Biomes.
Blobs of Obsidian now generate in all Ender Islands, similar to Granite in the Overworld or Blackstone in the Nether. They do not generate in the Center Island.
The developers said that they manipulated the game's code to get the End Generation of 21w13a. This created many end bugs, but they said that it will be fixed soon.
Snapshot Highlights:
- End Biomes merged into 1 Biome (Does not make it into Final Update)
- Blobs of Obsidian in End
- End Generation of 21w13a back in vanilla (Partially makes it into final update)
24w22b/2024w22s2: Bug Fixes + End Height Limit[]
Fixed Bugs relating to End Dimension. The Obsidian Pillars are now fully above ground instead of Underground like before. The Ender Dragon Now generates at the proper height. The End Height Limit has also been increased to 320, just like the overworld's. The void still generates at the normal y-level, but stretches down to y-64 instead of y-40.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Fixed World Generation Bugs
- Increased End Height Limit
24w23a/2024w23s3: End Biome Split + End Caves and End Generation[]
Split up the End into Four Biomes, as opposed to one biome in 22w42a and five biomes in pre-1.20. The Four Biomes are the End Keep, which is the main end island where the Dragon Spawns, the Ender Wastes, normal islands of Endstone with no Obsidian Blobs, the Chorus Fields, where there are lots of Chorus Plants, and the Ender Residual, large spans of void with Small End Islands.
The End Generation has also been revamped. End Islands can reach heights of over 100 blocks, stretching from y10 to y120. The End Islands are much wider in volume, and areas of void are also much larger. Overworld Cave Generation now appears in the End, with even some of the Large Noise Caves and Ravines generating in the End Islands. There is currently no ore in the Ender Caves
Snapshot Highlights:
- End Noise Caves and Normal Caves
- Four New End Biomes (End Keep and Ender Wastes later renamed)
- End Generation revamped so Islands are much larger in size to make room for Caves.
24w24a/2024w24s4: End City and End Biome Generation and Name Changes[]
Ender Wastes have been renamed to End Barrens, and the Ender Keep has been renamed to the Ender Citadel. End Cities also now exclusively appear in End Barrens Biomes. To make up for this change, End Cities now spawn slightly more frequently, and End Barrens now spawn more frequently too.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Ender Wastes and Ender Keep Biomes have been renamed to End Barrens and Ender Citadel.
- End Cities now spawn more frequently, but only in Ender Wastes Biomes.
- Ender Wastes Biomes are more common, accounting for roughly a little more than half the end right now.
24w25a/2024w25s5: More Purpur Variants + Purpur Blobs[]
Purpur Blocks have been renamed to Purpur Bricks. A new Block with the name of Purpur Block was added; a smoother, more natural, stone-like block with the same coloring as normal purpur. 4 Purpur Bricks are now crafted by 4 Purpur Blocks in a 2x2 square, and Chiseled Purpur, a block with a shulker head on the side, made by crafting 2 Purpur Brick Slabs Together.
Blobs of Purpur now generate in all End Biomes besides the Ender Citadel, End Barrens, and Ender Residual just like blobs of Obsidian. (Currently only the Chorus Fields, but more biomes will come later.)
Snapshot Highlights:
- Purpur Block renamed to Purpur Bricks
- Chiseled Purpur and Purpur Blocks have been added
- Purpur Blobs now generate in most End Biomes
24w25b/2024w25s6: Minor Changes + Parity[]
If there are currently no Ender Dragons in the World, Endermen are no longer hostile if you look them in the eye. If there is a dragon in the world, their eyes, armtips, and legtips turn a bright magenta. Armor Stands have also been changed: They will no longer be blown up if the explosion is blocked by a block like Obsidian or Bedrock. Red Sand is now smeltable into Red Stained Glass, and lastly, Cauldrons can now be filled with potions in java just like they can in bedrock.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Endermen are no longer aggravated by being looked in the eye if there are no Ender Dragons in the World.
- Armor Stands no longer blown up if behind a block with High Blast Resistance
- Red Sand now smeltable into Red Stained Glass
- Cauldrons can now be filled with Potions just like they can on Bedrock. (Not in 2024w25s6)
24w26a/2024w26s7: Obsidian and Crying Obsidian Block Variants[]
Added New Blocks: Polished Obsidian, Obsidian Bricks, Obsidian Stairs and Slabs, Obsidian Brick Stairs and Slabs, Chiseled Obsidian, Polished Crying Obsidian, Crying Obsidian Bricks, Crying Obsidian Stairs and Slabs, Crying Obsidian Brick Stairs and Slabs, and Chiseled Crying Obsidian. Chiseled Obsidian has a Warden Head on it, and Chiseled Crying Obsidian has an Ender Dragon Head on it.
All Obsidian in Obsidian Blobs has a 15% chance to be Crying Obsidian.
End Crystals can now be placed on Crying Obsidian, and both Obsidian and Crying Obsidian Brick and Chiseled Variants.
End Spikes have been renamed to Obsidian Spires. Obsidian Spires can now have Crying Obsidian, Chiseled Obsidian, and Chiseled Crying Obsidian in the Spire. There is a 15% chance for all Obsidian to be Crying Obsidian, but a 45% chance for it to be Crying Obsidian on the top layer. Both Obsidian and Crying Obsidian have a 2% chance to be Chiseled.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Polished, Brick, Slab, Stair, and Chiseled Variants of Obsidian and Crying Obsidian.
- End Spikes, commonly known as Obsidian Towers, have been renamed to Obsidian Spires.
- Obsidian Spires can now have Crying Obsidian and Chiseled Obsidian/Crying Obsidian in them.
24w28a/2024w28s8: Choral Forest and Warped Jungle Mobs and Blocks[]
Added fourteen new blocks and the Scuttler Mob. The actual Biomes have not been implemented. Chorus Trees and Huge Warped Mushrooms have also been added.
The Choral Forest and the Warped Jungle, both End Biomes announced in Minecraft Live 2024, have gotten their respective blocks, mobs, and items implemented into the game. The actual biomes will be implemented later.
Choral Stem: Amethyst-Colored stem that Generates as part of Chorus Trees in the Choral Forest biome. Can be stripped like other stems, (Currently cannot be stripped because of a bug) but cannot be crafted into planks and other wooden items, except for Choral Hyphae.
Choral Hyphae: 3 Crafted from 4 Choral Stems. Has the Bark Texture of Choral Stems on all six sides.
Stripped Choral Stem: Stripped Version of Choral Stem. Currently cannot be obtained naturally in survival due to a bug.
Stripped Choral Hyphae: 3 Crafted from 4 Choral Stems. Has the Stripped Bark Texture of Choral Stems on all six sides.
Choral Leaves: Indigo Leaves that generate as part of Chorus Trees in the Choral Forest biome. Drops Chorus Fruit and Choracones when broken.
Choral Eycelium: Magenta Eycelium, the End version of Mycelium, that generates as the main floor block of the Choral Forest Biome.
Tilled Choral Eycelium: Made by using a Hoe on Choral Eycelium. You can grow Chorus Trees on it.
Choral Shoots: Amethyst-Colored Plant block like Pumpkin and Melon Stems that is grown on Tilled Choral Eycelium. When grown all the way or tapped on with Endervolite Dust it grows into an entire Chorus Tree.
Ender Coral: Indigo Colored Coral that generates in Choral Forests as a grass-like plant.
Choral Bracken: Short Indigo Weeds that generate in Choral Forests.
Melodic Vines: Bright Magenta Vines that sometimes generate on top of Chorus Trees. Like Chorus Plants, they can grow in any direction, but only up to 6 blocks. They do not break if they hit another block. They can be climbed just like normal vines.
Warped Eycelium: Teal Eycelium, the End version of Mycelium, that generates exclusively in the Warped Jungle.
Warped Mushroom: Teal Mushroom that generates in the Warped Jungle Biome.
Warped Mushroom Block: Teal Mushroom Block that generates as part of Huge Warped Mushrooms.
Chorus Trees: Trees that generate on Choral Forest Biomes made of Choral Stems and Choral Leaves. Their wood can be stripped and made into Hyphae, but not crafted into wooden items like Planks and Tools.

Two of the Three Variants of Huge Warped Mushrooms. (There is also a tall 1x1 tree) Generate naturally in the Warped Jungle. (Please note the Warped Wart Blocks are placeholders for Warped Mushroom Blocks.
Huge Warped Mushrooms: A Type of Huge Mushroom found in the end, made of White Mushroom Stems and Warped Mushroom Blocks. They can be grown in a 1x1 variant, (small) and a 3x3 variant. (huge)
Scuttler: Arthropodic Mob with a Dark Shell and a Purpur-colored body. Currently has no drops. Can be fed and bred with chorus fruit.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Added 14 New Ender Forest Blocks
- Added Scuttler Mob
- Added Chorus Trees and Huge Warped Mushroom
24w29a/2024w29s9: Full implementation of Scuttler[]
This snapshot adds Raw Scuttler, Cooked Scuttler, and Scuttler Shells. It also changes how Scuttlers Work. Scuttlers now are affected by Bane of Arthropods. They will now sink in soul sand, and they will run from players/mobs that attack them. When killed they drop 0-2 Raw Scuttler (Cooked if killed with fire) and 0-1 Scuttler Shells. 5 Scuttler Shells and 1 Popped Chorus Fruit now make a Shulker Shell. Raw Scuttler gives Hunger for 30 seconds if eaten and restores 1 food point, so probably not a good idea to eat raw. Raw Scuttler Can be cooked into cooked scuttler which restores six food points. Both Raw and Cooked Scuttler take 23 ticks to eat (1.15 seconds) and take up a weight of 12.5 in a Tin Can.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Added Raw and Cooked Scuttler
- Added Scuttler Shell and Shulker Shell Crafting Recipe
- Scuttlers are now Arthropods
24w29b/2024w29s10: Tall Chorus Trees + Stripped Choral Stems[]
Added a Tall 1x1 Chorus Tree, has a 60% chance to generate when growing a 1x1 Chorus Tree. Also fixed MC-327856, which stopped players from being able to strip Choral Stems.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Added Tall 1x1 Chorus Tree
- Choral Stems can now be stripped
24w31a/2024w31s11: Choral Forest and Warped Jungle implementation[]
Implemented Choral Forest and Warped Jungle Biomes. They each account for about 20% of the end. The frequency of End Barrens Biomes has been significantly lowered to 35% of the end. Scuttlers, Endermites, and Endermen all spawn in the Choral Forest, while only Endermen (Spawn Rate significantly higher than average) Spawn in the Warped Jungle.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Fully implemented Choral Forest and Warped Jungle Biomes
- Scuttlers and Endermites spawn naturally in the Choral Forest Biome
- Lowered frequency of End Barrens Biome
24w32a/2024s32s12: Ink Spray Block[]
Added Ink Spray Block: A Few translucent pixels that give off a light level of 15. Made by placing a Glow Ink Sac on a block. Used for near-invisible lighting in survival mode. Can be broken with a hand and can only be placed on a full block face.
Redstone Ore now gives a power level of 4 when lit up.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Ink Spray Block that is used for near-invisible lighting in Survival Mode.
24w34a/2024w34s13: Deadstone Wastes Biome[]
Added the Deadstone Block and the Deadstone Wastes Biome
Deadstone: Blackish-Greyish Block with coloring similar to basalt that generates in the Deadstone Wastes. It can currently be crafted into Stone Tools, Furnaces, Brewing Stands, just like other stone-tier items. It currently cannot be crafted into slabs, stairs, or bricks, but that is coming soon. Deadstone Wastes is the Biome it generates in, which is currently mostly Deadstone, but has a few Blobs of Endstone and Purpur as well.
Deadstone Blobs now generate in all end biomes except for the End Citadel, End Barrens, and End Residual.
Snapshot Highlights
- Stone-Tier Deadstone Block found in the Deadstone Wastes and in Deadstone Blobs around the End.
- Deadstone Wastes Biome full of the mysterious Deadstone.
24w34b/2024w34s14: Deadstone Blocks and Variants[]
Added Deadstone Bricks, Polished Deadstone, Slabs and Stairs and Wall of these Blocks, Chiseled Deadstone, Deadstone Sprouts. The Chiseled Deadstone has an Enderman Face on it, all of these blocks are crafted normally. Deadstone Sprouts are Brown-Black Shrubs similar to the 1.16 Nether Sprouts that generate naturally in the Deadstone Wastes. All these blocks are crafted normally.
Snapshot Highlights
- Deadstone Block Variants
- Deadstone Sprout Plant Block
24w35a/2024w35s15: Deadstone Marble and End Ore Veins[]
Added Deadstone Marble Block, Marble Ore Veins, and Raw Marble/Marble Blocks.
Added Deadstone Marble Block, an Ore Block that looks similar to Nether Quartz Ore, but encased in Deadstone. Mining it gives 1-3 Raw Marble, which can be increased with fortune. Raw Marble must be smelted into Marble. Marble Currently has no Usage.
Added Marble Ore Veins, similar to the ones in the overworld that generate in the Deadstone Wastes. They generate with blocks of Calcite in them as well as Deadstone Marble.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Deadstone Marble, an End Ore Block found only in the Deadstone Wastes.
- Marble Ore Veins in the Deadstone Wastes
24w36a/2024w36s16: Marble Usage + Editing Deadstone Marble[]
Marble can now be used to craft blocks of Calcite, and Deadstone Marble now gives 4-7 Raw Marble instead of 1-3.
2 Diorite and 2 Marble makes 3 Calcite Blocks.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Added Craftable Calcite with Marble.
- Deadstone Marble now gives 1-3 Raw Marble.
24w36b/2024w36s17: Stone Crafting Recipes are more Balanced.[]
Changed the Crafting Recipes of Stone Blocks to make them more balanced and less Quartz-Reliant.
8 Andesite is now made with 4 Stone and 4 Diorite.
8 Diorite is now made with 7 Stone and 2 Raw Marble.
8 Granite is now made with 8 Stone and 1 Quartz.
8 Tuff is now made with 6 Deepslate and 2 Andesite.
Snapshot Highlights:
- Made Stone Crafting Recipies more balanced.