DISCLAIMER: This is a fan-made update. Means this is not canon and won't be added in Minecraft.
1.20, titled The End? is a fanon update by Baryonyx that focuses on expanding the End.
- Decorative mineral block crafted from 9 enderite gems.
- Can be crafted back to 9 enderite gems.
- Attracts Endermites.
- Can be used as a beacon base block.
- Item form are immune to void damage.
- Item form will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby active respawn anchor if dropped to the void.
Chorus Lichend
- A purple grass block variant of End Stone that naturally generates as floors within Chorus Forest and variants.
- Can be spread to End Stone by using bonemeal on an end stone block next to a chorus lichend block.
- Can be right-clicked with bone meal to generate chorus roots and chorus sprouts.
- Sometimes drops a Chorus Moss when tilled with an Enderite Hoe.
- Drops an End Stone, even with Silk Touch.
Chorus Planks
- Crafted from chorus stalk, stem, stripped stalk, and stripped stem.
- Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors and trapdoors.
- Harder than normal planks and is inflammable
Chorus Roots
- A new foliage that naturally generates in Chorus Forest and variants or when a Chorus Lichend is bone mealed.
- Can be used to speed up the proccess on taming Voidwalkers and accelerate the growth of a baby Voidwalker.
- Can only be obtained with shears.
Chorus Stem
- Blocks that comprise the trunks of giant chorus fern.
- Have a top texture similar to regular log blocks.
- Can be placed directionally, similarly to logs.
- Has a stripped variant.
- Harder than normal log or nether stem and is inflammable.
Chorus Stem Ore
- Blocks that sometimes generate as the of chorus ferns.
- Drops 1-3 quartz when broken.
Chorus Sprouts
- A new foliage that naturally generates in Chorus Forest and variants or when a Chorus Lichend is bone mealed.
- Can be used to speed up the proccess on taming Voidwalkers and accelerate the growth of a baby Voidwalker.
- Can only be obtained with shears.
Chorus Stalk
- A variant of chorus stalk with the bark on all 6 sides.
- Also has a stripped variant.
- Harder than normal wood or hyphae and is inflammable.
End Nucleus
- Obtained from crafting a Purpuran Heart surrounded by 4 End Stones and 4 Crying Obsidians.
- Removes all negative status effects (including Bad Luck and Bad Omen) when right-clicked with an Enderite Gem.
- Applies to all players within 50 blocks radius.
- Damages all hostile mobs within 50 blocks radius similiar to conduit.
- Heals all helpful mobs (Utility and Tameable) within 50 blocks radius.
- Disables hostile mob spawning within 50 blocks radius.
- Using an Enderite Block below the block will increase the radius to 100 blocks.
Ender Treasure Map
- Can be found in End Ships and End Cities.
- Points to the nearest Ender Treasure.
Endergy Stone
- A new ore exclusive to the End that generates rarely in lower depths of the island.
- Generates in veins, similiar to diamonds.
- Commonly found in Small End Islands and End Warplands, Rarely found in End Midlands and variants, very rarely found in Chorus Forest and variants, and never found in other End biomes.
- When mined, it has a 50% chance to drop an Enderite Sparks or 50% chance to spawn an Endermite.
- Unlike other ores, Fortune won't increase the loot, but rather will decrease the chance of spawning Endermites, decreasing by 15% per level of fortune.
- Luck effect will decrease the chance of spawning endermites, decreasing by 5% per level of Luck.
- Bad Luck effect will increase the chance of spawning endermites, increasing by 15% per level of bad luck.
- Despite being an ore, it can't be smelted into Enderite Sparks.
- Requires diamond tier or higher to be mined.
- Item form are immune to void damage.
- Item form will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby active respawn anchor if dropped to the void
Purified Lichend
- A dark green grass block variant of End Stone that naturally generates as floors within Purified End and variants.
- Can be spread to End Stone by using bonemeal on an end stone block next to an purified lichend block.
- Can be right-clicked with bone meal to generate purified sprouts.
- Sometimes drops a Purified Moss when tilled with an Enderite Hoe.
- Drops an End Stone, even with Silk Touch.
Purified Planks
- Crafted from purified stem, stalk, stripped stalk, and stripped stem.
- Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors and trapdoors.
- Harder than normal planks and is inflammable.
Purified Sprouts
- A new foliage that naturally generates in Purified End and variants or when a Purified Lichend is bone mealed.
- Can only be obtained with shears.
Purified Stem
- Blocks that comprise the trunks of giant purified ferns.
- Have a top texture similar to regular log blocks.
- Can be placed directionally, similarly to logs.
- Has a stripped variant.
- Harder than normal log or nether stem and is inflammable
Purified Stem Ore
- Blocks that sometimes generate as part of giant purified ferns.
- Drops 2-5 iron nuggets when broken.
Purified Stalk
- A variant of purified stem with the bark on all 6 sides.
- Also has a stripped variant.
- Harder than normal wood or hyphae and is inflammable.
- A liquid that generates within Purpuran Mounts as lakes and falls.
- Generates within Purpuran Wasteland and variants.
- Has a regular, polished, polished brick, and cracked polished brick variant.
- Has a regular, polished, and polished brick stair, slab, and wall variant.
Solidified Pulfur
- Generates in Purpuran Warplands.
- Can be placed directionally, similarly to logs.
- Generates whenever flowing pulfur touches crying obsidian.
Warped Lichend
- A reversed blue grass block variant of End Stone that naturally generates as "floors" within End Warplands.
- Can be spread to End Stone by using bonemeal on an end stone block next to a warped lichend block.
- Sometimes drops a Warped Moss when tilled with an Enderite Hoe.
- Drops an End Stone, even with silk touch.
Bucket of Pulfur
- Used to hold pulfur.
Chorus Moss
- Obtained from a random chance on tilling a Chorus Lichend with an Enderite Hoe.
- Can be used to turn an end stone into an chorus lichend when right-clicked.
Cracked Enderite Armor
- Obtained from looting Ender Treasures and Purpur Lairs, may be enchanted, or in End Cities and End Ships, unenchanted.
- Can be fixed into Enderite Armor using an Enderite Gem in a Smithing Table.
- Cannot be worn.
- Item form are immune to void damage.
- Item form will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby active respawn anchor if dropped to the void
Dragon Banner Pattern
- New pattern for banners, the Dragon.
- Used in the loom to apply the Dragon pattern to the banner.
- Crafted from Dragon Heads.
Endephant Sword
- Obtained from upgrading an Enderite Sword with a Endephant Tusk in a smithing table.
- Deals 30% more damage (50% more damage to end mobs) than Enderite sword.
- Can't be enchanted through anvils and/or enchantment tables and disenchanted through grindstones.
- Enchantments can still be obtained if the original Enderite sword are enchanted then upgraded into Purpuritherium swords, which'll keep the enchantments of the Enderite sword.
- Has the same durability as an enderite sword.
Endephant Tusk
- Obtained from killing Endephants.
- Can be used to upgrade an Enderite Sword into Endephant Sword in a smithing table.
Enderite Armor
- Obtained from fixing the respective cracked armor piece with an Enderite Gem in a Smithing Table.
- Has the same armor value, durability, and enchatability as Netherite Armor.
- Is slightly more resistant than netherite armor (Has 4 Armor Toughness value per piece), but doesn't have knockback resistance.
- Has an Armor Speed value of 1 each armor piece, which makes the player move faster.
- All entities in end_creatures tag (Enderman, Endermite, Shulker, Enderbull, Voidwalker, Purplin, and Endephant) will become neutral if the player wears one piece.
- Endermen won't become aggravated when stared.
- Shulkers, Purplins, and Endephants become neutral until the player hits one of them or the player opens/destroys blocks in guarded_by_purpurans tag.
- Item form are immune to void damage.
- Item form will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby active respawn anchor if dropped to the void
Enderite Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Sword
- Obtained from upgrading the respective purpurite tool with an Enderite Gem in a Smithing table.
- Has a higher durability than Netherite, but has the same damage and efficiency as diamond tools.
- Some tools have special attributes.
- Enderite Axe can be used to stun any entities in end_creatures tag for a short while.
- Enderite Hoe can be used to till an end chorus stone into end stone, with a chance to drop a chorus moss, affected by fortune.
- Enderite Pickaxe can be used to mine End Portal Frames and Dragon Egg, which are normally unbreakable.
- Enderite Shovel can be used to till an End Chorus Stone into an end stone, without dropping a chorus moss.
- Enderite Sword deals 25% more damage to entities in the end_creatures tag.
- Item form are immune to void damage.
- Item form will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby dragon anchor if dropped to the void.
Enderite Gem
- Obtained from crafting a diamond and 4 enderite sparks around it.
- Can be used to fix cracked enderite armor and upgrade purpurite tools.
- Can be used as a beacon fuel.
- Item form are immune to void damage.
- Item form will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby active respawn anchor if dropped to the void.
Enderite Sparks
- Obtained from mining infested end stone on 50% chance (without additional effects).
- Used as a crafting material of Enderite Gem.
- Item form are immune to void damage.
- Item form will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby active respawn anchor if dropped to the void.
Purified Moss
- Obtained from a random chance on tilling a Purified Lichend with an Enderite Hoe.
- Can be used to turn an end stone into a purified lichend when right-clicked.
- Obtained from killing Endephants rarely (25% chance, affected by looting) or looting Purpur Lair and Ender Treasure chests.
- Can be used to craft a Purpuran Heart.
Purpuran Banner Pattern
- New pattern for banners, the Purpuran.
- Used in the loom to apply the Purpuran pattern to the banner.
- Can be found in Purpur Lair.
Purpuran Heart
- Obtained from crafting an End Crystal, four Purpearls, and four eye of enders.
- Can be used to craft an End Nucleus.
Purpurite Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Sword
- A set of tools crafted from Purpurite.
- Has the same efficiency and damage as iron tools, but lower durability than iron tools.
- Has the same enchantability as diamond tools.
- Can be upgraded into Enderite tools with an enderite gem in a smithing table.
Spawn Eggs
- Added Endephant, Enderbull, Purplin, and Voidwalker spawn eggs.
Warped Beef
- Obtained from killing Enderbulls.
- Has a 60% chance to teleport the player to a random place, like a chorus fruit.
- Can be cooked into regular steak.
- Are slightly better than regular beef.
Warped Moss
- Obtained from a random chance on tilling a Warped Lichend with an Enderite Hoe.
- Can be used to turn an end stone into a warped lichend when right-clicked.
- Spawn in Purpuran Dungeons.
- Has 110 HP (55x
- Drops an Endephant Tusk, and rarely, a Purpearl.
- The attack flings the player upwards and knocks the player backwards.
- Are capable of teleporting like endermen, but in a much shorter distance and only if forced to.
- Are immune to water, unlike endermen, but still prefer to avoid it or teleport away if submerged in it.
- Teleports when hit by a projectile and takes damage from it.
- Are immune to pulfur and ender dragon attacks like other end mobs.
- Are 60% more resistant to knockbacks.
- Spawn in Chorus Forest and variants.
- Has 20 HP (10x
- Are naturally hostile to the player, but will become neutral if the player holds a popped chorus fruit or wearing a piece of Enderite Armor.
- Can be bred using popped chorus fruit.
- Has a baby variant, and its growth can be accelerated using popped chorus fruit.
- Are scared of Shulkers and Shulker Boxes.
- Drops 1-3 warped beef (Steak if killed while on fire) and 0-1 ender pearls. It also drops an ender pearl when transforming into regular cow.
- Turns into a regular cow after 15 seconds if in the Nether or in the overworld, dropping an ender pearl upon transformation.
Heart of Ender
- A boss mob, ported from Minecraft Dungeons.
- Spawn in Purpuran Wasteland and variants.
- Has 30 HP (15x
- Holds a bow, a purpurite sword, or an enderite sword.
- Has a small chance to drop its bow if equipped or purpurite sword if equipped, both are badly damaged.
- Bow-armed Purplins act like skeletons.
- Teleports when shot with a projectile
- Naturally hostile to the player, unless the player wears Enderite armor.
- Are able to teleport like endermen, but in a shorter distance and only if forced to.
- Are immune to water, unlike endermen, but still prefer to avoid it or teleport away if submerged in it.
- Are immune to pulfur and ender dragon attacks like other end mobs.
- Spawn in Small End Islands.
- Has 16 HP (8x
- Are neutral to the player. If attacked, it'll pull the player closer to it, which deal no damage, but will usually drop the player to the void.
- Define air as liquids, which makes them able to float around upwards and downwards.
- Can be tamed in a similiar fashion of Horses and Llamas, and the taming proccess can be accelerated using Chorus Roots, Chorus Sprouts, Chorus Fruit, and Chorus Flower.
- Once tamed, it can be equipped with a saddle, which the player can control. When ridden, it has half the speed of a flying player in creative mode. It can also go upwards by pressing jump key (SPACE by default) or go downwards by pressing sneak key (LEFT SHIFT by default). The player can dismount by pressing sneak key on a block.
- Can be bred using Chorus Flower, and the baby's growth can be accelerated using Chorus Roots, chorus sprouts, chorus fruits, and chorus flower.
- Despite able to float, they spawn on solid blocks.
- Dismounts any entity on it if hurt.
- Drops a saddle if equipped.
- Added entity_type tag end_creatures
- Contains Endephant, Enderbull, Enderman, Endermite, Purplin, Shulker, and Voidwalker.
- Entities in this tag are affected by Enderite Armor, Axe, and Sword, and are immune to ender dragon attacks and purpur.
- Added block tag enderbull_repellents
- Contains the shulker_boxes block tag.
- Enderbulls will avoid blocks on this tag.
- Added item tag enderite
- Contains Block of Enderite, Cracked Enderite Armor, Enderite Tools and Armor, Infested End Stone, and Infested Purpurite.
- Controls what items are immune to void damage and will instantly teleport to the thrower's inventory, to the world spawn point, or to a nearby void anchor if dropped to the void. Also controls what items are immune to purpur.
- Added block tag endermite_attractors
- Contains Block of Enderite.
- Endermites will try to pursue blocks on this tag.
- Added fluid tag purpur
- Contains Purpur and Flowing Purpur.
World Generation[]
- Chorus Forest
- A biome with purple foliage and dense chorus trees, along with Chorus Roots and Chorus Sprouts on the floors and End Chorus Stone covering the floors with the occasional End Stone.
- Endermen, Endermites, and Enderbulls spawn here.
- End Void
- A technical biome used to define the empty expanse of void between the central island and the outer islands.
- No mobs spawn here.
- Purified End
- A rare green biome composed of purified lichend with purified sprouts growing and the occasional end stone replacing purified lichends.
- Usually composed of an entire island.
- No mobs can spawn here.
- Purpuran Wasteland
- A biome composed of Purpurite with less tame terrain resembling Basalt Deltas with open caves.
- Rare, but very extensive.
- Purplins and Endermen can spawn here.
Biome Variants[]
- Chorus Barrens
- End Barrens variant of Chorus Forest where Chorus Trees won't generate.
- Chorus Plateaus
- End Highlands variant of Chorus Forest.
- End Warplands
- Composed the underside part of any outer End Island, except for Purpurian biomes.
- Purified Barrens
- End Barrens variant of Purified End.
- Purified Forest
- End Highlands variant of Purified End.
- Purpuran Barrens
- End Barrens variant of Purpurian Wasteland.
- Purpuran Mounts
- End Highlands variant of Purpurian Wasteland.
- Floating islands of Purpurite with Pulfurfalls generates in high altidutes here.
- Pulfur lakes generate here.
- Purpuran Warplands
- End Warplands variant of Purpurian Wasteland, where "stalactites" of Solidified Pulfur generates.
- Ancient Ruins
- A ruined Village-like structure that generate in Purified Highlands.
- Has a very similiar look to old Plains Village, albeit ruined, and some oak blocks are replaced with the purified variants, cobblestone replaced by end stone.
- Some of the houses have loot chests.
- Enderman Sculptures
- A structure that generates in End Midlands, Highlands, Chorus Forest, and Chorus Hills
- Composed of random overworld blocks which most of them are holdable by endermen.
- Oak wood, oak leaves, cobblestone and ice are sometimes included despite not holdable by endermen.
- Huge Chorus Fern and Huge Purified Fern
- Structures resembling pillars found in chorus hills and purified forest, respectively.
- Made of chorus and purified stem blocks as well as chorus and purified stem ore occassionally replacing the normal stems, with chorus and purified strobilus atop respectively.
- Grown from the respective strobilus.
- Ender Treasure
- A structure that generates in End Warplands and Purpuran Warplands.
- Composed of a chest in a pillar-like structure with loot.
- Can be located with an Ender Treasure Map, found within lonely End Ships.
- Heart of Ender Platform
- A platform that generates in End Void.
- Only one generates per world.
- Can be located with Eye of Ender.
- Is home of the Ender Orb, which can trigger Heart of Ender boss fight.
- Purpur Lair
- A large structure that generates within Purpuran Wasteland and Mounts.
- Are made out of Purpurite-related blocks.
- The structure resembles a temple above ground and stronghold pathways underground.
- Are guarded by Endephants, Purplins, and Shulkers.
- Has several chest loot.
Dragon Egg
- Are now required to respawn the Ender Dragon. The egg will disappear after the dragon is revived, and will reappear after the dragon is defeated.
- Can now be used to make Dragon Anchor, a structure that allows respawning in the End via respawn anchors.
- Now no longer teleports when mined with Enderite Pickaxe and can be mined with it.
End Portal
- Now disappears when one of the frames is invalid.
End Portal Frame
- Can now be mined with Enderite Pickaxe, dropping itself and an Eye of Ender if containing one.
- Can now be right-clicked to remove the Eye of Ender and dropping it if containing one.
End Rod
- Now generate as part of Ender Treasure, Purpur Lair, and Heart of Ender Platform.
Purpur Block
- Renamed to "Chorus Purpur"
- Id name changed to chorus_purpur
Purpur Pillar
- Renamed to "Chorus Purpur Pillar"
- Now generate as part of Ender Treasure.
- Id changed to chorus_purpur_pillar
Purpur Slab
- Renamed to "Chorus Purpur Slab"
- Id changed to chorus_purpur_slab
- Now generate as part of Ender Treasure.
Purpur Stairs
- Renamed to "Chorus Purpur Stairs"
- Id changed to chorus_purpur_stairs
- Now generate as part of Ender Treasure.
- Now spawn in Chorus Forest and variants, and Purpurian Wasteland and variants (except Warplands)
- Now no longer spawn in Small End Islands.
- Are now no longer aggravated when stared by players wearing enderite armor.
- Now has an nbt tag NaturallySpawned.
- When set to true, endermites will act like regular hostile mob: Wanders around, will despawn after the player is faraway, and no longer despawn after some time. Endermites that spawn in Chorus Forest, from Infested End Stone, and from spawn eggs will have this tag on.
- Now become neutral to players wearing enderite armor.
- Now spawn in Chorus Forest and variants.
- Now occasionally spawn when an infested end stone or an infested purpurite is mined.
- Now become neutral to players wearing enderite armor, and will turn hostile again after the player hits another shulker, purplin, or purpuritherium or the player opens/destroys nearby chests in guarded_by_purpurans tag.
- Now no longer attack each other if accidentaly hit by other shulkers.
Status Effects[]
Bad Luck
- Can now be obtained in survival by getting defeated in a raid with the same duration and level with the Bad Omen effect.
- Can now no longer be removed by milk.
Bad Omen
- Can now no longer be removed by milk.
- Can now be obtained in survival by defeating a raid with the same duration and level with the Hero of the Village effect.
- Added Block of Enderite to the beacon_base_blocks block tag.
- Added Enderite Gem to the beacon_payment_items item tag.
- Added Purpurite blocks and items to the slabs, stairs, and walls block and item tags.
- Added Block of Enderite, End Stone Bricks, and Endergy Stone to the dragon_immune block tag.
World Generation[]
- Small End Islands
- Now composed of more smaller islands 1-5 blocks thick.
- End City
- Now generate in Chorus Hills.
- Changed loot.
- End Ship
- Can now generate lonely without being part of an End City.
- Generates in any end biome, except The End, End Warplands, and Purpuran Warplands.
- Lonely End Ships replaces elytra loot with an Ender Treasure Map.
- Changed loot.
- End Gateways
- Now generate in Chorus Forest and variants, and Purpur Wasteland and variants (except Warplands).
- Now no longer generates in End Void. If one has created in End Void, the portal will ignore it and generate a new portal.