1.20 also Known as The Trails and Tales: Space University Update, Is an update Where You should Dig some Sand, Fight The Mothman, Which Is a new hostile Mob, and You Get To Meet Not Just Camels and Sniffers, But Also Candelavras and The Other Animal Species Like Ostriches and Penguins and Vultures and Termites and Meerkats and Even Lions and Elephants and Even Scorpions! A Candelavra Is a candle like mob thingy where you should Light her up, To Make Her Just Like What You Did To The Iron Golem and The Snow Golem, You Need a Candle, Any Coloured Candle, and You need a Gem, and Bones (Dropped by Skeletons), Place your Candle, Throw The Gem right near the candle, Then Throw The Bones Right Near The Candle Then Boom, She's Alive! Also You Can Visit The Cherry Grove, It's a new biome possibly surrounded by Cherry Blossom Trees, and Bees, You Can dig up For Sniffer Eggs, They are also Found In Underwater Ruins, Yes They're Extinct, and There's also archaeology, Hanging Signs, New Bookshelves That you Can Place your Books In There Called Chiseled Bookshelves, Elephant Saddles, Hoboified Ostrich Meat and So Much More, Even The Nether Got Even Updated Now, You will be So Screwed with those 2 New Mobs, One Of Them Is The Bone Serpent, A Mob That Can Jump and Dive Into Multiple Lava Oceans, and The Other Is The Dropbear, A New Mob Encountered In The Warped Forests.
Cherry Grove[]
- A New Biome In The Mountains
- You will Encounter Rabbits, Bees, Sheep and Pigs
- At Night You will Meet up with Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers, Spiders, and Even Endermen and Witches
- New Trees Called Cherry Blossoms Can Found Here
Blocks and Stuff[]
Hanging Signs[]
- A New Thing That You Can Hang On Ceilings and Even Sides, and Whatever You want!
- Also, It has Multiple Variations, Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Crimson, Warped, Bamboo, and Cherry
- You Can Even Try To Make Your Restaurants and your own other buildings with this!
Bamboo Planks and Cherry Planks[]
- These New Planks Can make Stairs, Slabs, Buttons, Doors, Fences, Fence Gates, and Even Plates and Even Boats! Only Cherry Can Make Boats, Not Bamboo, Bamboo was to craft rafts Instead
Elephant Saddle[]
- These New Saddles will make you ride Elephants!
- This Item Is Very Important, It Is Needed To Create The Candelavra
Chiseled Bookshelf[]
- It's a Brand new version Of The Bookshelf, You Can Now make your own library!
- However, You Should Only Place 6 Books at a Time On The Single Chiseled Bookshelf
Sniffer Egg[]
- A New Item Found In Underwater Ruins and In Quicksand
- It will Hatch Into an adorable Baby Sniffer
- Quicksand Is Found In The Desert
- If You walk Into Quicksand, You'll Get Stuck and You'll die, The Only Way To Survive Is To Use a Brush
- Sniffer Eggs an Decorated Pots Can be Found Hidden Inside It
- A New Item Where You Can Brush It On Copper Blocks and Quicksand, and also, You Can also Brush It On Quickgravel
- This Item will Help You Find Sniffer Eggs and Decorated Pots
Decorated Pots[]
- These New Pots Can Be Found Inside Quicksand and Quickgravel
- A New Deadly Gravel Threat, If You Step On It, You'll Get Stuck and die, The Only Way To Survive Is To Use a Brush
- Decorated Pots Can be Found Hidden Inside It, No Sniffer Eggs
Baobab Trees[]
- A New Tree Found In Savannas
- If You Break It, You Get Acacia Wood Instead, Yep
- If You also Break The Leaves, You also Get... Nothing But Apples and Acacia Saplings
- If You Place a 2x2 area Of Acacia Saplings, It will Grow Into a Baobab Tree
Termite Nest[]
- A New Block Home For The Termites
- It will be Encountered In The Savanna
- If You Break The Nest, Termites are gonna be So Angry At You
- A New Thing Found In The Deserts and In The Badlands
- If You Hit It, You Only get Sticks
- It's a Boat, It also has a Raft with Chest
Armor Gear Styles[]
- New Items That Can Style your own gear!
- A New Polar Threat, If You Walk Into It and Look Up, You get hit by One
Pitcher Pod and Pitcher Plant[]
- A New Item That Has dugged by The Sniffer
- It will grow Into a Pitcher Plant For 40 Minecraft Minutes
Pink Petals[]
- New Flower Thingys Found In Cherry Groves
- A New Orange Flower
Calibrated Sculk Sensor[]
- An Updated version Of The Sculk Sensor, It Can be Used To Make Unique Machines
Dropbear Claw[]
- A New Item dropped By Dropbears
Ostrich Meat[]
- A New Food Item Dropped by Ostriches
Penguin Meat[]
- A New Food item Dropped By Penguins
Lion Meat[]
- Also A New Food Item dropped By Lions
Lion Claw[]
- Another New Item Dropped by Lions
Elephant Tusk[]
- Even Another New Item Dropped by Elephants
Elephant Meat[]
- THERE'S EVEN ELEPHANT MEAT IN THE UPDATE WOW Also A New Food Item Dropped by Elephants
Cooked Foods[]
- There's also Cooked Ostrich Meat, Cooked Penguin Meat, Cooked Lion Meat and Even Cooked Elephant Meat, Yeah that's what I'm saying
Bamboo Mosaic[]
- A New Bamboo Plank Feature That Can Be Crafted
Pricked Cacti[]
- These New Spikey Cacti are Encountered In The Badlands
- If You Get Too Close To Them, These Cacti will Give you Pricky pain
Mothman Eyes[]
Scorpion Stinger[]
- This New Item was Dropped by Scorpions when killed, This Can Be Used To Make Potions
Candelavra Horn[]
- Dropped By The Candelavra, Poor Angel
Ostrich Egg[]
- A New Egg Block Laid By Ostriches
Penguin Egg[]
- A New Egg Block Laid By Penguins
Spawn Eggs[]
- Spawn Camel
- Spawn Sniffer
- Spawn Ostrich
- Spawn Termite
- Spawn Lion
- Spawn Elephant
- Spawn Mothman
- Spawn Meerkat
- Spawn Vulture
- Spawn Penguin
- Spawn Scorpion
- Spawn Dropbear
- Spawn Bone Serpent
- Spawn Candelavra
- Found In Desert Villages and In Deserts
- Neutral Mob
- Drops Nothing
- Has 40 Hearts
- You Can Ride It with your friend!
- Found In Underwater Ruins and In Quicksand Due To Being Inside Of Sniffer Eggs
- Passive Mob
- Drops Nothing
- Has 30 Hearts
- Found In Savannas
- Neutral Mob
- Drops Ostrich Meat and Feathers
- Has 20 Hearts
- They Like To Put Their Heads On The Ground
- Found In Savannas
- Neutral Mob
- Drops Only String
- Has 10 Hearts
- Found In Savannas
- Neutral Mob (Hostile If Provoked)
- Drops Lion Claws, Lion Meat and Leather
- Has 40 Hearts
- Found In Savanna Villages and In Savannas
- Neutral Mob
- Drops Elephant Tusks, Elephant Meat, and a Saddle (If a Elephant with Saddle was killed So Yeah)
- Has 60 Hearts
- You Can Ride It with your friend!
- Found In Forests, Savannas, and In Dark Forests
- Hostile Mob
- Drops Mothman Eyes, String, Feathers and Leather
- Has 100 Hearts, It's a Boss Fight!
- Can Fly
- Found In Deserts
- Passive Mob
- Drops Nothing
- Has 10 Hearts
- They run Away from You, Like a Wild Cat and an Ocelot an Even a Rabbit
- Found In Badlands
- Neutral Mob (Hostile If Provoked)
- Drops Only Feathers
- Has 30 Hearts
- Can Fly and will fly around your death spot
- Found In Tundras
- Passive Mob
- Drops Fish and Feathers
- Has 15 Hearts
- Found In Deserts and In Badlands
- Neutral Mob (Hostile If Provoked)
- Drops Spider Eyes, String, and The Scorpion Stinger
- Has 30 Hearts
- Found In Warped Forests In The Nether
- Hostile Mob
- Drops Only Dropbear Claws
- Has 40 Hearts
- Can Climb On The Ceiling
Bone Serpent[]
- Found Roaming around Lava Oceans In The Nether
- Hostile Mob
- Drops Bones
- Has 100 Hearts, It's a Boss Fight!
- Found In The End Islands In Groups, and They're also Found Kidnapped By Shulkers In End Cities, They're also Found In CandeCity, a End City-like Structure
- Neutral Mob
- Drops Candelavra Horns, Blaze Rods and The Gem, Poor Angel
- Has 900 Hearts, It's a Boss Fight, Even Tho There are Two Options, Kill Her Or Adopt Her and Hire Her On Your Army
- A New Structure That Looks Like The End City, But with Candelavras Instead Of Shulkers
- This Fanmade Update was made by Jr Aka Joe mama.
Future Updates |
Java Edition 1.17: Caves & Cliffs Phase One | Java Edition 1.18: Caves & Cliffs Phase Two | Java Edition 1.19: Musically Painted| Java Edition 1.20: Frogs 'n' Freights| Java Edition 1.21: ??? Update | Java Edition 1.22: End Update | Java Edition 1.23: Barrens & Badlands | Java Edition 1.24: Mythical update | Java Edition 1.25: Summer update | Java Edition 1.26: Redstone & Rice | Java Edition 1.27: Beginning update |
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