Note: This is all fiction. Mojang may decide to add some things but none of this is confirmed. Some of the things Mojang downright said they would never add. Just making sure that no one gets tricked!
The Desert Update is a major Minecraft Update released on May 23, 2023. It overhauls the Desert Biome and adds a lot of new content announced in Biome Vote featured in MineCon LIVE 2018. It includes 40 new Blocks, Items, Armor, and a new type of Tool, 4 new Mobs, and a Boss.
Sus Dirt
- can be found in desert structures
- can be shifted through with feather shovel
- drops an item after feather shoveled
Palm Log
- Can be found on Palm Trees
- Can be Stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted into Plank, Fence, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, Boat, Chest Boat, and Chest variants
Palm Leaves
- Found on Palm Trees
Palm Sapling
- Can grow into a Palm Tree
- Has a 12.5% chance of being dropped by Palm Leaves
- Similar to Sand
- Pulls entities on it down slowly and suffocates them
- If the entity does not react quick enough, they will be stuck
- Gravity-affected block
- Texture is almost identical to Sand
Arrow Trap
- Shoots an Arrow of the selected type every few seconds
- Can be used as a Redstone Mechanic
- Generates in Desert Temples
- Crafted with 1 Iron Bow, 2 Redstone Dust, and 4 Cobblestone
Tiny Cactus
- Similar to Cactus
- Can only be 1 block tall
- Deals no damage
- Found in Deserts and Badlands
Sandy Clay
- Drops 4 Sandy Clay Balls
- Found in Desert Rivers
Sandstone Bricks
- New Decorative Block
- Crafted with 4 Sandstone (Makes 4)
- Cut from Sandstone
Sandy Bricks
- New Decorative Block
- Crafted with 4 Sandy Bricks
- Can be crafted into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- New food item
- Restores 5 Food Points
- Has a 0.5% chance of being dropped by Palm Leaves
Raw Crocodile
- New food item
- Restores 2 Food Points
Cooked Crocodile
- New food item
- Restores 5 Food Points
Crocodile Hide
- Similar to Leather
- Dropped by Crocodile
- Can be crafted into Crocodile Armor
- Can be used to heal 5 Damage
- Dropped by Mummies
Sandy Clay Ball
- Dropped by Sandy Clay
- Can be smelted into a Sandy Brick
Sandy Brick
- Can be crafted into Sandy Bricks
- Can be used on a Camel
- Similar to a Chest
- Has 20 storage slots
- Crafted with 6 Leather and 1 Iron Ingot
Totem of Leeching
- New Totem
- When held allows for you to gain 2 Health Points occasionally when damaging other entities
- Has a 0.5% chance of spawning as loot in Desert Pyramids
Tools and Weapons[]
Feather Shovel
- used to shift through Sus Dirt
- has 2763 durability
- crafted with 1 stick, 1 copper ingot, and 1 feather in the crafting grid as you would make a shovel but copper ingot as the middle slot and feather as top slot.
- Similar to a Shovel
- Can effectively shovel in a 3x3 area
- Has Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite, and Endium variants
- Can be crafted with 3 of the chosen Item and 2 Sticks
Tier | Attack Speed | Attack Damage |
Wood | 2 | 3 |
Gold | 2 | 3 |
Stone | 2 | 4 |
Iron | 2 | 5 |
Diamond | 2 | 6 |
Netherite | 2 | 7 |
Endium | 2 | 8 |
Crocodile Armor
- Crafted with Crocodile Hide
- In between Gold and Chainmail Tier
Piece | Armor Points |
Cap | 2 |
Tunic | 5 |
Pants | 4 |
Boots | 1 |
Total | 12 |
Mask of the Pharaoh
- Goes in Helmet Slot
- Gives 3 Armor Points
- When worn makes you deal +2 damage to undead enemies
- Dropped by the Pharaoh
- Spawns in Desert Biomes
- Has 8 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Live in gangs of 3-10
- Can burrow in Sand
- Has Adult and Baby variants
- Bred with Seeds
- Spawns in Desert Biomes
- Has 25 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Can be ridden with a Saddle
- Moves slower than a Horse
- Can hold a Saddlebag
- Has Adult and Baby variants
- Bred with Golden Carrots
- Drops 1-3 Leather
- Spawns in Desert and Jungle Biomes
- Has 25 Health Points
- Neutral Mob (Hostile if a Player is within 5 blocks of it.)
- Semi-Aquatic Mob
- Has Adult and Baby variants
- Drops 1-3 Crocodile Hide and 1-2 Raw Crocodile
- Deals 6 Damage
- Spawns in Quicksand Crypt and Desert Temples
- Has 20 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Zombie variant
- Has a 50% chance of inflicting the poison effect for 10 Seconds
- Drops 0-2 Rotten Flesh and 0-1 Bandage
The Pharaoh
- The mummified king of an ancient empire
- Found in the Boss Room of the Desert Temple
- Has 200 Health Points
- Hostile mob
- Summons Mummies to attack the Player
- Drops the Mask of the Pharaoh if killed
Quicksand Crypt
- Found occasionally under Quicksand
- A small room containing Mummies and some Vases
- Found in Deserts
- Rarity: Common
Desert Hut
- Hut variant
- Made primarily of Sandy Bricks and Palm Logs
- Has a Camel outside
- Contains a Crafting Table and a Stonecutter
- Has a Villager
- Found in Deserts
- Rarity: Rare
Palm Tree
- Made of Palm Logs and Palm Leaves
- Found in Desert Biomes and Oasises
- Terrain Generation overhaul
- Oases can be found in Deserts
- Contains a Pond, Palm Trees, and Grass
- Quicksand and Palm Trees generate in Deserts
- Oases can be found in Deserts
Blocks and Items[]
- Now works with Camels
Desert Pyramid
- Complete revamp
- Changed to Pyramid Shape
- Now has 3 Floors and stairs leading to the top
- Has a water-drop entrance at the top
- Each floor has puzzles and traps
- Has Mummies in it
- Has a Boss Room in the back of the third floor with The Pharaoh
- Behind The Pharaoh is a Totem of Leeching in an Item Frame
Armor Slots
- Charm Slot
- Can hold Totems
- Back Slot
- Can hold back items like Elytra or Royal Elytra
- Totems held in the off-hand no longer give their effects
- Tomb Explorer - Visit the pyramids.
- THE MUMMY! - Kill the mummy.
- Palmy Attack - Collect a palm log.