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Minecraft 1.21: The Ender & Fletcher Update was announced in MINECON 2023 and released on July 8th, 2024. It completely overhauled The End Dimension with new biomes, ores and mobs, it added functionality to the fletching table, allowing you to make new arrows. This is also the update that added Greenstone to the game. This is all fanmade and speculation.

End Overhaul[]

New Blocks: Ender Grass (which is purple and is the main ground block for the Purpur forest biome), Wild Ender Grass (which is yellow and is the main ground block in the Ender Wilds biome), Black Endstone, Smooth Endstone, Endonium Block, Endonium Brick, Smooth Endonium, Chisled Endonium, Endonium Slab, Endonium Stairs, Purpury Log, Purpury Wood, Purpury Leaves, Purpury Planks, Purpury Slab, Purpury Stairs, Purpury Fence, Purpury Fence Gate, Purputy Sign, Purpury Hanging Sign. Endroot Log, Endroot Wood, Endroot Leaves, Endroot Planks, Endroot Slab, Endroot Fence, Endroot Fence Gate, Endroot Sign, Endroot Hanging Sign, Enigma Grass (which is blue), Enigmatic Log, Enigmatic Planks, Enigmatic Slab, Enigmatic Stairs, Enigmatic Sign, Enigmatic Hanging Sign, Enigmatic Fence, Enigmatic Fence Gate, Enigmatic Wood, Purpur Slab.

New biomes: Purpur Forest, Ender Wilds ( which is inspired by MCD), Enigmatic Forest.

New sub-biome: The Dark End: This sub-biome is entirely made up of black endstone with some chorus fruit growing sporadically.

New plant: The Ender Flower! It's a purple flower that can be found in the Purpur Forest and is used to make purple dye. There is also new Wild End Grass, which is yellow grass that can be found in the Ender Wilds.

New creatures/mobs: White Enderman (which levitates instead of teleporting and spawns ONLY in The Dark End sub-biome), Gray Enderman (which moves faster and spawns in the Ender Wilds), Ender Dragonfly (neutral mob), Endstone Golem, End Villagers, Shulker Springer (a Shulker that launches you in the air upon touching), Purpur Enderman (which spawns in the Purpur Forest), The End Bunny (which is a purple rabbit that can teleport and drops End Bunny Meat).

New structures: End villages, Ender shipwrecks and Ender Ruins!

New ores:

Enderite - A purplish ore that drops Raw Enderite when mined. Raw Enderite can be smelted into Enderite Ingots. These ingots can be used to upgrade diamond armor and tools into enderite armor and tools. Enderite armor & tools are slightly stronger than Netherite. Enderite Boots prevent you from taking damage from teleporting with Ender Pearls.

Endonium - A yellow ore that can be found in the Ender Wilds and drops Endonium ingots when mined. These Endonium ingots can be used to make new Endonium blocks. It is sort of a quartz equivalent for the end. Additionally, you can make armor and tools from it. Endonium Armor and Tools are just like diamond, but with more knockback resistance.

Greenstone - It's the Redstone equivalent for The End and drops greenstone dust when mined. It can be used to make the same items as Redstone but with different recipes. Redstone and Greenstone won't intercept each other.

2 new wood types: Purpury wood, which is found in the Purpur Forest, and Endroot wood, which is found in the Ender Wilds.

Elytra can now be dyed and trimmed!

Fletching Table functionality[]

The Fletching table is now functional! You can use it to make new types of arrows! These include:

- Copper Arrows

- Iron Arrows

- Gold Arrows

- Diamond Arrows

- Netherite Arrows

- Enderite Arrows

- Flaming Arrows

- Frosty Arrows (that freeze and damage mobs for a few seconds)

- Explosive Arrows

- Arrows with potion effects.

Arrows can be dyed now with the fletching table.


- Added the new Greenstone tab to creative mode to separate Redstone and Greenstone

- Fixed a lot of bugs

- Removed Herobrine (again)
