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1.21, the first release of The Ancient Update, is a major update to Minecraft . This update adds Archeology, improvements to structures and other things with the "Ancient" aesthetic.
- It was originally announced for the Caves & Cliffs update but was introduced in this version.
- It consists of obtaining historical objects through several ways: chests, the Brush and exchanging with Arequologist Villagers
- New tool used to remove gravel, dirt, sand and another blocks to obtain different objects.
- Can be enchanted with Mending, Unbreaking, Efficiency and Curse of Vanishing.
- Crafted with two Copper Ingots and one String in the shape of a Shovel.
- You can sweep all the "Soil" blocks that are:
- Clay
- Dirt and Grass (and variants)
- Gravel
- Normal and Red Sand
- Soul Sand and Soil
- Mud
- It is known that there will be Brushes with different speeds and that each speed will have its advantages and disadvantages, but they have not been added yet.
- New block that serves the same purpose as the Brush, only in block form
- Partially inspired by the Fossils and Archeology mod.
Damp Clay Pot[]
- New Block Made with Clay in the shape of a Cauldron on the Crafting Table
- It can be placed on a solid surface and by right clicking with a Ceramic Shard it will stick.
- Upon breaking without Silk Touch, it drops 8 Clay Balls and the Ceramic Shards it currently have.
- Can be cooked in a Furnace to create a Vase
- After staying on top of the Fire for a while it will also cook itself but keeping the Ceramic Shards on top of it.
Clay Pot[]
- Each Vase has 4 Ceramic Shards
- Upon breaking without Silk Touch, it drops the Ceramic Shards it currently have.
Ceramic Shards[]
- They are ceramic fragments, there are 11 (12 counting the empty one)
- The Ceramic Shard is placed in the direction on which face the player is facing, using a Wrench can help place them.
- In total there are 48 chances altogether
- New decorative block, this one has the particularity that it allows you to put items (it has the same space as a Hopper), but these can no longer be removed unless the Vase is broken.
- Breaking it without Silk Touch will give you 4 Empty Ceramic Shards and the Items inside.
- New tool that can store multiple stacks of blocks.
- Now unstackable items cannot be inserted.
Excavation Sites[]
- Structures full of blocks that can be swept away with the Brush, these are more likely to have good stuff.
- Archeologist Villagers: Trades Brushes and Archeology Items.
- Now calling a Pig "Reuben" will cause it to have the Reuben's Story Mode skin.
Desert Pyramids[]
- The original structure is just the entrance to one that extends more extensively
- There are several rooms: Spawner rooms, treasure rooms, and a room based on the original temple (there's only one per pyramid and it's the easiest to find)
- Spawner Rooms are similar to Dungeons, only they usually don't have chests
- In some the Spawners are well hidden under a wall that allows Husks to exit on a certain side.
- In others, the Spawners are up and the Husks spawn and fall.
- There are also some with a Spawner in the center, but this spawns more dangerous Husks.
- Treasure Rooms are regularly rooms with chests and some with Hidden Chests.
- There are also doors that close, when someone passes through a corridor with a Tripwire the Sand is updated and closes the entrance, in addition a Spawner is activated, forcing the player to fight.
- Spawner Rooms are similar to Dungeons, only they usually don't have chests
- Under Construction
- Now they are neater, but they still look old.
- Potions of Weakness and Golden Apple are now in a Bundle called "Healing Stuff", so the player knows to use these two items.
Jungle Temples[]
- Now they are much larger and have different rooms.
- Under Construction
Swamp hut[]
- They stopped being "fine" and now have Brewing Stands and Chests, they also increased their size a bit
- They can appear "floating" and attached by Chains and Fences in the mines, they now have better items and minerals.
They were updated with the content of the Biome Vote:
- Meerkats: Mobs that, like Foxes, can trust you, but cannot be tamed.
- Palm trees: they are similar to most trees, they are a sand color
- Coconuts: New Fruits, They grow similar to Mangrove Propagules, they are a food source in Deserts.
- Oasis: Generation of water in the desert where there are also many palm trees and Meerkats.
- They also now have Sandstorms as weather and Quicksand, a new fluid similar to Powder Snow.
- Scorpion: New mob that, when punctured, gives you the Fatal Poison effect, it is the size of a Spider
- Snake: New small mob that gives you the Poison effect if you get too close, it also affects other mobs.
- Saddles, Minecarts (and variants), Boats (and variants), Cakes, Soups, Buckets (excepting Axolotl and Tropical Fish buckets) and Beds are now stackable up 16
- Enchanted Books of the same type, Music Discs and Signs are now stackable up 64
- Poison now heals undead mobs and Regeneration heals them.
Relase Order[]
Snapshots (Java Edition)
- 24w05a
Beta Versions (Bedrock Edition)
- This update was the winner of an Update Vote that was made in the Minecoin 2022, where several update options were shown after The Glorious Update.
- The proposals were:
- Magic Update: Update that would bring things related to Magic such as magic weapons and improvements to Brewing Systems.
- Harvest Update: Update that would bring things related to agriculture and food expansion
- Archeology Update (winner): Update that would bring archeology and ancient things
- The Ancient Update won first, Magic Update second and Harvest Update third, it is known that this will be the exact update order.
- The proposals were: