Minecraft Fanon Wiki

1.23: The Nether & Nature Update was announced during Minecraft Festival 2025 and released on June 9th 2026. It added many new features to the Nether and made many changes to nature as a whole, such as adding ambient sounds. This is all fanmade and speculation.


Nether Changes[]

New nether biomes:

Flaming Forest: An orange biome made up of mostly Flaming Nylium. In here you can find new trees made from Flaming Logs & Flaming Leaves. The logs can be made into planks, slabs, stairs, fences etc. There are also small lava pools in this biome.

Infernal Wastes: A variant of the nether wastes where the ground is made from a new block called Infernal Netherack. There are big lava lakes and some small obsidian pillars in this biome.

Fungus Jungle: A brownish biome where the main ground block is Fungy Nylium. You can find new funguy/mushroom trees with vines in thsi biome too.

New nether mobs[]

Flame Allay: A yellow allay variant found in the nether. It's based of MCL.

Netherman: Like Enderman But No Water Damage, Can't Griefing, Only Spawns In Lava and Fortress and Having Enderophobic (Fear Of The End Dimension)

Netherite Shulker: Like Shulker But Having Thalassophobic and Aquaphobic (Fear Of Water)

The Fire Vex: A red vex variant that spawns near lava lakes.

The Piglin Commander: An oversized piglin that spawns in Nether Cities.

BOSS: The Wildfire: This is a boss found in Nether Cities. This is also mob D from the 2017 mob vote.

New Nether Structures[]

The Nether City: It's like an end city, but it's flipped upside down, underground and in the nether. In here you will find a lot of Piglins, Piglin Commanders, and a new boss: The Wildfire.


Netherwhite is a new ore like ancient debris that is found in the nether. It's like netherite, but much rarer, stronger and with a white color. Upon mining it will drop Netherwhite Scraps. You can then combine 4 of these scraps with gold ingots to get the Netherwhite Ingot. You can then apply these new ingots to diamond equipment to turn it into Netherwhite Armor & Tools. They are slightly better then netherite.

Nature Changes[]

Ambient Sounds[]

Ambient sounds are finally added! Now while wandering around different biomes you may hear:

- Birds Singing in the forest

- Revamped Rain Sound Effects

- Some noises at night like crickets

- Badlands ambience

New Overworld Mobs[]

Deer: A passive mobs that spawns in birch and oak forests. It will drop Deer Skin. You can then combine 4 dear skin and 1 leather to craft a Bundle, which has finally been added! Bundles can store a stack of separate items all in just one slot! Now that's useful!

Owl: A bird mob that can spawn in birch, oak, dark oak forests and taigas. They are passive, spawn ONLY at night and drop feathers.

New Nether Blocks and Item[]

  • Nether Pearl: Is Like Ender Pearl But It Just Teleport To Ruined Portals.
  • Netherstones: Its Only 1% Chance Of Spawn
  • Netherite Box: Its Shulker Box But Large (2 in 1)