The Mythical Update is a major Minecraft Update released on December 16, 2022. It adds a new dimension called The Mythic to Minecraft. It was the first update to add a dimension since the full release of the game. It also has many requested and needed parities between Java, Bedrock, and Pocket Editions. It currently does not have much relevance to progression, but it is teased to have much more relevance soon.
Mythic Portals[]
Mythic Portals are the only way to reach The Mythic. Creating one is similar to a Nether Portal. The frame can be the same size and is made out of Glowstone. Mythic Portals can only be lighted by Glint and Steel. They show a similar center to a Nether Portal, except the Purple is more of a Magenta color.
Whispering Woods
- A forest filled with heavy mist and trees
- Grows Deeproot and Mistshroud Trees
- Looks uncannily similar to the Forest of the Overworld
- Mythic Portals always generate here
Highbranch Forest
- A forest filled with tall trees at varying heights
- Grows Highbranch and Deeproot Trees
- Instead of a general ground level, there are multiple suspended platforms of land at varying heights among the trees
Wildbloom Fields
- A plains filled with strange flowers
- Looks uncannilly similar to the Plains of the Overworld
Purified Plains
- A lush and shimmering plains
- Home to the Pureni
Mistcap Mountains
- Tall and jagged mountains obscured by mist at the top
- Grows Mistshroud Trees
- Looks uncannily similar to the Mountains of the Overworld
Mythic Ocean
- Oceans in The Mythic
- Filled with Sodae
- Contains many ocean creatures
Mythic Cave
- Underground areas of The Mythic
- Contains caves of varying sizes
- Can contain Boiling Sodae
Deeproot Log
- Found on Deeproot Trees
- Is a dark brown color with striped texture
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
Deeproot Leaves
- Found on Deeproot Trees
Deeproot Sapling
- Has a chance to drop from Deeproot Leaves
Mistshroud Log
- Found on Mistshroud Trees
- Is a misty white color with striped texture
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
Mistshroud Leaves
- Found on Mistshroud Trees
Mistshroud Sapling
- Has a chance to drop from Mistshroud Leaves
Highbranch Log
- Found on Highbranch Trees
- Is a Brown color with lined texture
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted into Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
Highbranch Leaves
- Found on Highbranch Trees
Highbranch Sapling
- Has a chance to drop from Highbranch Leaves
Dark Grass
- New Surface Block
- Is a dark green color
- Similar to Grass
- Found in Whispering Woods, Highbranch Forest, and Mistcap Mountains
Dark Dirt
- New Undersurface Block
- Dirt variant of Dark Grass
- Can grow into Dark Grass when exposed
- Found in Wispering Woods, Highbranch Forest, and Mistcap Mountains
Myth Grass
- New Surface Block
- Is a pink color
- Similar to Grass
- Found in various Mythic Biomes
- New Undersurface Block
- Dirt variant of Myth Grass
- Is a pale pink color
- Can grow into Myth Grass when exposed
- Found in various Mythic Biomes
- A dark green grass
- 2 Blocks tall
- Found in Whispering Woods and Highbranch Forests
Wispglow Weed
- A tangling blue plant with a yellow bulb
- Stem gives off a faint glow and bulb gives off a bright glow
- Attracts Wisps
- Found in Whispering Woods
Mistberry Bush
- A thick blue bush
- 2 Blocks Tall
- Grows Mistberries on it
- Mistberries can be harvested from it
- Found in Whispering Woods
High Vine
- A thick and tangling dark green vine
- Similar to Twisting Vines, but grow horizontally
- Grow off Highbranch Trees
- Hold up platforms in Highbranch Forest
- Can be climbed
Leafglow Weed
- A tangling green plant with dark green leaves
- Stem gives off a faint glow and bulb gives off a bright glow
- Found in Highbranch Forests
High Beetle Nest
- Similar to a Termite Nest
- Where High Beetles live
- Can hold up to 2 High Beetles
- Once filled with 2 levels of Leaves, can be harvested with a Shears to drop 3 Mulch
- Generates in Mounds or atop Highbranch Trees
High Beetle Keep
- Crafted version of High Beetle Nest
Red Iose
- Pointy red flower
- 2 blocks tall
- Can be host to a Floren
- Can be crafted into Red Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Wildbloom Plains
Orange Iose
- Pointy orange flower
- 2 blocks tall
- Can be host to a Floren
- Can be crafted into Orange Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Wildbloom Plains
Yellow Iose
- Pointy yellow flower
- 2 blocks tall
- Can be host to a Floren
- Can be crafted into Yellow Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Wildbloom Plains
Mysticberry Bush
- A small gold bush
- Gives off a gold glow
- Grows Mysticberries on it
- Mysticberries can be harvested from it
- Found in Mistcap Mountains
Mist Snow
- Can create snow particle effect
- Can be crafted into Whispering Lantern
- Found in Mistcap Mountains
- A shimmering white bush
- Gives off shimmering particles
- Found in Purified Plains
- A shimmering white flower
- Gives off shimmering particles
- Can be crafted into Shimmer Dye
- Found in Purified Plains
Wooden Post
- New Decorative Block
- Looks similar to Wood, but is thinner
- Has Oak, Birch, Spruce,Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Pine, Mangrove, Baobab, Palm, Mushroom, Poison, Crimson, Warped, Corrupted, Vibrant, Deeproot, Mistshroud, and Highbranch variants
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be clicked with Iron Ingots to hold them
- Can hold up to 5 Iron Ingots at a time
- Attracts Pureni
- Can be inspected by Pureni in exchange for items
- Liquid
- Looks similar to a brown soda and makes a fizzing sound
- Liquid that fills Mythic Oceans
- Can be lit with Flint and Steel to turn into Boiling Sodae
- Can be held in a Bucket
Bucket of Sodae
- Holds Sodae
Rainbow Coral
- Formations of Coral
- Changes color depending on blocks below sea level
- Attracts Rainbow Fish
Boiling Sodae
- Liquid
- Looks similar to Sodae, but is a Orange and makes an even louder fizzing sound
- Liquid that is found underground
- Can be held in a Bucket
- Deals 12 damage every half second to entities in contact with it
Bucket of Boiling Sodae
- Holds Boiling Sodae
Ophelium Ore
- New Ore
- Found at least 15 blocks below the surface in The Mythic at Common rarity
- Drops 1 Ophelium
- Has a deep Purple texture
Mythic Iron Ore
- New Ore
- Found at least 5 blocks below surface in The Mythic at Very Common rarity
- Drops 2-6 Iron Ingots
- Similar to Iron Ore, but has a more fragmented and Mythstone-like texture
Block of Fluff
- Looks similar to Wool, but has a wavy texture
- Crafted with 8 Fluff and 1 of any Dye
Soft Bed
- Similar to Bed
- Once slept in, gives player 2 Temporary Hearts
- Temporary Hearts can not be given if player currently has Temporary Hearts from sleeping in it
Block of Ophelium
- New Decorative Block
- Is a deep Purple color
- Can be crafted or cut into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Crafted with 4 Ophelium
Chiseled Ophelium
- New Decorative Block
- Has a mist cloud design ingraved in it
- Crafted with 2 Ophelium Slabs
- Cut from Block of Ophelium
Ophelium Pillar
- New Decorative Block
- Crafted with 2 Block of Ophelium (Makes 2)
- Cut from Block of Ophelium
Ophelium Bricks
- New Decorative Block
- Crafted with 4 Block of Ophelium (Makes 4)
- Cut from Block of Ophelium
- New Stone Block
- Is a pink color
- Can be crafted or cut into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Found beneath Whispering Woods, Wildbloom Plains, Purified Plains, and Mistcap Mountains
Polished Mythstone
- New Decorative Block
- Can be crafted or cut into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Crafted with 4 Mythstone (Makes 4)
- Cut from Mythstone
Mythstone Bricks
- New Decorative Block
- Can be crafted or cut into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Crafted with 4 Mythstone (Makes 4)
- Cut from Mythstone
- New Stone Block
- Is a light gray color
- Can be crafted or cut into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Found beneath platforms of Highbranch Forest
Polished Highstone
- New Decorative Block
- Can be crafted or cut into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Crafted with 4 Highstone (Makes 4)
- Cut from Highstone
Highstone Bricks
- New Decorative Block
- Can be crafted or cut into Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Crafted with 4 Highstone (Makes 4)
- Cut from Highstone
Abyssal Block
- Has a dark and spiraling Black-Green texture
- Gives off a low Black Light
- Deals 1 Damage to nearby entities every seconds
- Crafted with 4 Abyssal Fractures
Whispering Lantern
- Similar to Lantern
- Gives off a dim glow and faint mist nearby
- Crafted with 1 Whispering Jewel, 2 Mist Snow, and 6 Iron Nuggets
- Food
- Restores 4 Food Points
- Increases Player's vision radius by 50% in Mist for 40 seconds when consumed
- Harvested from Mistberry Bush
- Gives off a glowing purple effect when on bush
- Food
- Restores 5 Food Points
- Gives a random beneficial status effect for 5 seconds
- Harvested from Mysticberry Bush
Raw Leaf Glider
- Food
- Restores 5 Food Points
- Gives Guard for 5 seconds
Cooked Leaf Glider
- Food
- Restores 12 Food Points
- Gives Guard for 10 seconds
Raw Rale Fin
- Food
- Restores 3 Food Points
Cooked Rale Fin
- Food
- Restores 15 Food Points
- Gives Regeneration for 10 seconds
Raw Rainbow Fish
- Food
- Restores 3 Food Points
Cooked Rainbow Fish
- Food
- Restores 8 Food Points
- New Mineral
Whispering Jewel
- Can be used to create Mist in a 5x5 area
- Can be crafted into Whispering Lantern
Miststalker Fur
- Similar to Leather
- Can be used to craft Miststalker Fur Armor
- Harvested from High Beetle Nest
- Can be used on Saplings to instantly grow
Beetle Shell
- Currently useless
Bearor Fur
- Similar to Leather
- Can be used to craft Bearor Fur Armor
- Similar to Wool, but is an Item and not a Block
- Can be dyed
Floren Thorn
- Currently useless
Summit Jewel
- Can be used to create Mist in a 5x5 area in a random spot nearby you
Shimmer Dye
- New Dye
- Can be left-clicked on dyed or dyable blocks to give them a shimmering texture
- Crafted with Shimmerbloom
Abyssal Fracture
- A strange shard with a link to The Abyss
Abyssal Bone
- Currently useless
Glint and Steel
- Used to light a Mythic Portal
- Crafted with Iron Ingot and Gold Ingot
Miststalker Fur Armor
- In between Iron and Diamond Tier
- Allows for the player to sneak up on mobs easier
Piece | Armor Points |
Cap | 2 |
Tunic | 7 |
Pants | 6 |
Boots | 2 |
Total | 17 |
Bearor Fur
- In between iron and Diamond Tier
- Allows for the player to be chased by mobs less
Piece | Armor Points |
Cap | 2 |
Tunic | 7 |
Pants | 6 |
Boots | 2 |
Total | 17 |
- A small and mischievous blue spirit creature
- Has 32 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-2 Whispering Jewel
- Attracted to Wispglow Weed
- Makes eerie laughing sounds
- Attacks with orbs of light
- Deals 6 Ranged Damage
- Found in Whispering Woods
- A large wolf-like creature that hunts best in the mist
- Has 48 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-2 Miststalker Fur
- Howls at Sunset
- Deals 9 Melee Damage
- Found in Whispering Woods and Mistcap Mountains
High Beetle
- Tiny beetles who harvest the leaves off of the tallest trees
- Has 15 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- All nearby High Beetles will attack a target if the target deals damage to one of them
- Can climb the sides of trees
- Harvest from Highbranch Leaves
- Lives in High Beetle Mounds
- Will wander until it finds one
- Makes nearby Saplings grow faster
- Drops 1-2 Beetle Shell
- Found in Highbranch Forests
- Deals 5 Damage + Stunning
Leaf Glider
- Glides across the high canopies of some Forests
- Has 25 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Flying Mob
- Drops 1-3 Raw Leaf Glider
- Has Adult and Baby variants
- Can be bred with Highbranch Leaves
- Found in Highbranch Forests
- I giant bear beast with a massive roar
- Has 60 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-2 Bearor Fur
- Can roar to stun nearby enemies for 5 seconds
- Deals 10 Melee Damage
- Found in Highbranch Forests
- A giant flower beast with sharp fangs and throrns
- Has 70 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Can disguise itself as any Iose
- Has similar features to its corresponding flower
- Drops 1-2 Floren Thorn and 1-3 of corresponding flower
- Thorns damage players if close
- Deals 8 Melee Damage and 2 Thorn Damage per second
- Found in Wildbloom Fields
- A small creature that looks similar to Eevee from Pokémon
- Has 32 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 2-5 Fluff
- Run fast when players get close
- Can be sheared for Fluff
- Has Adult and Baby variants
- Found in Wildbloom Fields
- Taken from RavagerGamer2008's Java Edition 1.22: The Mythical update
Summit Titan
- A giant elemental of the coldest peaks
- Has 100 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 1 Summit Gem
- Can not be knocked back
- Deals 15 Melee Damage
- Found in Mistcap Mountains
- A humanoid creature with slightly amphibian features and is shimmering white
- Has 32 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- Attacks players if they are not wearing at least one piece of Iron Armor
- Has a chance to hold Trident, Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, or Iron Boots
- Has a chance to drop Held Items
- Can inspect Iron Ingots placed in Ironholders by players in exchange for rewards
- Rewards can be a random Enchanted Book, Iron Armor, Potions and Splash Potions of Speed, Water Bottles, Abyssal Fracture, Mistonium, or common items
- Has Adult and Baby variants
- Can ride Rale
- Deals 20 Trident Damage
- Found in Highbranch Forests, Shimmering Plains, Mythic Caves, and in Pureni Cities
- A small flying insect that shimmers
- Has 20 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- Attacks players who have attacked it
- Flying Mob
- Drops 0-2 Shimmer Dye
- Deals 4 Damage + Poison
- Found in Shimmering Plains
- A large red whale that thrives in the Sodae oceans
- Has 100 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Neutral Mob if being ridden by Pureni
- Aquatic Mob
- Swimming Mob
- Attacks if Pureni is attacking
- Drops 0-1 Raw Rale Fin
- Deals 15 Ranged Damage
- Found in Mythic Ocean
Rainbow Fish
- A fish that changes colors
- Has 5 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Aquatic Mob
- Swimming Mob
- Drops 1 Raw Rainbow Fish
- Attracted to Rainbow coral
- Changes colors between rainbow colors
- Found in Mythic Ocean
- Dark spirit creatures from the depths of The Abyss
- Has 60 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drop 0-1 Abyssal Fracture and 0-2 Abyssal Bone
- Does not take damage from Abyssal Blocks
- Can screech if a player is nearby
- Inflicts either Darkness, Nausea, or Wither for 10 seconds
- Deals 10 Melee Damage and 3 Screech Damage
- Found in Abyssal Structures
- Increases Defense value by 130%
- Makes it so entity can not move or perform actions
Abyssal House
- A dark and mysterious version of a player's typical Starter House
- Built mainly out of Oak Planks, Oak Logs, and Cobblestone
- Cobwebs and Abyssal Blocks replace some blocks in the house
- Filled with Cobwebs
- Contains a Loot Chest with typical starting items from The Overworld and Abyssal Fractures
- Contains Abysrials
- Found in Whispering Woods
Abyssal Village
- A dark and mysterious version of a pre-1.14 Village
- Built mainly out of Oak Planks, Oak Logs, and Cobblestone
- Cobwebs and Abyssal Blocks replace some blocks in the house
- Filled with Cobwebs
- Contains a Loot Chest with Village Loot and Abyssal Fractures
- Contains Abysrials
- Found in Wildbloom Fields
Pureni City
- A large complex of buildings stretching up high above the plains
- Home to the Pureni
- Built mainly out of Polished Mythstone, Mythstone Bricks, Stripped Mistshroud Posts, and White Concrete
- Looks a strangely similar to Villages of the Overworld
- Contains Pureni Houses
- Contains Loot Chests with Iron Ingots, Abyssal Fractures, and Common Loot
- Contains Pureni
- Found in Shimmering Plains
Ruined Mythic Portal
- Similar to Ruined Nether Portal
- Some Glowstone is replaces with Cracked Glowstone
- Contains a Loot Chest with Glowstone, Iron Ingots, Iron Tools and Weapons, and Glint and Steel
- The Mythic Dimension has been added
- A dimension of many mystical creatures
- Has strange links to Steve's past for Players to discover
- Some of its Biomes mirror Biomes of The Overworld
- A thick and eerie mist that decreases Player vision radius
- Found in Mysterious Forests
Raw Glider
- Name changed to Raw Sweet Glider
- Now gives Speed for 5 seconds
Cooked Glider
- Name changed to Cooked Sweet Glider
- Now gives Speed for 10 seconds
Red Dye
- Can be crafted with Red Iose
Orange Dye
- Can be crafted with Orange Iose
Yellow Dye
- Can be crafted with Yellow Iose
Ruined Portal
- Name changed to Ruined Nether Portal