Rise of the Illagers is a fan-made Minecraft Update. It would be the second update focused on Villagers and Illagers, and would be the sequel to Village and Pillage. It suggests many new Villager professions, variants as well as new Illager and Pirate species. It is also more focused on other Dimensions, and adds some Nether and End Illager variants.
Polished Blackstone Pillar
- Crafted with 2 Polished Blackstone (Makes 2)
- Cut from Polished Blackstone
Polished Duskstone
- Has Slab, Stair, Wall, Button, and Pressure Plate variants
- Crafted with 4 Duskstone (Makes 4)
- Cut from Duskstone
Chiseled Polished Duskstone
- Crafted with 2 Polished Duskstone Slab
- Cut from Duskstone
Polished Duskstone Bricks
- Has Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Crafted with 4 Polished Duskstone (Makes 4)
- Cut from Polished Duskstone
Polished Duskstone Pillar
- Crafted with 2 Polished Duskstone (Makes 2)
- Cut from Polished Duskstone
Cracked Polished Duskstone Bricks
- Has Slab, Stair, and Wall variants
- Smelted from Polished Duskstone Bricks
- Source Block for Rancher Villagers
- Items used to feed or breed animals can be placed in it
- Animals will eat items in it once a day
- Crafted with 4 of any Planks and 3 Copper Ingots
Mining Table
- Source Block for Miner Villagers
- Currently unusable
- Crafted with 4 of any planks and 2 Tin Ingots
Circuitry Table
- Source Block for Engineer Villagers
- Currently unusable
- Crafted with 4 of any planks and 2 Redstone Dust
Culinary Table
- Source Block for Chef Villagers
- Currently unusable
- Crafted with 4 of any planks and 2 Marble Slab
- Source Block for Bard Villagers
- Can be used to play music similar to Note Blocks
- Has a music interface with different clickable strings that produce different sounds
- Crafted with 4 String, 2 Sticks, and 3 of any Planks
Iron Beehive
- Similar to Beehive
- Can hold up to 5 Bees
- Gives 3-5 Honeycomb upon harvest
- Crafted with 6 Iron Ingots and 3 Honeycomb
Polished Blackstone Pillar
- Crafted with 4 Polished Blackstone Slabs (Makes 2)
- Cut from Polished Blackstone
Copper Bars
- Similar to Iron Bars
- Crafted with 6 Copper Ingots (Makes 16)
Tin Bars
- Similar to Iron Bars
- Crafted with 6 Tin Ingots (Makes 16)
Copper Chain
- Similar to Chain
- Crafted with 2 Copper Nugget and 1 Copper Ingot
Tin Chain
- Similar to Chain
- Crafted with 2 Tin Nugget and 1 Tin Ingot
Copper Pressure Plate
- Crafted with 2 Copper Ingot
Tin Pressure Plate
- Crafted with 2 Tin Ingot
- A tall wall-like Block made of rusted Stone with Creeper heads carved on the top
- Blocks all Magic from getting through it
- Crafted with 2 Cobblestone Wall and 4 Rusted Pebble
Exploding Monolith
- Similar to Monolith
- Looks cracked with angry faces carved on the top
- Explodes after 5 seconds dealing Explosion Damage slightly higher than TNT
- Does not break blocks
- Lights up red when it is about to explode
Animal Food
- Can be used to breed any breedable animals
- Crafted with Seed, Wheat, Carrot, Potato, and Beetroot (Makes 4)
Grilled Carrot
- Food
- Restores 6 Food Points
Enhancing Spices
- Can be used in a Culinary Table
- Adds 1 Food Point to the applied food (up to a stack)
Copper Nugget
- Crafted with Copper Ingot (Makes 9)
Tin Nugget
- Crafted with Tin Ingot (Makes 9)
Ender Charm
- Endlings will no longer attack you when stared at
- Gives effect when held in the Inventory
- Very rarely found in Loot Chests in Endling Castles
- Can be shot as a projectile from Cannons
- Non-Stackable
- Deals 13 Ranged Damage when shot from a Cannon
- Crafted with 4 Iron Ingot and 5 Gunpowder
Rusty Pebbles
- Can be used to craft Monoliths and Exploding Monoliths
Tools and Weapons[]
Ice Wand
- Magic Ranged Weapon
- Can be used to summon Iceologer ice blocks above targeted area
- Dropped by Iceologer
Wind Wand
- Magic Ranged Weapon
- Can be used to summon Wind Caller wind columns in targeted area
- Dropped by Wind Caller
Fire Wand
- Magic Ranged Weapon
- Can be used to summon Fire Caller fire rows in targeted area
- Dropped by Fire Caller
Void Wand
- Magic Weapon
- Can be used to summon Void Beckoner void areas in targeted area
- Dropped by Void Beckoner
- A frozen Illager with power over ice
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by player and 1 Ice Wand (Rare)
- Summons ice blocks above enemies
- Deals 6 Magic Damage + Frozen + Stun
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Mountain, Snowy Tundra, Ice Spikes, Snowy Patrols, and Windswept Ramparts
- Originally from Minecraft Dungeons
- Winner of Forgotten Vote 2023
- An Illager fit to climb the roughest peaks
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds a Tin Pickaxe
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by player
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Deals 11 Melee Damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Can be a Raid Captain
- Spawns in Snowy Patrols and Windswept Ramparts
- Originally from Minecraft Dungeons
Wind Caller
- An Illager that has control over the mountain winds
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by player and 1 Wind Wand (Rare)
- Summons wind columns that push enemies into the air
- Entities in wind columns take 1 Magic Damage per second
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Snowy Patrols and Windswept Ramparts
- Originally from Minecraft Dungeons
Piglin Sharpshooter
- A large Piglin extremely skilled with Crossbows
- Has 35 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds an enchanted Golden Crossbow with at least Piercing II
- Has a change to drop Held Item
- Deals 4-10 Ranged Damage
- Is always aggressive, regardless of if Player is wearing Gold Armor
- Spawns in Bastion Remnants
- A small friendly animal that walks around villagers
- Has 15 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Has 3 variants
- Border Collie, Corgi, and Dachshund
- Has Adult and Baby variants
- Tamed with Bones
- Can be fed with any Meat
- Can be bred with any Meat
- When tamed, can fetch items for the Player and can dig up various items (similar to fishing)
- Spawns in Villages and Mountain Huts
- A very skilled Illager trained for hunting in the Nether and attacking Piglins
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds an Iron Crossbow
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Deals 6 Ranged Damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Can be a Raid Captain
- Spawns in Hunter Outposts and Nether Patrols
- Original by Badowie
- An enraged Illager trained for Nether combat
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds an Iron Longsword
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Deals 17 Melee Damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Nether Patrols
Flame Caller
- An Illager that has control over the flames of the Nether
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player and 1 Fire Wand (Rare)
- Summons fire rows that light enemies on fire
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Nether Patrols
Pirate Captain
- Leader of a crew of Pirates
- Has 35 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Has a tamed Parrot that rides on its shoulder
- Holds a Diamond Saber
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Deals 15 Melee Damage
- Spawns in Pirate Ships and Plunders
Pirate Piker
- A Pirate well trained at using a Spear
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds an Iron Spear
- Has a chance to wear a Pirate Banner
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Drops a Pirate Banner if it is a Held Item
- Deals 9 Melee Damage
- Spawns in Pirate Ships, Pirate Patrols, and Plunders
- A mysterious Illager skilled at navigating The End and attacking Endlings
- Has 36 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds a Diamond Crossbow
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Deals 8 Ranged Damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Can be a Raid Captain
- Spawns in Raider Outposts and End Patrols
- A mysterious Illager well-trained at End Combat
- Has 36 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds a Diamond Dagger
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Deals 20 Melee Damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in End Patrols
Void Beckoner
- An Illager that controls mysterious dark magic of the void
- Has 36 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player and 1 Void Wand (Rare)
- Summons an area of void under the player that makes the blocks under them temporarily disappear and pulls them down into the void
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in End Patrols
- An Illager with power over Stone
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player and 0-3 Rusty Pebbles
- Can create temporary Monoliths and Exploding Monoliths near the player
- Deals no direct damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Woodland Mansions
- Originally from Minecraft Dungeons
- An Illager that loves to steal
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds an Iron Dagger
- Drops 0-1 Emerald and acquired items when killed by a player
- Picks up items that are dropped near it
- Deals 8 Melee Damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Woodland Mansions
- An Illager well-equipped for close up combat
- Has 24 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Holds an Iron Sword and Iron Shield
- Drops 0-1 Emerald when killed by a player
- Has a chance to drop Held Item
- Deals 11 Melee Damage
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Woodland Mansions
Villager Professions[]
- Trades for Wood related blocks
- Source Block: Sawmill
- Found only in Mountain Huts
Level | Item Wanted | Item Given | Trades Until Disabled |
Novice | 5 Oak Log | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | 5 Birch Log | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | Emerald | 10 Oak Planks | 16 |
Novice | Emerald | 10 Birch Planks | 16 |
Apprentice | 4 Spruce Log | Emerald | 16 |
Apprentice | 4 Dark Oak Log | Emerald | 16 |
Apprentice | Emerald | 15 Spruce Planks | 16 |
Apprentice | Emerald | 15 Dark Oak Planks | 16 |
Journeyman | 4 Acacia Log | Emerald | 16 |
Journeyman | 4 Pine Log | Emerald | 16 |
Journeyman | Emerald | 15 Acacia Planks | 16 |
Journeyman | Emerald | 15 Pine Planks | 16 |
Expert | 4 Baobab Log | Emerald | 16 |
Expert | 4 Mangrove Log | Emerald | 16 |
Expert | Emerald | 15 Baobab Log | 16 |
Expert | Emerald | 15 Mangrove Log | 16 |
Master | 4 Jungle Log | Emerald | 16 |
Master | 4 Mushroom Stem | Emerald | 16 |
Master | Emerald | 15 Jungle Planks | 16 |
Master | Emerald | 15 Mushroom Planks | 16 |
- Trades Farming related items
- Source Block: Trough
Level | Item Wanted | Item Given | Trades Until Disabled |
Novice | 25 Seed | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | Emerald | Shears | 12 |
Apprentice | 20 Wheat | Emerald | 16 |
Apprenctice | Emerald | 10 Oak Fence | 10 |
Journeyman | 20 Carrot | Emerald | 16 |
Journeyman | Emerald | 10 Oak Fence Gate | 10 |
Expert | 5 Poppy | Emerald | 16 |
Expert | 5 Dandelion | Emerald | 16 |
Expert | Emerald | 2 Hay Bale | 16 |
Master | 4 Golden Carrot | Emerald | 16 |
Master | Emerald | 20 Animal Food | 16 |
- Trades mining related items and minerals
- Source Block: Mining Table
- Found only in Villager Mineshafts
Level | Item Wanted | Item Given | Trades Until Disabled |
Novice | 10 Coal | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | Emerald | Tin Pickaxe | 12 |
Apprentice | 6 Tin Ingot | Emerald | 16 |
Apprentice | Emerald | 2 Buckets | 12 |
Journeyman | 3 Iron Ingot | Emerald | 12 |
Journeyman | 2 Emerald | Iron Pickaxe | 12 |
Expert | 10 Redstone Dust | Emerald | 12 |
Expert | 5 Emerald | Diamond Pickaxe | 10 |
Master | Diamond | Emerald | 12 |
Master | 15-30 Emerald | Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe | 5 |
- Trades Bee-related items and flowers
- Source Block: Beehive
Level | Item Wanted | Item Given | Trades Until Disabled |
Novice | 5 Sunflower | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | Emerald | Beehive | 10 |
Apprentice | 5 Poppy | Emerald | 16 |
Apprentice | Emerald | Campfire | 12 |
Journeyman | 9 Glass Bottle | Emerald | 16 |
Journeyman | Emerald | Honey Bottle | 12 |
Expert | 5 Oxeye Daisy | Emerald | 16 |
Expert | 3 Emeralds | Honey Block | 12 |
Master | 5 Honeycomb | Emerald | 16 |
Master | 3 Emeralds | Iron Beehive | 10 |
- Trades Redstone related items and components
- Source Block: Circuitry Table
Level | Item Wanted | Item Given | Trades Until Disabled |
Novice | 10 Redstone Dust | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | Emerald | Redstone Lamp | 12 |
Apprentice | 16 Any Button | Emerald | 16 |
Apprentice | Emerald | Dispenser | 12 |
Journeyman | 12 Lever | Emerald | 16 |
Journeyman | Emerald | 4 Redstone Repeater | 12 |
Expert | 8 Any Pressure Plate | Emerald | 16 |
Expert | Emerald | 4 Redstone Comparator | 12 |
Master | 8 Tripwire Hook | Emerald | 16 |
Master | Emerald | Observer | 12 |
- Trades Foods and Food related items
- Source Block: Culinary Table
Level | Item Wanted | Item Given | Trades Until Disabled |
Novice | 20 Wheat | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | 26 Potato | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | 15 Beetroot | Emerald | 16 |
Novice | Emerald | Beetroot Stew | 12 |
Apprentice | Emerald | 12 Bread | 16 |
Apprentice | Emerald | 10 Baked Potato | 16 |
Journeyman | 22 Carrot | Emerald | 16 |
Journeyman | Emerald | 10 Grilled Carrot | 16 |
Expert | 6 Bowl | Emerald | 12 |
Master | 5 Emerald | Enhancing Spices | 10 |
- Plays music
- Increases the happiness level of nearby Villagers
- Effect does not stack
- Source Block: Harp
- Lives on Walls in Towns
- Rings a Bell and alerts the Village if a Raid, Plunder, or Zombie Raid has started
- Can alert Iron Golems of hostile mobs
- Source Block: Armor Stand
Other Entities[]
- Fires Cannonballs
- Has a rate of 1 Cannonball per 5 seconds
- Cannonballs are stored inside of it in a Chest-like interface with enough space for 10 Cannonballs
- Can be moved by Players or Pirates, but halves movement speed when moving
- Found in Pirate Ships
Hero of the Bastion
- Similar to Hero of the Village
- Obtained by winning an Nether Raid
- Makes Piglins Passive
- Slightly speeds up Bartering time
- Increases chance of good Loot from Bartering
Hero of the Castle
- Similar to Hero of the Village
- Obtained by winning an End Raid
- Makes Endlings Passive
- Makes Endlings have a chance to throw a random mineral
Windswept Ramparts
- The fortress of the cold illagers of the mountain peaks
- Made primarily of Slate Bricks with a floor of Limestone and Limestone Bricks
- Surrounds a large central courtyard area
- Courtyard has an armory area and gardens
- Built over large cliffs
- Contains Loot Chests that have a chance to contain Wind Wands, Emeralds, and Gold Ingots
- Contains Pillagers, Iceologers, Mountaineers, and Wind Callers
- Found in Mountains
- Rarity: Rare
Raided Bastion
- Similar to Bastion Remnant
- Has been raided and destroyed by Illagers
- Is even more ruined and destroyed than usual
- Has Ominous Banners surrounding it
- Original by Badowie
- Rarity: Rare
Piglin Outpost
- Watch stations inhabited by Piglins around The Nether
- Built primarily out of Polished Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Bricks, and Polished Blackstone Pillar
- Is built in a small tower-like shape
- Has Ladders leading to the top
- Has a Loot Chest with less powerful Bastion Loot
- Contains Piglins and a Piglin Sharpshooter
- Found in Nether Wastes, Warped Forest, Crimson Forest, and Soul Sand Valley
- Rarity: Uncommon
Hunter Outpost
- Similar to Pillager Outpost
- Built primarily out of Netherrack, Crimson Logs, Crimson Planks, and Polished Blackstone Bricks
- Substructures
- A Crimson cage with that sometimes has a Piglin Brute trapped in it
- A pile of Crimson Stems
- Two scarecrow-like targets
- Two tents made of Black Wool
- Contains a Loot Chest at the top that has a chance to contain an Iron Crossbow, Enchanted Book, or Golden Ingots
- Contains Hunters
- Found in Nether Wastes, Warped Forest, Crimson Forest, and Soul Sand Valley
- Rarity: Rare
Raided Castle
- Similar to Endling Castle
- Has been raided and destroyed by Illagers
- Is even more ruined and destroyed than usual
- Has Ominous Banners surrounding it
- Has no Royal Elytra in it
- Found in End Barrens and Vibrant Forest
- Rarity: Super Rare
Raider Outpost
- Similar to Pillager Outpost
- Built primarily out of Duskstone, Corrupted Stem, Corrupted Planks, and End Stone Bricks
- Substructures
- A Corrupted Cage that sometimes has a Brightling trapped in it
- A pile of Corrupted Stems
- Two Scarecrow-like targets
- Two tents made of Purple Wool
- Contains a Loot Chest at the top that has a chance to contain a Diamond Crossbow, Enchanted Book, or Diamonds
- Contains Raiders
- Found in End Barrens, Corrupted Forest, Vibrant Forest, Chorus Swamp, and Acidic Beach
- Rarity: Rare
Illager Tower
- A tall and large tower-like fortress filled with Illagers and Loot Chests
- Built primarily out of Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Dark Oak Log, Dark Oak Planks, and Birch Planks
- Has 5 floors with various Illagers
- Each floor is harder than the last
- Contains Pillagers, Vindicators, Evokers, Illusioners, Geomancers, Hoarders, Brawlers, and Ravagers
- Loot Chests contain increasingly good loot depending on the floor
- Earlier floors have a chance to contain Wooden Crossbows, Iron Ingots, and Enchanted Books
- Later floors have a chance to contain Diamond Chestplates, Diamonds, Golden Apples, and Enchanted Books
- Found in Taiga, Forest, and Dark Oak Forest
- Rarity: Super Rare
Illager Camp
- A small campsite for Illagers
- Built primarily out of White Wool, Dark Oak Fence, and any Log
- Log is dependent on the Biome
- Is the primary tree type for the biome
- If the Biome has no Trees, the Log will be Dark Oak
- Is the primary tree type for the biome
- Log is dependent on the Biome
- Has 5 tents with a campfire in the middle that has Logs around it
- Has a Loot Chest that has a chance to contain Potato, Iron Ingots, or Wooden Crossbows
- Found in Snowy Tundra, Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Mountains, Taiga, Plains, Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Oak Forest, Swamp, Jungle, Desert, Savanna, and Badlands
- Rarity: Common
- Similar to Raid
- Triggered when a player enters a Village with Curse of the Sea
- Is harder depending on the level of Curse of the Sea the player has
- A temporary Pirate Ship spawns at the nearest River, Lake, or Ocean Biome
- Spawns Pirates, Pirate Pikers, and a Pirate Captain
- Unlike a Raid, Pirates spawn every 10 seconds consistently, without waves from the Ship and try to kill the Villagers
- Mobs killed from the Plunder drop 1 Gold Ingot or 1 Emerald
- Pirate Captain Drops 20 Gold Ingots and 20 Emeralds
- After the 39th Pirate is killed, the Pirate Captain will attack
- Pirate Captain Drops 20 Gold Ingots and 20 Emeralds
- If all Pirates are killed, the player wins
- The Player gets Hero of the Village
- If all Villagers are killed, the Pirates win and the Plunder ends
Duskstone Bricks
- Removed
Fishing Table
- Crafted with 4 of any Planks and 2 of any Slabs
- Renamed to Iron Chain
- Can be thrown
- Now has Lumberjack, Rancher, and Miner Professions
- Fixed Glitches
- Fixed Extra Trades Glitch
- Fixed Restocking Glitch
Wandering Trader
- Now trades new Fish in a Bucket types added in 1.25
- Now trades new Coral types added in 1.25
- Now trades Pickerelweed
- Now trades Bone Sword
- Now trades items from the Nether and the End
- Now has better and cheaper trades
- Damage dealt is now increased to 8 Melee Damage
- Attacks all Skeleton variants
- Is more aggressive to Wither Skeletons
- Now can spawn in Pirate Patrols
- Patrols have 3 Pirates and 2 Pirate Pikers
- One of them holds a Pirate Banner and will give the player Curse of the Sea when killed
- Patrols are found in Beach, River, Lake, and Ocean Biomes
- Patrols have 3 Pirates and 2 Pirate Pikers
- Now can operate Cannons
- Now used in Survival
- Can be part of Raids
- Spawns in Woodland Mansions
- Can be a Raid Captain
- Can give Bad Omen
- Can be part of Raids in Badlands
- Improved
- Improved Generation
- Now has a chance to spawn as a Town
- Is around twice as large as a normal Village
- Is surrounded by a Wall
- Is made out of corresponding Village type Blocks, with majority the stone-type block
- Has a walkway on top of it with Guard Villagers
- Has new house types
- Rancher House
- Small barn-like house with an animal pen outside
- Can have either Pigs, Cows, or Chickens inside it
- Small barn-like house with an animal pen outside
- Beekeeper House
- Smaller house with a garden surrounded by fences
- Has a lot of flowers and Beehives with Bees in them
- Smaller house with a garden surrounded by fences
- Engineer House
- Large house with second floor and Redstone lighting circuits
- Has a workshop upstairs
- Large house with second floor and Redstone lighting circuits
- Chef House
- Large house with second floor and large kitchen
- Has living quarters upstairs
- Large house with second floor and large kitchen
- Bard House
- Small house with Bookshelves inside
- Rancher House
- Has new variants
- Ice Spikes Village
- Houses are built inside Ice Spikes and do not have usual house exteriors
- Insides of houses contain White Carpets, Light Blue Beds, Cyan Beds, and Icy Bricks
- Found in Ice Spikes
- Forest Village
- Houses are built out of similar materials to Plains Villages, except they use more Oak materials than Cobblestone
- Insides of houses are similar to Plains Villages
- Found in Forest and Flower Forest
- Birch Forest Village
- Houses are built primarily out of Stripped Birch Logs and Birch Planks
- Insides of houses contain Lime Carpets and Green Beds
- Found in Birch Forest and Tall Birch Forest
- Dark Forest Village
- Houses are built primarily out of Dark Oak Logs, Dark Oak Planks, and Cobblestone
- Insides of Houses contain Black Carpets and Gray Beds
- Found in Dark Forest
- Jungle Village
- Houses and roads are adapted to fit the biome and not traditional shapes
- Houses are built primarily out of Jungle Planks, Terracotta, and Limestone
- Insides of Houses contain Lime Carpets and Orange Beds
- Found in Jungle, Modified Jungle, and Bamboo Jungle
- Ice Spikes Village
Bastion Remnant
- Improved
- Now can be larger
- Has 2 new sub-variants
- One is more intact and has a more traditional shape
- One is very ruined and has a less stable structure
- New rooms
- Watchtower
- Has Piglin Sharpshooters in it
- Built into the outer corners
- Village
- Large group of Housing units
- Barracks
- Has item frames on the wall with Golden Swords and Golden Crossbows
- Has training areas and archery ranges with Targets
- Watchtower
- Loot Table now contains Golden Crossbow, Target, and Shroomlight
Endling Outpost
- Now is also built out of Polished Duskstone
Endling Castle
- Improved
- New rooms
- Entrance Hall
- Has an actual Entrance Hall behind the Drawbridge
- Very large room with Wither Roses in Flower Pots, table structures, and a spiral staircase
- Alchemy Room
- Has Brewing Stands with Potions of Speed, Potions of Healing, and Potions of Night Vision.
- Has a Book in an Item Frame with Potion recipes
- Very messy
- Entrance Hall
- Now includes new Duskstone variants
- Looks more ruined than before
- Loot Table now contains Ender Charm
- Now also found in Vibrant Forest
Pirate Ship
- Now has Cannons instead of Dispensers
- Now contains 3 Pirate Pikers and a Pirate Captain
- Temporary versions of them spawn near Villages during Plunders, but do not effect other Blocks and do not have normal spawning conditions
Savanna Hut
- Removed
Desert Hut
- Removed
Badlands Hut
- Removed
- New Illagers can be part of Raids
- Maximum level Raid is now Level 7 (was Level 5)
- Raids started in a Snowy Tundras, Ice Spikes, Snowy Taigas, and Mountains also contain Iceologers, Mountaineers, and Wind Callers
- Raids started in Badlands also contain Outlaws
- Raids started in The Nether contain only Hunters, Slayers, and Fire Callers
- Raids started in The End contain only Raiders, Desecrators, and Void Beckoners
- Can be started in The Nether
- Can be started if a player has Bad Omen at a Bastion Remnant
- Can be triggered by Piglins
- Can be started if a player has Bad Omen at a Bastion Remnant
- Can be started in The End
- Can be started if a player has Bad Omen at an Endling Castle
- Can be triggered by Endlings
- Can be started if a player has Bad Omen at an Endling Castle
23w40a (Cold Illagers)
Adds Ice Wand, Wind Wand, Iceologer, Mountaineer, Wind Caller, Lumberjack Villager, and Windswept Ramparts.
23w41a (More Professions)
Adds Copper Bars, Tin Bars, Copper Chain, Tin Chain, Copper Pressure Plate, Tin Pressure Plate, Copper Nugget, Tin Nugget, Trough, Mining Table, Rancher Villager, Miner Villager, Ice Spikes Village, Forest Village, and Birch Forest Village.
23w42a (Piglins and Bastions)
Adds Polished Blackstone Pillar, Piglin Sharpshooter, Raided Bastion, and Piglin Outpost. Revamped Bastion Remnants.
23w43a (Improved Villages)
Adds Iron Beehive, Circuitry Table, Dog, Beekeeper Villager, Engineer Villager, Dark Forest Village, Jungle Village, and Town. Removed Savanna Hut, Desert Hut, and Badlands Hut.
23w44a (Nether Illagers)
Adds Fire Wand, Hunter, Slayer, Fire Caller, Hero of the Bastion, and Hunter Outpost.
23w45a (Even More Professions)
Adds Culinary Table, Harp, Grilled Carrot, Enhancing Spices, Chef Villager, Bard Villager, and Guard Villager.
23w46a (Endlings and Castles)
Adds Polished Duskstone, Chiseled Polished Duskstone, Polished Duskstone Bricks, Polished Duskstone Pillar, Cracked Polished Duskstone Bricks, Ender Charm, and Raided Castle. Revamped Endling Castle. Removed Duskstone Bricks.
23w46b (Castle Fixes)
Fixed a bug where Endling Castles generated incompletely.
23w47a (Pirate's Plunder)
Adds Cannonball, Pirate Captain, Pirate Piker, Cannon, and Plunder.
23w48a (End Illagers)
Adds Void Wand, Raider, Desecrator, Void Beckoner, Raider Outpost, and Hero of the Castle.
23w49a (Illager Domination)
Adds Monolith, Exploding Monolith, Rusty Pebbles, Geomancer, Hoarder, Brawler, Illager Tower, and Illager Camp. Fully adds Illusioner.