The Update that Changed the World Again is a major Minecraft Update released on June 14, 2024. It is the second update focused on Biomes and World Generation, and is the sequel to The Update that Changed the World. It adds many new Biomes, as well as massively updating all older Biomes. The Biomes it adds are mainly similar to their real-world counterparts, but some are brand new. It includes some content inspired by the Biomes O' Plenty mod. It is the largest Minecraft update ever.
(It's 9/28/2024 and we just got the minecraft live for 1.22)
Fir Log
- Looks similar to Oak, but has a slightly lighter more pale color
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on Fir Trees
Fir Leaves
- Looks similar to Spruce, but a lighter shade of green and denser texture
- Has a chance to drop Fir Saplings
- Found on Fir Trees
Fir Sapling
- Can grow into a Fir Tree
Maple Log
- Looks similar to Oak, but is slightly darker
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on Maple Trees
Maple Leaves
- Is a red-orange color with a similar texture to Oak
- Has a chance to drop Maple Saplings
- Found on Maple Trees
Maple Sapling
- Can grow into a Maple Tree
Dead Log
- Darkly and pale colored with cracks in the top and bottom faces
- Can be stripped with an Axe (reveals more cracked parts)
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on Dead Trees
Redwood Log
- Is a dark red-ish color
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on Redwood Trees
Redwood Leaves
- Looks similar to Spruce, but is a lighter green color
- Has a chance to drop Redwood Saplings
- Found on Redwood Trees
Redwood Sapling
- Can grow into a Redwood Tree
Rainbow Log
- Is a cloud-like white color
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on Rainbow Trees
Rainbow Leaves
- Has the same texture as Oak, but is a changing vibrant color of the rainbow
- Has a chance to drop Rainbow Saplings
- Found on Rainbow Trees
Rainbow Sapling
- Can grow into a Rainbow Tree
Cherry Log
- Is a dark red-ish color similar to Redwood, but deeper red
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on White Cherry Trees and Pink Cherry Trees
White Cherry Leaves
- Is a light pink-ish white color
- Has a chance to drop White Cherry Saplings
- Found on White Cherry Trees
White Cherry Sapling
- Can grow into a White Cherry Tree
Pink Cherry Leaves
- Is a light pink-ish white color
- Has a chance to drop White Cherry Saplings
- Found on White Cherry Trees
Pink Cherry Saplings
- Can grow into a Pink Cherry Tree
Jacaranda Log
- Is a pale slightly purple color
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on Jacaranda Trees
Jacaranda Leaves
- Is a darker lavender-purple color
- Has a chance to drop Jacaranda Saplings
- Found on Jacaranda Trees
Jacaranda Sapling
- Can grow into a Jacaranda Tree
Ancient Oak Log
- Is an extremely dark brown color
- Can be stripped with an Axe
- Can be crafted or sawed into Plank, Vertical Plank, Carved Plank, Fence, Fence Gate, Stair, Door, Trapdoor, Slab, Wood, Stripped Wood, Sign, Button, Pressure Plate, and Chest variants
- Found on Ancient Oak Trees
Ancient Oak Leaves
- Looks similar to Dark Oak, but slightly darker
- Has a chance to drop Ancient Oak Saplings
- Found on Ancient Oak Trees
Ancient Log Sapling
- Can grow into an Ancient Oak Tree
Flowering Oak Leaves
- Similar to Oak Leaves
- Has a white flower texture over it
- Has a chance to drop Flowering Oak Saplings
- Found on Flowering Oak Trees
Flowering Oak Sapling
- Can grow into a Flowering Oak Tree
Dying Leaves
- Similar to Oak Leaves
- Is a yellow-brown color
- Has a chance to drop Dying Saplings
- Found on Dying Trees
Dying Sapling
- Can grow into a Dying Tree
- Takes twice as much Bone Meal to grow
Yellow Autumn Leaves
- Similar to Birch Leaves
- Is a yellow color
- Has a chance to drop Yellow Autumn Saplings
- Found on Yellow Autumn Trees
Yellow Autumn Sapling
- Can grow into a Yellow Autumn Tree
Vertical Planks
- Similar to Planks
- Has vertical-facing lines
- Has Oak, Birch, Spruce, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Pine, Mangrove, Baobab, Palm, Driftwood, Fir, Maple, Redwood, Rainbow, Cherry, Ancient Oak, Dead, Mushroom, Poison, Crimson, Warped, Corrupted, Vibrant, Deeproot, Mistshroud, and Highbranch variants
- Crafted with 3 Planks (Makes 3)
Carved Planks
- Similar to Planks
- Has a unique texture on each type similar to Chiseled Blocks
- Has Oak, Birch, Spruce, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Pine, Mangrove, Baobab, Palm, Driftwood, Fir, Maple, Redwood, Rainbow, Cherry, Ancient Oak, Dead, Mushroom, Poison, Crimson, Warped, Corrupted, Vibrant, Deeproot, Mistshroud, and Highbranch variants
- Crafted with 2 Slabs
Wheat Grass
- Vegetation
- Looks similar to Grass, but has a more Wheat-like shape
- Has a chance to drop Wheat Seeds when broken
- Found in all Biomes with Grass
- Vegetation
- Found in all Biomes with Grass
- Vegetation
- Found in most Temperate Biomes
- Can be crafted into Flax String
- Flower
- A small yellow flower
- Can be crafted into Yellow Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Plains, Flower Forests, and Rainbow Hills
Pink Buttercup
- Flower
- A pink version of Buttercup
- Can be crafted into Pink Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Rainbow Hills
Orange Cosmos
- Flower
- A vibrant orange flower
- Can be crafted into Orange Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Jungles, Rainforests, and Rainbow Hills
- Mushroom
- A small orange-ish mushroom
- Found in Shield and Woodlands
Leaf Pile
- Vegetation
- A small pile of small leaves
- Crafted with Oak Leaves (Makes 3)
- Found in Forest, Flower Forest, and Shield
Dead Leaf Pile
- Vegetation
- A small pile of yellow-brown dead small leaves
- Found in Woodlands, Dead Forest, Redwood Forest, and Boreal Forest
Flat Mushroom
- Mushroom
- A grey-brown mushroom with a large flat top
- Found in Shield and Woodlands
- Flower
- A small purple flower
- Can be crafted into Purple Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Mountains, Maple Woods, and Rainbow Hills
- Vegetation
- A small spiky plant that deals damage for 3 damage ticks when stepped on
- Drops 1-2 Thorn when broken without Silk Touch
- Found in Woodlands and Dead Forest
- Vegetation
- A small round plant
- Found in most Forest Biomes
- Flower
- Has a large pink flower in the center and is short
- Can be crafted into Pink Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Tropical Island and Rainbow Hills
- Vegetation
- Variously textured small plants that look almost flat
- Found in most Grassy Biomes
Pink Daffodil
- Flower
- A tall pink flower
- Can be crafted into Pink Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Rainbow Hills and Cherry Blossom Grove
- Flower
- Short purple flower with multiple flowers
- Can be crafted into Purple Dye (Makes 2)
- Found in Rainbow Hills and Lavender Fields
- Vegetation
- Is a red-orange color
- Similar to Vines
- Can be placed on any face of a block
- Can not be climbed
Itching Ivy
- Vegetation
- Grows on top of Dark Oak Trees
- Slows entities that walk on it down
- Grows Moth Blossoms occasionally
Moth Blossom
- Vegetation
- Is a red large-cupped flower
- Grows from Itching Ivy
- Attracts Moths
- Found in Rivers
- Can be smelted to Dried Mud
Dried Mud
- Found near Mud in Rivers, but has a lighter brown color and is found on land
- Can be crafted into Mud Bricks and Chiseled Mud Bricks
Packed Dirt
- A condensed version of Dirt that looks more like Dried Mud
- Crafted with 4 Dirt
Loamy Dirt
- A wet version of Dirt that looks a bit darker
- Found in Swamp, Mangrove, and Dead Forest
Loamy Grass Block
- A Grass version of Loamy Dirt
Silty Dirt
- A sandy version of Dirt that looks lighter
- Found in Cherry Blossom Grove and Lavender Fields
Silty Grass Block
- A Grass version of Silty Dirt
Mud Bricks
- Crafted with 4 Dried Mud (Makes 4)
- Cut from Dried Mud
Chiseled Mud Bricks
- Crafted with 2 Mud Bricks (Makes 2)
- Cut from Mud Bricks
Penguin Egg
- Similar to Turtle Egg
- Created when Penguins are bred on Gravel
- Can be picked up with Silk Touch
- Hatches a Baby Penguin
Jungle Lock
- 3 are found in front of the Treasure Room in a Jungle Temple
- Unobtainable in Survival
Fire Trap
- Shoots bursts of flames when an entity comes near
- Can be used with Redstone
- Crafted with 1 Flint and Steel, 2 Redstone Dust, 3 Gold Ingot, and 3 Cobblestone
- Can be placed sideways
Ash Block
- Has a Black Sand-like texture
- Creates black smoke particles
- Drops 4 Ash when broken without Silk Touch
- Can be crafted into Ashstone
- Crafted with 4 Ash
- Food
- Restores 5 Food Points
- Can be harvested from Palm Trees
Baked Banana
- Food
- Restores 8 Food Points
Raw Duck
- Food
- Restores 2 Food Points
Cooked Duck
- Food
- Restores 6 Food Points
Raw Squirrel
- Food
- Restores 1 Food Point
Cooked Squirrel
- Food
- Restores 4 Food Points
Raw Venison
- Food
- Restores 3 Food Points
Cooked Venison
- Food
- Restores 7 Food Points
Raw Piranha
- Food
- Restores 2 Food Points
Cooked Piranha
- Food
- Restores 7 Food Points
Raw Lizard
- Food
- Restores 1 Food Point
Cooked Lizard
- Food
- Restores 5 Food Points
Rainbow Milk Bucket
- Food
- Clears all status effects and gives Regeneration II for 5 seconds and 2 bonus hearts
Flax String
- Crafted with 9 Flax
- Can be crafted into String
Bear Fur
- Can be used to craft Bear Armor
- Can be used to craft Leather
Squirrel Fur
- Can be used to craft Squirrel Armor
- Can be used to craft Leather
Duck Egg
- Laid by Ducks
- Has a 1/8 chance of spawning a Baby Duck when thrown
- Fall near Oak Trees
- Can be used to craft Oak Sapling
Penguin Feather
- Can be used to upgrade Arrows into Freezing Arrows
Freezing Arrow
- Upgraded with Penguin Feather
- Inflicts the Freezing effect
Bomb Arrow
- Upgraded with Dynamite
- Explodes on enemies nearby the target dealing explosion damage
- Can be used to craft Spiked Arrow
Mystic Vine
- Can be used to craft Vine Whip
Jungle Key
- Can be used to unlock a lock on the Treasure Room in Jungle Temples
- Can be used in a Furnace to smelt 2 items
Lizard Scale
- Can be used to craft Lizard Armor
- Can be used to craft Leather
Ferret Fur
- Can be used to craft Ferret Armor
- Can be used to craft Leather
Moth Scale
- Can be used to brew Nocturnal Potions
Nocturnal Potion
- Brewed from Thick Potion
- Brewed with Moth Scale
- Has a duration of (60:00) at Level 1 and (120:00) at Level 2
- Prevents Phantoms from spawning
Tools and Weapons[]
Vine Whip
- Weapon
- Deals 3 Melee Damage + Poison
- Has 4 Reach
- Crafted with 3 Sticks and 2 Mystic Vines
Bear Armor
- Same Armor Value as Lion Armor
- Crafted with Bear Fur
Piece | Armor Points |
Cap | 2 |
Tunic | 4 |
Pants | 3 |
Boots | 1 |
Total | 10 |
Squirrel Armor
- Lower Armor Value than Leather
- Crafted with Squirrel Fur
Piece | Armor Points |
Cap | 1 |
Tunic | 2 |
Pants | 1 |
Boots | 1 |
Total | 5 |
Lizard Armor
- Armor Value in between Leather and Lion
- Crafted with Lizard Scales
Piece | Armor Points |
Cap | 2 |
Tunic | 3 |
Pants | 3 |
Boots | 1 |
Total | 9 |
Ferret Armor
- Armor Value in between Squirrel and Leather
- Crafted with Ferret Fur
Piece | Armor Points |
Cap | 1 |
Tunic | 3 |
Pants | 2 |
Boots | 1 |
Total | 7 |
- A yellow Cow that loves Flowers with Buttercups growing on its back
- Has 10 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Leaves a trail of Buttercups and Dandelions where it walks
- Can be milked with a Bowl for Suspicious Stew
- Gives the Saturation effect
- Drops 0-2 Leather and 1-3 Raw Beef
- Has a Baby variant
- Can be bred with Wheat
- Becomes a Pink Moobloom when struck by lightning
- Has Pink Buttercups on its back
- Leaves a trail of Pink Buttercups where it walks
- Pink Mooblooms will give Suspicious Stew that gives the Regeneration effect when milked
- Spawns in Flower Forest
- Originally from Minecraft Earth
- Winner of Forgotten Vote 2023
Brown Bear
- A fierce but playful Bear that loves Fish
- Has 30 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- Will attack any Fish mobs
- Hostile when attacked by a player, if a nearby Baby Brown Bear is attacked by a player, or if a player gets too close
- Drops 0-2 Bear Fur and 0-2 Raw Salmon
- Deals 5 Melee Damage
- Has a Baby variant
- Spawns in Snowy Tundra, Mountain, and Taiga
Black Bear
- A less territorial bear that loves forests
- Has 30 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- Will attack any Fish Mobs
- Hostile when attacked by a player, if a nearby Baby Brown Bear is attacked by a player, or if a player gets too close
- Drops 0-2 Bear Fur and 0-2 Raw Salmon or 0-2 Raw Trout
- Deals 4 Melee Damage
- Has a Baby variant
- Spawns in Forest, Woodland, and Maple Woods
- A water bird that loves ponds
- Has 4 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-2 Feathers and 1 Raw Duck
- Has a Baby variant
- Can be tamed with Wheat Seeds
- Picks up nearby items and occasionally fishing loot in Water
- Lays Duck Eggs
- Spawns in Ponds found in Plains, Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Orchard, Woodland, Dead Forest, and Lavander Fields
- A nocturnal bird that can scar away monsters
- Has 8 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-2 Feathers
- Can be tamed with Raw Rabbit
- Can fly to catch up to its owner and will teleport to them if far away
- Scares away Hostile Mobs
- Spawns in Forest, Dark Forest, and Woodland at Night
- Small creatures that love to run around forests and collect Acorns
- Has 4 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-1 Squirrel Fur and 0-1 Raw Squirrel
- Has a Baby variant
- Has Orange and Gray colored variants
- Drops Held Items
- Bred with Acorns
- Collects Acorns and stores them in its mouth
- Spawns in Forest, Woodland, Dead Forest
- A small flightless bird that lives in cold places
- Has 6 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-2 Feather
- Has a Baby variant
- Will glide on Ice
- Bred with Raw Shrimp
- Lays a Penguin Egg when bred on Gravel which can hatch into a Baby Penguin
- Drops a Penguin Feather when hatched
- Lays a Penguin Egg when bred on Gravel which can hatch into a Baby Penguin
- Spawns in Snowy Tundra and Ice Spikes
- A large rideable snow deer
- Has 20 to 30 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-2 Leather and 1-3 Raw Venison
- Has a Baby variant
- Bred with Golden Carrot
- Can be tamed with a Saddle
- Can be ridden by a player
- Can hold Chests, similar to a Donkey
- Spawns in Snowy Tundra and Snowy Taiga
Musk Ox
- A large Cow-like creature with a thick coat that keeps it warm in cold places
- Has 15 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-2 Leather and 1-3 Raw Beef
- Has a Baby variant
- Bred with Wheat
- Spawns in Snowy Tundra
- A humanoid magical plant creature than can summon special Vines
- Has 20 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-1 Mystic Vine and 1-3 Vines
- Deals 5 Melee Damage
- Can summon Poison-Quill Vines near the player
- Spawns in Jungles
- Originally from Minecraft Dungeons
Poison-Quill Vines
- A giant magical vine creature that shoots poisonous quills when its flower spread is open
- Has 40 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 1 Vine
- Deals 3 Ranged Damage + Poison
- Summoned by Whisperer
- Originally from Minecraft Dungeons
- A powerful plant beast that leaps at targets
- Has 50 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-2 Mystic Vine and 2-5 Vines
- Deals 10 Melee Damage
- Attack takes a while to charge
- When charged, it will pound its chest and then leap onto the target
- Spawns in Jungle Ruins
- Originally from Minecraft Dungeons
Posion Dart Frog
- A dangerous and colorful frog
- Has 10 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- Attacks if a player gets close to it
- Drops 1-2 Raw Frog Legs and 1 Red Slime Ball
- Deals 2 Melee Damage + Poison
- Has a Baby variant
- Spawns Jungle and Rainforest
- A dangerous fish that is very protective of its waters
- Has 15 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- Attacks if a player is not on full health
- Drops 1 Raw Piranha
- Deals 6 Melee Damage
- Spawns in Jungle
- Silly creatures of the jungle that create mischief
- Has 10 Health Points
- Neutral Mob
- Attacks if a player attacks a nearby Baby Monkey
- Deals 2 Ranged Damage
- Drops 0-2 Banana
- Drops Held Item
- Throws random fruit as an attack
- Swings from Vines on trees
- Lives in groups
- Has a 20% chance of stealing a random item from the player if close
- Will hold that item
- Spawns in Jungle and Tropical
- Giant stone statue-like creatures that hop around jungle temples
- Has Health Points
- Defeated with 3 Bomb Arrows
- Hostile Mob
- Deals 8 Melee Damage
- Drops 1 Jungle Key
- Hops around paths in Jungle Temples to move
- Immune to traps
- Spawns in Jungle Temple
- A rainbow cow that loves flowers
- Has 10 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Leaves a trail of random flowers (other than Wither Roses) where it walks
- Can be milked with a Bucket for Rainbow Milk Bucket
- Drops 0-2 Leather and 1-3 Raw Beef
- Has a Baby variant
- Can be bred with Wheat
- Is a changing vibrant color of the rainbow
- Spawns in Rainbow Hills
- A small scaly creature adapted to live in most Biomes
- Has 10 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-1 Raw Lizard and 0-2 Lizard Scales
- Has a Baby variant
- Bred with Spider Eye
- Has green, blue, and brown colorings
- Can hide in Shrubs and Tall Grass
- Spawns in Plains, Scrubland, Orchard, Forest, Woodland, Birch Forest, Redwood Forest, Swamp, Jungle, Rainforest, Desert, Savanna, and Badlands
- An adorable small burrowing creature of the plains
- Has 10 Health Points
- Passive Mob
- Drops 0-1 Ferret Fur
- Has a Baby variant
- Bred with Raw Meat
- Tamed with Bones
- Will alert you of Ores within 5 blocks of you in any direction when tamed
- Alerts by making noises
- Lives in Ferret Burrows
- Spawns in Plains, Orchard, Forest, and Boreal Forest
- A scary insect that patrols the rooftops of the Dark Forest
- Has 16 Health Points
- Hostile Mob
- Drops 0-1 Moth Scale
- Deals 4 Melee Damage
- Attracted to Moth Blossoms
- Can fly
- Only found on the rooftops of Dark Forests
- Spawns in Dark Forest
Jungle Ruins
- Ruins of an old jungle civilization, taken over by plants
- Built primarily out of Mossy Stone Bricks, Cracked Stone Bricks, Chiseled Stone Bricks, and Mossy Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Has small ruined houses that sit around a central square
- Has statues resembling Stoneheads surrounding the outside
- Covered in Moss and Vines
- Contains 8 Emerald Blocks 5 blocks under a pattern in the square
- Contains Whisperers and Leapleafs
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Is a relatively flat, forested biome
- Contains Flowering Oak Trees
- Grass is slightly yellower and brighter than normal Grass
- Leaves have a bright yellow-ish green color
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Wolves, Bees, Snakes, Ducks, and Lizards spawn in the Biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Flax, Oxeye Daisies, and Dandelions as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.8
- Rarity: 5/10
- Winner of Biome Vote 2023
- Is a somewhat flat biome with occasional hills
- Contains some Oak Trees and Oak Bushes
- Grass is drought-yellow
- Leaves are yellow-ish green
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Snakes, and Lizards spawn in the Biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Tall Grass, and Dead Bushes as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: None
- Temperature: 1.5
- Rarity: 6/10
- Is a forest biome with distinctly bright green grass and leaves
- Contains Flowering Oak Trees and Birch Trees
- Grass is bright green
- Leaves are bright green
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Parrots, Ocelots, Crocodiles, and Lizards spawn in the Biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Lily Pads, Vines, Orange Cosmos, Dandelions, Shrub, and Lilacs as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.9
- Rarity: 6/10
- Is a forest biome with large humps of rock and coniferous trees
- Contains Oak Trees, Spruce Trees, Pine Trees, and Fir Trees
- Grass is dark green
- Leaves are dark green
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Foxes, and Brown Bears spawn in this Biome
- Has Grass, Tall Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Toadstools, Leaf Piles, and Flat Mushrooms as vegetation
- Has Grass Block and Stone as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.2
- Rarity: 5/10
- Similar to Forest, but has a lot denser foliage and trees, fallen logs, mushrooms, and no Birch Trees
- Contains Oak Trees and Fallen Oak Logs
- Grass is slightly darker green
- Leaves are slightly darker green
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Apple Cows, Black Bears, Ducks, Owls, Squirrels, and Lizards spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Tall Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Poppies, Oxeye Daisies, Flax, Thorns, Shrub, Brown Mushrooms, Toadstools, and Brown Mushrooms as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.7
- Rarity: 9/10
Maple Woods
- Is a forest biome with hills and little vegetation
- Contains Spruce Trees and Maple Trees
- Grass is cold green
- Leaves are darker
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Foxes, and Brown Bears spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Violets, Sweet Berries, Shrub, and Dead Leaf Piles as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.25
- Rarity: 10/10
Dead Forest
- A bleak Forest with lots of dead plant life
- Contains Spruce Trees, Dead Trees, and Dying Trees
- Grass is yellow-brown
- Leaves are regular
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Ducks, and Squirrels spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Dead Bushes, Dead Leaf Piles, and Thorns as vegetation
- Has Loamy Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.8
- Rarity: 3/10
Redwood Forest
- A Forest filled with lots of tall Redwood Trees
- Contains Redwood Trees
- Grass is regular
- Leaves are dark green
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Foxes, Ducks, Brown Bears, and Lizards spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Ferns, Tall Ferns, Shrubs, Leaf Piles, Tall Leaf Piles, Mushrooms, and Toadstools as vegetation
- Has Podzol as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.6
- Rarity: 7/10
Boreal Forest
- A cold slightly hilly Forest
- Contains Oak Trees, Spruce Trees, and Yellow Autumn Trees
- Grass is cold green
- Leaves are darker
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Foxes, and Brown Bears spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Ferns, Shrubs, Dandelions, Poppies, Rose Bushes, Flax, and Dead Leaf Piles as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.3
- Rarity: 5/10
- A large active volcano in the middle of the ocean covered in Ash
- Contains no trees
- Grass is regular
- Leaves are regular
- Flameks spawn in this biome
- Has no vegetation
- Has Ash Block and Magma Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 1.9
- Has a dark sky similar to Basalt Delta, but lighter
- Rarity: 1/10
Tropical Island
- A large warm and tropical island paradise
- Contains Palm Trees
- Grass is bright green
- Leaves are lush green
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, and Parrots spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, and Hibiscus as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.6
- Rarity: 1/10
Rainbow Hills
- An extremely rare and magical island covered in all colors of the rainbow
- Contains Rainbow Trees
- Grass is light green
- Leaves are lush green
- Bees and Moobows spawn in this biome
- Hostile Mobs cannot spawn on this biome
- Has Dandelions, Poppies, Blue Orchids, Alliums, Azure Bluets, Red Tulips, Orange Tulips, White Tulips, Pink Tulips, Oxeye Daisies, Cornflowers, Lilies of the Valley, Sunflowers, Lilacs, Rose Bushes, Peonies, Buttercups, Pink Buttercups, Orange Cosmos, Violets, Hibiscus, Pink Daffodils, and Lavender as vegetation
- Has Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.55
- Rarity: 1/10
- Is the rarest biome in the game, with a 1/100,000 chance to find
- The previous rarest, Modified Jungle Edge, has a 1/50,000 chance to find
Cherry Blossom Grove
- A blissful forest full of blossoming trees
- Contains White Cherry Trees and Pink Cherry Trees
- Grass is lighter green
- Leaves are light colored
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Bees, Pandas spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Clovers, Pink Daffodils, and Bamboo as vegetation
- Has Silty Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.6
- Rarity: 2/10
Lavender Fields
- A peaceful and flat field filled with lots of Lavender and few trees
- Contains Oak Trees, Flowering Oak Trees, and Jacaranda Trees
- Grass is lighter green
- Leaves are lighter
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Bees, and Ducks spawn in this biome
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, and Lavender as vegetation
- Has Silty Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.7
- Rarity: 3/10
- A flat swampy land with lots of submerged areas and very few trees
- Contains Oak Bushes, Dying Bushes, Birch Trees, and Dark Oak Trees
- Grass is reddish-orange
- Leaves are darker
- Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Frogs spawn in this biome
- Green Slime, Blue Slime, and Purple Slime spawn in this biome at Night
- Has Grass, Wheat Grass, Sweet Berries, Toadstools, Shrubs, Dandelions, and Poppies as vegetation
- Has Loamy Grass Block as surface block
- Precipitation: Rain
- Temperature: 0.45
- Rarity: 4/10
Flowering Oak Tree
- Similar to Oak Tree
- Has Oak Logs
- Has a mix of Oak Leaves and Flowering Oak Leaves
Fir Tree
- Tall coniferous tree with segmented Leave sections
- Can be a 2x2 tree
- Has Fir Logs
- Has Fir Leaves
Fallen Oak Log
- A strip of Oak logs fallen from a tree
- Has Oak Logs
Maple Tree
- Short Oak-like deciduous tree
- Has Maple Logs
- Has Maple Leaves
Dead Tree
- Tall with lots of segmented branches
- Has Dead Logs
- Has no Leaves
Dying Tree
- Similar to Oak Tree
- Has Oak Logs
- Has Dying Leaves
Redwood Tree
- Very tall coniferous tree with segmented leaf sections and and gets increasingly less wide above the stump
- 3x3-5x5 tree that gets less wide above the stump
- Can only be planted with at least a 3x3 section of saplings
- Has Redwood Logs
- Has Redwood Leaves
Yellow Autumn Tree
- Similar to Birch Tree
- Has Birch Logs
- Has Yellow Autumn Leaves
Rainbow Tree
- Short Oak-like deciduous tree
- Has Rainbow Logs
- Has Rainbow Saplings
White Cherry Tree
- Medium leafy tree that creates with white cherry blossom particles
- Has Cherry Logs
- Has White Cherry Leaves
Pink Cherry Tree
- Medium leafy tree that creates with pink cherry blossom particles
- Has Cherry Logs
- Has Pink Cherry Leaves
Jacaranda Tree
- Short Oak-like deciduous tree
- Has Jacaranda Logs
- Has Jacaranda Saplings
Ancient Oak Tree
- Tall deciduous tree that's branches grow out further near the top
- Grows Ivy on it
- Has Ancient Oak Logs
- Has Ancient Oak Leaves
Terrain Generation[]
Mud Patches
- Patches of Dried Mud and Mud will generate near Rivers and in riverbeds
- Patches of Dried Mud and Packed Dirt will generate in Grassy Biomes
- Boulders made of either Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Slate, Limestone, Marble, or Alabaster can be found in most Grassy Biomes
- Boulders made of Sandstone can be found in Deserts
Ferret Burrows
- A small hole where Ferrets are found during the day
- Is a patch of Dirt, Coarse Dirt, and Packed Dirt
- No longer has a chance to drop Wheat Seeds when broken
Mossy Cobblestone
- Crafting recipe changed to 4 Cobblestone and 2 Moss (Makes 4)
- Now have bushier textures
- Now look snow-colored when it is snowing
Oak Leaves
- No longer drops Apple
Dark Oak Leaves
- No longer drops Apple
Spike Trap
- Can now be placed sideways
- Name changed to Wheat Seeds
- Updated texture to look more like Wheat
- Can now be crafted with 3 Flax String
Yellow Dye
- Can now be crafted with Buttercup
Orange Dye
- Can now be crafted with Orange Cosmos
Purple Dye
- Can now be crafted with Violet and Lavender
Gray Dye
- Can now be crafted with Ash
Pink Dye
- Can now be crafted with Hibiscus, Pink Buttercup, and Pink Daffodil
- Can now be crafted with Lion Fur
Oak Sapling
- Can now be crafted with 2 Acorn
Spiked Arrow
- Can now be upgraded with Thorn
- Can now be crafted with 9 Ash
- Can be found in most Biomes
Polar Bear
- Now also drops 0-2 Bear Fur
- Now deals 6 Melee Damage
- Now spawns in Forest rarely
Jungle Zombie
- Now spawns in Jungles at Night
Mossy Skeleton
- Now spawns in Jungles at Night
- Now spawns in Plains
Jungle Temple
- Complete revamp
- Now built primarily out of a mix of Stone, Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, and Limestone for walls and Polished Basalt for pillars
- Now is in a Pyramid Shape
- Has steps up all sides to the top
- Has 3 Floors with a drop entrance to a water pool at the top
- Has a drop entrance to a water pool at the top
- Each floor has a Stonehead in an indent in the wall that will chase after you once you step onto the track
- Each floor has a track made out of Stone around the center that is large enough for a Stonehead to travel on
- Spike Traps and Flame Traps are in columns on the walls
- Has Candles and Vases on the tracks
- The Treasure Room is locked on the third floor with 3 Jungle Locks needed to open the Iron Doors
- Treasure Room contains 16 Emerald Blocks
- Can now be found in Tropical Island
- Is more common to find
- Has Loamy Grass Block as surface block
- Has Loamy Dirt as undersurface block
Dark Forest
- Toadstools generate on the surface
- Ancient Oak Trees generate in between some Dark Oak Trees
Pine Trees
- Is taller and has more segmented Leave sections
Oak Trees
- Oak Leaves on Oak Trees now grow Apples on them at the speed of most crops
- When they are done growing, they can be harvested by right-clicking
Palm Trees
- Palm Leaves on Palm Trees now grow Bananas on them at the speed of most crops
- When they are done growing, they can be harvested by right-clicking
- When they are done growing, they can be harvested by right-clicking
Just a Crack
- Hatch a Turtle Egg or Penguin Egg
- Normal Advancement
- Visit a Mushroom Fields Biome
- Normal Advancement
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- Visit a Rainbow Hills Biome
- Normal Advancement
- Step on Thorns
- Normal Advancement
Geared Up
- Wear every piece of Armor
- Challenge Advancement
24w12a (Plant Life)
Adds Flowering Oak Leaves, Flowering Oak Sapling, Wheat Grass, Clover, Flax, Buttercup, Orange Cosmos, Flax String, Orchard, Scrubland, Rainforest, and Flowering Oak Tree.
24w13a (Forest Update)
Adds Mud, Dried Mud, Packed Dirt, Mud Bricks, Chiseled Mud Bricks, Raw Duck, Cooked Duck, Raw Squirrel, Cooked Squirrel, Bear Fur, Squirrel Fur, Duck Egg, Acorn, Bear Armor, Squirrel Armor, Brown Bear, Black Bear, Duck, Owl, Mud Patches, and Boulders.
24w14a (New Woods)
Adds Vertical Planks, Carved Planks, Fir Log (and variants), Fir Leaves, Fir Sapling, Maple Log (and variants), Maple Leaves, Maple Sapling, Toadstool, Leaf Pile, Dead Leaf Pile, Flat Mushroom, Violet, Fir Tree, Maple Tree, Shield, Woodland, and Maple Woods.
21w14b (Biome Fix)
Fixed a bug where Stone patches would spawn over Rivers in Shields.
21w15a (Tundra Update)
Adds Penguin Egg, Raw Venison, Cooked Venison, Penguin Feather, Freezing Arrow, Penguin, Reindeer, and Musk Ox.
24w16a (New Forests)
Adds Dead Log (and variants), Redwood Log (and variants), Redwood Leaves, Redwood Sapling, Dying Leaves, Dying Sapling, Yellow Autumn Leaves, Yellow Autumn Sapling, Loamy Dirt, Loamy Grass Block, Thorns, Thorn, Dead Tree, Dying Tree, Redwood Tree, Yellow Autumn Tree, Dead Forest, Redwood Forest, and Boreal Forest.
24w17a (Jungle Update)
Adds Jungle Lock, Fire Trap, Banana, Baked Banana, Raw Piranha, Cooked Piranha, Bomb Arrow, Mystic Vine, Jungle Key, Vine Whip, Whisperer, Poison-Quill Vine, Leapleaf, Poison Dart Frog, Piranha, Monkey, and Jungle Ruins.
24w18a (Oceanic Biomes)
Adds Rainbow Log, Rainbow Leaves, Rainbow Sapling, Pink Buttercup, Hibiscus, Ash Block, Ash, Rainbow Milk Bucket, Moobow, Rainbow Tree, Volcano, Tropical Island, and Rainbow Hills.
24w19a (Plains Update)
Adds Foliage, Raw Lizard, Cooked Lizard, Lizard Scale, Ferret Fur, Lizard Armor, Ferret Armor, Lizard, Ferret, and Ferret Burrows.
24w20a (Peaceful Biomes)
Adds Cherry Log, White Cherry Leaves, White Cherry Sapling, Pink Cherry Leaves, Pink Cherry Saplings, Jacaranda Log, Jacaranda Leaves, Jacaranda Sapling, Pink Daffodil, Lavender, Silty Dirt, Silty Grass Block, White Cherry Tree, Pink Cherry Tree, Jacaranda Tree, Cherry Blossom Grove, Lavender Fields, and Bog.
24w21a (Dark Forest Update)
Adds Ancient Oak Log, Ancient Oak Leaves, Ancient Oak Sapling, Ivy, Itching Ivy, Moth Blossom, Moth Scale, Nocturnal Potion, Moth, and Ancient Oak Tree.