This is a big update, made to be huge compared to the ones before it. It adds a new, more fast paced combat system, new weapons, New mobs, and new blocks and other stuff.
Old Stuff Changes[]
- Enderman will, if the legs are interacted with, peacefully talk with you about the End's Lore.
- Zombie Villagers can be cured with Dragon's Breath or Experience Potions. However, they will only want to trade using bones and rotted flesh.
- Pigs, when rode, can now run quickly and jump.
- Villagers when given books will talk about Lore(and by that, I mean how scared they are of the nether/end and what they heard about it from others)
- Every illager, instead of being killed, will be staggered and will talk about random stuff(ex: Hib Hob! You can't beat us giv zob!)
- However, Ravagers will, ironically, talk with correct words, albeit they are garbled a little(ex: You cannot defeat all illagers!)
- On april fools day, summoning the wither with creeper skulls instead of skeleton heads will summon a TNT-Creeper-Wither hybrid for 3 seconds, before it explodes.
- On April Fools Day, Placing a Steve head on a full diamond armor stand(excluding the helmet) will trigger a small animation where the eyes will turn white, then the stand will disappear. Nothing happens after that.
Additions: Mechanics[]
The 2.0 update has an updated combat system which allows you to fight much faster and with better attacks to fit your fighting style(in minecraft at least)
Light: Tapping the attack button lets you hit rapidly, allowing you to stack the damage. However, the more you use combos, the less damage it does.
Heavy: Holding down the attack button for more than 3 seconds lets you do some knock-back and big damage to enemies. The resulting attack is so strong, it can stun enemies with shields.
Spin: If you move in a circle while charging a heavy attack, you will spin around and around, swinging your weapon, dealing extra damage. When you release, enemies hit will spin around and around so you can beat them up. This move is exclusive to Axes and Hammers
Duel: If two swords clash, you must spam the attack button to stagger your enemy and strike their weak spot. If not, what I just said will happen to YOU! Only if you have a sword and hit a sword-wielding enemy the same time they hit you.
Finisher: If an enemy is at 1 Hp, jumping then slashing will have you impale them(no gore) and then the normal animation would happen.
Enemy changes with this mechanic[]
Zombies will attack by punching with one arm, then the other, then smashing to the ground. As a finisher, they would restrain you before biting you.
Pillagers will jump back before shooting.
Wither Skeletons will use the duel and light attacks. As a finisher they will stab you before pulling out a steve head, which morphs into a wither skull
Husks will punch, alternating fists. They have the same finisher as normal zombies.
Drowneds will punch, and they will use the light and heavy attacks with tridents. As a finisher(in or near water only) they will grab your foot, bite it, then drag you into the deep. Other than that, they will have the same finisher as zombies.
Piglins, as a finisher, will strike you then raid you for gold.
Additions: Gear[]
Emerald Armor: has 9.0 defense
Emerald weapons: Has 9.0 attack.
Hammer: These are crafted using Garnets, a resource located in mountains. They are heavy and can only do 3 light attacks in a row. However, they deal more damage and have heavy knock-back powers. If given the "Earthquake" Enchantment, they will be able to scatter debris around when you do a heavy attack.
Shuriken: These are long ranged weapons which do one half of a heart of damage

The Ice Wand
Ice Wand: Tap it to throw 3 snowballs. Hold it for 1 second to release 10. Hold it for 2 seconds to throw an ice block. Hold it for 3 seconds to release 4 ice blocks. Crafted with diamonds ice blocks and peridots. The Ice Wand is also a rare drop from Iceologers.
Rock Wand: Sucks in the terrain then launches it forward. Absorbs more terrain the longer you charge. It is only dropped by Geomancers.
Clone Orb: Throwing it creates a clone of you with a iron sword and shield equipped. Only two clones can be created at a time, even if you have multiple Clone Orbs. Dropped by Herobrine Clones
Illusion Wand: Tapping the special button summons a clone with a diamond sword, Shield, and Crossbow. Charging it for 2 seconds spawns 2. Charging it for 3 spawns 4. Crafted by sticks and Clone Orbs.
Additions: Mobs[]

This is the Iceologer, which should have one the Mob Vote for 1.17.
The iceologer is an Illager that lives in the mountains. It was planned in the Mob vote of 2020(or 2019, I can't remember) and would have created ice blocks from above to crush and freeze you, if the glow squid didn't win. Now, with the added combat system, it also throws snowballs and snow blocks.
Elite Iceologer[]
Elite Iceologers are a special miniboss that spawns in Iceologer Outposts. They usually spawn in the top room in the tallest tower(and rarely in the courtyard with normal iceologers). They will usually be distracted with something else(looking at pictures or statues, or arguing with iceologers in the tower, or training iceologers in the courtyard) until you come about 7 blocks to them, where they will hear you and begin to attack.
They can not only shoot ice blocks, snow, and snowballs, but also create ice walls, which they push forward to keep you away from them. They also summon snow golems. They have about 90HP.
After defeating one, there is a small animation of it running, then getting stuck to the ice, where it can be talked to.

This isn't Actually what it looks like, but its the closest thing I could find. credit to whoever made the Battle Update!
Remnants are knight-like undead creatures, which live in Haunted Castles. They spend their time wandering the halls of Haunted Castles, and won't really pay attention to you. However, they are incredibly dangerous and if provoked, or even gone next to, will strike. They have shields and Netherite Swords, so they are super strong. They never fight in groups and will become busy with fighting allies if they are nearby. You can take this to help one or run away.
They are considered harder than even Elite Iceologers, as they use high damage attacks, albeit slower. They attack by swinging their sword in an arc. They can also charge up a stab attack to do super-high damage, enough to one-shot you if you don't have diamond armor or stronger. They can also duel you with a display of sword strikes. They also have shields.

This is an Endsploder, just add tentacles half the size of a squid's.
Endsploders are creatures that spawn in the End and in the Overworld. They are creepers given the power of the End. They are black and purple creeper heads with tentacles. They float around just waiting to find a target. When they find a passive mob(or you) they will screech. Following that, they will inhale, sucking in the terrain. They then explode, teleporting away. The explosion itself won't deal damage, but the debris/launch will. Mobs can also be sucked in, including you, which is why I said launch.
They have 30 health, so they are very strong. They also don't die when they explode, they teleport.

The skeleton fish, while tiny, swim in packs and hunt Striders.
Skullfish are creatures that live in the nether. They will appear in lava lakes around Crimson Forests and Warped Forests. They always swim in packs and, despite their low HP, are super strong and hunt striders. However, you can one shot them with a single hit from an iron sword or stronger. Unless you have nethrite armor with the highest level of fire resistance, you cannot fight them in packs. These, if spawn in water, will turn into a random fish other than pufferfish

Red Dragons are the first main boss added in 2.0. They appear in castle raids as one of the bosses that spawn in the end.
Dragons are one of the 3 bosses that can spawn at the end of Castle Raids. They are the weakest of the bosses and will rarely go beyond 150 hp. They first appear flying around the castle, marking that they are the main boss of the raid. Another way to find it is to look at the enemies, which when this is a boss, are cave spiders, dragon acolytes, and a few remnants.
They attack with fire, which you can't really block with shields. It will also swipe its claws and smash its tail at you. It can be damaged after you defeat the dragon acolytes, which create shields for it. However, more will always come, until it goes to half HP, where it begins flying again. It won't be too high, but it is high enough to avoid all melee weapon strikes. After being beaten, the raid is over.

Dragon Acolytes rarely spawn.
Dragon Acolyte[]
Dragon Acolytes are illagers which charge up fireballs. After charging them up, they will either 1: Shoot it at you. or 2: create a fire wall if you are too close to them. They will spawn in deserts in groups of 3. They will attack any non-illager mob that they see. They can also spawn in Castle Raids when the boss is a Dragon.
Ender Acolyte[]
Ender Acolytes are incredibly rare, and spawn during the Ender Dragon fight. They will try and stop you by chanting and summoning the end crystals so the Ender Dragon can regenerate her HP. They will also spawn in End Cities and other End Biomes where they will attack by shooting purple balls of energy then teleporting away. They can also create purple spikes.

A Royal Guard Member
Royal Guard Member[]
Royal Guards are passive mobs which help you fight enemies. They will fight enemy mobs who go near the player or location they are guarding. They can wield swords, axes, and shields. Anyone who is an ally will be able to interact with them. If you want, you can assign your guards to guard other guys such as villagers.

Geomancers originated in minecraft dungeons, where they were kinda annoying with other illagers.
Geomancers are enemies that attack by throwing rocks at you and creating healing totems. They can also create rock walls and explosive magma so watch out!
Elite Geomancer[]
Elite Geomancers are special Minibosses which only appear during raids(both normal raids and castle raids). They attack with Super Explosive Magma, which are aimed for buildings so you should destroy them, Sucking in blocks then launching them at you with a super strong avalanche. Then, they are also able to create Iron Golems(on their side, of course) also by sucking in blocks
In castle raids, they only spawn if the boss is a Boulder Golem, and will spawn once the bar is halfway empty.

Credit to whoever made this(I forgot already I am so sorry)
Gorillas are Neutral Mobs that spawn in jungles. They will be found in trees and on the ground. They will battle hostile mobs and you if you hit them. They throw blocks at you and punch you very hard. They will also attack wolves, Zombified Piglins, and Pandas
Gorillas will spawn in groups.

Credit to Dinosaurs Roar. Sharks are Vicious.
Sharks are hostile mobs that live in lakes, rivers, and oceans. They will usually attack any mob that comes near them other than other sharks. They attack by rushing at the target then biting them until they die. They are very strong and can take a lot of big chunks out of a characters HP. they are strong and fast enough to kill Wardens, even!
Sharks drop shark meat, which is able to fully heal you. Sharks do not spawn in groups but do spawn with baby sharks if in shallow water

Credit to Dinosaurs Roar again. Adorable, but they can get into your head with songs ;D
Baby Shark[]
Baby sharks are small yet strong sharks which if given fish will turn into a normal shark. they are very fast so watch out! Despite being as fast as regular sharks, they are weak, but are fast enough to make up for it. they usually attack baby dolphins, baby turtles, baby squids, and you.

Credit to whoever downloaded this. I forgot their name(I Have a bad memory)
Megalodons appear in the ocean. In real life, they were the biggest shark in the world, big enough to eat whales, before becoming extinct. In Minecraft, they are bosses and appear with normal sharks and baby sharks. yeah, they are awesome. they attack by swiftly biting you.