The Asia Update is an update adding several new Asia-related mobs, items, potions, blocks, structures, and biomes to Minecraft.
Added Mobs[]
- Elephant
- Rhinoceros
- Tiger (neutral wild animal)
- Panda
- Monkey
- Yak (tamable)
- Camel (tamable)
- Sage (illager)
- Rice Monster (hostile plant mob)
Added Items[]
- Cherry Leaves
- Cherry Wood
- Cherry Wood Planks
- Rice Seeds
- Rice Plant
- Turtle (item obtained using Fishing Rod)
- Elephant Tusk
- Elephant Tooth
- Yak Meat
- Elephant Meat
- Banana
Added Potions[]
- Potion of Mysticism (briefly immune to magic)
- Splash Potion of Mysticism
- Lingering Potion of Mysticism
- Potion of Reincarnation (spawn briefly invincible where you died)
- Splash Potion of Reincarnation
- Lingering Potion of Reincarnation
Added Blocks[]
- Cherry Leaves
- Cherry Wood
- Cherry Wood Planks
- Rice Seeds
- Ivory Block (crafted from Elephant Tusks)
- Ivory Slab
- Ivory Stairs
- Banana Plant
Added Structures[]
- Bamboo Castle (bamboo planks, spruce wood, cobblestone, white stained clay; spawns three to six villagers and chests with bows and arrows); relatively rare.
- Shrine (bamboo planks, oak wood, gold, cherry trees; spawns three to five sages and chests with gold ingots and/or elephant tusks); fairly common.
- Hermitage (bamboo planks, spruce wood, water, lily pads, cherry trees; spawns one sage and a shulker box with a 15% chance of having a randomly selected potion inside); very common.Generates in bamboo forest
- Nomad home (wool,black wool, wooden fence, furnace, bed, chest containing meat, wool, milk, spawn 2 to 5 villagers); generates in dessert steppe and common.
Added Biomes[]
- Bamboo Forest Biome (bamboo trees, pandas, tigers, rice monsters, Bamboo Castles)
- Desert Steppe (sand, sandstone, dead bushes, cacti, camels, rabbits, Desert Villages)
- Lush Rainforest (jungle trees, banana plants, lily pads, elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses, monkeys, Jungle Temples, Hermitages)
- Bamboo Flatlands (bamboo trees, cherry trees, elephants, yaks, wolves, tigers, rice monsters, Shrines, Hermitages, Bamboo Castles)