Minecraft Fanon Wiki

1.19.0 is a major update to Bedrock Edition that overhauls the End, released in September 25, 2022. This update was announced at Minecraft Live 2021. The update does not include the announced features for the Swamp biome. (The Wild Update replaced this.)



Abyssal Block

  • A block that is used for decoration
  • It looks like an animated version of Black Concrete
  • Crafted with 8 Bubbles surrounding 1 Black Concrete.


  • A liquid that spawns in Pulphuric Plains
  • Version exclusive: Any entity that stands in it will take 3 damage every second, on Java Edition it is 2 damage every second

Alex Head

  • A creative only Mob head that looks like Alex.

Balloon Bug Nest

  • Can hold up to 5 Balloon Bugs
  • Look like purple vines growing upwards with a cream colored block on top
  • The Balloon Bug Nest is the only block in the game that is 3 blocks tall

Block of Endium

  • Can be crafted with 9 Endium Chunks
  • Can be used to power beacons.
  • Inventory item floats on lava and tar.
  • Cannot burn in lava, tar or fire.
  • Powerful enough to survive a wither explosion

Bubble Block

  • A new transparent animated block
  • If an entity walks on top of a Bubble Block the Bubble Block will pop

Bubble Bricks

  • A new transparent animated block
  • If an entity walks on top of Bubble Bricks the bricks will pop


  • Added 10 new types, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Crimson, Warped, Decayed, Ender-Warped, Warped Mushroom, and mushroom.

Chorus Bush

  • Looks like purple grass with pink dots.
  • drops Chorus Cherries.
  • There was going to be a tall variant but it was scrapped.
    • It would have looked like purple Tall Grass with pink dots, but would function the same as the short variant.
  • Has 4 stages of growth

Chorusonium Bomb

  • The Chorusonium Bomb is a block that explodes instantly when touched
  • It's explosion is about twice as big as a Charged Creeper explosion

Chorusonium Ore

  • It is most common in Pulphuric Plains
  • Looks like Pulphur with purple dots on it
  • Can be refined into a Chorusonium Rod by smelting in a furnace or blast furnace
  • An Iron Pickaxe or better is required to mine it
  • Always spawns with Air or Acid on the bottom or top
  • Only spawns in End Underlands and Pulphuric Plains

Crumbling Endstone

  • Found as the ground in End Shores
  • Version exclusive: Has not got gravity

Crystal of Morphing

  • A block which allows the player to morph into another Mob
  • Only works if placed on a Crystal Stand
  • If a player kills a certain amount of a Mob the player will be able to morph into that mob
    • When a player has morphed into a Mob, any Mob of the same type will not attack that player, although if the player attacks that Mob, it will still attack the player
    • The player will get the same amount of health as that Mob unless the Mob has over 70 health, if it does, the player will only have 70 health
    • Players will have the same damage as the highest attack used by that Mob
    • For very common Mobs, like Sheep and Zombies, the player needs to kill 1500 to 1000 to be able to morph into that Mob
    • For slightly less common Mobs, like Llamas and Dolphins, the player needs to kill 999 to 600 to be able to morph into that Mob
    • For uncommon Mobs, like Endermen and Polar Bears, the player needs to kill 599 to 250 to be able to morph into that Mob
    • For rare Mobs, like Ravagers and Illigers, the player needs to kill 249 to 100 to be able to morph into that Mob
    • For very rare Mobs, like Charged Creepers and Skeleton Horses, the player needs to kill 99 to 20 to be able to morph into that Mob
    • For boss Mobs, like the Wither and the Ender Dragon, the player needs to kill 19 to 5 to be able to morph into that Mob
    • For creative or command only Mobs, like Zombie Horses and Giants, the player only needs to kill 1 to be able to morph into that Mob
  • Crafted with 4 Blocks of Endium in the corner of the Crafting grid, a Ender Core in the middle, and 4 Chorusonium Rods in the remaining areas

Crystal Stand

  • Used to place Crystals of Morphing

Decayed and Warped contortus

  • Generate in Decayed and Warped Contortion.
  • Resemble grass blocks.
  • Can be spread to Endstone by using Bonemeal on an Endstone block next to a Contortus block.
  • Contortus is based off a real life Grass[1]
  • Decayed variant is purple, and Warped variant is blue

Decayed and Warped nidiformis

  • Generate in Decayed and Warped Contortion.
  • Can be placed on flower pots, dirt, coarse dirt, farmland, podzol, nylium, Contortus, Crumbling Endstone, soul soil, and grass blocks.
  • Bone meal can be used on nidiformis to grow it into the respective huge nidiformis when placed on the same type of Contortus.
  • Unlike mushrooms, Nidiformis cannot spread.
  • Nidiformis is based off a real life Fungus[2]
  • Decayed variant is purple, and Warped variant is blue

Decayed Jel

  • The leaves of the Decayed trees

End Bubble Geyser

  • End Bubble Geysers are blocks that spit out Bubbles every 100-127 ticks
  • Spawns in the End Bubbles biome

Ender Totem

  • Crafted with 4 Dragon Souls in the corners, 1 Lodestone in the middle, and the rest obsidian
  • All end type mobs except the bosses become passive in a 50x256x50 block radius, even if already hostile
  • Looks like an Obsidian block with a face on all side except the top and bottom

Endstone Crystal

  • Makes up End stalagmites.
  • Generates in End Beaches.
  • Can be placed directionally, similarly to logs.

End-Warped Jel

  • The leaves of the End-Warped trees

Hanging Balloon Bug Nest

  • A variant of the Balloon Bug Nest that hangs on trees

Heart of the End

  • Can be found throughout the End at any altitude, though it is much more common near End Cities.
  • Can be refined into a Endium Chunk by smelting in a furnace or blast furnace.
  • Powerful enough to survive a wither explosion
  • Inventory item floats on lava and Tar.
    • Cannot burn in lava, Tar or fire.
  • A Netherite Pickaxe or better is required to mine it.
  • Always spawns covered by Tar and/or blocks on all sides.


  • Added new variants: Decayed, End-Warped, Mushroom and Warped-Mushroom.

Obsidian Bricks

  • A brick variant of Obsidian
  • Crafted with 4 Obsidian

Pulphur Block

  • A new decorative block

Rotting Vines

  • Climbable purple vines

Levitation Block

  • A block that, when an entity stands on it, gives it levitation for a random amount of time between 5 and 15 seconds
  • Crafted with 8 Chorus Cherries surrounding a Slime Block

Mushroom Block

  • Added new Warped-Mushroom variant


  • Decayed
    • Does not burn, even in tar.
    • Crafted from the respective stem.
    • Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors, Chests and trapdoors.
  • End-Warped
    • Does not burn, even in tar.
    • Crafted from the respective stem.
    • Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors, Chests and trapdoors.
    • Is slightly darker than the Nether Variant
  • Mushroom
    • Light brown colored planks
    • Crafted from the respective stem.
    • Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors, Chests and trapdoors
  • Warped-Mushroom
    • Light blue colored planks
    • Crafted from the respective stem.
    • Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors, Chests and trapdoors

Spoul Spore

  • Can hold up to 5 Spouls, similar to the Beehive.
  • You can collect Haunted Jam from them.

Staring Chest

  • Crafted with an Ender Chest and a Staring Heart
  • Does the same thing as Ender Chests
  • It has only 9 storage slots
  • The eye on the texture stares at you.
  • If you die the 9 items in your hotbar will teleport to a random Staring Chest, but only if its in the same dimension.
  • If, when you die, and all Staring Chests can not fit any more items in them, the items won't teleport into the Staring Chest


  • Added new variants: Decayed, End-Warped and Warped-Mushroom.
  • Can all be stripped.
  • Mushroom stems can also be stripped


  • Can be found as small pools in the Decayed End Forest.
  • Is a liquid.
  • Most entities take 8 damage every half-second while in contact with Tar.
    • Deals twice as much damage as lava.
  • Can burn Netherite.

Warped Jel

  • The leaves of the Warped trees



  • Can be attached to fences
  • Made with 4 Latex and 1 string

Bucket of Tar

  • Can hold Tar

Charged Jam

  • Gives you Glowing (01:30)
  • Gives you Strength III (02: 35)
  • Heals 8 Hunger Points
  • Crafted with 1 Haunted Jam and 8 Ectoplasm

Chorus Cherries

  • Gives you levitation (00:15)
  • Heals 5 Hunger Points

Chorusonium Rod

  • Used to craft Chorusonium Bombs and Explosive Apples

Decayebarnk Shells

  • Usable as a helmet
  • Wearing it makes you fall slower and take no fall damage

Dragon Soul

  • Dropped by the Ender Dragon
  • Used to craft the Ender Totem


  • Can be used to craft Spectre Amulets.
  • Version exclusive: Can be thrown to create dragons breath

Ender Core

  • You can wear it on your head
  • Sneaking will teleport you to the nearest mob
  • Holding T near an End Crystal will slowly heal you (1 hp/5 secs)

Endium Armour

  • Upgraded using a smithing table with a Endium Chunk and the respective Netherite item.
  • Does not burn in lava or Tar, as a dropped item or when worn (players equipping Endium armor, however, can still take burning damage).
  • Floats in lava and Tar.
  • Tougher than diamond armour.
  • Has higher durability and enchantability than diamond.

Endium Chunk

  • Created by smelting Heart of the End in a furnace or blast furnace.
  • Used to create Endium Tools, Weapons and Armour.
  • Floats in lava and Tar.
  • Cannot burn in lava, Fire, or Tar.

Endium axe, hoe, pickaxe, shovel, and sword

  • Upgraded using a smithing table with a Endium Chunk and the respective Netherite item.
  • Doesn't burn in lava, Fire, or Tar.
  • Floats in lava and Tar.
  • Has higher durability, mining level, breaking multiplier, and enchantability than Netherite.
  • All items, except the hoe, deal 1 more damage than their Netherite counterparts.

Explosive Apple

  • Looks like a normal apple
  • when eaten, the user will explode

Haunted Jam

  • Gives you Glowing (00:35)
  • Gives you Weakness (00:57)
  • Heals 4 Hunger Points


  • Dropped by Balloon Bugs
  • Can be used to craft Balloons


  • Crafted with 8 of any Dye surrounding 1 Chorus Fruit or Chorus Cherry
  • Eating it gives the player Acid Resistance for 01:35

Popped Bubble

  • Dropped by Bubbles
  • Can be used to craft Bubble Blocks

Spawn Egg

  • Added Balloon Bug, Choreefer, Decayebarnk, End-Ent, Glider, Iceolloger, and Spoul spawn eggs


  • A new type of weapon crafted with a Sword of any type and a Dragon Fang
  • There are Wooden, Golden, Stone, Iron, Diamond, Netherite, and Endium variants
  • They have higher damage and durability than Swords or Axes, but have much slower attack speed

Spectre Amulet

  • When holding in your off hand slot, and you've only got 2 hearts left, you get Strength III and Speed V for 00:35, and Resistance IV for 02:15, Although it only has one use
  • Crafted with 4 Gold surrounding 1 Ectoplasm

Staring Heart

  • Looks like a purple heart with an eye
  • The eye will point towards the nearest End City

Suspicious Looking Twig

  • An Item that looks like a purple Stick
  • Have a 10% chance to be found in End Cities instead of Elytra's
  • When a player right clicks on the ground with it, the Item will disappear, the ''Creak'' music will play, a message in the chat will say ''You hear creaking in the woods'', the words will be purple and after 15 seconds, an End Ent will spawn


Balloon Bug

  • Hostile mobs with the appearance of a Firefly
  • have 25 hp
  • When attacking, it's tail grows up to twice the size and glows
    • Its attack consists of flying towards you then turning around and stinging you, similar to a bee
  • Balloon Bugs take more damage if they are attacked while their tail is not glowing
    • If attacked on the tail when glowing, the attacker will get electrocuted, dealing 5 dammage
  • It has an idle animation where it chases it's tail
  • It has a chance of teleporting while being attacked
    • When an arrow is shot at a Balloon Bug, it teleports
  • Drops Latex when killed


  • A mob that looks similar to a Creeper, although it's colour is purple
  • Spawns in Pulphuric Plains
  • It's explosion size is nearly twice as big as a Charged Creeper explosion
  • When it explodes it leaves a cloud of purple particles, they are similar to the Ender Dragon's breath but follows the nearest player or Mob and does not deal any damage
    • Any player or Mob it touches will get the Radiation Effect for 00:15
    • The cloud will disappear when the player or Mob gets Radiation


  • Spawns in End Underlands
  • Have 15 hp
  • Does not attack players
  • Drops Ectoplasm and rarely Decayebarnk Shells


  • A boss in the end that is spawned with a Suspicious Looking Twig
  • Version exclusive: Has 700 hp
  • Looks like a giant living nidiformis
  • Drops an Ender Core, and a Staring Heart


  • Has 20 health.
  • A passive mob that spawns in all biomes of the End
  • Drops 2–5 Raw Glider Meat and 1-3 Ectoplasm
  • Can be saddled and controlled with a Chorus Cherry on a stick
    • Gliders can fly
  • Is damaged by Tar
  • Has a baby variant
  • Can be bred using Chorus Cherries
  • Adults can spawn with baby Gliders riding them
  • Can spawn with Decayders riding them
    • If they spawn with a Decayeders, they will also have a saddle equipped


  • Add Illager Mob


  • Illusioner Now In Minecraft: Java Edition
  • Add Illager Mob


  • Add Illager Mob
  • Now Dropped


  • Spawns in Decayed Contortion
  • Have 12 hp
  • Only attack players if provoked
  • Drops Ectoplasm
  • Has an adult and baby variant
  • Can be bred with Jam
  • Collect Chorus Cherries and take them to a Spoul Spore

Non-Mob Entities[]


  • Come out of End Bubble Geysers
  • When Popped drops a Popped Bubble

Ice Cloud

  • Now The Mob Iceolloger

World Generation[]


  • Pulphuric Plains
    • A biome in the End, it's ground is made of Pulphur, large lakes of Acid commonly spawn, and choreefer's spawn there
  • Warped Contortion
    • A Blue color variation of the Decayed Contortion, but with somewhat different vegetation and purple particles and Blue fog effects.
    • This biome is much more rare than all the other End biomes
  • Decayed Contortion
    • A dense end forest with huge Decayed Nidiformis. Spoul Spore blocks and Nidiformis are found in patches on the ground, Chorus Bushes and Rotting Vines are found under the trees, the fog in this biome is dark blue.
  • End Shore
    • A biome that replaces the End Barrens except the only difference is it extends further towards the middle of the islands, the ground is made of Cracked Endstone and there are End Stalagmites there.
  • Chorus Forest
    • An uncommon biome that is usually very large, it is a very dence forest of Chorus Trees and Chorus Bushes, it also has purple fog.
  • Warped Mushroom Fields
    • A Warped variant of the regular Mushroom Fields.
    • Has light blue fog
    • Endermen spawn here
  • Warped Mushroom Fields Shore
    • A Warped variant of the regular Mushroom Fields Shore.
    • Has light blue fog
  • End Underlands
    • A biome found on the bottom of the end islands, Everything is upside down, the only things you can find are Rotting vines and Decayebarnks
  • End Bubble Hills
    • A hilly biome similar to the End Beach but the Stalagmites don't generate and some floor blocks are replaced by End Bubble Geysers.


  • Huge Warped Mushrooms
    • Giant glowing mushrooms
  • End Stalagmites
    • Pillars made out of Endstone Crystal
  • Huge Warped and Decayed Nidiformis
    • Giant Fungus up to 20 blocks high

Command Format[]

Main article: /home Commands[3]

/sethome ''Playername'' x, y, z

  • It sets that players home to that position.
  • If no target is specified, it will set the home of the player executing the command to that position.
  • If no position is specified, it will set the home to the position that the target currently is.
  • By default the home point is the world spawn.

/gotohome ''Playername''

  • It will teleport the selected target to that players home point.

/resethome ''Playername''

  • It will reset the players home



  • Added new ''The End!'' Advancement
    • Version exclusive: To complete this advancement, the player has to place the Dragon Egg in the Overworld, the Nether, or the End, in Java Edition the player needs to place it in the Overworld
  • Added new ''Blocks galore!!'' Advancement
    • To complete this advancement, the player has to place every single block obtainable in survival mode.


  • New unique block sounds for most of the newly added blocks have been added.


  • Added Radiation Effect
    • It is similar to the Wither Effect, but also makes the Hunger bar go down quicker
  • Added Acid Resistance Effect
    • When an entity has this Effect, it will not get damaged in Acid



  • Added 95 ambient sounds to the End.
    • Different sounds play in each End biome.
  • Added 16 ambient sounds to the Warped Mushroom biomes.


  • Added ''Creak'' which plays when a player uses a Suspicious Looking Twig


  • Sweeping
    • Now Sweeping In Minecraft: Java Edition
    • Now Enchantments Sweeping In Sword



Respawn anchor

  • Can now be used in the end



  • Can now become hostile if you go near an End City.
  • If you name an Enderman/Decayeder ''Majora'' it will have a mask on, this is a reference to Nintendo's game, ''The Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask'' and also the best admin on the MC fanon wiki, Magic Majora
  • Can now wear Helmets, although only in the End near End Cities
  • Normal Decayeders/Endermen can now be bred with Chorus Fruit to create a baby Enderman/Decayeder.
  • Now have a baby variant
    • They are 2 blocks tall instead of 3 blocks.
    • They will not attack if you look at them, and will not attack if attacked, but adult Endermen will attack if a baby is attacked.
  • Have now been renamed Decayders