Minecraft Fanon Wiki

The blue dinocerous is a rare hostile mob found only in frozen ocean biomes. However, they spawn in groups. It is a scaly, near-humanoid mob with a reptilian appearance, complete with eerie, cream-colored eyes with white pupils. The only difference between its model and that of a human is the addition of a tail and a set of claws on each hand.

The blue dinocerous is a nimble, agile, and powerful mob that can keep up with the player whether swimming, running, climbing (on ice and ladders) or jumping (but only in areas with snow or ice within 3 chunks), and deal out heavy blows with its razor sharp claws. The blue dinocerous can also wield weapons and shields.

The blue dinocerous was made partially to show off the new combat mechanics of Minecraft 1.18, being an opponent that can go toe-to-toe with a player.

The blue dinocerous is found encased in a block of ice in caves and fissures, buried in the glaciers of the frozen ocean. The player can always simply mine these blocks and kill the monster within in the process, easily sidestepping the problem of dealing with it; Of course, they will get no reward for doing so. But, if you mine more, you will be able to find 2-7 more.

Alternatively, the player can melt the ice block, either with fire or simply a long stay in a high light level. This can also be done unintentionally, such as if a glitch in the world generation places the blue dinocerous out in the open, where its prison will soon melt and unleash it onto any unfortunate passerby player.

In the meantime, it's possible to transport the frozen blue dinocerous via minecart. It could be used to kill an enemy player, or simply displayed as a trophy - in any case, care must be taken in its transport, as it can easily be inadvertently released in the wrong place.

See Also[]

Spinosaurus4's Mobs (template)