The Carribean atlantis is a Atlantic Dimension That contains Atlantic Cities, Ocean monuments and Other Ocean structures. It is located in the Middile of the Atlantic ocean that is a Water infinite world. This is an Feature that contains "2.12 The Atlantis Update Feature". This feature Includes the Dimension With an Portal That Is made with Water and Glow stone. The Largest Ocean is the Manua Loa, Contains the Bermuda 🔺️ Triangle.
The portal Must be made by finding a bucket of water and glowstone, once you have it you place the glowstone and water in the portal structure, you must find an Water and Steel Item and you Ingnite it and the portal will work, You go inside the portal and the starting Point will be random.
Atlantic Village, Atlantis Vegas, Miami, Lost city of the Atlantis, and Atlantica, the capital.
Gallery of the Cities:
The Dolphin Bay and the City of Miami are one of the examples shown in banners.
The Mobs in this Dimension include, Aqua Sheep, Villager, Turtle, Axolotl, Dolphin, Puffer fish, and Tropical Fish.
Gallery of the Mobs:
The Bermuda Triangle is above the Lost city of the Atlantis In this Dark deep ocean. No Passive Ocean Mobs are there except for Guardians an the Elders. The Bermuda triangle Is a Very dangerous place as the magma blocks could have caused this Large triangle with Bubbles In the Ocean of Manua Loa. Inside of the Triangle is a Deadly Storm with thunder and lightning, this is why that this Big Triangle is in the Don't go there that is dangerous list. A plane crashed into the Bermuda In 1980 During the Pillager-Villager war When Before the World became a Water Atlantis. The plane has sunken and had Dissapeared. This Photo is the Bermuda Triangle In Manua Loa Ocean
KEYS: City, Ocean
Cities: Atlantic Village, Miami, Atlantis Vegas.
Ocean: Manua Loa Ocean
The Tsunami that Formed the Atlantis under water: Mega Tsunami Linda[]
Linda Was formed Whem Mount Washington Erupted in the Tundra Biome near the Ocean. The Tsumami Reached to The islands and cites now the current ones are: Tiki Island, Nassau, and Hawaii, And The Rest Of the World. Structures Destroyed: Pillager Outpost, Mansions, Villages, Desert temples, Strongholds, Trees, Plants/Flowers, Witch Huts, Swamps, Mesas, Canyons, And Other Structures. WHEN The Tsunami Finally Calmed Down, the Atlantis Was Formed.
Gallery of the Tsunami:
- The Atlantis Was formed By Mega Tsunami Linda From Mount Washington. Mount Washington is now a Tourist Attraction.
- After the Tsunami and the Formation of the Atlantis, new islands formed and they Became Miami and Atlantic Village.
- The Bermuda Triangle Contains Magma Blocks
- Aqua Sheeps Is found on Both Land and Water
- Glow Stone is Found in Underground The Ocean of Manua Loa
- The Lost City of the Atlantis Was once A City named Honolulu, before the Tsunami Destroyed the City.
- The Storm was Formed When The Hot and Cool Air meet Together.
- Atlantic Village Contains the Atlantis Hotel and Casino.