Minecraft Fanon Wiki

This is Creepermatrix's true form.

Creeplexmatrazixia, or Creepmatrix for short, was a powerful creeper god who wished to bring a terror upon the entirety of the universe. And he had a plan. He evolved the creepers so that they could explode. He planned to eventually evolve them all to his level of power. But then something got in the way. That something was the order of the Mojangxis, a group of gods who banded together so that in case of an apocalypse-like event. This group included Notch, Jeb, Dinnerbone Upside Down, and Herobrine. They stopped him, but when they did Herobrine realized the amount of power he could grasp if he made a deal with Creepermatrix. He betrayed The Mojangxis, and they parted their ways, each taking a realm for themselves. And thus with Creepermatrix dead, the creepers could finally rule themselves. But not for long. There would be more threats, such as the common player, and many more creeper tyrants.

Creeper-apocalypse 3105612

This is what nearly happened if Mojangxis hadn't stepped in.
