The Fireblast Wyvern is a monstrous, red, bipedal dragon and boss mob. As its name suggests, it uses fire-based attacks and is immune to fire damage. It is only encountered in the Outer Core.
The Fireblast Wyvern has a similar torso, wings, hind legs, and tail to the Ender Dragon, though it is red. Compared to the Ender Dragon, its tail is longer (made of more segments), its torso has taller, more conical spikes, and its hind feet have large gray talons. The Fireblast Wyvern's wings are also larger. Its neck segments are different from the Ender Dragon, being more squarish and prominently spiked, with its neck getting thicker close to its body and thinner farther away. The Fireblast Wyvern's head is diagonal and made from two parts (a head and a hinged jaw), with black eyes, white teeth, and two sets of gray horns.
To attack, the Fireblast Wyvern circles its target and blasts them with its inferno breath, lighting everything in its path ablaze; Even if the player dodges this attack, it still lights the blocks below on fire, creating an obstacle for the player's progression. The boss might also swoop down to try to swipe the player with its talons.
Unlike the Ender Dragon, the Fireblast Wyvern does not constantly break blocks in order to fly, however, the boss can also plummet down on top of an opponent with its talons, creating a huge crater in almost any material. The wyvern can also land and damage the player with tail swipes or bites, as well as by shooting fireballs at them.
On death, the Fireblast Wyvern drops Dragon Bone, a precious and rare material. The player will receive the Dragon Hunter advancement/achievement if this is the first dragon they have killed.
![]() Dragon Hunter |
Kill any Dragon |