1.23, the first release of Barrens & Badlands, is a major update to Java Edition released on May 8th, 2023. It added Ostriches and Savanna-and-Badlands-related items, such as Baobabs, Termite mounds, Vultures and Woolesks, This update includes the announced features for the Savanna and Badlands biomes.
Hedgehog Cactus
- A small Cactus with a pink flower on top.
Prickly Pear Cactus
- A Cactus that grows sideways.
- Grows little flowers on top.
Termite Nest
- Spawn naturally in Savanna biomes and its variants.
- Functions the same as Beehives and bee Nests, but holds termites instead and does not have honey.
- Crafted with 4 Dirt surrounding a log.
Mask Of The Sun
- If the player is wearing a Mask Of The Sun, there is a 5% chance that a mob they hit will be set on fire.
- It has 50 durability.
Spawn Egg
- Added Woolesk, Ostrich, Termite, Vulture, and Zebra Spawn Eggs.
- Have 60 health.
- Look like mammoths.
- Lives in groups of 10 in Savannahs and Jungles.
- Will attack if provoked or if a baby is attacked.
- Babies do not attack.
- They can carry water in their trunk if there is water nearby, this can be put in a Bucket or a Glass Bottle.
- This can be used to transport water.
- They can walk through leaves and Bamboo.
- A bird that is rideable.
- When falling it flaps its wings and falls slower, similar to Chickens.
- Are neutral mobs.
- They will attack the player if they hit them.
- Will scare away Termites.
- If they see a Zombie they will bury their head in the ground.
- They will still scare Termites if this happens.
- If they see a Creeper they will chase it and attack it.
- Have 10 health.
- Live in groups near Termite Nests.
- If a Termite does not have a home nest, it will wander until it finds one.
- Can hide inside Termite Nests.
- Maximum of 3 Termites per nest.
- Can chew on trees.
- Are neutral mobs
- When attacked, all Termites from the same nest try to attack the original attacker.
- The same happens when their nest is destroyed.
- When they attack, they give nausea to the target for 10 seconds.
- When in an angry state, their eyes are red.
- When attacked, all Termites from the same nest try to attack the original attacker.
- Affected by the Bane of Arthropods enchantment.
- Will try to avoid water.
- Being killed by a Termite results in new death message: "<player> was nibbled to death".
- They will destroy trees if they don't have a nest.
- The Logs will have a 45% chance to drop.
- This can be useful for Tree farms.
- To stop this, the player can put Ostriches and/or Meerkats next to Trees.
- A mob that spawns in Badlands.
- It can fly, and if it sees an item on the ground it will try to steal it.
- It has 25 health.
- Has a 1 in 3 chance to spawn instead of a Horse in a Savanna.
- Can wear 2 Chests on their saddle.
- They move slower if they are wearing 2 Chests.
World Generation
- Abandoned House
- A ruined house made out of Wood Planks, it can generate in all biomes with Trees.
- It has 2 floors, and can have Spiders in it.
- The Chests can have a Sun Mask.
- Baobab Tree
- A wider, taller variation of the Savanna Trees.
- Termite Nests
- A 3 to 5 block tall hill of Termite Nests.
- Creepers run away from Ostriches.
Future Updates |
Java Edition 1.17: Caves & Cliffs Phase One | Java Edition 1.18: Caves & Cliffs Phase Two | Java Edition 1.19: Musically Painted| Java Edition 1.20: Frogs 'n' Freights| Java Edition 1.21: ??? Update | Java Edition 1.22: End Update | Java Edition 1.23: Barrens & Badlands | Java Edition 1.24: Mythical update | Java Edition 1.25: Summer update | Java Edition 1.26: Redstone & Rice | Java Edition 1.27: Beginning update |
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