Minecraft 1.22, the first release of the Mythical Update, introduced features that focused mainly on Magic, Enchanting, Mobs and Biomes. It was released on October 10th, 2023. This update includes the features for the 2022 Biome vote Forest features, the Beach and Mushroom biomes were updated in 1.23 and 1.28 respectively.
Ancient Log
- Generate as part of Ancient Trees.
- When broken, they drop five to twelve Ancient Roots.
- Can be obtained with Silk Touch.
Ancient Roots
- A new Redstone block.
- Some blocks can be placed on an Ancient Root.
- If it is powered it will be carried to an Ancient Root block that is next to it.
- It will also be animated.
- The direction can be changed by right-clicking it.
- If it is powered it will be carried to an Ancient Root block that is next to it.
Ancient Scrap
- Ancient Scrap generates as part of some Ancient Trees.
- Needed to use Rifts.
Alexandrite Ore
- An ore that is found in Lush Cave biomes.
- Can be refined into an Alexandrite Chunk.
- The Ore slowly changes colour, it's colours are blue, green, red, orange, and yellow.
- Was the Ore that was second place in the 2021 Ore vote, the other Ores were Chorusonium and Citrine.
- Has a Deepslate variant.
Block Of Alexandrite
- Crafted from nine Alexandrite Chunks.
- Can create a Redstone Signal if the light level is more than zero.
- The higher the light level is, the longer the Redstone signal will be.
Block Of Fluff
- A block crafted from 8 Fluff and 1 Dye.
- Comes in 16 different colours.
- New furnace upgrade that allows for the smelting of anything that can't be smelted with a Blast Furnace or Smoker faster than the traditional furnace.
- Twice as fast as a regular furnace.
- Can only create things that can't be smelted with a Blast Furnace or Smoker.
- Can be crafted using 5 Bricks, 1 furnace, and 3 Smooth Stone.
- Generate in village Glass-maker houses.
- Act as the Glass-maker villager's job site.
- Have support for hopper and dropper inputs and outputs.
Meat Incense
- Used to attract hostile or neutral mobs from 20 blocks away.
- Crafted with Any meat with 8 String surrounding it.
- Taken from Minecraft 1.22: The End Update by Badowie.
Scale Block
- A block used for decoration.
- Has 16 different Colours.
Sleeping Bag
- A block that looks similar to a Bed, but it is 1 pixel high.
- The player can sleep in it but it does not set the spawn point.
- It can be 16 different colours.
Vegetable Incense
- Used to attract passive mobs from 20 blocks away.
- Crafted with Any vegetable with 8 String surrounding it.
- Taken from Minecraft 1.22: The End Update by Badowie.
Alexandrite Chunk
- Used to craft Blocks Of Alexandrite.
- A new item that goes in the chestplate slot.
- All Rifts do 15% more damage when it is worn.
- It has 50 durability.
- If a player uses a Rift, it loses durability.
- An item dropped by Feexies.
- Can be used to craft a Cloak.
- Dropped by Dragons.
- Used to craft Scale Blocks.
- Has 16 different colours.
Warped Cloak
- A new item that goes in the chestplate slot.
- The Rifts Abyss and Shadow Throw do 20% more damage when it is worn.
- It has 50 durability.
- If a player uses a Rift, it loses durability.
Warped Fluff
- An item dropped by Abyssal Feexies.
- Can be used to craft an Abyssal cloak.
Warped Feexie
- Have 70 health.
- drops Warped Fluff when killed.
- Also drops Warped Fluff when sheared.
- Always drops a Warped Ring.
- They are hostile.
- They are about as fast as Ocelots.
- They attack wild wolves and Dragons.
- May spawn very rarely wandering around Warped biomes in all dimensions.
Brown Bear
- A mob which spawns in Forests and Birch Forests.
- If it sees a Bee Nest it will break it, and it will have a Honeycomb in it's hand and eat it.
- If there are bees in the nest or nearby they will try fighting the bear.
- They eat Sweet Berries.
- Sometimes they will go to a River, an Ocean, or a Lake, and attack some Fish, they will then swim out of the water and eat the Fish.
- Have a baby variant.
- If they are doing this they will attack anything that comes near them, including players.
- If they are attacked or they have babies near them they will attack all players nearby.
- Have 30 to 60 health, depending on which variant it is.
- Nocturnal mobs which sleep in the day and are awake at night.
- Dragons have a completely different model from the Ender Dragon, and most are also only the size of a cow.
- Drop different Scales when killed, depending on what type of Dragon it is.
- Will only attack the player if attacked first.
- They are about as fast as Ender Dragons.
- Can be bred with any type of meat.
- The baby born will be tamed and not attack the player.
- Will pick up dropped food items with their mouth.
- Attack Smaller mobs like Feexies and Sheep.
- May spawn wandering around Bayou's, Mountains, and Enchanted Forests at night.
- There are 5 variants, each with different health, Red Dragon with 30 hp, Green Dragon with 40 hp, Warped Wyvern with 46 hp, Golden Dragon with 50 hp, and the Snake Dragon with 60 hp.
- Warped Wyverns do not have front legs.
- Snake Dragons have a different model and unlike the other Dragons are much larger, and are 10 blocks long.
- Have 30 health.
- drop Fluff when killed.
- Also drop Fluff when sheared.
- Will run from the player.
- They are about as fast as Ocelots.
- Can be bred with Glowberries.
- The baby born will be tamed and not run away from the player.
- Will pick up dropped food items with their mouth.
- Are attacked by wild wolves and Dragons.
- May spawn wandering around Bayou's.
- A mob which spawns in Flower Forests.
- Bees pollinate Flowers twice as fast when a Moobloom is nearby.
- Bees sometimes pollinate the Flowers on a Mooblooms back.
- A mob that spawns in Forests.
- They can be tamed by giving them Seeds.
- If they are right-clicked by the player who tamed them, they will sit.
- They will scare away Skeletons and Spiders.
- Cats will try to kill Owls, even if either one of them is tamed.
- Added Glass-maker.
World Generation
- Ancient Forest
- A forest biome with Ancient Trees.
- It is about as rare as a Jungle biome.
- Ancient Trees
- A type of tree with no leaves, it generates with Ancient Logs and Ancient Scrap.
- When using the Rift, a black cloud will fly forwards until it hits something.
- If it hits a block it will disappear.
- If it hits a mob it will inflict the Wither II (00:04).
- It uses 10 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 6 Ancient Tomes.
- When using the Rift, any mob that is within 16 blocks from the player gets Wither II (00:05).
- It uses 5 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 12 Ancient Tomes.
- When using the Rift, 3 Vexes are summoned and 2 rings of Evoker Fangs appear around the player.
- It uses 15 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 18 Ancient Tomes.
Flame Throw
- When using the Rift, a fireball will move forwards very fast and set mobs on fire when it touches them.
- It uses 8 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 7 Ancient Tomes.
Ice Shard
- When using the Rift, some ice shards will move forwards very fast and give mobs Slowness when it touches them.
- It uses 8 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 7 Ancient Tomes.
Shadow Throw
- When using the Rift, a black hammer will fly towards the nearest mob.
- When it hits a mob it will deal 13 damage.
- It uses 25 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 40 Ancient Tomes.
- When using the Rift, a transparent cube will surround the player for 5 minutes.
- When active, all damage will be reduced by 50%.
- It uses 5 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 10 Ancient Tomes.
- When using the Rift, Lightning will hit the nearest mob.
- It uses 10 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 20 Ancient Tomes.
- When using the Rift, Bats will spawn which will attack any hostile mob nearby, dealing 0.5 damage.
- They only have 1 hp.
- It uses 8 Mana.
- To use the player needs to research 5 Ancient Tomes.
Ancient Rifting
- New magic system.
- Uses Ancient Scrap.
- Ancient Scrap get destroyed when using Rifts.
- If the player hasn't got enough Ancient Scrap for a Rift, the player can not use that Rift.
- Added the new Rift system.
- Rifts can be obtained by killing an ancient.
- A Rift uses up Ancient Scrap.
- To use a Rift a player has to hold both Ancient Scrap and a Rift
Future Updates |
Java Edition 1.17: Caves & Cliffs Phase One | Java Edition 1.18: Caves & Cliffs Phase Two | Java Edition 1.19: Musically Painted| Java Edition 1.20: Frogs 'n' Freights| Java Edition 1.21: ??? Update | Java Edition 1.22: End Update | Java Edition 1.23: Barrens & Badlands | Java Edition 1.24: Mythical update | Java Edition 1.25: Summer update | Java Edition 1.26: Redstone & Rice | Java Edition 1.27: Beginning update |
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