1.23, the first release of The Summer update, is a major update to Java Edition released on February 23rd, 2024. It added new Biomes and Beach-related items, such as Beach Grass, Gorse Bushes and Sand Castles. This update includes the features for the 2022 Biome vote Beach features, the Forest and Mushroom biomes were updated in 1.22 and 1.28 respectively.
Beach Grass
- A new plant that grows in Beach Dunes, Dense Beach Dunes, and Stone Shores.
- Unlike normal Grass it can be placed on Grass Blocks as well as Sand.
- Added 3 new variants, Petal (light blue), Star (lime green), and Finger (orange).
- They only generate in Coral Caves.
Coral Block
- Added 3 new variants, Petal (light blue), Star (lime green), and Finger (orange).
- They only generate in Coral Caves.
Coral Fan
- Added 3 new variants, Petal (light blue), Star (lime green), and Finger (orange).
- They only generate in Coral Caves.
Coral Shower
- A new Block that generates on the ceiling of Coral Caves.
- They are similar to Coral Fans, the differences are they emit light, they can only hang on ceilings, and particles fall from them.
- There are 8 variants, Tube (blue), Brain (pink), Bubble (Purple), Fire (red), Horn (yellow), Petal (light blue), Star (lime green), and Finger (orange).
Dead Coral
- Added 3 new variants, Petal, Star, and Finger.
Dead coral block
- Added 3 new variants, Petal, Star, and Finger.
Dead Coral Fan
- Added 3 new variants, Petal, Star, and Finger.
Dead Coral Shower
- The dead variant of Coral Showers.
- Unlike the normal variant, they do not spit out particles and do not emit light.
- There are 8 variants, Tube, Brain, Bubble, Fire, Horn, Petal, Star, and Finger.
Flowery Grass
- A plant that grows in Flower Forests and it's variants.
- It is about as tall as a Carpet and looks like grass with flowers on it.
- A new variant of Coral that looks like prismarine.
- Without Silk Touch they drop Prismarine Shards and Prismarine Crystals.
- Unlike other Corals they glow.
- They only generate in Coral Caves.
Prismacoral Block
- New variants of Coral Blocks that look like Prismarine.
- Without Silk Touch it drops Prismarine Shards and Prismarine Crystals.
- Unlike other Coral Blocks they glow.
- They only generate in Coral Caves.
Prismacoral Fan
- New variants of Coral Fans that look like Prismarine.
- Without Silk Touch it drops Prismarine Shards and Prismarine Crystals.
- They glow.
- They only generate in Coral Caves.
Prismacoral Shower
- New variants of Coral Showers that look like Prismarine.
- Without Silk Touch it drops Prismarine Shards and Prismarine Crystals.
- They only generate in Coral Caves.
Gorse Bush
- A block with yellow flowers on it.
- If an entity touches it they will be damaged.
Sand Castle
- A block made by right-clicking the ground with a Sand Bucket.
Sand Bucket
- Is made by right-clicking Sand with a Bucket.
- An item that can be used to make Sand Castles.
World Generation
- Coral Cave
- A biome where Prismacoral generates.
- It is very rare.
- Beach Dunes
- A biome that spawns next to Beaches.
- It contains Beach Grass.
- Dense Beach Dunes
- A biome that sometimes spawns next to Beach Dunes.
- It contains Beach Grass.
Command Format
/searchforblock ''block name''
- Searches for the nearest Block of the type the player chose and the coordinates appear on the screen.
World Generation
- Beach
- Generates a lot larger.
Future Updates |
Java Edition 1.17: Caves & Cliffs Phase One | Java Edition 1.18: Caves & Cliffs Phase Two | Java Edition 1.19: Musically Painted| Java Edition 1.20: Frogs 'n' Freights| Java Edition 1.21: ??? Update | Java Edition 1.22: End Update | Java Edition 1.23: Barrens & Badlands | Java Edition 1.24: Mythical update | Java Edition 1.25: Summer update | Java Edition 1.26: Redstone & Rice | Java Edition 1.27: Beginning update |
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