1.26, the first release of Redstone & Rice, is a major update to Java Edition announced at Minecraft Festival 2023 and released on July 12th, 2024. This update overhauls farming and Redstone by adding new crops and new Redstone blocks, it also adds a new biome, a new structure, a new mob (Pumpkin Knights), and a multitude of new blocks, including many variants of Citrine.
Block Of Citrine
- A transparent decorative block.
- Can be crafted into Chiselled Citrine Blocks, Citrine Pillars, Smooth Citrine Blocks, and Citrine Bricks.
- Smooth Citrine Blocks can be crafted into Smooth Citrine Stairs and Slabs.
- All of these blocks are transparent.
- Can be crafted into Citrine Stairs and Slabs.
- These two blocks are transparent.
Citrine Ore
- An ore that could be found underground.
- Drops a Citrine when broken.
- Spawns in large ore veins.
- Can be used to craft new decoration blocks.
- Commonly found in Villages in Plains biomes.
- Have 5 stages of growth: "stalk", "short stalk", "tall stalk", "unripe" and ''ripe''.
- Drop 4–7 Corn.
- They also drop 1-3 Corn Seeds.
- They can be harvested by right-clicking.
- Support Bonemeal usage.
Healing Crystal
- A block that can heal any entity that stands on it.
- If it is right-clicked with a Diamond it will give any entity that stands on it Regeneration IV (00:05).
- This will consume the Diamond.
- It is crafted with 8 Blocks Of Citrine and 1 Netherite Ingot.
- It can be used once before another Diamond needs to be used.
- If it is used 50 times it will break.
Redstone Pump
- A block used for stopping the delay in Redstone Verticaler.
- Made from 6 Blocks Of Citrine, 2 Diamonds, and 1 Water Bucket.
- If it is placed under a Redstone Verticaler, it will stop the delay.
- Every 2 blocks one tick of delay is added until it reaches five ticks.
Redstone Verticaler
- A block used for making vertical Redstone.
- Made from 6 Blocks Of Citrine, 2 Iron, and 1 Redstone.
- Acts similarly to Redstone, although it transports Redstone signals upwards.
- There is a five tick delay before the Redstone signal reaches the next block.
- It can not move horizontally.
- Commonly found in Rice Plains biomes.
- Have 5 stages of growth: "seed", "seedling", "short", "tall" and ''fully grown''.
- Drop 4–7 Rice Seeds when broken.
- When right-clicked with a Bowl, the player will get a Bowl Of Rice.
- Support Bonemeal usage.
Bowl Of Rice
- Made by right-clicking a Rice plant with a Bowl.
- Fills 3 hunger points.
- Can be cooked.
Bowl Of Boiled Rice
- Made by putting a Bowl Of Rice in a Furnace Or Smoker.
- Fills 7 hunger points.
- Can be cooked.
- An item dropped from Citrine Ore
Cooked Corn
- Fills 5 hunger points.
- Fills 2 hunger points.
Corn Seeds
- Can be planted in Farmland and will grow into Corn.
Pumpkin Knight
- Spawn in Graveyards, as well as in Dark Forests.
- Zombies will morph into Pumpkin Knights after a while if they are in Graveyards.
- Pumpkin Knights can spawn with Iron Axes.
- Like Zombies, Pumpkin Knights will attack baby turtles and stomp on and crack turtle eggs.
World Generation
- Rice Plains
- A biome which contains Rice and 1-block-deep Water pools.
- Graveyard
- A structure which contains Pumpkin Knights.
Future Updates |
Java Edition 1.17: Caves & Cliffs Phase One | Java Edition 1.18: Caves & Cliffs Phase Two | Java Edition 1.19: Musically Painted| Java Edition 1.20: Frogs 'n' Freights| Java Edition 1.21: ??? Update | Java Edition 1.22: End Update | Java Edition 1.23: Barrens & Badlands | Java Edition 1.24: Mythical update | Java Edition 1.25: Summer update | Java Edition 1.26: Redstone & Rice | Java Edition 1.27: Beginning update |
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