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1.25, the first release of the Beginning Update, is a major update to Minecraft: Java Edition that will be released on April 18, 2025. Major additions included the Beginning dimension, new achievements, New music, increased world height, and new mobs including The Warper and Wailorps.



Badly Damaged Obsidian

  • Created if a Gloom Beast hits Obsidian twice.

Beginning Diamond Ore

  • An ore that functions the same way as normal Diamond Ores do, but it has a different texture and generates in the Beginning.

Block Of Leather

  • Used for storage.
  • Crafted with 9 Leather.

Block Of Sugar

  • Can be crafted with 9 Sugar.
  • Used for storing Sugar.

Blueberry Vines

  • A plant that grows in the Layered Tyliation.
  • If right-clicked, they drop Blueberries.


  • A block that generates in the Beginning dimension, in the Overgrowth.
  • Will damage any entity that touches them.

Celestial Block

  • Used for storage.
  • Crafted with 9 Celestial Remnants.

Celestial Ore

  • Can be found in the Beginning dimension.
  • Can be smelted into a Celestial Remnant by smelting in a Crimson Forge.
  • Powerful enough to survive a wither explosion.
  • Inventory item floats on lava, Acid, and Tar.
    • Cannot burn in lava, Tar, Acid, or fire.
  • A Sugilite Pickaxe or better is required to mine it.
  • Always spawns covered by Warped Soda and/or blocks on all sides.

Celestial Portal

  • Has three variants, top, bottom, and middle.
    • All three will generate in Ancient Portal Shrines underground.
    • Any of these can be lit with a Flint And Steel, then all three blocks will be lit.
      • Can only be lit if the 3 blocks are in the right order
  • If an entity walks into a complete Celestial Portal, they will go to the Beginning dimension.


  • Used to craft compressed blocks.
    • These blocks are, Block Of Coal, Block Of Iron, Copper Block, Block Of Lapis Lazuli, Block Of Gold, Block Of Redstone, Block Of Diamond, Block Of Emerald, Quartz Block, Block Of Netherite, Block Of Sugilite, Block Of Celestial Remnants, Slime Block, Bone Block, Melon, Hay Bale, Dried Kelp Block, Bubble Block, Pulpher Block, Mint Block, Snail Slime Block, and Block Of Leather.
    • This is also the only way to make Jam.
  • Crafted with 6 Stone and 2 Pistons.

Confetti Blossom

  • A block dropped by the Watching Blossom.
  • Acts similarly to a Dropper, but destroys the item inside and scatters the items breaking particles around it.
  • Fireworks can also be put in a Confetti Blossom, and there will will be Firework particles around it.

Crimson Forge

  • A furnace crafted from 8 Blackstone Bricks in a square shape.
  • Can be used to smelt or cook items from the Beginning dimension.


  • A throwable item that explodes when it hits a block or an entity.
    • The explosion does not break blocks.
  • Deals 7 damage.
  • Has a one second cooldown.

Glitchbomber Egg

  • A throwable item that has a 20% chance to spawn a Glitchbomber.


  • Added new variants, Purified Lindigo and Warped Lindigo.


  • A compressed liquid block, has 5 variants: Water, Lava, Warped Soda, Acid and Tar.
  • Made by putting Water, Lava, Warped Soda, Acid or Tar in a compressor.
  • If a player right-clicks a Jam block with a Bucket, it will fill the Bucket with the respective liquid.
    • It can only be used nine times, the first time it is used, it gets 1 pixel shorter, every time it is used after that, it gets 2 pixels shorter.

Lightly Damaged Obsidian

  • Created when a Gloom Beast hits Obsidian once.


  • A plant block that generates in Fizzy Oceans.
  • If it touches air, it turns into Shale.

Mint Bush

  • A new plant found in the Layered Tyliation.
  • Have 4 stages of growth.
    • When right-clicked on its final stage it drops Mint Leaves.

Mint Block

  • Used for decoration.
  • Crafted with 9 Mints.


  • A block that generates in the Overgrowth biome.
  • If broken, drops 3 to 4 Mud Balls.
  • Crafted with 4 Mud Balls.


  • Generates in the Overgrowth biome in the Beginning.
  • Has a regular, polished, chiseled polished, polished brick and cracked polished brick variant.
  • Has regular, polished and polished brick slab, stair, and wall variants.
  • Has polished button and pressure plate variants.
  • Work like their stone counterparts.
  • Can be used as an alternative in place of cobblestone for most Stone recipes.
  • Crafted with 4 Hardened Mud.

Purified and Warped Tylium

  • Is similar to Grass Blocks.
  • Generate in most Beginning biomes.
  • Purified variant is Green, and Warped variant is blue.

Purified and Warped Lindigo

  • Generate in all Beginning biomes.
  • Can be placed on flower pots, dirt, coarse dirt, farmland, podzol, Nylium, Contortus, Crumbling Endstone, soul soil, Tylium, and grass blocks.
  • Bone meal can be used on Lindigo to grow it into the respective huge Lindigo when placed on the same type of Tylium.
  • Unlike mushrooms, Lindigo cannot spread.
  • Lindigo is based off a real life Fungus.
  • Purified variant is Green, and Warped variant is blue.

Purified and Warped Lindigo Cap

  • Generates as the top of huge Lindigo.
  • Can only be picked up with a Silk Touch Axe.

Purified and Warped Lindigo Planks

  • Does not burn.
  • Crafted from the respective stem.
  • Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors, Chests and trapdoors.
  • Cannot be used as furnace fuel, since they do not burn.
  • Have different textures to all other planks.

Purified and Warped Lindigo Stem

  • Blocks that comprise the trunks of Huge Lindigo.
  • Have a top texture similar to regular log blocks.
  • Can be placed directionally, similarly to logs.
  • Do not burn.
  • Have respective stripped variants.


  • A plant which emits a light level of 12.
  • It uses the same model Snow uses.
  • Glows in the same way that Magma Cube cores, Blazes, the eyes of Spiders, Drowned, Vexes, and the eyes of Endermen do.

Redstone Crystal

  • A block that generates in the Shattered Caverns biome in the Beginning.
  • If broken, it drops 12 to 27 Redstone.


  • Generates in all biomes in the Beginning.
  • Has a regular, polished, chiseled polished, polished brick and cracked polished brick variant.
  • Has regular, polished and polished brick slab, stair, and wall variants.
  • Has polished button and pressure plate variants.
  • Work like their stone counterparts.
  • Can be used as an alternative in place of cobblestone for most Stone recipes.

Shattered Shale

  • A block that looks like Shale, but some of it's pixels are missing.

Snail Slime Block

  • Snail slime blocks cause movement on top of them to slow down unless they are touching water or a wet sponge, in which case they become slippery. Warped Snails are not affected by snail slime blocks.
  • Landing on a snail slime block does not cause fall damage unless the player is sneaking.
  • Entities that are touching the bottom of a non slippery snail slime block will stick to the block, preventing them from falling. This does not apply to snails and entities that are sneaking.
  • Crafted with 9 Snail Slime.

Sugar Layer

  • Crafted with 3 Sugar.
  • Can be crafted back into 3 Sugar.
  • Can be placed on top of each other, similar to Snow Layers.

Timik Roots

  • A plant that generates in the Timik Grove biome, in the Beginning.
  • If Bonemeal is used on it, it will grow into a Timik Stem.

Timik Stem

  • A block that generates in the Timik Grove biome.
  • Every 5 minutes, it grows one block taller, it can grow 40 block high, making it the tallest plant structure in the game.
  • Timik Stems will copy the Timik Stems underneath them, for example, if a Timik Stem is pushed by a Piston, the Timik Stem on top will copy the one below it, meaning it will also be pushed in the same direction.
    • There is a one tick delay before it copies the Timik Stem below it.

Warped Soda

  • A liquid found in the Beginning.
  • If a sponge is used on it, it drops Sugar.
  • If it touches a mint block, it explodes and makes a fizzing sound.
    • It does the same with all other liquid blocks.

Warped Soul

  • A block used to summon the Warped Titan.
  • Crafted with 4 Warped Fragments.

Warped Weeds

  • A plant that generates in Lindigo Forests and Warped Plains.



  • Heal 3 hunger.
  • Can be used to make Pancakes.

Bucket Of Warped Soda

  • Can hold Warped Soda.

Celestial Armour

  • Upgraded using a smithing table with a Sugilite Chunk and the respective Netherite item.
  • Does not burn in Lava, Acid, or Tar, as a dropped item or when worn (players equipping Sugilite armor, however, can still take burning damage).
  • Floats in Lava, Acid, and Tar.
  • Tougher than Sugilite armour.
  • Has higher durability and enchantability than Sugilite.

Celestial Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Spear, and Sword

  • Upgraded using a smithing table with a Celestial Remnant and the respective Sugilite item.
  • Does not burn in Lava, Acid, or Tar.
  • Floats in Lava, Acid, and Tar.
  • Have higher item durability, mining level, breaking multiplier, and enchantability than Sugilite, but not higher than gold.
  • All items, except the hoe, deal 1 more damage than their Sugilite counterparts.

Celestial Remnant

  • An item used to craft Celestial Tools, Weapons, and Armour.

Hardened Mud

  • Used to craft Mudstone.


  • Heal 1 hunger.
  • Give Speed III (00:45).
  • Crafted with 1 Mint Leaf and 4 Sugar.

Mint Leaf

  • Used to craft Mints.
  • Can be planted.

Mud Ball

  • An item used to craft Hardened Mud and Mud Blocks.

Snail Slime

  • An item used to craft a Snail Slime Block

Warped Fragment

  • An item used to craft a Warped Soul block.
  • Dropped by Gloom Beasts and Watching Blossoms.

Wole Armour

  • Can be used to add more defence to Woles.
  • Has 5 different types, Leather, Gold, Iron, Diamond, and Celestial.
  • Can be crafted with 1 of the respective Ore block type (or for Leather, 1 Block Of Leather) and 4 Chains.



  • Have 10 Health.
  • A passive mob that spawns in the Beginning, in Fizzy Oceans.
  • Spits Exploding Glitchbombs out of it's mouth when a hostile mob is below it.
    • The bomb explodes if it touches an entity or a block.
  • Looks like a blue cube with purple wings, it is about the size of a Bee.
    • It can also fly.
  • Drops 2-5 Glitchbombs.
  • They will lay Glitchbomber Eggs.
  • Moves in and out of Warped Soda.
  • Explodes when in a biome that is not ''Warped''.
  • Is damaged by Lava, Tar, Acid, water, and rain.
  • Has a baby variant.
  • Can be bred using Sugar.
  • Adults can spawn with baby Glitchbombers riding them.

Gloom Beast

  • Have 80 health.
  • A hostile mob that spawns in the Beginning, in the Shattered Caverns biome.
  • Looks like a giant Wolf, although it's mane is a lot bigger, it has darker fur, and it has white glowing eyes.
  • Gloom Beasts will charge at any player they see, dealing 10 to 20 damage.
    • Before they charge they will roar, and, if the player looks at them, they will charge after 2 seconds.
    • When they charge, any blocks in front of them will break.
      • They can not break blocks with a hardness level of 60 or above.
      • If they hit Obsidian, it will crack, if it is hit 3 times it will break.
  • Always drops a Warped Fragment, used to craft a Warped Soul.
  • Is damaged by Water and rain.
  • Has a baby variant that sometimes spawns in groups of six.
    • Babies are neutral and can be tamed.
      • When they grow up, they will act the same as a Wolf, but they will deal more damage, won't be distracted by Skeletons, and will attack Creepers.
  • Will avoid any areas with a light level over 12.


  • Has 25 Health.
  • Spawns in Fizzy Ocean biomes.
  • Look like merpeople with completely white eyes, their mouths also look sewn up.
  • Randomly spawns with Diamond Sword or Trident.
  • Adults are hostile, babies are passive.
  • Baby Wailorps do not attack players or Woles.
  • Wailorps ride on the back of Woles.
    • Baby Wailorps can do the same, but only on baby's.
  • Adults attack Glitchbombers on sight.
  • Avoid all blocks that are not ''Warped''.
  • Can spawn with Diamond Armor.


  • Has 10 Health.
  • A neutral mob that spawns in the Beginning, in Fizzy Oceans.
    • Always spawns upside down attached to a block.
      • Every few seconds it's body will slightly come out of its shell and then go back in.
        • Will attack any hostile mob it sees.
        • Will only attack players that attack them first.
        • When attacking, they spit Snail Slime at the entity that attacked them, giving them Slowness II (00:01) and dealing 3 damage.
  • Looks like a blue snail with it's opening facing down.
  • Drops Snail Slime.

Warped Titan

  • Has 500 health.
    • Has 1000 health on hard difficulty.
  • A new boss mob.
  • Summoned by placing 3 Shale on top of each other, than add a Warped Soul on top.

Watching Blossom

  • Has 75 health.
  • A neutral mob that spawns in the Beginning, in the Overgrowth biome.
  • Looks like a giant pink flower.
  • Watching Blossoms will shoot vines at the player, which will inflict Poison II (00:02), and will push the player away.
    • It will only start attacking if it is attacked, or the player is detected by a Watching Vines.
    • The vines can go through blocks.
  • Always drops a Confetti Blossom.
  • Is damaged by Water and rain.


  • Have 70 Health.
  • Spawn in Fizzy Ocean biomes.
  • Woles look like whales with white eyes, and their mouths look sewn up.
  • Woles are passive, and will swim away if hit by a player.
  • Can be tamed with Mints.
  • Tamed Woles can be ridden on for five minutes if fed a Mint.
    • If they are on land they can still be ridden, but the movement speed will be much slower.
  • Can wear Wole Armour.
  • Can be bred with Mint Leaves.
  • Can eat any item in the game.
    • It will spit most items back out of its mouth.
    • If fed an a Llama Spawn Egg, the Wole will spit at the player, similar to a Llama.
      • It will also make a Llama spitting sound.
    • If they are fed a Music Disc, they will sing 10 seconds of their versions of the respective music.
      • If fed 11, they will scream for 10 seconds.
    • If fed a Nether Star, they will be able to fire Guardian Lasers at any hostile mob they see for 3 minutes.

World Generation


  • Fizzy Ocean
    • A new aquatic biome, instead of Water, it generates with Warped Soda, Warped Snails also spawn here.
    • It only generates in the Beginning dimension.
  • Layered Tyliation
    • A biome similar to the Lindigo Forest, but it only (and always) generates above Y 220, and is made of small floating islands.
    • Most stuff in this biome is green, it is also the only place where Purified Tylium, Lindigo, and other Purified block variants generate.
    • It is the only biome where Mint generates.
  • Lindigo Forest
    • A biome with Warped Tylium as the ground, and it has a large amount of warped huge Lindigo, it also has Blueberry Vines on some cliffs.
    • It only generates in the Beginning dimension.
  • Overgrowth
    • A biome that always generates at Y 60 to Y 150, it is mostly flat, and has stalactites and stalagmites made of Mudstone.
    • There are also a large amount of plants here, like Watching Vines, and Brambles.
    • It only generates in the Beginning dimension.
  • Shattered Caverns
    • A biome that always generates at Y 0 to Y 59, they look like huge 50 block tall caves, there are huge, very steep stalagmites, some of them so big they touch the ceiling of the caves, turning them into speleothems.
    • Celestial Ore is much more common in this biome, although only at the cave floor, where Gloom Beasts commonly spawn.
    • This is the only place where Redstone Crystals generate
    • It only generates in the Beginning dimension.
  • Timik Grove
    • A biome that generates on the surface, Bluebells commonly generate here.
    • There are also a lot of Timik Vines.
    • It only generates in the Beginning dimension.
  • Warped Fields
    • A biome with a large amount of Warped Tylium, it does have some warped huge Lindigo, but not as much as much Lindigo Forests.
    • It only generates in the Beginning dimension.


  • Beginning
    • A dimension that is mostly blue and green, it has a lot of biomes including Fizzy Oceans and Lindigo Forests.



  • Added new music for the new biomes in the Beginning dimension.


  • The Beginning dimension was the first dimension added since version 1.0.0 in 2011.
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