1.26, the first release of The Slime update, is a major update to Java edition that was released in September 25th, 2025, it focuses on adding new slime related features.
- Generates in Slime Dens.
- Has Polished, Brick, Pillar, Slimed, and Cracked Brick Variants.
- Has regular, polished and polished brick slab, stair, and wall variants.
- Has polished button and pressure plate variants.
- Work like their stone counterparts.
Magma Cream Block
- Works the same as a normal Slime Block.
- If an entity walks on it, they will be set on fire, this does not work for mobs resistant to Fire and/or Lava.
- Does not stick to Slime Blocks or Honey Blocks.
Molten Pumice
- A block created when Pumice absorbs Lava.
- Can be converted back to Pumice by putting it in Water.
Powdered Slime Block
- Works the same as a normal Slime Block, but has gravity.
- Crafted with 4 Powdered Slime.
Powered Slime Block
- A block that looks like a Slime Block, but it's core is red.
- Crafted with one Redstone Block surrounded by four Slime Blocks (makes 4).
- If a payer jumps on it, it will emit a Redstone signal.
- Only emits a signal strength of one by jumping from five blocks high or less.
- The signal strength increases every five blocks higher the player jumps from.
- If the player jumps from 75 blocks, the Powered Slime Block will emit a full signal strength.
- Only emits a signal strength of one by jumping from five blocks high or less.
- Sticks to Slime Blocks.
- Made by smelting Basalt in a Furnace.
- Pumice will absorb Lava in the same fashion as a Sponge does Water, after absorbing the Water it will be converted into Molten Pumice.
Slime Block
- Added 16 different colors of Slime Blocks.
- All colors stick to each other.
Tiki Torch
- A two block high Torch.
- Crafted with two Sticks and one Torch.
Arrow Of Torrid Vision
- Gives the victim the Torrid Vision status effect.
Potion Of Torrid Vision
- Brewed with Magma Cream.
- Gives the player Torrid Vision (01:30).
- Lets the player see 10 blocks away in Lava.
- Brewing it with redstone dust will extend the effect duration to 4 minutes.
- Like all potions, can be turned into splash potion and lingering potion, using gunpowder and dragon's breath.
Powdered Slime
- An item made by smelting a Slimeball.
- Can be used to make Amazonite and Powdered Slime Blocks.
- Added Torrid Vision Effect
- Lets players see 10 blocks away in Lava
World Generation
- Slime Den
- A tiny underground cave-like feature.
- Only generates in Slime chunks.
- Contains Amazonite and small two block veins of Slime Blocks.
Future Updates |
Java Edition 1.17: Caves & Cliffs Phase One | Java Edition 1.18: Caves & Cliffs Phase Two | Java Edition 1.19: Musically Painted| Java Edition 1.20: Frogs 'n' Freights| Java Edition 1.21: ??? Update | Java Edition 1.22: End Update | Java Edition 1.23: Barrens & Badlands | Java Edition 1.24: Mythical update | Java Edition 1.25: Summer update | Java Edition 1.26: Redstone & Rice | Java Edition 1.27: Beginning update |
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