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1.27, the first release of the Jungle Update, is a major update to Java Edition announced at Minecraft Live 2025 and released on June 8th, 2026. This update overhauls the Jungle by adding two new biomes, two new mobs (Jungle Protector and the Whisperer from the 2025 mob vote), and a multitude of new blocks, including two variants of Limestone, as well as Cobalt which acts as a magnet and wallpaper. It also adds a new Painite tier of weaponry and armour, obtained through Ancient Limestone.



Ancient Limestone

  • Can be found in all Jungle biomes at Y level 5 to Y level 17
  • Can be refined into a Brittle Painite Cluster by smelting in a Furnace, Blast Furnace, or Crimson Forge.
  • Same blast resistance as obsidian, but is movable with pistons.
  • Inventory item floats on Lava, Tar, and Warped Soda.
  • Cannot burn in Lava, Fire, or Tar.
  • A Diamond Pickaxe is required to mine it.
  • Always spawns covered by lava and/or blocks on all sides.

Block Of Cobalt

  • Crafted with 9 Cobalt Paste.
  • Emits constant Magnetic signal, the same as a Cobalt torch.
  • Works as pushable Cobalt power source.
  • It will emit a magnetic signal, making all items made of Iron be pulled towards it.
    • Any entity holding an item made of Iron or Cobalt will also be slowly pushed towards it.
    • Most blocks will not stop things from being pulled towards it.
    • Placing any block with Redstone in it (including non-solid blocks) will cancel the magnetism, meaning it won't pull anything towards it from the side where the block made with Redstone is.
    • Items made of Redstone and Iron/Cobalt will be pulled.
    • Blocks made of Redstone and Iron/Cobalt will cancel the magnetism.

Cobalt Calculator

  • If connected to a Cobalt Piston, it will emit a Redstone signal based on how many blocks are being pushed by a Cobalt Piston.
  • Each block pushed will emit a Redstone Signal of 3.
    • If 5 blocks are pushed, it will emit a signal of 15.

Cobalt Hopper

  • Crafted with 1 Hopper and 1 Cobalt Paste.
  • Places and takes out items in hoppers, chests, furnaces, minecart with chests, minecart with hoppers, dispensers, droppers, and brewing stands.
  • Allows for the automation of many processes collecting drops.
  • It's item collection range is larger than a normal Hopper, as it can collect items from 2.5 blocks away.
  • Powering the hopper stops it from taking in items and releasing them.
  • Redstone signal emitted when a Redstone Comparator is placed against it directly - signal length depends on its fullness.
    • 1 item will give a signal strength of 1, a third of a stack (21 for items which stack to 64) gives a signal strength of 2.
    • The number of full stacks × 3 = Signal strength.

Cobalt Ore

  • An ore found in Jungle biomes.
  • Drops 5–9 Cobalt Paste when mined.
    • This is affected by Fortune the same way other ores are, for a maximum possible drop of 32 Cobalt Paste with Fortune III.
    • Cobalt Ore, obtained with Silk Touch, can still be smelted into a single Cobalt Paste.
  • Can be mined with any Pickaxe.
  • Also drops experience orbs.
  • If an entity stands on it, or a liquid is poured on it, it will emit a magnetic signal, making all items made of Iron or Cobalt be pulled towards it.
    • Any entity holding an item made of Iron or Cobalt will also be slowly pushed towards it if it is powered.
    • Most blocks will not stop the block from being pulled.
    • Placing any block made with Redstone in the crafting recipe will cancel the magnetism, meaning it won't pull anything towards it from the side where the block made with Redstone is.
    • Items made of Redstone and Iron/Cobalt will be pulled.
    • Blocks made of Redstone and Iron/Cobalt will cancel the magnetism.

Cobalt Piston

  • Crafted with a Piston and a Cobalt Paste.
  • Pushes blocks, similar to a Piston.
  • Cobalt Pistons can push and pull Scrap Blocks up to 15 blocks away.
  • Can only push up to 5 blocks.

Deepslate Ores

  • Added Deepslate Cobalt Ore.


  • Sometimes generates in veins similar to Granite and Diorite.
  • Only generates in all Jungle biomes.
  • Has a polished variant, obtained through the Stonecutter or crafted from in a 2×2 grid, similar to other polished blocks.
  • Generates whenever Water touches Mud.

Scrap Block

  • Crafted with 2 Iron Nuggets and 2 Iron Ingots in a square shape.
  • Can be used with Cobalt Pistons to push and pull blocks.
  • Can stick to other Scrap Blocks.


Brittle Painite Cluster

  • Created by smelting Ancient Limestone in a Furnace or Blast Furnace.

Cobalt Paste

  • An item dropped when Cobalt Ore is broken.
  • Can be placed on the ground, similar to Redstone.
    • Can also be placed on walls and ceilings
  • If it is powered, it will emit a magnetic signal, making all items made of Iron or Cobalt be pulled towards it.
    • Any entity holding an item made of Iron or Cobalt will also be slowly pushed towards it if it is powered.
    • Most blocks will not stop the items from being pulled.
    • Placing any block with Redstone in it (including Redstone Dust and Redstone Ore) will cancel the magnetism, meaning it won't pull anything towards it from the side where the block made with Redstone is.
    • Items made of Redstone and Iron/Cobalt will be pulled.
    • Blocks made of Redstone and Iron/Cobalt will cancel the magnetism.
  • Can be right-clicked with a Water Bucket to harden it, making it act like wallpaper.
    • Can be dyed by right-clicking it with Dyes.

Jungle Mask

  • A helmet that is rarely dropped by Jungle Protectors.
  • If worn, there is a 15% chance the wearer will get Regeneration III (00:06) if they get the Poison effect.

Nether Wart Jerky

  • Fill 2 hunger points.
  • Give Fire Resistance (00:15).
  • Make by cooking Nether Wart in a Furnace or Smoker.

Painite Armour

  • Crafted with Brittle Painite Clusters.
  • Each piece gives 25% Acid resistance and 10% Lava resistance.
    • This means that, when an entity wears all four pieces, they become resistant to acid.
  • Does not lose durability from Acid.
  • As tough as Iron Armour.
  • Has same durability as Iron.
  • Dropped items will instantly enter the players inventory when a player wears it.

Painite Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Spear, and Sword

  • Crafted with Brittle Painite Clusters.
  • Does not burn in Acid or Lava.
  • Floats in Acid and Lava.
  • Have same item durability, mining level, breaking multiplier, and enchantability as Iron.
  • All items deal the same damage as their Iron counterparts.
  • There is a 5% chance that 1-2 Iron Nugget will drop from Stone if a player is holding a Painite Pickaxe.


Jungle Protector

  • A mob that spawns in Jungle Tombs.
  • Looks like a Skeleton with a mask on, and Vines growing on it.
  • Has 40 health.
  • Drops 1-3 Bones and, very rarely, a Jungle Mask.
  • Can spawn with an Iron Sword and a Bow.
    • They can not use both at once.


  • Have 20 health.
  • A humanoid plant creature
  • Spawns in Jungles at night.
  • Attack most mobs on sight, except for creepers and other Whisperers.
  • When attacking, they will stretch their arms towards the player, hitting them and inflicting damage.
  • Drops Thick Vines.
  • Takes more damage with Snipping, as it is considered a plant mob.

World Generation


  • Limestone Jungle
    • Similar to Jungles, but large veins of Limestone appear.


  • Jungle Tombs
    • A structure that generates in Jungle biomes.
    • Has an above-ground area, and an underground area.
    • The above-ground area is about 20 blocks wide.
    • The underground part of the structure can be up to 500 blocks long, and generates similarly to Mineshafts, although the tunnels are wider, and there is no Planks, Fences, Rails, or Minecarts.
    • Ancient Limestone generates here, although it is very rare.



  • Snipping
    • Deals 30% more damage to plant-type mobs, this includes Creepers, End-Ents, Watching Blossoms, and Whisperers.



Nether Wart Block

  • Can now be crafted into 9 Nether Wart.
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