Minecraft Fanon Wiki
Minecraft Fanon Wiki

The Marsh Brute is a large, muscular mob that prowls swampy biomes. It is hostile to players, and has a large reservoir of health, on top of being able to dole out heavy damage. Marsh Brutes are slow, however, and quite unwieldy with their movements, making them easy enough prey for well-equipped players, especially those using ranged weapons.

The Marsh Brute has a model similar to that of the Ender Warrior or Iron Golem, but visibly hunched over with an ape-like "knuckle walk." Their arms consist of two models on each arm, as opposed to the standard single-model arms of most other mobs, to give them better animation quality. They have a murky green/brown texture and green eyes, along with a gaping mouth full of teeth.

Marsh Brutes can swim, are immune to fall damage, and don't burn in the daylight. However, they are vulnerable to fire, and the player can outrun them by sprinting.

Marsh Brutes have their own villages in swamp, swamp hills, and marsh biomes.


Spinosaurus4's Mobs (template)