Minecraft 1.13.1 s a small update after the official release of Minecraft 1.13. It was released in 23rd July 2018.
This Article will be expanded.
Fish Egg[]
- This can be placed and hatched. Silktouch is required to pick it up.
- Found on Sunken Boats, it is somewhat similar to cobblestone walls but flatter and with wool.
Cold Magma Block[]
- Looks like a magma block, except darker, producing no bubbles nor hurting enemies.
Redwood Wood[]
- This has planks, leaf, stair, etc. Variants. This is similar to both acacia and jungle wood, however it's redder. Can be gained from 6 by 2 redwood trees.
Turtle Shell[]
- Gives Slowness I and Resistance II, same protection as diamond armor. Increases swim speed by 2 blocks per second.