1.17, a.k.a End Update is a major update released on April 18, 2021 for Minecraft: Java Edition. It added more features to The End since 1.9. It is also released as 1.17 & 1.18 in Bedrock Edition
30 snapshots
5 prereleases
- Purpur Ore

Purpur Ore
- Found anywhere in th’ End Islands
- Generate in veins of 1-8, mostly common
- Drops 1-5 Purpur when mined, Fortune increases the drop of the Purpur ore
- Purpur Block
- Added a crafting recipe, 4 Purpur in a square shape
- End Sapling
- Used to grow End Cities, yeah that's right, End Cities.
- Found in chests of End Cities, LEGENDARILY RARE, 1 piece in 200 chests
- End Cities grew from it is random
- End Liquid

End Liquid Bucket

Bottle of End Liquid
- Found in puddles in the Outer End Islands
- Very dangerous liquid, when in it, it gives you Poison V (when got out of the liquid, it lasts for 5 minutes),
- Nausea (when got out of the liquid, it lasts for 7 minutes), Hunger III (when got out of liquid, it lasts for 3 minutes),
- Blindness (when got out of the liquid, it lasts for 7 minutes) and
Weakness IV (when got out of the liquid, it lasts for 15 minutes).
- Disintegrates items when thrown in
- Ignites TNT when placed in it
- Burns flammable objects when placed in or near it
- Turns grass blocks into dirt
- Turns stone into cobblestone
- Turns dirt, farmland, and grass paths into coarse dirt
- Turns sand and red sand into glass
- Evaporates water (no effect with lava)
- Can be collected in a bucket or bottle
- When drinking End Liquid from a bottle, it instantly kills you
- End Ice

End Ice
- The solid form of the End Liquid
- End Pollutant
- Pollutes the overworld into The End
- So this block slowly turns an area into The End
- You cannot undo what it did, unless you disable it
- You cannot do this in The Nether, only the overworld
- Right click to activate or deactivate
- Shift+Right-Click to change settings
- Settings: Size
- Sizes: Tiny (16m diameter circle), Small (32m diameter circle), Medium (96m diameter circle), Large (208m diameter circle), Very Large (512m diameter circle), Gigantic (4096m diameter circle), Unbelievable (32768m diameter circle)
- Very good for trolling and infinite source of endstone and chorus
- Endstone Monster Egg
- Same as the Stone Monster Egg, but spawns endermites instead
- Available in Endstone and variants of Endstone Bricks
- Endstone ones spawn randomly anywhere
- Endstone brick ones spawn randomly in End Cities
- Endstone Bricks
- New Variants: Mossy, Chiseled, Cracked
- These generate in End Cities
- Endergem Ore

Endergem Ore
- A new type of gem ore
- Generates in veins of 1-8, uncommon
- Drops only 1 Endergem when mined
- Can be crafted into various things
- Can be used to craft more preformant armour then netherite