Minecraft 1.18, also known as the Cave Update, is a major update to Java Edition and Bedrock Edition released on December 14, 2021. This update overhauled caves, as well as adding many parity features.
- A bright green block appearing similar to andesite.
- Generates in underground veins below y=40 in jungle and swamp biomes.
- When mined with any pickaxe (without Silk Touch), drops 2-4 astracia shards.
- Can be crafted from 4 astracia shards.
- Only creepers can spawn on this block.
- Creepers prefer staying on this block.
- Has slab, stairs, and wall variants.
- Has a brick variant, which also has slab, stairs, and wall variants.
Astracia Bricks
- Brick variant of astracia.
- 4 astracia bricks can be crafted from 4 astracia blocks.
- Generates as the primary building material of creeper pyramids.
- Similarly to astracia blocks, only creepers can spawn on astracia bricks, and creepers prefer staying on it.
- Has slab, stairs, and wall variants.
- Has cracked and chiseled variants.
Badlands Gold Ore
- A variant of gold ore found in badlands biomes instead of regular gold ore.
- Uses a texture similar to emerald ore.
- When mined with any pickaxe, drops 2-6 golden nuggets.
- Can be smelted into a gold ingot if mined with Silk Touch.
Block of Bronze
- Crafted from 9 bronze ingots.
- Can be crafted into 9 bronze ingots.
- Can be used as a beacon base block.
- Generates underground between y=1 and y=72, at a rate similar to iron.
- When mined with a stone pickaxe or higher, drops itself.
- Can be smelted into copper ingots.
- Crafted from 9 copper ingots.
- Can be crafted into 9 copper ingots.
- Copper blocks exposed to air slowly turn bluish-green over multiple stages (exposed, weathered, oxidized).
- Oxidizes faster when exposed to water or rain.
- Can be waxed by using a honeycomb on the block, which prevents further oxidation beyond its current stage. The wax can be scraped off with an axe, but it does not drop the honeycomb back.
- Axes can be used to undo oxidation one stage at a time.
- Reverts back to its original form when struck by lightning. Neighboring copper blocks may also de-oxidize.
Enhanced TNT
- Crafted from one TNT surrounded by 8 astracia shards.
- Appears similar to regular TNT, but green instead of red.
- Emits a block light level of 5.
- Produces an explosion with a power of 6 (stronger than regular TNT, and identical to charged creepers and end crystals).
- Produces green particles on explosion.
Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Peridot, Tourmaline, Topaz, and Turquoise Ores
- Generates in veins underground between y=1 and y=16.
- When mined with an iron pickaxe or higher, drops 1 of the corresponding item.
- Generates one vein per chunk each, but only in certain biomes.
- Each of these ores generates in a different set of biomes.
Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Peridot, Tourmaline, Topaz, and Turquoise Blocks
- Crafted from 9 of the respective item.
- Can be crafted into 9 of the respective item.
- Can be used as beacon base blocks.
- Generates quite frequently in caves.
- Emit a light level of 7.
- Can be waterlogged.
- Can spread to nearby blocks when bonemeal is used on it.
- Generates in veins underground between y=1 and y=128.
- Only used for decoration.
- Often replaces stone exposed to caves in deserts, badlands, and their variants.
- Has slabs, stairs, and walls
- Has a polished version, which has slabs and stairs.
Moss Stone
- A mossy variant of the stone block.
- Generates in veins underground between y=32 and y=255 in swamps, dark forests, jungles, giant tree taigas, and their variants.
- Can be crafted from stone and vines.
- Has slabs and stairs.
- When mined, drops mossy cobblestone.
Block of Pearl
- Block form of pearls.
- Can be crafted from and into 9 pearls.
- Can be used as a beacon base block.
Pearl Oyster
- Spawn attached to walls in underwater caves.
- Up to 4 pearl oysters can be placed on any given block.
- Can be collected with a bucket.
- If multiple pearl oysters are on a block, they are collected all at once, but they are placed back one at a time.
- Drops nothing if broken by hand or by breaking the block it is attached to.
- Can only be placed in water.
- Increase in number when bone meal is used on them.
- Produces pearls, which can be harvested every 10-20 minutes.
- Produces a mininum of 1 pearl, and a maximum equal to the number of pearl oysters on a block. For example, one pearl oyster can only produce 1 pearl at a time, but four pearl oysters can produce 1-4 pearls at a time.
Pumice slabs, stairs, and walls
- Added pumice slabs, stairs, and walls.
Polished pumice
- A polished variant of the pumice block.
- Has slabs and stairs.
- Does not float in lava, unlike regular pumice.
Ruby and Sapphire Ores
- Generates underground between y=1 and y=16 in the Overworld.
- Drops 1 ruby and 1 sapphire, respectively, when mined with an iron pickaxe or higher.
- Rubies generate in badlands, dark forest, giant tree taiga, lukewarm ocean, savanna, and swamp biomes, and their variants.
- Sapphires generate in forest, giant tree taiga, jungle, mushroom fields, snowy tundra, and warm ocean biomes, and their variants.
Ruby and Sapphire Blocks
- Can be crafted from and into 9 rubies and 9 sapphires, respectively.
- Can be used as beacon base blocks.
Salt Ore
- Generates underground between y=32 and y=144 in the Overworld, at a rate similar to iron and copper.
- When mined with any pickaxe, drops 1-5 salt.
Block of Salt
- Crafted from 4 salt.
- Can be crafted into 4 salt.
- Generates in salt licks in deserts and badlands.
Sandstone Bricks
- A brick variant of the sandstone block.
- Crafted from 4 cut sandstone.
- Can be made with a stonecutter.
- Has slabs, stairs, and walls.
- Has a red version (made from cut red sandstone), which also has slabs, stairs, and walls.
- Generates between y=1 and y=32 in the Overworld, at a rate similar to gold.
- When mined with an iron pickaxe or higher, drops itself.
- Can be smelted into silver ingots.
Block of Silver
- Crafted from 9 silver ingots.
- Can be crafted into 9 silver ingots.
- Can be used as a beacon base block.
Stalactites and stalagmites
- Generate on the ceiling and ground of caves, respectively.
- Can be made of stone, cobblestone, limestone, andesite, diorite, granite, and tuff.
- Can be made from their respective blocks with a stonecutter.
- Stalactites hang from the ceiling and can drip any fluid, depending on what is above the block that it hangs from.
- Placing a cauldron below the stalactite can slowly fill it up with the fluid that is dripping from the stalactite.
- If there is no fluid above the stalactite, it would drip water but at a slower rate, and it cannot fill up cauldrons.
- If the block above the stalactite is broken, the stalactite falls, which can deal damage to entities below it.
- Stalagmites are found on the floor of caves and deal damage to entities that fall on them.
- The damage they deal is proportional to the height that the entity or stalactite falls from.
Tin Ore
- Generates underground between y=1 and y=64, at a rate similar to iron.
- When mined with any pickaxe, drops itself.
- Can be smelted into tin ingots.
Block of Tin
- Crafted from 9 tin ingots.
- Can be crafted into 9 tin ingots.
- Generates in veins below y=16 in any biome.
- Has slab, stairs, and wall forms.
Astracia Shard
- Obtained by mining astracia.
- Can be found in loot chests in creeper pyramids, mineshafts, and strongholds.
- Can be dropped by charged creepers.
- 4 astracia shards can be crafted into a block of astracia.
- Can be used to make grenades and enhanced TNT.
- Obtained by combining a copper ingot and a tin ingot in a crafting table or smithing table.
- Can be crafted into a block of bronze.
- Can be crafted into bronze tools and armor.
- Can be used as a beacon payment item.
Bronze Armor
- Crafted from bronze ingots.
- Has the same durability and enchantability as iron armor.
Bronze Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, and Sword
- Crafted from bronze ingots.
- Has the same durability, mining level, and breaking multiplier as iron.
- Has the same enchantability as wood or netherite.
- Deals the same amount of damage as their iron counterparts.
Can of Water
- Obtained by filling a tin can with water.
- Can be drank, but has no effect.
- Can be crafted with sugar and yeast to make a can of soda.
Can of Soda
- Can be crafted from a can of water, sugar, and yeast.
- When drank, restores 1-2 hunger.
- After consumption is finished, uses a different burp sound.
- Crafted from 1 milk and 1 salt.
- When eaten, restores 5 hunger.
Goat Cheese
- Crafted from 1 goat milk and 1 salt.
- When eaten, restores 6 hunger.
- Obtained by smelting copper ore.
- Can be crafted from or into copper blocks or copper nuggets.
- Can be combined with tin ingots in a crafting table or smithing table to make bronze ingots.
Copper Nugget
- 9 can be crafted from or into a copper ingot.
- Can be crafted into copper wire.
- Can be crafted from 3 copper nuggets.
- Currently non-functional, but planned to have a use later.
Emerald Crystal
- Obtained by mining emerald ore, but not from villagers.
- Can generate in mineshafts, buried treasure, shipwrecks, strongholds, villages, bastion remnants, Nether fortresses, and End cities.
- Only generate in mineshafts, shipwrecks, and villages in biomes where emerald ore can spawn.
- Can be used to craft emerald tools, weapons, and armor.
- Can be used to craft enchanting tables and jukeboxes.
- Can also be used to craft emerald blocks.
- However, these emerald blocks can only be turned into regular emeralds, not emerald crystals.
- 1 emerald crystal can be crafted into 1 emerald (but not vice versa).
- Emerald crystals were added to make obtaining emerald gear harder.
Emerald Armor
- Crafted from emerald crystals.
- Has the same durability and enchantability as diamond armor.
- Can be upgraded to netherite.
Emerald Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, and Sword
- Crafted from emerald crystals.
- Has the same durability, mining level, and enchantability as diamond.
- Deals the same amount of damage as their diamond counterparts.
- Has the same breaking multiplier as diamond.
- Can be upgraded to netherite.
Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Peridot, Tourmaline, Topaz, and Turquoise
- Obtained by mining their respective ores with an iron pickaxe or higher.
- Can be crafted into their respective blocks.
- Can be used as beacon payment items.
- Grow from vines in caves.
- Can be planted on vines and have 4 growth stages.
- Newly planted glow berries emit a light level of 3. The light level increases by 3 for every growth stage, and fully grown glow berries emit a light level of 12.
- Can be harvested by using (right-click) shears on the vines.
- Restores 2 hunger when eaten.
- Dropped by glow squids.
- Can be used to make glow item frames.
- Can be used on signs to make text glow.
- Crafted using an item frame and a glow ink sac.
- Lights up the item inside the frame, but does not emit any light.
- Crafted using 1 gunpowder, 1 astracia shard, and 1 iron ingot.
- Can be thrown.
- Explodes with a power of 1, similar to ghast fireballs and wither skulls, upon impact.
- Can stack up to 16.
Light Block
- Added to Java Edition.
- In both editions, now reveal a particle using its item texture when the player is holding it.
- Crafted from 3 copper ingots arranged vertically.
- Lightning strikes within a 32-block radius of it gets redirected to the lightning rod.
- Turns white and produces a redstone signal of 15 when struck.
- Does not emit a redstone signal if activated by a Channeling trident.
- Occasionally dropped by cavemen.
- Can be worn in the helmet slot.
- When worn, gives the player 2 armor points.
- Entities wearing a mining hat emit an apparent block light level of 10.
- This effect is purely visual and has no effect on ingame mechanics such as mob spawning.
- Harvested from pearl oysters.
- Can also be found in buried treasure.
- 9 pearls can be crafted into a pearl block.
- Can be used as a beacon payment item.
- Obtained by mining ruby and sapphire ores with an iron pickaxe or higher, respectively.
- Can generate in mineshafts, buried treasure, shipwrecks, strongholds, villages, bastion remnants, Nether fortresses, and End cities.
- Only generate in mineshafts, shipwrecks, and villages in biomes where their respective ores can spawn.
- As sapphire ore can generate in jungles, sapphires can also generate in jungle temples.
- Can be crafted into tools, weapons, and armor with the same strength as diamond.
- Can be crafted into enchantment tables and jukeboxes.
- Can also be crafted into ruby and sapphire blocks, respectively.
- Can be used as beacon payment items.
Ruby and Sapphire Armor
- Crafted from rubies and sapphires, respectively.
- Has the same durability and enchantability as diamond armor.
- Can be upgraded to netherite.
Ruby and Sapphire Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, and Sword
- Crafted from rubies and sapphires, respectively.
- Has the same durability, mining level, and enchantability as diamond.
- Deals the same amount of damage as their diamond counterparts.
- Has the same breaking multiplier as diamond.
- Can be upgraded to netherite.
- Texture differs significantly from the texture previously used in Education Edition.
- Obtained by mining salt ore with any pickaxe, or from chests in desert villages and desert temples.
- Can be crafted into salt blocks, cheese, and goat cheese.
- In Bedrock and Education editions, maintains its chemistry features.
- Obtained by smelting silver ore.
- Can be crafted from 9 silver nuggets.
- Can be crafted into silver blocks, silver nuggets, armor, tools, weapons, and silver apples.
- Can be used as a beacon payment item.
Silver Nugget
- Can be crafted from silver ingots.
- Can be smelted from silver armor, tools, and weapons.
- 9 silver nuggets can be crafted into a silver ingot.
- Can be crafted into silver potatoes.
Silver Apple
- Crafted from 1 apple and 8 silver ingots.
- When eaten, restores 10 hunger.
- When eaten, gives the player Absorption I for 1 minute and Regeneration I for 10 seconds.
- Can be fed to horses with a similar effect to golden apples.
- Cannot be used to cure zombie villagers.
Silver Potato
- Crafted from 1 potato and 8 silver nuggets.
- When eaten, restores 6 hunger.
- Can be fed to horses with a similar effect to golden carrots.
Silver Armor
- Crafted from silver ingots.
- Has the same durability and enchantability as gold armor.
Silver Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, and Sword
- Crafted from silver ingots.
- Has the same durability, mining level, and enchantability as gold.
- Deals the same amount of damage as their stone counterparts.
- Has a breaking multiplier slightly less than gold.
Spawn eggs
- Added the caveman spawn egg.
- Added the glow squid spawn egg.
- Added the illusioner spawn egg.
- Crafted from 2 bronze ingots and a glass pane.
- When used while held, allows the player to zoom in on distant objects.
- While being used, the player's vision is covered by a square vignette.
Tin Can
- Can be crafted from 3 tin ingots in a V-shape.
- Can be filled with water.
- Obtained by smelting tin ore.
- Can be crafted from or into tin blocks or tin nuggets.
- Can be crafted into tin cans.
- Can be combined with copper ingots in a crafting table or smithing table to make bronze ingots.
Tin Nugget
- 9 can be crafted from or into a tin ingot.
- They currently have no other use.
- Can be found in loot chests in villages, dungeons, and creeper pyramids.
- Can be used to make a can of soda.
- Have 20 health.
- Spawn occasionally below y=32 in the Overworld where the light level is 9 or lower.
- Spawn more frequently in mineshafts.
- Spawn from spawners in cave lodges.
- Usually spawn holding an iron pickaxe. Some may hold a diamond pickaxe or crossbow.
- Their held item can be enchanted.
- Always spawn with a mining hat.
- Can spawn with other pieces of armor.
- Can spawn riding or being followed by a cave spider.
- Are neutral mobs.
- Attack if the player attacks them or any nearby cave spider, mines any Overworld ore or its corresponding mineral block, or breaks or opens any chest, trapped chest, ender chest, barrel, shulker box, furnace, or blast furnace near them.
- Attack any mob that attacks them or a nearby cave spider.
- Attack witches without provocation.
- Do not attack cave spiders at all.
- Can pick up and actively seek out materials obtained from Overworld ores (including the bronze alloy).
- Drop all items they pick up.
- May drop their held item (damaged iron/diamond pickaxe or crossbow) and any armor they wear, including the mining hat.
- They are not fire resistant, but do not catch fire from lava and can walk on it.
- Run away from carved pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns.
- Do not attack and run away from players wearing carved pumpkins.
- Can ride or be followed by cave spiders.
- Often "feed" cave spiders with yeast (Bedrock Edition) or an item resembling yeast but colored differently (Java Edition).
- This action can heal cave spiders.
- In Java Edition, the item being fed to cave spiders does not actually exist ingame; the texture is only ever seen ingame when cavemen feed cave spiders.
- In Bedrock Edition 1.18.10, the texture of the item being fed to cave spiders is changed to differ from yeast and match Java Edition.
- Have skeleton and zombie variants, which behave similarly to regular cavemen.
- Unlike regular cavemen, skeleton and zombie cavemen do not run away from jack-o'-lanterns, carved pumpkins, and players wearing them, and they treat cave spiders like other mobs.
- Skeleton cavemen drop 0-2 bones along with regular caveman drops.
- Zombie cavemen drop 0-2 rotten flesh along with regular caveman drops.
- Based on the mob from Minecraft Earth.
- Spawn in underwater caves and underground water lakes.
- Behaves like normal squids.
- Drops 1-3 glow ink sacs when killed.
- Does not emit light, but glows in the same way as the eyes of endermen and spiders.
- Winner of the mob vote from Minecraft Live 2020, beating the tropical slime, also from Minecraft Earth, and the iceologer, from Minecraft Dungeons.
World generation[]
- Cave lodge
- Structures built mostly out of stone bricks.
- Contain caveman spawners.
- Contain loot chests filled with items and blocks derived from ores, including the ore blocks themselves.
- Contain furnaces and blast furnaces, which may have loot inside.
- Can generate underground, usually near caves or mineshafts.
- Creeper pyramid
- Pyramid-shaped structures built out of astracia bricks and populated by creepers.
- Generate underground between y=16 and y=64.
- A creeper face made out of obsidian can be found on the floor.
- Creepers spawn here more frequently.
- Creepers can spawn on astracia here in any light level.
- Charged creepers can spawn naturally here.
- Contains loot chests.
- The loot in creeper pyramids is nearly identical to that of dungeons, with the exception of astracia shards, which can only generate in creeper pyramid loot chests.
- Salt lick
- Patches where the ground is replaced with salt blocks. Can only generate on sand and red sand in desert and badlands biomes, and their variants.
World types
- Buffet worlds have been added to Bedrock Edition.
- Functions similarly to those in Java Edition before 1.16.
- Large biomes worlds have been added to Bedrock Edition.
- Added 5 new advancements (all in the Adventure tab):
- "A Pumpkin A Day" - Wear a carved pumpkin or jack-o'-lantern to scare away cavemen.
- "Surge Protector" - Use a lightning rod to protect a villager from a lightning strike.
- "What a Blast!" - Kill at least 3 creepers using one enhanced TNT.
- "From Under the Oceans" - Harvest a pearl from a pearl oyster.
- "What's Your Birthstone?" - Obtain all of the following: garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, diamond, emerald, pearl, ruby, peridot, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, and turquoise.
- Added new enchantment: Auto-Smelting
- Enchanted books with Auto-Smelting can be found in loot chests in dungeons, creeper pyramids, and cave lodges.
- When applied to a pickaxe, axe, shovel, or hoe, blocks whose drop can be smelted in a furnace will drop the smelted form when broken with the tool.
- Cannot be applied by an enchanting table.
- Mutually exclusive with Silk Touch and Fortune.
- Added to Bedrock Edition.
- A game option that grants the player only one life.
- When one dies in a world with Hardcore enabled, one can respawn as a spectator.
Spectator mode
- Added to Bedrock Edition.
- Functions similarly to as in Java Edition.
- Added Nepali language. (Java Edition)
- Added Odia language. (Java Edition)
- Added block tag #animal_spawnable:
- Contains grass blocks.
- Most animals can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added block tag #cauldrons:
- Contains cauldrons, water cauldrons, lava cauldrons, milk cauldrons, honey cauldrons, dyed water cauldrons, and potion cauldrons.
- Used in certain pathfinding processes.
- Added item tag #caveman_loved:
- Contains all Overworld minerals and mineral blocks.
- Cavemen actively seek out items in this tag.
- Added block and item tag #caveman_repellents:
- Contains carved pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns.
- Cavemen avoid blocks in this tag.
- Cavemen do not attempt to pick up items in this tag, and they avoid players wearing items in this tag.
- Added block tag #creeper_loved:
- Contains astracia, astracia bricks, and their variants.
- Only creepers can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Creepers prefer staying on blocks in this tag over other blocks.
- Added item tag #fox_food:
- Contains sweet berries and glow berries.
- Controls which items can be eaten by foxes.
- Added block tag #fox_spawnable:
- Contains grass block, snow, snow block, podzol, and coarse dirt.
- Foxes can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added item tag #gemstones:
- Contains diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emerald crystals.
- Addeed block tag #goat_spawnable:
- Contains stone, snow, snow block, and deep snow.
- Goats can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added block tag #guarded_by_cavemen:
- Contains all Overworld ores and Overworld mineral blocks, as well as chests, trapped chests, ender chests, barrels, shulker boxes, furnaces, and blast furnaces.
- Cavemen become aggressive toward players destroying a block or opening a container in this tag.
- Added block tags #mineable/axe, #mineable/hoe, #mineable/pickaxe, and #mineable/shovel block tags.
- Blocks in these tags can be mined more quickly with their respective tools.
- Added block tags #mining_level/1, #mining_level/2, #mining_level/3, #mining_level/4, and #mining_level/5 block tags.
- Blocks in these tags need to be mined with the correct tool of their respective mining level or above to drop.
- Stone tools have a mining level of 1.
- Iron and bronze tools have a mining level of 2.
- Diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, and netherite tools have a mining level of 3.
- #mining_level/4 and #mining_level/5 are currently unused and intended for stronger sets of tools in the future.
- Blocks in these tags need to be mined with the correct tool of their respective mining level or above to drop.
- Added block tag #mooshroom_spawnable:
- Contains mycelium.
- Mooshrooms can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added block and item tag #overworld_ores:
- Contains coal ore, salt ore, iron ore, copper ore, tin ore, tin blocks, gold ore, badlands gold ore, silver ore, redstone ore, lapis lazuli ore, diamond ore, ruby ore, sapphire ore, emerald ore, garnet ore, amethyst ore, aquamarine ore, peridot ore, tourmaline ore, topaz ore, and turquoise ore.
- Used in the #guarded_by_cavemen block tag.
- Added item tag #overworld_minerals:
- Contains coal, salt, iron ingots, copper ingots, tin ingots, bronze ingots, gold ingots, silver ingots, redstone, lapis lazuli, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, emerald crystals, pearls, garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, peridot, tourmaline, topaz, and turquoise.
- Used in the #cavemen_loved item tag.
- Added block and item tag #overworld_mineral_blocks:
- Contains coal blocks, salt blocks, iron blocks, copper blocks, tin blocks, bronze blocks, gold blocks, silver blocks, redstone blocks, lapis lazuli blocks, diamond blocks, ruby blocks, sapphire blocks, emerald blocks, pearl blocks, garnet blocks, amethyst blocks, aquamarine blocks, peridot blocks, tourmaline blocks, topaz blocks, and turquoise blocks.
- Used in the #guarded_by_cavemen block tag and the #cavemen_loved item tag.
- Added block tag #parrot_spawnable:
- Contains grass block, leaves, and logs.
- Parrots can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added block tag #polar_bear_spawnable_frozen_ocean:
- Contains ice.
- In frozen oceans, polar bears can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added block tag #rabbit_spawnable:
- Contains grass block, sand, snow, and snow block.
- Rabbits can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added block tag #tnt:
- Contains TNT and enhanced TNT.
- Added block tag #wolf_spawnable:
- Contains grass block, snow, and snow block.
- Wolves can spawn on blocks in this tag.
- Added 14 new cave ambience sounds.
- Some of the sounds can only play in certain biomes.
- Added sounds for using bonemeal.
- Added unique sounds for cave spiders.
- Now accept bronze ingots, silver ingots, rubies, sapphires, emerald crystals, garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, pearl, peridot, tourmaline, topaz, and turquoise as payment items.
- Can no longer accept regular emeralds as payment items.
- Base pyramid can now be made of bronze, silver, ruby, sapphire, garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, pearl, peridot, tourmaline, topaz, and turquoise blocks.
- In Java Edition, can now hold dyed water, potions, and lava.
- In both editions, can now hold milk and honey.
Coarse Dirt
- Now replaces dirt exposed to caves in giant tree taigas and their variants, shattered savannas, and shattered savanna plateaus.
- Can now generate in veins underground, in any biome and at any height.
Diamond Ore
- Now only generates in badlands, desert, frozen ocean, jungle, plains, snowy taiga, and regular ocean biomes, and their variants.
Emerald Ore
- Now generates in birch forest, cold ocean, mountains, and taiga biomes, and their variants.
Enchantment Table
- Can now be crafted with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, or sapphires.
- The gems need to match.
End Crystal
- No longer explode when broken in Creative mode.
Grass Path
- In Java Edition, now renamed Dirt Path.
- Can now be made with dirt, coarse dirt, mycelium, and podzol using a shovel.
- Can now be crafted with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, or sapphires.
Magma Block
- Can now replace stone near lava in caves.
- Can now generate instead of stone around underground lava lakes.
- Now slows the player down instead of damaging them if placed on top of blue ice.
Minecart with Furnace
- Added to Bedrock Edition.
- In both editions, they can no longer propel themselves and other minecarts.
- They now can be used to smelt items and have a GUI similar to that of furnaces.
Mossy Cobblestone
- Can now generate in veins underground in swamps, dark forests, jungles, giant tree taigas, and their variants.
- Cannot be smelted into moss stone.
- Now generate in caves more frequently in mushroom fields and mushroom field shores.
Packed Ice and Blue Ice
- Now generate underground in veins in snowy tundra, snowy taiga, snowy beach, and frozen ocean biomes and their variants.
- Can now replace stone exposed to caves in snowy tundra, snowy taiga, snowy beach, and frozen ocean biomes and their variants.
- Can now replace stone exposed to caves above y=90 in mountains biomes and their variants.
- In all of the situations above, blue ice is 8 times as rare as packed ice.
- Now take 4 ice and packed ice blocks, respectively, to craft instead of 9.
- Now drop themselves without Silk Touch.
- Now replaces dirt exposed to caves in giant tree taigas, jungles, and their variants (except Jungle Edge).
- Can now spread to nearby dirt with bonemeal (but not naturally), and now decays into dirt in the same conditions as grass blocks and mycelium.
- Can now generate underground in veins.
- Now generates in veins underground in all biomes of the Overworld except for deserts, badlands, and swamps, and their variants.
- Can replace stone exposed to caves in desert and its variants, beach, snowy beach, river, and the ocean biomes.
- Additionally, red sandstone can replace stone in badlands biomes and its variants.
- In Bedrock Edition, text on signs can now be dyed.
- Glow ink sacs can be make text on signs glow, which can be reverted using regular ink sacs.
- Glowing signs do not emit any light, but the text can be seen better in low light levels.
- Can now generate in caves in swamps, jungles, and their variants.
- Glow berries can generate on vines in caves.
- Glow berries can also be planted on vines.
- Biome-based water coloring in Java Edition is changed to match that in Bedrock Edition.
- The texture of water in Bedrock Edition is changed to match that of Java Edition.
- Water now appears red in all Nether biomes.
- Tipped arrows can now be turned back into regular arrows with a lingering water bottle.
- In Bedrock Edition, the shovel in the boat recipe is no longer required.
- The crafting recipe for boats with a shovel remains, but it will be removed soon.
- Added sounds for using bonemeal.
- Now generates 4 times less frequently in buried treasure, strongholds, bastion remnants, Nether fortresses, and End cities.
- Now generates half as frequently in jungle temples.
- Now generates in villages, shipwrecks, and mineshafts only in biomes where diamond ore can spawn.
- In Bedrock Edition, can now be used to dye leather armor in a crafting table and to dye text on signs.
- In Java Edition, can now be used to dye water in cauldrons.
Iron ingot
- In Bedrock Edition, can now be used to heal iron golems.
Leather armor
- In both editions, leather armor and leather horse armor can now be dyed in a crafting table or with dyed water in a cauldron.
Minecart with Command Block
- In Bedrock Edition, now has an impulse command block instead of a repeating one.
- It still acts like a repeating command block.
- In Bedrock Edition, is now craftable with a minecart and a command block.
Netherite Armor
- Can now be upgraded from diamond, ruby, sapphire, or emerald.
Netherite Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Sword
- Can now be upgraded from diamond, ruby, sapphire, or emerald.
Cave spiders
- Can no longer be part of spider jockeys.
- Now have 16 health, like regular spiders.
- Now have unique sounds.
- Are now neutral regardless of light level.
- Can be provoked if the player attacks them or a nearby regular caveman.
- Attack any mob which attacks them or a nearby regular caveman.
- Attack witches, skeleton cavemen, and zombie cavemen without provocation.
- Do not attack regular cavemen at all.
- Now spawn in cave lodges and in caves near cavemen, as well as mineshafts.
- Can now walk on, and no longer catch fire from, lava.
- Now follow nearby cavemen.
- Can now be ridden by cavemen.
- Can now be healed by cavemen.
- Now spawn more frequently in creeper pyramids.
- Only creepers can spawn on astracia and astracia bricks.
- Can spawn on astracia in creeper pyramids at any light level.
- Charged creepers can now spawn naturally in creeper pyramids.
- Charged creepers now drop 0-2 astracia shards in addition to gunpowder.
- When killed by a player or tamed wolf, can now drop a copper ingot instead of a gold ingot.
- Added to Bedrock Edition.
- Added the illusioner spawn egg.
- One now has a 1/2 chance of spawning in wave 6 of raids, and one riding a ravager has a 1/2 chance to replace an evoker riding a ravager in wave 7 of raids.
Iron golems
- In Bedrock Edition, now have a "cracked" texture when below 3/4 of full health.
- In Bedrock Edition, can now be healed with iron ingots.
Wandering traders
- In Bedrock Edition, now drink milk (or sometimes goat milk if in a mountains biome) to remove invisibility at dawn.
- Witches spawned outside swamp huts are now neutral, unless in a raid.
- They attack cavemen and cave spiders without provocation
- In Bedrock Edition, witches can now heal illagers with splash potions in raids.
World generation[]
- Grass, foliage, and water colors in Java Edition have been changed to match that in Bedrock Edition.
Desert temples
- Salt can now generate in desert temple chests.
- Completely redesigned.
- Now comes in 3 different sizes: small (5x5), medium (7x7), and large (9x9).
- Their loot has been changed significantly.
- Now generate 21⁄2 times less frequently.
- Cavemen spawn more frequently in mineshafts than in most caves.
- Yeast can now generate in some village loot chests.
- Salt can now generate in some desert village loot chests.
- In Bedrock Edition, zombie sieges can spawn in villages once again.
- The advancement "Diamonds!" has been renamed "Treasure Gems" and can now be obtained using diamonds, rubies, sapphires, or emerald crystals.
- The advancement "Cover Me with Diamonds" has been renamed "Cover Me with Gems" and can now be obtained using diamond, ruby, sapphire, or emerald armor.
- Hoes can now receive the Unbreaking enchantment through an enchanting table.
- In Bedrock Edition, raids have been changed significantly to match Java Edition:
- Illagers can now join raids.
- Illagers can now pick up ominous banners and become raid captains.
- The number of waves in a raid is now determined by the level of the Bad Omen effect, as well as the difficulty.
- The composition of raid waves now matches that of Java Edition, with the exception of an additional illusioner spawning in wave 6 and one riding a ravager replacing an evoker riding a ravager in wave 7.
- Villagers now emit sweat particles during raids.
- Added bronze, silver, ruby, sapphire, garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, pearl, peridot, tourmaline, topaz, and turquoise blocks to the #beacon_base_blocks block tag.
- Added bronze ingots, silver ingots, rubies, sapphires, emerald crystals, garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, pearl, peridot, tourmaline, topaz, and turquoise to the #beacon_payment_items item tag.
- The build numbers for Bedrock Edition 1.18.0 betas are 1 and the first 11 prime numbers.
Preceded by: | Minecraft 1.18: Cave Update | Followed by: |