Minecraft 1.18, also known as Minecraft Instrumental Update, is a Minecraft update announced by Mojang on the Minecon Live 2022, which adds new objects, functions and blocks regarding music discs, instruments and music. It also add a new mob and it fixes tons of bugs.
On March 15, 2022, Mojang published a post on all social networks in which there was an account managed by them (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram...). The post showed a jukebox and below the phrase: "everything changes".
After a few days, Mojang published another post, in which the writing was present: Instrumental Update! On March 25 the first Java snapshot!
So, on March 25, 1.18 snapshots began to be released.

The Image in the Post
22w10a, 22w11a, 22w12a, 22w13a, 22w14a, 22w15a. Then the 1.18 is released.
- Now the cats meows to the sound of the disc cat.
- Slightly changed the texture of the Jukebox.
- Added the Metronome: A new block that can be crafted with the same structure as a jukebox, but with a noteblock instead of the diamond. If you interact with this block, it will make a regular tick, if you touch it again, the ticks will increase and so on. Breaking it will stop the ticking, to break it and obtain it you need an iron axe.
- Retouch the textures of some discs (11, 13, Cat, Mellohi, Mall).
- Noteblocks no longer play different sounds depending on which block they are on.
- Endermites will now spawn in Strongholds.
- Added the Drums: A block with a different and particular texture, which differs on each side. if you press on the drum, it will emit a unique sound. Can be crafted with a phantom membrane, three cyan dyes, and four wood planks.
- Changed a bit the texture of the Metronome.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Changed the sound emitted by the drum.
- Changed a bit the texture of the disc Far.
- Added the Sound Block: It can be crafted with the same structure of a noteblock, but with oak wood instead of oak planks. It can be broken with an iron axe. It emict a sound if a player walk near it in a range of 10x10 blocks. The sound changes depending of which block it is on, like the original jukebox. It can have 10 different sounds: Xilophone, Harp, Flute, Cowbell, Banjo.
- Changed a bit the textures of the discs Chirp and Wait.
- Now, dogs drops bones when killed.
- Disc 11 can be obtained in survival. It can be found in Dungeons or Temples.
- Added 2 new discs:
- Sapling: This new disc can be dropped when a creeper kill any mob near a tree. It plays a slow melody played by a flute, which is gradually accompanied by other instruments, such as percussion or violins. Towards the end, the melody is played by a piano.
- 12: Disc obtainable by combine disc 13 and disc 11 with an anvil. It has a creepy melody and full of holes and static bits.

Sapling Disc
- Changed a bit the texture of the disc Strad.
- Added the Deep Squid: A new mob that will spawn towards the bottom of the sea. It has a texture similar to that of a normal squid, but darker and with yellow spots in the head area. The spots glow when the squid sinks quickly, when hit or when there is no light.
Then, the 1.18 is released in Minecraft Java, Bedrock and PE.
The other versions of minecraft haved the 1.18 a month later.
Curiosity and More:[]
The Deep squid was chosen as the winner of the Mob Vote 2022. The other two mobs were:
Snow Zombie: A zombie that would spawn on the mountain tops. They would drop a new item called frozen rotten flesh.
Jumbo Rabbit: A big and hostile rabbit that would spawn in plains and that would drop twice of normal rabbits drops.