Yes, The Modding Update with dot. Actually, The 1.19 Not Added a lot to the game itself, just to the the technic side.
- Command Block GUI Changed
- Added Something like 100 Commands - with Op level 6, that not very known about it.
- Added The Option to type numbers or letters instead of full gamemode name, for the following gamemods:
- 0 (s) - Survival
- 1 (c) - Creative
- 2 (a) - Adventure
- 3 - Spectator
- 4 - Hardcore
- 4.custom - Custom Hardcore
- you can switch to spectator with the /spectate command. the command is not moderator needed. when you returning from spectator mode - you teleporting back to the position you was in before. Operators can set it to unavailable using /spectate set
- Added Gamemode - Custom Hardcore - a mix between Gamemodes: 2 And 4. You Can Set what happens when the player is dead.
- Added Snapshots to the game itself. you need to activate it trough Launcher > Installaitons > Snapshots, And Choose the mode:
- 1 - Snapshots Disabled
- 2 - Snapshots Enabled
- 3 - Snapshots ingame - Activates Experimental Gameplay - Not Recommended
- Realms Are Free Now - Because of The New Super Computer - M-Wave - The First Mojangy Quantom PC - The First Quantom pc that can activate Minecraft!
- This Function is Available only in Java Plus Edition.
- The Full Name of the Super Computer is Mojang Wave, or Minecraft wave - it's Unknown
- Added Java Plus Edition - All The Players Signed up Before 2021 Received it free. All the other players need to pay 10 more dollars.
- Caves & Cliffs Update is Now Toggle Able. The Options:
- Enabled
- Enabled, with height 256
- Enabled, with height 128
- Disabled
Modding Changes[]
- The Following Mods Added to The Game:
- Quark
- Optifine
- And More Mods that not announced.
- Forge & Fabric Combined
- You Can Enable And Disable Mods, OptiFine, in-game mods, and more in the datapack section in the world creation screen.