Minecraft Fanon Wiki

Minecraft 1.20, Village and Pillage 2, is another update on villagers, but also focuses on the nether variants of villagers and pillagers.


  • Bugs fixed.
  • Iron Golems can now generate in abandoned mineshafts.
  • Villagers can now be found trapped in pillager outposts.

Changes to Villagers[]

  • Villagers can now break and place blocks, but do not do it regularly.
  • When trading, you can now access a villager's inventory, and can try to swap things between theirs and yours. It might not accept the trade.
  • There are now different gender-based variants of villagers. This only affects the texture, not breeding or their professions.
  • Each villager profession now has a unique schedule.

Changes to Pillagers[]

  • After successfully raiding a village, pillagers will handcuff the villagers and then will trap them in their houses. 
  • After raiding a village and trapping the villagers, the illagers will not despawn and will stay in the village, turning it into a pillaged village.

Changes to Piglins[]

  • Piglins can also break and place blocks
  • Piglins can now be bred like villagers.
  • They now generate more rarely outside of bastions and watchtowers.



  • Hunters- The nether variant of pillagers. They are found in hunter fortresses and will raid bastions and watchtowers.
  • Marauders- Another nether variant of pillagers. They will spawn randomly in groups of four or five, and will kill everything in sight. (These are based off of marauders in fortnite)
  • Soul Blaze- A blaze variant found in Soul Temples that shoot soul fire.
  • Seal- A white seal found under frozen oceans and in other icy biomes. Polar bears will hunt them.
  • Black Wolf- A nether mob found on Black Sand Islands. They cannot be tamed, but will follow hunters around and help them.


  • Watchtower - A large basalt tower with a loot chest at the top. Piglins spawn here.
  • Hunter Fortress- A fortress built with Blackstone and crimson wood. Hunters and black wolves spawn here, and when you enter, you will get the Bounty Effect.
  • Soul Temple- A temple found in soul sand valleys. There are traps like a desert and jungle temple, and there are soul blazes. As a reward for getting past the traps, there is a loot chest surrounded by gold blocks.
  • Mining Village- Like a normal village, but mineshafts spawn underneath it with miner villagers, and there are not as many farms.
  • Pillaged Village- A normal village but illagers spawn there and all the villagers are handcuffed and trapped
  • Raided Bastion- Like a bastion, but all the piglins are gone, and there are hunters and marauders.


  • Soul Sandstone
  • Black Sandstone
  • Cut Soul Sandstone
  • Cut Black Sandstone
  • Slab, Stair, Fence, and Fence Gates for the nether logs, and for all stripped logs
  • Chiseled Soul Sandstone
  • Chiseled Black Sandstone


  • Mining Helmet- A helmet with a lamp worn by miner villagers.
  • Hunter Banner- A banner pattern.
  • Handcuffs- Something you can use to trap villagers, illagers, and players. When something is handcuffed, it will lose the ablilty to break blocks and open doors, and use weapons. They are crafted with chains.
  • Soul Rod-  An item dropped by soul blazes. Right now it is only used as fuel in a furnace, but will have more uses later on.
  • Chicken Soup- A food item crafted with a bowl, cooked chicken, a carrot, and a potato.
  • Fur- Dropped by seals.
  • Fur cap, coat, pants, and boots- Armor made out of fur.

New Villager Professions[]

  • Miner- Found in mineshafts wearing a mining helmet. They can trade you types of stone and other resources. Miner houses in Mining Villages are small stone buildings usually near blacksmiths.


World Generation[]

  • Mineshaft- Like an abandoned mineshaft but not abandoned. Generates under mining villages.


  • Bounty- An effect you get from entering a hunter fortress. If you have the bounty effect hunters will hunt you down and try to kill you. You lose it if you kill a hunter or if you enter a bastion and start a hunt.


  • Hunt- When hunters spawn near a bastion and attack the piglins.
  • Marauder Raid- When many marauders spawn and attack the player and everything else they see.


  • Fugitive- Enter a Hunter Fortress and leave it with the bounty effect.
  • Marauders!- Take damage from a marauder.
  • Hunted- Enter a bastion and start a hunt.
  • Hero of the Piglins- Kill a hunter during a hunt.


  • Fire Channeling- An enchantment for tridents and axes. It is like fire aspect but only works when you are around fire or lava, so is a good enchantment to have when exploring the Nether.