Minecraft Fanon Wiki

Minecraft 1.21: The Seas & Sands Update, was released on November 3rd, 2023, and completely revamps the Ocean biomes, adding new mobs, blocks, sub-biomes, and changing the generation.

  • Please note that this is fan-made: refrain from commenting anything like "fake," or "this isn't possible" or from vandalizing this page to add "true" information; it will result in a ban.
  • If you have ideas you would like to add to this, please comment with them before going ahead and editing the page; doing the latter will usually result in the edit being reverted.
  • This is the first update in my new canon; it is not canonical to any of my previous updates, including my earlier 1.21 update.

Minecraft Live 2023[]

Minecraft Live 2023, announced in late July and broadcasted in mid-August, announced the Seas & Sands Update, as well as having a vote for which out of the three biomes chosen would be updated: Forests, with better trees, fireflies, squirrels, and wooded caves; Jungles, with toucans, canoes, canopy cities, and jungle golems; and Beaches, with beach ruins, crabs, waves, and seaspray.

In the first round of the vote, Jungles were eliminated, leaving Beaches and Forests.

In the second round, Forests were eliminated, making Beaches the winner-hence the name Seas & Sands.


The snapshots of 1.21 began on September 5th, the final one being released on October 31. In stages, they introduced the new Beach features, revamped the Ocean sub-biomes, and fixed bugs. They can be found on this page.




  • Generates near waves and on the shores of Beach biomes
  • Small blue particles representing the seaspray from waves


  • Appears on the edge of the water
  • Moving particle effect that generates "waves"
  • Water is not affected in-game by the waves aside from visually
  • Occasionally generate further out in the ocean
  • Will generate more frequently during rain and thunderstorms

Thorns Effect

  • Applied through commands or drinking a Potion of Thorns
  • Acts similar to the Thorns enchantment, but temporary and a bit stronger
  • Comes in weaker and stronger variants



  • Small, neutral mob that spawns on Beaches near the water
  • 1/5 will drop a Crab Shell
  • Comes in red, yellow, or blue
  • Will usually spawn in groups of three to five

Large Crab

  • Spawns in Beach Ruins and Coral Reefs
  • Will attack when provoked or if one gets too close
  • 1/3 drop a Crab Shell and 1/4 a Crab Pincer

Gilded Drowned

  • Hostile mob which spawns in and around Ocean Monuments and Ocean Ruins
  • A Drowned variant with Golden armor, gold flecks in its skin, and glowing yellow eyes
  • Has 1.5 times as much health as a normal Drowned
  • As well as normal Drowned loot, it always drops a Wet Sponge, and has small chances to drop Prismarine Shards and Gold Ingots

Reef Shark

  • Medium-sized, neutral mob that spawns in Coral Reefs (with the exception of Coral Atolls)
  • Blue-colored
  • Sometimes attacks smaller fish
  • Occasionally drops a Shark Fin as well as experience


  • Passive but dangerous mob spawning in all Coral Reef variants
  • A small brown fish with a row of spikes on its back
  • When coming in contact with players or other mobs, they will give the poison effect for up to ten seconds


  • A small, passive mob spawning in Coral Reefs and shallow Oceans
  • Has a slightly different texture in Cold and Frozen Oceans
  • Sometimes drops Raw Clam, which can be smelted into Cooked Clam, eaten, and left with a Clam Shell

Sea Snake

  • Neutral mob
  • Medium-sized with black and white stripes
  • Spawns in Large and Deep Reefs, as well as (Deep) Warm Oceans
  • Can inflict the player with Poison II for several seconds
  • Occasionally attacks Tropical Fish and Pufferfish
  • Drops experience, nothing else


  • Spawns in (Deep) Cold Oceans, (Deep) Frozen Oceans, and Shipwrecks
  • A drowned version of a Skeleton with ripped blue bones and clothing
  • Is created when Skeletons drown below Y: 30
  • Has the same health as a Drowned
  • Fights with a Stone Sword
  • Can drop its Sword, Bones, any armor it was wearing, or an Iron Ingot


  • Spawns in all Deep Ocean biomes (with the exception of Deep Frozen Oceans)
  • Small, passive mob
  • Drops a Nautilus Shell


  • Arthropod-like neutral mob spawning on the ocean floor of all Deep Oceans below Y: -30
  • Drops an Isopod Shell


  • Spawns in Frozen Oceans, Cold Oceans, and Snowy Beaches
  • Neutral, and will attack if provoked or if its children are endangered, much like Polar Bears
  • No drops besides experience
  • Have to go up for air every few minutes, but is also capable of diving up to Y: 0
  • Attacks Minnows and Salmon


  • Ambient passive mob spawning in normal, Cold, and Frozen Oceans
  • Spawns in schools

White Shark

  • Spawns in all (Deep) Ocean biomes excluding Warm Oceans, Deep Warm Oceans, and Coral Reefs
  • Spawns close to the surface
  • Attacks boats, Drowned, fish, and Sunken
  • Will attack players when provoked or when the player swims near them
  • Drops a Shark Fin

River Trout

  • Spawns in Rivers and Lakes
  • Small, greenish-gray fish
  • Can be fished using Fishing Rods or caught in a Bucket
  • Drops Raw Trout


Wet Sand

  • A darker variant of Sand occasionally found in Beaches and Oceans
  • Has a 1/4 chance of replacing any waterlogged Sand above Y: 30
  • Replaces all waterlogged Sand below Y: 30
  • Can be broken with anything, and fastest with a Shovel
  • Does not fall like Sand

Crab Shell Block

  • Mostly decorative block
  • Gives damage when walked on
  • Crafted with nine Crab Shells
  • Has a red texture similar to raw ore blocks

Prismarine Brick Wall

Dark Prismarine Wall

Smooth Prismarine

  • Decorative block
  • Generates in Ocean Monuments and Beach Ruins
  • Can be made by smelting Prismarine or in a Stonecutter
  • Taken from TympanicCafe

Smooth Prismarine Stairs

Smooth Prismarine Slab

Smooth Prismarine Wall

Chiseled Prismarine

  • Crafted with two Prismarine Slabs or in a Stonecutter
  • Decorative block
  • Generates as part of the top of Ocean Monuments