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Minecraft 1.25, the Far Lands Update, was a major update released on March 19, 2026. It fixes a ton of glitches, and also adds a massive amount of content to the Overworld Far Lands .


  • Bugs fixed- including ALL the Far Lands bugs.
  • Texture Update.
  • Improved AI for most mobs.


  • Added the Far Lands back to all editions that don't have it.

Far Lands Phenomena[]

Far Lands Biome Replacement[]

Main article: Far Lands Biome Replacement

Far Lands Biome Replacement is when biomes that generate in the Far Lands are replaced with special Far Lands variants of those biomes. For example:

  • A Savanna would become a Shattered Savanna.
  • A Forest would become a Shattered Forest, a new biome added in the update.

Far Lands Mob Replacement[]

Main article: Far Lands Mob Replacement

Far Lands Mob Replacement is when the mobs that normally spawn either cannot spawn, or are replaced with the special, Far Lands exclusive variants of them. For example:

  • Skeletons would be replaced with Strays.
  • Spiders would be replaced with Cave Spiders.
  • Zombies would be replaced with Far Zombies, a more dangerous version of the zombie.
  • Phantoms would be replaced with Toxic Phantoms, a new and more dangerous version of the phantom.


A Far Zombie is a variant of a zombie that can climb, has twice as much health as a zombie, and can infect you with weakness and slowness. Because of Far Lands Mob Replacement, they replaced normal zombies at night. 

  • Toxic Phantom-

A Toxic Phantom is a phantom variant that flies twice as fast, spawns even if you have slept, and can infect you with poison. They replace normal phantoms, but also spawn when typical ones aren't supposed to.

  • Twisted Diver-

A Twisted Diver is the mob that replaces Waterbugs because of Far Lands Mob Replacement. They spawn in the sky, and will dive down into the water to attack players and drowned. 

  • Far Boar-

A Far Boar is the mob that replaces pigs. They are neutral, and will charge at you if you attack them or get too close to their "territory", as they have very good AI.

  • Wanderer-

Wanderers are the mobs that replace villagers in the Far Lands. They will spawn in villages, but will constantly wander around carrying a lantern and a sword. This is a reference to the origin of Jack-O Lanterns, a myth about a boy named Jack who tricked the devil and was condemned to wander the earth with a light in a pumpkin. As another reference to this, they will carry a Jack-O Lantern if you name them Jack.

  • Deathstalker-

A Deathstalker does not replace anything, but is a Far Lands exclusive mob that spawns in deserts and badlands mineshafts and caves. It can give you the new effect, Venom.

  • Snow Haunter-

A mob that will spawn when you try to make a Snow Golem in the Far Lands. It is a ghostly warrior that summons enemy Golems and Vexes.

  • Forgotten Warrior-

The mob that replaces pillagers in the Far Lands. They are stronger and wear full iron armor, and are based off of Maj’s Demised Knight.

  • Fallen Explorer-

A neutral mob that spawns in the Far Lands, not specifically replacing anything. They are supposed to represent players that went to explore the Far Lands, and got killed or lost.

Boss Mobs[]

The Far Spirit is a boss mob that spawns when you enter the Far Lands through a portal. It drops a Far Compass and Gilded Emeralds, the things used to find the new ore, Far Diamond. You can respawn it with Far Diamond blocks.

Making a Far Lands Portal[]

  • How to make a Far Lands Portal:
  1. You need to have slain the Ender Dragon, Wither, Clad Skeleton, and Soul Inferno or it won't work.
  2. Build a miniature version of the tunnels that generate in the Far Lands.
  3. Put gold blocks on the top and bottom.
  4. Put a netherite block in the middle.
  5. Light it, and throw in a stack of diamonds. You now have a working Far Lands portal so you don't have to walk for weeks.

New Material: Far Diamond![]

The Far Compass-[]

A Far Compass is something dropped by the Far Spirit that can be used to find Far Diamonds. It will give you a small ping when you are within two chunks of it, and then you need to start mining.

But what do Gilded Emeralds do?[]

If you throw a Wanderer a Gilded Emerald, they will examine it like a piglin examines a gold ingot. They might throw you a Far Explorer Map, but if they don't, don't worry. Killing the Far Spirit guarantees at least three Gilded Emeralds.  Then, you use the Far Explorer Map to guide you to an area where you will then be able to use the compass.

Upgrading to Far Diamond[]

  1. ​​​​​​Find Far Diamond Ore.
  2. When mining it, it will drop 2-3 Far Diamond Sparks.
  3. Three Far Diamond Sparks and a Diamond in the crafting interface make a Far Diamond.
  4. Upgrade your Netherite tools and armor to Far Diamond in a Pro Smithing Table.
  5. A Pro Smithing Table is crafted with a Smithing Table surrounded by iron ingots. You need two Far Diamonds to upgrade Netherite tools and armor.


  • Far Diamond Spark
  • Far Diamond
  • Far Diamond Tools and Armor
  • Far Explorer Map
  • Far Compass
  • Gilded Emerald
  • Enchanted Diamond Carrot- An extremely rare item found in dungeons in the Far Lands. It is a bit like the Enchanted Golden Apple.
  • Bottle of Toxic Substance- Something you can get by tapping on a Toxic Phantom with a bottle. If you turn it into a splash bottle, it will be like a potion of poison, but more powerful.
  • Stinger- Something dropped by Deathstalkers. 
  • Venom Arrow- Something crafted with an arrow and a stinger, or an arrow and a potion of venom.
  • Potion of Venom- Brewed with a stinger.


  • Far Diamond Ore
  • Block of Far Diamond
  • Cobblestone Brick, Cobblestone Brick Stairs, Slab, Etc.
  • Gilded Cobblestone
  • Gilded Andesite
  • Gilded Diorite
  • Gilded Granite
  • Basalt Stairs, Slab, Etc.
  • Effect Block- A new block only obtainable through commands. It will give you a random effect if you walk on it.


  • The end? Finally?- Kill the Far Spirit.
  • Nope. Not the end.- Obtain a Far Compass.
  • Diamonds? Or better?- Have a Far Diamond Spark in your inventory.
  • Cover me in diamonds II- Wear a full suit of Far Diamond armor.
  • Far, far, away- Enter a Far Lands portal.
  • A different night- Stay up for the night in the Far Lands.
  • It’s never the end- Respawn the Far Spirit


  • Shattered Village- A village in the Far Lands has a 20% chance to spawn as a Shattered Village. These have strange houses and even weirder landforms generate around them. An Ender Chest with good loot can be found hidden underneath it.
  • Doomed Village- A village in the Far Lands has a 10% chance to generate as a Doomed Village. These have cobwebs, less Wanderers (remember, Wanderers replace villagers), and Jack-O Lanterns as lighting. Strays also spawn a lot here.
  • Haunted Remnant- This appears like a twisted and haunted version of a typical starter house. A chest with some logs, food, and tools can be found, and spooky music plays when you enter.


  • Venom- Like poison, but it happens over a long time, and can kill you.

1.25 "Chemical Update" | Java Edition 1.25: The Beginning update | Minecraft 1.25: Far Lands Update | 1.25- Update Nautilus | 1.26 "Extreme Force Update" | Java Edition 1.26: The Slime update | Minecraft 1.26: The Temple Update | 1.26- Combat and Dungeons | Minecraft 1.26.5: Acidic Update | 1.27 "Space Update" | Java Edition 1.27: The Jungle Update | 1.27- Rise of the Illagers | Java Edition 1.28: The Mushroom Update | 1.28- The Update that Changed the World Again | 1.29- Seasons and Weather | 1.30 Bird Update | Java Edition 1.31: Quests & Dungeons
