This wiki is a fanon wiki. This article has come under significant fire in the comments for not being "real". This article, and all other articles on the wiki, are fanmade content. They do not exist outside of this wiki in any way, shape, or form, and that's exactly how we like it. |
(This is just a prediction, and is not real. Made by user @TheCrayCray)
Hidden Depths is a Minecraft Dungeons DLC included in the Season Pass. It will be released in the close future, and is the third DLC in Minecraft Dungeons (Season Pass) after Flames of the Nether. It introduces new mechanics, mobs, locations, and missions.
Hidden Depths is set in the ocean to the west of the Island Realms and includes four new missions. The oean contains a large coral reef to the west (Coral Rise), a huge whirlpool full of sunken ships in the central area (Bottomless Maelstrom), a swampy portion right at the left where Bottomless Maelstrom is located at (Murky Ruins), and a large Ocean Monument in the east (Ancient Monument).
Coral Rise
- A large coral reef
- Contains underwater caverns
- First mission out of three
Murky Ruins
- An area full of swampy and dirty waters
- Includes various mossy structures as well as sunken ships and sunken villages
- Second mission out of three
Bottomless Maelstrom
- A massive whirlpool full of sunken ships near the edge of Coral Rise
- Has a mix of exploring the ships and swimming on the ocean floor
- Uses bubble columns that act like jump pads to get in between ships
- Contains the final boss of the Hidden Depths, Oceanic Tantrum
- Third mission out of three
Ancient Monument
- An Ocean Monument in the deepest depths of the ocean
- Holds a mini boss, the Elder Guardian
- Inhabited mainly by Guardians and a couple of Drowned
- A secret mission/location
- Hostile
- A zombie of the ocean
- May spawn with a trident
- Has a chance to drop the Trident weapon and food consumables
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location
- Hostile
- A skeleton who has been eternally trapped in the ocean
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location
Tropical Slime
- Hostile
- A blue slime with Tropical Fish trapped inside of it
- Can split into smaller versions when hit
- Originally from Minecraft Earth
- When killed the fish inside swim away
- Destroying at least one Tropical Slime will grant you an achievement, Free the Fish!
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location except Murky Ruins
Fallen Buccaneer
- Hostile
- The skeleton of a pirate, forever lost at sea
- Guards the sunken ships with a scimitar
- Has a chance to drop the Pirate’s Cloak
- Spawns only in the Bottomless Maelstrom and Murky Ruins locations
- Hostile
- The Diver is a illager with a Conduit as a helmet for the ability to breathe underwater
- Spawns with either an anchor or a crossbow
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location
- Hostile
- Can shoot rays at players
- Has a chance to drop the Guardian Plate armor
- Unique to the Ancient Monument
Prismarine Golem
- Hostile
- A strong mob like the Ravager
- Can throw blocks at you
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location
Elder Guardian (Mini Boss)
- Hostile
- Mini Boss
- Protector of the Ancient Monument
- Can attack with spines at nearby players
- Can use laser attack to deal massive damage which can also inflict the Nausea Effect
- Unique to the Ancient Monument
Barnacle (Mini Boss)
- Hostile
- Mini Boss
- Originally from the 2017 Mob Vote
- If out of range, it pulls players towards it with its tounge
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths locations
Oceanic Tantrum (Boss)
- Hostile
- Boss
- The final boss of the Hidden Depths
- If the player is close, it will perform a spinning attack which inflicts the Nausea Effect
- Summons Guardians, Drowned and Sunken
- Can throw blocks at you
- Sends waves of water to push you if your near it. This causes your Oxygen Bar to decrease faster
Cod & Salmon
- Passive
- Come in different sizes (Small, Medium, Large)
- Always drop Cooked Cod or Cooked Salmon when killed
- Spawn in every Hidden Depths location
- Passive
- Squirts ink if attacked
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location
Glow Squid
- Passive
- Squirts glowing ink if attacked
- Orginally from Minecraft Earth
- Spawns naturally or can be made by shooting a normal Squid with the Cross Splasher bow
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location except Murky Ruins
- Passive
- Spawns only in the Coral Rise and Bottomless Maelstrom locations
- Neutral
- Has a chance to drop Cooked Cod if killed
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location except Murky Ruins
- Passive
- Stays small when away from players, inflates if a player comes nearby or attacks
- Inflicts the Poison Effect
- Spawns in every Hidden Depths location
Baby Turtle
- Cosmetic Pet (If used on land, the Baby Turtle walks instead of swimming)
- Awarded to all players for the release of Hidden Depths
Coral Armor
- Rare Armor
- +X Health
- +50% Water Breathing
- +14% Damage Reduction
- +23% Swimming Speed
Prismarine Armor
- Unique Armor
- +X Health
- +50% Water Breathing
- +67% Damage Reduction
- +24% Swimming Speed
Pirate’s Cloak
- Common Armor
- +X Health
- +12% Water Breathing
- +14% Damage Reduction
- +42% Swimming Speed
Squid Armor
- Unique Armor
- +X Health
- +41% Water Breathing
- +9% Damage Reduction
- +27% Swimming Speed
- If the player is hit while wearing Squid Armor, there is a chance of ink squirting out of the armor, confusing foes
Guardian Plate
- +X Health
- +43% Water Breathing
- +35% Damage Reduction
- +13% Swimming Speed
- Rare Melee/Ranged Weapon
- Can be thrown, but has a cooldown before you can use it again
- Unique Melee/Ranged Weapon
- Has a chance to inflict the Binding Effect
- Can be thrown, but has a cooldown before you can use it again
Pirate Scimitar
- Common Melee Weapon
- Has a higher chance to deal critical attacks than most other weapons
Wet Spear
- Common Melee Weapon
- Can reach a large distance, useful for defeating the Monster of the Ocean Depths mini boss
Under Cracker
- Rare Melee Weapon
- Like an ordinary sword, but more powerful
Cross Splasher
- Rare Ranged Weapon
- Ranged crossbow which shoots strong glowing prismarine-like arrows
- The cooldown before you shoot again is slow, but can be made faster with enchantments
- If you shoot a squid with Cross Splasher it will turn to a Glow Squid. You get an achievement for doing this, Neon Overflow!
Kelp Shooter
- Common Ranged Weapon
- Like an underwater bow tangled with kelp which shoots weak arrows covered with kelp.
- The damage done is weak, but the cooldown before you shoot again is fast, and can be made even faster with enchantments
Tanglekelp Scepter
- Rare Artifact
- +X Artifact damage
- Binds Mobs
- 15 second cooldown
- Rare Artifact
- Summons Dolphin pet (Cannot be used on land)
- When the pet dies, the cooldown for another summon is 45 seconds
Ink Blast
- Does no damage
- Makes an ink explosion, confusing foes (Size of explosion depends on artifact damage)
- 20 second cooldown
Kevin (Diver)
Bergsten (Pirate)
Cooked Cod
- Food
- Heals 30% health over 6 seconds
Bubble Brew
- Potion
- Gives increased defense and swimming speed for 20 seconds
Potion of Water Breathing
- Potion
- Allows you to breathe underwater for 20-50 seconds, depending on the difficulty
- Form of movement used to clear gaps in between the ocean floor
- Faster than walking
Oxygen Bar
- A bubble in the hotbar next to the Heart that shows up when underwater
- Decreases over 30 seconds when underwater
- If it runs out, players will be damaged by 15% starting health every second
- Time underwater can be extended when using specific types of armor or by drinking a Potion of Water Breathing
- Can be refilled when a player comes in contact with a Bubble
- Effect
- Binds entities together and in place
- Has a tangling kelp icon
- It is not releasing after Flames of the Nether, this page exists because this is a Fanon Wiki.