Minecraft Fanon Wiki
It's all over, folks. Time to go home.
Steve Thumbs

This article, its content as described, or at the very least something of the same name, has been confirmed canon in Minecraft. As such it is no longer a fanon article and should either be archived or, if the content disparity is great enough, be renamed to continue editing. Thanks for playing and have a lovely day.

128px-Block Nether Ruby Ore-1-

Nether Ruby Ore

1.17, otherwise known as the Cave Update, is the largest of pre-1.17. It was releases May 25th, 2021.

Ore Additions

  -Finished Development of Ruby
  • The Nether version of Emeralds
  • Made Piglin Bartering Much better
  • Same odds as Emeralds

Ruby Tools

  • Sword does 9 half hearts (19 attack damage)
  • Highest durability of all tools (For every tool -axe)
  • Axe does 5 half hearts (11 attack damage)
  • In between Iron and Diamond Durability
  • Pickaxe does 1/2 a heart
  • Has looting II (Without enchantment)
  • Mines 5/8 the speed of other pickaxes
  • Shovel does 5 half hearts (11 attack damage)
  • Dirt and sand does less onto it's durability, (1/4 as much)

Ruby Armor

  • It's diamond amour but it's immune to being set on fire, not immune to lava

Fan made Updates (template)


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