Minecraft Fanon Wiki
Minecraft Fanon Wiki

Pilgrims are hostile Testificates that travel on large ships. They explore the oceans and colonize new lands for the illagers, usually wielding iron axes and Flintlocks which make them deadly both in ranged and melee combat.

They resemble other illagers, but with a more villager-like brow. They wear dark attire with white cuffs and stockings, as well as a black Capotain hat with a decorative buckled belt wrapped around it.


Pilgrims only spawn when a Pilgrim Ship is anchored in a nearby biome. The pilgrim ships themselves consist of entities which move through the ocean to a predetermined location, and structures which spawn in the exact time and place where the entity despawns. Once a pilgrim ship has landed (transforming from an entity to a structure) it will begin to spawn pilgrims. Pilgrims will then travel by boat to shore and launch expeditions in nearby biomes.


Near the landing area of their ship, they will build settlements and chop down trees, unless the mob griefing gamerule is turned off. They cannot destroy or build on top of player-placed blocks, however.

Pilgrims are hostile to players, iron golems, coal golems, villagers, wandering traders, Very Old Villagers, Quarry Workers, and animals such as sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, horses, and parrots. They will attack from afar and try to keep their distance from the player, attacking with their axe if the player gets too close.

Pilgrims deal 14 damage with their axe and 19 with their pistol on hard mode. The two attacks are not mutually exclusive and the mob will employ both at the same time if an enemy is close enough.

Pilgrims have good offensive power, but lack defensive strength. The range of their pistols is also inferior to the range of bows, so they can be picked off from a distance that way.

If the pilgrim spawner aboard a ship is destroyed, pilgrims will stop spawning in nearby biomes.

Interestingly, if poisoned or given another negative potion effect through a splash potion or lingering potion, pilgrims will drink milk to cure themselves.

On death, they will drop iron nuggets, iron and gold ingots, and milk, as well as some cooked food.
