Minecraft Fanon Wiki

◄rd-0.0.0a | rd-0.0.2a►


A rare screenshot of one of the few images of this version.

rd-0.0.1a is a pre-alpha version of RubyDung, released on May 16th, 2009. This version is the finalized result of the previous terrain tests (rd-0.0.0_01a & rd-0.0.0_02a) and added better terrain like mountains, hills, valleys, water & water features like oceans, lakes and rivers. The water doesn't function yet and is a semi-transparent block that you can walk through without any effects like swimming, slowness, or eventual drowning. Water does not spread in this version.

The sky was also improved in this version, with a gradient instead of a solid blue color, and a square sun directly above the sky. There was no day/night cycle yet.

The first mob was added, which in the game files was named "DTEST01". The D likely stands for Dwarf, as dwarves were going to be an important aspect of the game. They do not spawn naturally and do not appear whatsoever in the gameplay of this version. However there are leaks of the code for these mobs, and with advanced modifications to the game they can be spawned. They have a basic AI and occasionally wander around randomly. Their pathfinding is very dumb and cannot go around basic obstacles. For example, if you placed a 1 block-tall box around them they would not be able to escape. This is because the mobs have no code to jump and can only walk. They have no texture or animations but their model looks similar to a Minecraft player model.


  • Added new terrain features like mountains, varied terrain, and improved generation
  • Caves are now smoother and easier to traverse
  • Improved graphics
  • Added water (it doesn't work yet but will be functional in a future update)
  • Camera for isometric view follows you as you move instead of it staying static.
  • Improved & smoother lighting