Space is a Dimension yet Area in Orangecraft.
Rocket Ship[]
Rocket Ships are a Generated thing by using the Rocket Ship Block, if lighting the block with Redstone, it will turn into a type of Primed TNT and Explode, when exploded, a rocket will be shown.
When inside, there will be a button you press, it will start the rocket and fly into space! (it has a space activator block behind it.)
Moon - Spawned at.
Mars - Build up to.
Saturn - Build up to the ring.
Moon is a 30 chunk sphere, covered with Moonstone. The moon has Iron Houses generated, which has a Crafting Table and a Chest. Chests act like the Dungeon chests.
Moonstone is a block, covering the Moon's core (which is Lava and Bedrock) and can be mined with a Stone Pickaxe or above.
Moonfences is a block found around and under Iron Houses, they look like red stained clay.
Mars is a 10 chunk sphere, covered with Mars Block. Mars don't have any generated structures.
Mars Block[]
Redstone is a block, covering Mars' core (which is the same as the Moon) and can be mined with a Iron Pickaxe or above. It drops Mars Shards and Redstone
Mars Shards Shards[]
Mars Shards is a item drop from Mars Block, used 9 to make a whole block.
Saturn is not implmented. :|
The sky in this world is the night sky, Earth is the moon and Sun is the Sun. (duhh)